TitleCorrespondence between Richard Foley and others regarding the Lacock estate.
Description1. 12 Jun 1933 Letter from J Gullis regarding tenancy of a cottage in Melksham.
2. 15 Jun 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to a tax return for 1933-1934.
3. 16 Jun 1933 Letter from A J Edwards of Church Street, stating he would be pleased to take on 11 Church Street at three shillings a week.
4. 26 Jun 1933 Letter from W Bodman regarding payment of Tithes.
5. 22 Jun 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Frederick Croker relating to the felling of trees.
6. 26 Jun 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Thring Sheldon & Ingram thanking him for his letter.
7. 28 Jun 1933 Letter from Mr Macaulay of Bowden House regarding the numerous thistles growing on the common.
8. 26 Jun 1933 Note to Richard Foley from C M Baxter of Tunbridge Wells regarding a small house he is interested in.
9. 30 Jun 1933 Letter from Mr Macaulay noting that the thistles on the common will be cut in due course. Includes envelope.
10. 5 and 15 Jul 1933 Letters from the tenant of Bowden House relating to thistles on the common (2).
11. 8 Jul 1933 Letter from F Flower relating to problems in paying the rent.
12. 31 Jul 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to closets at Lacock School.
13. 1 Aug 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to a house on Bowden Hill occupied by H T Pearce and a house at Wick Lane occupied by G Halliday.
14. 4 Aug 1933 Note from Wiltshire County Council relating to a vent pipe at Lacock School.
15. 9 Aug 1933 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Mary Burt relating to the proposed playing field.
16. 10 Aug 1933 Letter from Wiltshire Working Men's & Women's Conservative Society relating to Mrs Fortune, a member.
17. 12 Aug 1933 Note from Mrs Flower relating to payment of rent.
18. 19 Aug 1933 Note to Richard Foley from the Ministry of Health acknowledging receipt of a letter.
19. 15 Aug 1933 Letter from C Cottee relating to taking over Mr Halliday's allotment in Wick Lane.
20. 28 Aug 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a small fire at the George Inn.
21. 30 Aug 1933 Letters to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light and Power Company in respect of a wayleave form for a service cable to Bowden Hill Church (2).
22. 1 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Bessie Hunt of Little Old House, Lacock relating to refuse being left uncollected.
23. 2 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd relating to cottages connected to their supply.
24. 5 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the National Federation of Property Owners and Ratepayers regarding difficulties with the new rent act.
25. 6 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd regarding a claim form for a fire which occurred in the George Inn.
26. 11 Sep 1933 Letter from M Watson asking for the floors to be done in the sheds at Wick Lane.
27. 11 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Henry Potter relating to the supply of water for the cattle at Bowden Hill.
28. 2 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Emily Brinkworth of Lacock asking if there is a cottage available.
29. 14 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Daisy Jenkins relating to work being carried out on Mr Taylor's property.
30. 15 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the parishes of Chippenham Without, Lacock & Pewsham relating to assessment for workshops in Church Street.
31. 18 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from William Gilchrist Clark Maxwell relating to his sister leaving the abbey on Sunday afternoon.
32. 21 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Donald Craik asking for a permit to visit to be extended due to ill health.
33. 25 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from William Gilchrist Clark Maxwell relating to a 1714 map at the abbey.
34. 26 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to plans being submitted for new water closets.
35. 26 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from George Champion of Glastonbury relating to the disposal of Mill Farm, Lacock.
36. 27 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Association relating to the sending of leaflets and information on the collections from English Churches.
37. 28 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the National Federation of Property Owners & Ratepayers relating to Properties covered under the new rent act.
38. 28 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Mary Binney enclosing a cheque for rent.
39. 28 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the discovery of ancient articles during excavations for the Lacock Sewerage Scheme.
40. 28 Sep 1933 Rating and Valuation form from Chippenham Rural Rating Authority relating to a workshop and cottage in Church Street.
41. 30 Sep 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the National Federation of Property Owners & Ratepayers thanking him for his letter.
42. 3-12 Oct 1933 Letters to Richard Foley from William Gilchrist Clark Maxwell relating to excavations taking place at Lacock.
43. 9 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the floor of the dairy at Nethermore Farm.
44. 13 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Ministry of Health Insurance Department relating to arrears of health and unemployment insurance for Mrs Fortune.
45. 22 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to a discussion with Mr Hayward.
46. 23 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Frederick Croker relating to a disagreement with Mr Harding.
47. 23 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the submission of plans for a new water closet for Mr Parsons of High Street.
48. 27 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from an individual in Berkhamstead relating to the purchase of a piece of land on Corsham Road.
49. 30 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Thomson & Noad acknowledging receipt of a letter relating to Miss Scott.
50. 30 Oct 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from W, J & D Awdry relating to Lacock tithes.
51. 31 Oct 1933 Letter from Mrs Flower stating they will be staying on in Lacock for the winter.
52. 31 Oct 1933 Letter from F L Annett thanking him for his letter.
53. 3 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Mabel Pullen of White Cross asking if the house next door could be made available for a relative.
54. 4 Nov 1933 Letter from Margaret Morgan relating to the purchase of a piece of land by her brother.
55. 6 Nov 1933 Letter from Mrs Crew of Wick Lane relating to the rain coming into the wash house.
56. 8 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to tax due on two cottages.
57. 9 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from W D Annett of Berkhamsted relating to land occupied by Colonel Jackson and Mrs Bristow.
58. 9 Nov 1933 Note to Richard Foley from M Watson of Folly House enclosing a cheque for rent.
