TitleLetter book containing correspondence from the estate manager of Lacock, Mr Foley, concerning estate business.
DescriptionContains letter to:
All tenants: as Chippenham Rural district Council has introduced street numbering, Mr J Ring will be affixing numbers to Miss Talbot’s houses
Mrs Allen: mistake in rent book
Frank Annett: plot for building a house
W A Annett: Mrs Bristow to have first offer of land adjacent to her garden
The Anthacite Radiation Co: asking for particulars of the "Glow Worm" boiler
Mrs Archer: building plots in Corsham Road
ATCO Motor Mower Service Dept: repairs
The Automobile Association: high wall obstructing view of traffic
Avon India Rubber Co: erection of advertisement
H S Awdry: Wick Farm
W J & D Awdry: Vicarial tithe due from P F Ferguson
Mr Baines: supply of water to houses in West Street occupied by Miss Bath, H Wiltshire and W Tayler; connection to trough in field neat the old Turnpike
Henry Baker: application to rent house
George Ball: seeking a tenancy
Mrs Banks: rent
Frank Banks: James Pullen to take over tenancy of house of the late Mrs Jane Pullen
W Banks: payment of account and chasing rent arrears from Banks' son Russell; tenancy agreement for Yard
Raymond- Barker, Nix & Co: tithes for Tithe number 267 (the Hermitage and the house occupied by Major Coffin’s gardener)
William Barnfield: unsuccessful application for a council house
Bath & West & Southern Counties Society: seeking details of caterers for the forthcoming Lacock Abbey Pageant
A Beer: cut and lay hedge; kerbing outside The George Inn; rent
H K Bennett: yew planks for sale
Joseph Bentley Ltd: challenging account
Bigwood & Co; tithe dues
Mary Binney: electric light installation at Cantax House; reduction in rent due to piece of kitchen garden lost to road widening; tenancy of Cantax House
W E Bird: tenancy of 6 West Street
J Bond: housing
Bowden House, head gardener: dumping of garden refuse on Bowden Common
Bowood Estate Office: installation of electric lighting
W J Bowsher: would he still be interested in the orchard in Wick Lane currently in the possession of Frank Elms: discrepancy in the area of land he occupies, giving details
Bristol Grammar School: proposed visit to the Abbey
Ed J Burrow & Co: opening times and charges to the Abbey
F S Casswell: tree removal
H T Chamberlain: unable to offer late Mrs Pullen's house
G Champion: 4 fields to let adjacent to the land he recently bought
J Charley: housing
Alfred Chivers: tenancy of the George Inn
A Chivers: a dairy and water supply to the fields in Wick Lane; alterations to house occupied by F Jones
Percy Chivers: need a tenant for 2 fields in Wick Lane; Nethermore Farm; brambles and gorse near Bowden Park Farm
R E Chivers: land in Melksham Road
W E Chivers: proposed visit by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Architectural Association
Chippenham Rural District Council: William Tayler's conditions for temporary sewage disposal at field known as "Scots Arable"; Miss Talbot to be repsonsible for numbering of houses owned by her
Prebendary Clark-Maxwell: documentary particulars of the Customs of the Manor of Lacock
Major D M Coffin: scouring of ditch
F J Cole: rent arrears; need to find alternative accommodation as house to be permanently closed due to age and condition
Arthur Collins: F G Jones' bankruptcy
Commercial Union Assurance Co: various policies, mention of sale of 4 houses at Bowden Hill; Mrs Coleman’s accident
W B Cornock: offering his services to sell The Haven
Corsham Water Co: laying water to a field; economising water in view of lack of rainfall; tank at Whitecross; conversion of earth closets into water closets
Mr Crisp: possible "silver leaf" on apple tree
Assistant County Surveyor: high wall obstructing view of traffic
Rev Lubin A Creasy: new clergyman already appointed
F Crew: tenancy of land in Wick Lane; payment of rent
Crittall & Co: giving details of a Crittall lorry which nearly caused an accident when Mrs Foley waa driving from Chippenham
F Croker: trees/underwood; more trouble for Mr Harding
A C Dann: estate of Francis Banks
F G Davis: tenancy agreement and rent for garden
Diocesan Registry Office: Deed of Presentation
District Valuer: ancient monuments
E Dodshon: unable to include the Sharington Tower in a tour, route of the Wansdyke
Mr Doel: seeking help obtaining rent from Frederick Cole
