TitleCorrespondence between Richard Foley and others regarding the Lacock estate.
Description1. Nov 1930 Letters between Richard Foley, the Inland Revenue and Parker, Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to the acquisition of land for the Lacock sewerage system and pumping station (4).
2. 17 Nov 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the purchase or renting of a house in Lacock.
3. 18 and 22 Nov 1930 Letters to Richard Foley from the Inland Revenue relating to the meeting of Mr Vaughan and regarding the site for the Lacock Sewage Works (2).
4. 23 Nov 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to various staff on the Lacock estate.
5. 25 Nov 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from the Inland Revenue relating to the reduction of rent for Mr Newman as some of his land will be lost due the Lacock Sewage Scheme.
6. 26 Nov 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from H K Bennett of Kent thanking him for his letter and apologising for the delay as Mr Bennett is unwell.
7. 26 Nov 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from Alex Wilkins, Solicitor, relating to the payment of rent for a Mrs Holly of New Cottage, Lacock.
8. 27 Nov 1930 Notice to quit a cottage at Bowden Hill sent to Mr Cole from Matilda Talbot.
9. 1 Dec 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from the Inland Revenue enclosing a plan of the land required by Chippenham Rural District Council in connection of the Lacock Sewage Draining Scheme.
10. 4 Dec 1930 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the running of Lacock Abbey estate (2).
11. 8 and 9 Dec 1930 Letters between the Inland Revenue, Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper and Richard Foley relating to the value of land to provide a sewer and also the provision of flushing tanks (2).
12. 11 and 16 Dec 1930 Letters to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association relating to Mr Bamford taking over the Red Lion (2).
13. 12 Dec 1930 Telegram to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot confirming work can be done.
14. 17 Dec 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from the Inland Revenue relating to Lacock Sewage Scheme.
15. 19 Dec 1930 Letter to Richard Foley from G N Haden & Sons, heating engineers, relating to an estimate for a new boiler at Lacock Abbey.
16. 30 and 31 Dec 1930 Letters between the Inland Revenue, Chippenham Rural District Council, Wood & Awdry and Richard Foley relating to the Lacock Village Sewage Scheme (4).
17. 5 Jan 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from a tenant apologizing for the lateness in paying his rent.
18. 5 Jan 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the running of the Lacock estate (2).
19. 12 Jan 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker, Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to an enquiry by the Ministry of Health into the Lacock Sewage Scheme.
20. 17 Jan 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Hicks enclosing 15 shillings towards his rent.
21. 17 Jan 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Hugh Scott stating he has left the selling of the Haven in the hands of Mr Oatley of Corsham.
22. 28 Jan and 3 Feb 1931 Letters between Wood & Awdry and Richard Foley relating to The Pumping Station for Lacock Sewage Works (2).
23. 5 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to Matilda Talbot's overdue tax payment.
24. 12 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to Matilda Talbot's maintenance claim.
25. 13 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to policy number 1631480.
26. 14 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to an agreement for execution by Matilda Talbot for Lacock Sewage Scheme.
27. 16 Feb 1931 Letters from Mr Harding relating to the removal of 41 trees.
28. 14 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Alex Wilkins, Solicitor enclosing a cheque for the rent and rates due in respect of Mrs Holly.
29. 17 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the Board of Trade thanking him for his letter.
30. 17 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to the reduction of the rectorial tithe rent charge.
31. 25 Feb 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry thanking him for returning the signed agreement relating to the Lacock Sewage Scheme.
32. 5 Mar 1931 Letter from Mr Harding relating to payment for work carried out.
33. 6 Mar 1931 Letter from Mrs Flower relating to payment of rent.
34. 6 and 7 Mar 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from Bessie Hunt of Little Old House, Lacock relating to repairs to her house (2).
35. 10 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council noting that Matilda Talbot would prefer to secure land from another source.
36. 12 Mar 1931 Letters between Matilda Talbot and the Chippenham Assessment Committee relating to Wick Farm (2).
37. 12 and 16 Mar 1931 Letters from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd to Richard Foley relating to the payment of rental for high tension poles (2).
38. 14 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Edward Thomas Collins & Son, accountants, relating to an amount owed to F G Jones by Matilda Talbot.
39. 17 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to interest on a war loan paid to Matilda Talbot.
40. 19 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Bessie Hunt relating to roof repairs on the cottage.
41. 20 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to tax relief.
42. 25-30 Mar 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to the loss of a wayleave rental payment to Matilda Talbot (3).
43. 20 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the payment of income tax.
