Description | Monthly breakdown analysis columns within each year under following headings:
Fixed charges and rentals: Expenditure includes: tithes, outgoing rents, income and land tax, local rates, insurances, interest, national insurance, voids and sundries, compensation levy. Income and credits includes: rentals: farms, houses over £12 rental, houses under £12 rental, small holdings and allotments, acknowledgements, water, tithe rent charge, taxes refunded, rates refunded, insurance premiums refunded, tithe redemption capital account.
Repairs: Expenditure includes: Manor Farm, Wick Farm, Whitehall Farm, Nethermore Farm, Lacock Abbey (exterior), Lacock Abbey (interior), residences, inns etc, houses £12 rental and under, land, chancel of church, sundries. Income includes: Houses £12 rental and under.
Woods: Expenditure includes: wages, trees and shrubs, tools, implements etc, fencing, rates. Income includes: timber and poles, faggots and underwood, returns, shooting rent.
Management: Expenditure includes: books, printing and stationery, postages and telegrams, agreement stamps, agent's salary and expenses, bank charges and cheque books, railway carriage, accountant's fees, advertisements, legal expenses and stamps, rent and rates, sundries, office heating, lighting and cleaning. Income includes: bank interest, stamps on deeds repaid, legal costs repaid.
House: Expenditure includes: oil, coal, coke and wood, house accounts and wages, licenses and post office fees, railway carriage and haulage, rates, general work in house etc, subscriptions and charities, furniture and effects purchased, woman at lodge. Income includes: returns, visitors' fees, sundries, abbey entertainments etc.
Stables: Expenditure includes: wages and expenses, liveries and stable clothes, tools and accessories, licenses, horse and motor hire.
Gardens: Expenditure includes: wages, expenses, seeds, potatoes, plants etc, manures and fertilizers, carriage and haulage, tools, accessories and repairs, coal and coke, licenses, netting and malting, weed destroyers, gravel and stone, pigs. Income includes: produce sold, returns, discounts, pigs.
Various: Expenditure includes: cash to owner, land and buildings purchased, new buildings, death duties, legal expenses etc, capital expenditure, special interest account, deposit account, augmentation of living, public lavatories (expenses), booklets, Bewley Common account. Income includes: cash from owner, land and buildings sold, timber sold, furniture and books sold, gravel and sand sold, deposit account, war loan dividend, public lavatories (takings), booklets, Bewley Common account.
Monthly summary of all above expenditure and income subgroups for the year
End of book: Year-end accounts for each year: Freehold property, timber, furnishings and effects, bank deposit account, investment 5% war loan 1929/1947, estate revenue account, establishment and residential account, capital account, balance sheet. |