Captain Du Cros: payment for potatoes
F Elmes: garden and orchard at Wick Lane
Edwards & Armstrong: possible installation of electric light at Lacock Abbey; pole at The Bridge shown in F Wicks' garden
Mrs Ellison: housing
A T Farthing: arrears of tithe; his pigs trespassing in Inwood
Herbert Fennell: Miss Talbot's Maintenance Claim; payment of taxes
W H Fennell: poor state of allotments
Harry Ferris: cutting of underwood and poles,; renting of land at Nethermore; poaching
Mrs Flower: rent arrears
H G Foley: inventory of the George Inn
Foley, Son & Mundy: rent due by Mr Beer
A L Forrester: F G King's appeal about Sporting Rights
P H Francis: Wick Farm
Mrs Fricker: apples and cooking pears
Mr Gane: no farm to let
Miss Gaster: copy of The Episode of the Lacock Abbey Pageant
The Gazette: advertisement
Reuben George: visit to the Abbey
F J Gerrish: housing
Mrs Gerrish: offer of house occupied by Mr Marles; rent arrears
W G Gillett: rent; tenancy agreement
GPO: tree being felled to prevent it falling onto telephone line
Great Western Railway: tithes; consignment of yew timber
G Griffin: house to rent
Guide Book of English Country Houses; entry in the Guide
W T G Guley: willow branches overhanging pond known as "Piccadilly" in field in Folly Lane; Nethermore Farm
Mrs Guyett: rent due by her and Mr Wicks
G N Haden & Sons: problems with water circulation in the Abbey's heating; new boiler
F Haines: ditch needs digging out
F G Haines: tithe rent charge
George Halliday: notice to quit house, which is to be pulled down
Col Hankey: cottage occupied by W Locke
Mr Harding: seeking details on how Broughton Common was “freed”
H J Harding: felling timber; elm trees at Kington Langley; difficulty obtaining payment from Harding
John Hatton: visit the Abbey
Herbert Harris: agreement
Herbert S Harrold: leazes
John Hatton: admission charges to the Abbey
F Hayward: leazes
L Hewitt: view Fox Talbot's photographic apparatus
Mr Hawken: shooting
F Hayward: leazes
Herbert, Ledbury & Son: wayleave rentals from West wilts Electric Light & Power Co
A Hicks: rent
Mr Hill: alterations to The School House
Mrs Hodges: housing, her husband's death
Mr Hodgson: donation to the Free Will Offering Fund; sale of land at cantax Hill for a house
Captain H P Holt: sporting rights over Nethermore Farm
Ross Hooper: Lacock drainage scheme
Mrs Hopkins: rent house previously occupied by Mrs Ring
J Horwood: reclaim rates paid by Miss Talbot
Mrs Horwood: subletting of the bakehouse from Mrs Thurgood to Mrs Horwood
H W S Howard: tithe rent charge on Thingley Farm, lately the property of the late A T Miller
A Hughes: Nethermore Farm
Alec Hunt: orchard at Wick Lane
Miss Hunt: tenancy of "The Little Old House"; disposal of ashes; reclaim rates paid by Miss Talbot
Mr L Hussey: understanding the new Valuation List; George Heath's house unoccupied since his death; alterations to houses of H Hill and T Selman; Lacock gravel pits; extent of building site
Inspector of Taxes: Miss Talbot's tax; revaluation of houses, names mentioned Mrs Barnett, Herbert Harris, Mary Banks, R J Jefferies
Col Jackson: meet Mr & Mrs Jeeves
T L Jackson: tithe rent charge; gate dislodged by flood water
Mr Jackson: details of Wick Farm; infill of pond
James Bros: electric light installation
R J Jefferies: tenancy of Church Villa and garage
F G Jones: stone taken from the pens at Manor Farm and Lacock Abbey - for Dr Hickson's new house; little work available, but estimate to scrape the freestone in Miss Talbot's bedroom; gravel excavation; took offence at neighbour painting house
John Kemp & Co: credit worthiness of H K Bennett
Mrs Keynes: opening times of the Abbey
F G King: tenancy agreement for Wick Farm; new floor in cow-shed; insufficient money to paint the outside of the farmhouse; annual payment for electric light pylons
Lacock Parish Council: the state of the field at Ray Bridge rented by the Council
Mr Lapham: steam roller required for repair to carriage drive
H Ledbury: wayleave rentals
Lloyds Bank: monetary matters
H W C McLaughlin: sale of one and a half acres of land for housing
Mrs L Maidment: her move from Whitecross to Church Street; applicant for Mrs Hopkin’s house
Mr Maggs: at the “Coppice”
T Martin: rent for allotment
Mr Mason: Lacock accounts
J R Meeker: Wick Farm
Rev Harold Moxon: visit to the Abbey
National Bank of Scotland: Miss Talbot's account