44. 27 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the Chippenham Assessment Committee relating to F G King's, sporting rights.
45. 1 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Great Western Railway relating to a claim for half years annuity in lieu of tithe due to Matilda Talbot.
46. 7 and 20 April 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to a meeting with Sir John Gladstone over the provision of an extension at Bowden Hill (2).
47. 16 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Post Office Telephones relating to the provision of a telephone kiosk.
48. 5 and 12 Mar 1931 Letters to Matilda Talbot, Miss Hunt and Richard Foley relating to the bankruptcy of Frederick Jones and asking for payment of outstanding accounts (3).
49. 16 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from James Newman of Manor Farm stating he has engaged a man to go into the cottage.
50. 21 Mar 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Mary Binney asking if Matilda Talbot will renew their lease for another 7 years.
51. 30 Mar 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the running of Lacock Abbey estate.
52. 3 and 25 April 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from Mr Wicks regarding Mr Davis taking over the tenancy of a cottage at South Wraxall.
53. 20 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the occupier of the Porch House regarding the painting of the outside of the property.
54. 23 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the numbering of the houses in Lacock.
55. 24 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Lacock Parish Council relating to the condition of certain plots at the Ray Bridge allotments.
56. 25 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to income tax relief.
57. 28 Apr 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Edward Thomas Collins & Son relating to a debtor, F G Jones.
58. 28 Apr 1931 Bankruptcy notices in respect of Frederick George Jones sent to Matilda Talbot and Richard Foley.
59. 1 May 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Edward Thomas Collins & Son relating to the debtor F G Jones stating that his wife has paid the rent of the house.
60. 5 May 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from E Jones of East Street Lacock stating that they were having electric light fitted.
61. 6 May 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Edward Thomas Collins & Son enclosing cheques in settlement of F G Jones' account.
62. 7 May 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from G N Haden & Sons offering a reduction on the estimate for a radiator to be fitted at Lacock Abbey.
63. 9 May 1931 Note to Richard Foley from J Shingood asking Matilda Talbot for permission for electric lights to be installed.
64. 11-19 May 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to the provision of poles to Bowden Hill and also a list of people applying for electricity (3).
65. 18 May 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Bessie Hunt relating to the condition of her roof.
66. 15 and 21 May 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from G N Haden & Sons relating to work being carried out at Lacock Abbey (2).
67. 22 May 1931 Receipt of letter from H M Inspector of Taxes to Richard Foley in respect of Matilda Talbot.
68. 26 May 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Post Office Telephones stating there is no justification for a kiosk at Reybridge.
69. 6 Jun 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from R Sheppard informing him that the ceiling in the back room has fallen down and also relating to the numbering of their house (2).
70. 9 Jun 1931 Note to Richard Foley from the Inland Revenue referring to a list of assessments on the cottages.
71. 12 Jun 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd stating that the electricity poles have now been deposited by the road at Bowden Hill.
72. 13 Jun 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry enclosing a conveyance of land at Lacock for the sewage and pumping station.
73. 18 Jun 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from James Newman of Manor Farm asking for a fence to be replaced as one of his cows has been injured on the existing one.
74. 1 Jun 1931 Note of assessment sent to Matilda Talbot from H M Inspector of Taxes. (2)
75. 23 Jun 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Mary Binney thanking Matilda Talbot for letting Cantax House to them.
76. 28 Jun 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from Mr Heliker of Bath enquiring about buying and carrying out alterations on 10 East Street (3).
77. 2 and 3 Jul 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the sanction of the Ministry of Health for the Lacock Sewage Disposal Scheme.
78. 4 Jul 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council informing him that Irelands had placed their ducts on the verge near Lacock Bridge.
79. 6 Jul 1931 Note to Richard Foley from the occupier of the Porch House regarding the rain getting into their bedrooms.
80. 9 Jul 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to assessment of tithes owned by Matilda Talbot.
81. 10 Jul 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the purchase of land from Matilda Talbot for the sewage pumping station (2).
82. 10 Jul 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper referring to a plan of the sewers to be laid in Lacock.
83. 14 Jul 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association requesting more garage space for Lady Shippard of The Old Angel (3).
84. 15-20 Jul 1931 Letters between Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper, Chippenham Rural District Council, Wood & Awdry and Richard Foley relating to the pumping station for the Lacock Main Drainage Scheme (4).
85. 22 Jul 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd enclosing a wayleave form and plan.
86. 23 Jul 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the Rating Office, Chippenham asking for particulars of property formally occupied by Mr Jones, builder.