Charles Oatley: disposal of piece of land in the Melksham Road
The Olympia Zoo: inappropriate bill-posting
Ordnance Survey Office: Foley's thoughts on the route of the road to London over the ages
David J Palmer: leazes
R W Parsons: house in East Street
H J Pearce: Leazes; cattle on Bowden Common; rent
R P Pearce: contractor’s rubble left on Bowden Common
People's Refreshment House Association: alterations to the Smoking Room and new paving in the lobby at The Red Lion; changes required by the Sanitary Authority following outbreak of scarlet fever
Parker, Pearson & Ross Hooper: Lacock drainage; Miss Talbot anxious that local tradesmen carry out the work where possible ie J Ring, J Edwards, W Banks, H Wiltshire; “events of the last few weeks have profoundly altered the outlook of everyone”; price for building plots; turf from Corsham Road site
G Pegler: rent and reates due
Messrs Pennington & Son: the late Mrs Gosling; estate of the late Mrs Ella Gosling
A Perkins: seeking advice of finacial position of F G King
Mrs Leonard P Pilkington: seeking house to rent
Mr Pocock: would he supply straw and allow James Stevens to do some thatching
E R Portal: subscription
PO Telephones: installation of the telephone at the Abbey; request to install a phone kiosk at Reybridge
T Powell: housing for George Walker
Preston Hall Industries: laundry baskets
Prudential Assurance Co: damage to wall by Mr Reynold's lorry
Charles H Pugh Ltd: Atco mower repair
J Pullen: tenancy agreement
Mrs Pullen: requested a bath
People's Refreshment House Association: public convenience needed in Lacock; Mr Bamford taking over from Mr Harrison as landlord of the Red Lion; most of the council houses ready for occupation; conversion of stables into garages; conversion of fowl house to ladies’ convenience; use of field adjoining the Red Lion for car parking at the Pageant
W J Raines: non-payment of rent; notice to quit, house to be demolished, garden let to A G Smith
Mrs Ransome: viewing the Abbey
The Rating Officer: will appeal against Sporting Right; details of rents paid by F G Jones, Walter Banks and R J Jefferies
Miss G H Read: purchase of cottage at Bowden Hill to her mother and Miss Webb
Official Receiver in Bankruptcy: F G Jones's estate
Mrs Reeves: house not now available
F Reynolds: Wick Farm
W F Reynolds: damage to wall at Whitecross
R T Rhodes: drain in West Street; house in High Street occupied by Mrs May has a case of scarlet fever, is there overcrowding?; repairs at Whitehall Farm and Manor Farm under the Milk and Dairies Order 1926; deposit of excreta; new floor in cow-shed at Wick Farm
Mr Rose: repair to thatch on Mrs Oram’s cottage
H Ross Hooper: possible sale of land
A H Russell: visit by East Bristol Central School
Miss E B Scott: Whitecross Cottage
W Self: rental of various parcels of land
William Selman: testimonial
Lady Shippard: shrubs for her garden; rainwater leaking into her bedroom
Thomas Edwin Sims: to rent fields and cow shed in Wick Lane
Shaw & Sons: stationary - tenancy agreement forms, measurement of timber
W Shields: reclaim rates paid by Miss Talbot
Mrs Sidnell: land for building
S C Slocombe: housing
E Smallcombe & Sons: payment of account
W Smart: seeks land for building
A G Smith: rent for garden
Smith & Bottrill: yard clock chimes
Smith & Marshall: character reference for Mr Selman
Doctor Somerset: possible visit by the Dr's Field Club
Sotherby & Co: reserve for book auctionPrebendary Clark Maxwell: Miss Talbot’s itinerary
A H R Southam: possible new windows at the Red Lion
J W Spencer: housing for Qr Master George Walker
Mr Sprules: his goats feeding on Bewley Common
W F Stanley & Co: order for scales
Rev E H Stewart: Mr Meeker's application for Wick Farm
Super-tax Commissioners: for Miss Talbot
Sylvester & Mackett: the house occupied by Miss Hunt