87. 1 Aug 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council enclosing a plan of the pumping station for the approval of Matilda Talbot.
88. 9 Aug 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot regarding the running of the Lacock Abbey estate.
89. 22 and 31 Aug 1931 Letters from Parker Pearson & Ross to Richard Foley relating to the Lacock Main Drainage system (2).
90. 29 Aug-3 Sep 1931 Letters to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd referring to a new agreement with Matilda Talbot (3).
91. 5 Sep 1931 Letter from F Flower of Inwood Cottage apologizing for not paying their arrears.
92. 14 Sep 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Mary Binney of Cantax House complaining about the proposed location of the sewer on their property.
93. 15 and 17 Sep 1931 Letters between Richard Foley, Chippenham Rural District Council and Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to a letter from Mrs Binney of Cantax House.(3)
94. 25 Sep 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Florrie Flower relating to the payment of rent.
95. 13 Oct 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to Lacock Abbey estate drainage.
96. 19 Oct 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Raymond Barker Nix & Company relating to Major Coffin entering into a contract to sell Bewley Court but excluding the Hermitage.
97. 21 Oct 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Raymond Barker Nix & Company thanking him for his letter regarding the Bewley Court property.
98. 23 Oct 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the Town Hall, Melksham relating to litter left on Bowden Common.
99. 26 Oct 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Lacock Parish Council relating to the bad condition of the Ray Bridge allotment field.
100. 4 Nov 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd thanking him for his letter regarding the erection of further poles without permission.
101. 6 Nov 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the return of a plan in connection with the proposed laying of sewers.
102. 13 Nov 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank Ltd relating to a cheque drawn by William Self being marked "Refer to Drawer please re-present".
103. 14 Nov 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from the Town Hall, Melksham relating to work being carried out by Major Biggs of Bowden Hill.
104. 17 Nov 1931 Note to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank relating to a cheque presented by W Selfe.
105. 7 Dec 1931 Letter to Richard Foley from a tenant in 5 Church St Kensington relating to Mrs Bristow having first offer of half an acre of land next to her garden.
106. 7 Dec 1931 Note to Richard Foley from F G Davis of Forest lane apologizing for not sending him some money.
107. 10 and 15 Dec 1931 Letters to Matilda Talbot and Richard Foley of Lacock Abbey from Pennington & Son relating to the estate of Mrs Gosling, deceased.
108. 16 Dec 1931 Letter from H Ferris apologizing for allowing the shooting of rabbits on Bewley Common.
109. 19 Dec 1931 Letter to Matilda Talbot from the Central Electricity Board acknowledging the receipt of a consent form.
110. 8 Jan 1932 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Pennington & Son relating to the letters of administration to Mrs Gosling's estate.
111. 12 Jan 1932 Memorandum to Richard Foley from W H Fennell, collector of taxes, regarding land at Forest Lane.
112. 8 Jan 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank Ltd relating to a letter received on 24 Dec 1931.
113. 13 Jan 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from West Wilts Light & Power Company Ltd relating to the erection of poles in Lacock.
114. 17 Jan 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from James Newman of Manor Farm relating to the size of the sewer pipes.
115. Undated letter to Richard Foley from Margaret Jackson relating to Mrs Gott's resignation.
116. 4 Feb 1932 Note from F Flower to Richard Foley regarding difficulty in paying the rent this week.
117. 12 Feb 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Sotheby & Co of London relating to difficulty in contacting Matilda Talbot about the sale of some books.
118. 15 Feb 1932 Note to Richard Foley from Mabel Pullen relating to the installation of a bathroom in her house.
119. 17 Feb 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd enclosing wayleave agreement in respect of poles erected on Matilda Talbot's land at Lacock.
120. 25 Feb 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood Awdry relating to W J Raines vacating the cottage at Wick Lane.
121. 25 Feb 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the parishes of Chippenham Without, Lacock & Pewsham relating to the demolishing of the cottage previously occupied by W J Raines.
122. 29 Feb 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the inspector of taxes relating to assessment 336 Lacock.
123. 29 Feb 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to house connections of Lacock Main Drainage.
124. 2 Mar 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to assessments 320 and 336.
125. 5 Mar 1932 Letter to Matilda Talbot from the Diocesan Registry Office relating to the application for a pension from Reverend C R Gott.
126. 8 Mar 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to Lacock Main Drainage house connections.
127. 8 and 9 Mar 1932 Letters from Mrs Flower relating to the difficulty in paying their rent.
128. 10 Mar 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to the connection of a pole and stay on the property of Matilda Talbot in Church St.
129. 11 and 12 Mar 1932 Letters between Matilda Talbot and the Diocesan Registry Office relating to the retirement and pension of Reverend C R Gott (2).
130. 14 and 15 Mar 1932 Letters between Parker & Ross Hooper, Richard Foley and Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the Lacock Main Drainage house connections (2).
131. 17 Mar 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to the claim for additional repairs allowance by Matilda Talbot.
132. 18 Mar 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a claim on policy 1058968 by Matilda Talbot; thanking him for the particulars of an accident.
133. 21 Mar 1932 Note to Richard Foley from William Taylor of Lacock giving up tenancy of 2 fields in Folly Lane.
134. 29 Mar 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to an accident on policy 1058968.
135. 4 and 7 Apr 1932 Letters to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to a maintenance relief claim by Matilda Talbot (2).
136. 18 Apr 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Foley Son & Munday referring to a partition used in the Club Room.
137. 23 Apr 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to Edward Hopkins giving up tenancy of the house on May 7.
138. 23 Apr 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from A C Dann & Son, solicitors, relating to Francis Banks deceased and enclosing cheque for outstanding rent and tithe due.
139. 26 Apr 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to assessment on land let with the George Inn.
140. 27 Apr 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from W T Henley's Telegraph Works Company Ltd relating to the entry to lands owned by Matilda Talbot to commence construction work.
141. 2 May 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association Ltd to arrange a meeting relating to the Red Lion.
142. 6 and 7 May 1932 Letters between Richard Foley, James Newman of Manor Farm and Mr Jackson relating to the disappearance of a water meadow gate (2).
143. 10 May 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to Colonel Palmer buying a piece of land adjoining Lacock Cemetery.
144. 3 May 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry referring to serving a statuary notice to F J Cole of Bowden Hill.
145. 19 May 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to Mrs F A Hopkins, deceased, and enclosing rent due.
146. 19 May 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the serving of a statuary notice on F J Cole of Bowden Hill.
147. 25 and 27 May 1932 Letters between Richard Foley and the Peoples Refreshment House Association Ltd relating to the conversion of stables into a garage (2).
148. 10 Jun 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from W A Annetts of Church Street, Kensington relating to the purchase of extra land in Corsham Rd.
149. 18 Jun 1932 Letter from an individual at 69 Thicket Rd, Sutton, Surrey, requesting Matilda Talbot contact them relating to the purchase of land for a house.
150. 21 Jun 1932 Letter from M A Watson of Folly House, Lacock relating to Heifers getting out of a field.
151. 22 Jun 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association Ltd relating to the provision of a ladies convenience at the Red Lion.
152. 30 Jun 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to serving notice on F J Cole.
153. 30 Jun and 5 July 1932 Letters to Richard Foley from John Horwood of West Street relating to connection to the main sewer in Lacock (2).
154. 6-22 Jul 1932 Letters to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd regarding amendments to fire policy number 12557344 (3).
155. 25 Jul 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Thring Sheldon & Ingram, solicitors, relating to cottages in Cantax Hill being connected up to the main drainage scheme.
156. Undated letter to Richard Foley from Mr Hibberd asking permission to put in a bridle gate.
157. 3 Aug 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd referring to insurance to cover a proposed pageant to be held in Lacock.
158. 4 Aug 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Audley Harrison relating to a common gate across the road at Beanacre Farm.
159. 5-12 Aug 1932 Letters to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd referring to the forthcoming pageant and also the wording of a new policy (3).
160. 27 Aug 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd relating to all water used at the Red Lion will pass through their meter.
161. 5 Sep 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd regarding alterations to the draft wording of policy number 12557344.
162. 8 Sep 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Mrs Flower regarding the difficulty in paying their rent.
163. 12 Sep 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Mrs Flower relating to difficulty in paying their rent.
164. 15 Sep 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank relating to the Lacock Abbey deposit box.
165. 24 Sep 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to the draft wording of the proposed new policy.
166. 26 Sep 1932 Note to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to a court fee regarding Matilda Talbot and Cole.
167. 29 Sep 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Central Electricity Board relating to a wayleave payment for Matilda Talbot.
168. 11 Oct 1932 Letters to Richard Foley from Sir Harold Brakspear, architect, relating to the provision of steel joists for the cloister roof (2).
169. 13 Oct 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a new policy replacing number 12557344.
170. 20 and 21 Oct 1932 Letters to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd regarding the addition of 23 Cottages to be connected up to the water supply (2).