Miss Talbot: possible installation of electric light at Lacock Abbey; high wall obstructing view of traffic, Mr King possible tenant for Wick Farm; the kitchen garden at Cantax House; wording in her will; Christmas bonus for Bird and the 3 gardeners, serious fire averted at Mrs May's house in High Street; alteration at Mr Hill's corner; many trees and a pinnacle on the church blown down in gale; church matters, Dick Hopkins collided with motor bus en route to the Derby; gift from Mr Podmore of staves;Alec's Certificate of Naturalisation with place of birth; sale of "The Haven"; services of Frances Selman; heating the Abbey; new drainage scheme would be a heavy burden on all ratepayers; Walter Bird unemployed; Mr Newman needs house for new cowman, Noah Trimnell; Mrs Herbert Fennell very ill; repair of floor in the South Gallery; Mrs Tanner’s letter to the Parish Council about the narrowness of Clark’s Lane and lack of footpath on Cantax Hill; William Fortune’s ability to have a holiday with his wife; The Haven is for sale; Alfred Chivers has taken possession of the George, Vicar intimated his intention of resigning, mention of the Abbey Commemmoration events; auction of books at Sotherby’s, Mrs Foley to have an operation
Miss Tanner: Bewley Court to be auctioned
W J Taylor & Sons: oak timber
W Tayler: land in Wick Lane; notice to quit fields
T G Teagle: Nethermore Farm
A H Thomas: particulars of Nethermore Farm, split between Percy & Leonard Chivers and Harry Ferris, and sporting rates
Thring, Sheldon & Ingram: payment of tithes; connecting cottages at Cantax Hill to the sewerage
Mrs Thurgood: wants a partition to divide scullery from passage
Tilley & Culverwell: claims by in/outgoing tenants at Nethermore Farm; Mr King intends to make cheese at Wick Farm
R W Tilley: Miss Talbot unable to give donation to Wilts Agricultural Show
Mr Tomkins: resurfacing of road in Lacock in advance of large drainage scheme
Trotter, leaf & Pitcairn: Estate deeds
W Truscott: dangerous turning at Notton Corner; water from road pouring into Mr Newman's yards
I Walker: removal of furniture
H Walker: his name is down for one of the 18 council houses being built in Corsham Road; land behind the council houses in Corsham Road
Mr Walker: Mr Hollings died intestate (crossed through); Rev Clark-Kennedy of Highworth died in a hunting accident; appplicants for Willie Tayler’s house – Walter Bird, William Stevens and Henry Baker; wooden plough owned by Jesse Wheeler; Foley attending court for F Cole’s eviction order, mention of type of home Coles’ son would have been sent to if had he been convicted
Mrs Walsh: house to let
Waterfall & O'Brien: analysis of water smaples from the Estate
Mrs Watson: vacating Church Villa;
A Webb: painting the outside of 15 West Street occupied by Edgar Webb
West Wilts Electric Light & Power Co: additional poles erected at Bewley Common without prior approval
H D Webb: their purchase of a house at Bowden Hill
West Wilts Electric Light & Power Co: overhead line crossing the Talbot estate; wayleave agreements; workmen commenced work in William Tayler's field without advance notice; proposed extension of electricity to Bowden Hill
Western Electricity Supply Co: matters arising from installation of electricity in estate's houses
Joseph Webb: tenancy agreement
Western Electric Light Co: wayleaves for poles
C Whately: piece of land for rent
W Wheeler: arrears of rent
John F Wilkes: how dairy and arable farmers have faired that year
Alex. Wilkins: would General Palmer continue to defray rent for Mrs Daniel Holly when she moves to Lacockand then transfer this generosity to old "Bob Cole?
H J Williams: looking for land to buy
Mrs Williamson: Miss Talbot's subscription to the British Red Cross Society
Harold Wiltshire: removal of trees; board flooring at the Post Office; tenancy for premises at rear of his house
Wilts County Council: asking for the owner of motor cycle MR 64321 who collided with and broke one of the gates on Bewley Common; high wall obstructing view of traffic; proposed road widening in West Street; the Omnibus Company complaining of overhanging branches; complaint by A Beer about loss of trade due to new kerb outside his premises; land required for a police house; earthenware pipes on greensward near Lacock Bridge
Wood & Awdry: conveyances of Bowden Hill properties; deeds to land and cottages at Cantax Hill - names mentioned R Joyce, George Bailey, G Baley, John Milsom, G Milsom, James Fortune, Mrs A E Hands, H F Hands; regarding the land to be given to Chippenham Rural District Council; the design of the pumping station for the drainage scheme; F J Cole; land for Col Palmer to extend family burial ground;
Wootton, Leaf & Pitcairn: financial matters, particularly the marriage settlement of Mr & Mrs Gilchrist Clark
Major Yorke: sand from Nethermore Wood; bracken available in Nethermore Wood
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