171. 25 Oct 1932 Note to Richard Foley from Mr Hibberd relating to the provision of a bridle gate.
172. 16 Oct 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from Mr Hibberd relating to action by a horseman.
173. 2 Nov 1932 Note to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the purchase of a piece of land by Colonel Palmer.
174. 1 Nov 1932 Note to Richard Foley from Ministry of Labour relating to unemployment insurance.
175. 19 Nov 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from the Central Electricity Board relating to trees at Wick Farm.
176. 6 Dec 1932 Note to Richard Foley from Mrs Flower regarding difficulty in paying rent.
177. 20 Dec 1932 Letter from W Bodman relating to the payment of tithe.
178. 22 Dec 1932 Letter to Richard Foley from A C Dann & Son, solicitors, relating to F Banks, deceased.
179. 11 Jan 1933 Note from W Bodman enclosing payment for tithe.
180. 3 Jan 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to an incorrect account by Messrs Blackford to Mrs Burt.
181. 5 Jan 1933 Note to Richard Foley from Mrs Flower regarding difficulty in paying their rent.
182. 12 Dec 1932 Letters to Richard Foley, Mr McCauley and Mr Awdry from Matilda Talbot in Dumfries regarding the request from Mr McCauley to put up a "Private Road" sign (4).
183. 26 Jan 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd regarding domestic servants' policy number 1058968.
184. 28 Jan 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to tax charged on a cottage at Wick Lane and others.
185. 31 Jan 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to the domestic servants' policy.
186. 7 Feb 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a workman's compensation policy.
187. 10 Feb 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to Lacock Abbey estate drainage.
188. 11 Feb 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to a drain and ditch at Whitecross, Lacock.
189. 14 Feb 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to the provision of a post and wire fence to replace a stone wall.
190. 15 Feb 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to Talbot estate house connections.
191. 16 and 18 Feb 1933 Letters to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to the provision of pipes at Whitecross, Lacock.
192. 18 Feb 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Parker Pearson & Ross Hooper relating to drainage house connections.
193. 2 Mar 1933 Note to Richard Foley from H Rose to arrange a meeting.
194. 9 Mar 1933 Note from H R Yorke of Peters Farm, Lacock informing Matilda Talbot that a load of sand had been taken from the pit.
195. 10 and 25 Mar 1933 Notes to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to Bewley Common (2).
196. 4 Apr 1933 Note to Richard Foley from Mrs Flower regarding difficulty in paying their rent.
197. Apr 1933 Note to Richard Foley from M Pullen of White Cross, Lacock asking permission for a bathroom to be installed in their house.
198. 5 Apr 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Central Electricity Board relating to the disposal of trees felled at Wick Farm.
199. 7 Apr 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Central Electricity Board relating to compensation.
200. 19 Apr 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to wayleave payable to Matilda Talbot.
201. 29 Apr 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to fire and third party insurances.
202. 1 May 1933 Note to Richard Foley from Mrs Flower paying part of their rent.
203. 1 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association relating to smoke coming down the chimneys at the Red Lion.
204. 4 May 1933 Note to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank stating that Mr King's cheque had not yet been paid.
205. 4 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd regarding the workman's compensation policy owned by Matilda Talbot.
206. 5 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a function to be covered by the third party insurance owned by Matilda Talbot.
207. 5 and 8 May 1933 Letters to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank relating to the fact that Mr King's cheque had now been paid into the Lacock Abbey estate account (2).
208. 15 May 1933 Note to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry thanking him for returning the conveyance between Matilda Talbot and Mr Doel.
209. 16 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Central Electricity Board relating to the disposal of felled trees at Mr King's farm.
210. 20 and 24 May 1933 Letters to Richard Foley from Thring Sheldon & Ingram, Solicitors relating to the provision of a playground at the Red House, Lacock (2).
211. 17 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to third party Insurance and also workman's compensation policies held by Matilda Talbot.
212. 22 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Bath Gas Company regarding the extension of the main to the village of Lacock.
213. 24 May 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to the workman's compensation scheme.
214. 8 Jun 1933. Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to workmen's compensation policy.
215. 8 Jun 1933. Letter to Richard Foley from Alice Peake of Jocelyn Antiques stating she is giving up her shop in Lacock.
216. 8 Jun 1933 Housing Act notice relating to the demolition of a house occupied by Mr Halliday. (2)
217. 1 Jun 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Mrs Bath asking for barbed wire to be put up to stop cows getting into her garden.
218. Premier file with written indexes.
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