59. 10 Nov 1933 Letter from F L Annett acknowledging receipt of a letter.
60. 11 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from S Caldwell, stained glass artist, relating to restoration.
61. 16 Nov 1933 Letter from Robert Carter of the Red Lion enquiring about the availability of building land in the neighbourhood.
62. 14 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank relating to the sale of £600 of war stock on behalf of Matilda Talbot.
63. 15 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from W D Annett relating to the purchase of land on the Corsham Road.
64. 21 Nov 1933 Letter from E Stevenson of London asking for particulars of a house.
65. 21 Nov 1933 Letter from A G Phipps of Seend Cleeve enquiring about some empty properties in Lacock.
66. 22 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Mrs R Parsons regarding the construction of a partition.
67. 1 Nov 1933 Notice of assessment from Chippenham Rural Rating Authority relating to a workshop and cottage.
68. 23 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Ltd relating to an additional house for a water supply.
69. 23 Nov 1933 Letter from E Stevenson regarding taking possession of a house.
70. 24 Nov 1933 Notice of decision from the Chippenham Assessment Area regarding a workshop and cottage in Church Street.
71. 25 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the payment of rates on a demolished cottage in Wick Lane.
72. 25 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from L G Semple, sectional engineer for Post Office Telephones, relating to the replacing of a wire stay on a pole.
73. 27 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the purchase of land by Mr Hayward.
74. 29 Nov 1933 Letter from F Grainger of Quemerford enquiring about a vacant house.
75. 30 Nov 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council regarding the repair of the Nethercote Road and path.
76. 1 Dec 1933 Letter from C C Cole of Church Street relating to the taking over of White Cross.
77. 2 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to the assessment of land and buildings at Wick Lane.
78. 2 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to the reduction of rent for Wick Farm.
79. 5 Dec 1933 Letter from M H Morgan of Herefordshire stating they agree with Matilda Talbot's conditions.
80. 6 Dec 1933 Letter from F Grainger of Quemerford to arrange a meeting.
81. 6 Dec 1933 Valuation form from Chippenham Rural Rating Authority relating to property at Wick Lane.
82. 6 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to buildings and a yard at Church Street.
83. 8 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to the assessment on Wick Farm.
84. 11 Dec 1933 Letter from A B Browne, assistant curate, giving a reference for Mr F T Grainger of Quemerford.
85. 12 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from R Hayward of Cantax Hill agreeing to the terms stated for the purchase of land in Melksham Road.
86. 14 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Emily Gerrish relating to her cottage at 14 Church Street.
87. 15 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the sale of 2 plots of land.
88. 15 Dec 1933 Note from W Bodman enclosing a cheque to cover tithe payments.
89. 18 Dec 1933 Note to Richard Foley from William Gilchrist Clark Maxwell enclosing a cheque.
90. 20 Dec 1933 Note to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot regarding the conversion of part of a building in Church Street.
91. 21 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to Lacock Abbey estate settlements.
92. 28 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to the provision of the supply of power to three of Matilda Talbot's tenants.
93. 30 Dec 1933 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a fire policy held by Matilda Talbot.
94. 4 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Shaw & Sons, company registration agents, enquiring which forms Matilda Talbot requires.
95. 4 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to the provision of larger poles.
96. 6 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from A Hicks of Lacock regarding the difficulty in paying rent.
97. 8 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot regarding the election of Mr Bird to the PCC.
98. 10 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department enclosing a sketch of the location of new poles.
99. 15 Jan 1934 Letter from Ellen Ashfield at Rowden Hill Hospital enquiring about renting a room.
100. 10 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from James Wheeler of London Road, Chippenham enquiring about taking over a house which is becoming vacant.
101. Undated note to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to the provision of new poles.
102. 12 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to a copy of a letter sent to a Mr Newman regarding his hedges adjoining Melksham Road.
103. 12 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from K S Chivers complaining that the chimney smokes and also they are unable to get water at times.
104. 17 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot asking for a meeting when she returns to Lacock.
105. 15 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the issuing of a writ to Champion on behalf of Mr King.
106. 16 Jan 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Chippenham Rural District Council informing her that plans for converting a workshop into a dwelling house have been received.
107. 17 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the possible bankruptcy of Mr Champion.
108. 19 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the National Provincial Bank relating to a letter from Messrs Dann & Son.
109. 19 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from James Wheeler regarding renting a house in Lacock.
110. 19 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to a creditors' meeting organized by Dann & Son for Mr Champion.
111. 19 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a fire policy held by Matilda Talbot.
112. 22 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry regarding the filing of a petition for bankruptcy by Mr Champion.
113. 23 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a fire policy held by Matilda Talbot.
114. 23 Jan 1934 Letter from B M Dummer enquiring about the possibility of renting a house in Lacock.
115. 24 Jan 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Bath & District Grocers Association enquiring about bringing a party to Lacock Abbey.
116. 24 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from D Watts enquiring about renting a house in Lacock.
117. 29 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from John Horwood of West Street, Lacock regarding sales in connection with his house.
118. 30 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to the provision of electricity to residents in West Street.
119. 31 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to public liability insurance held by Matilda Talbot.
120. 22 Jan 1934 Letter and documents relating to the bankruptcy of G M Champion sent to Richard Foley. Including a summary of debtors' statement of affairs.
121. 15 Jan 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to a fire policy held by Matilda Talbot.
122. 2 Feb 1934 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to paperwork from the official receiver in Bristol (2).
123. 3 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from W H Attwood complaining about the condition of the floor.
124. 3 and 5 Feb 1934 Letters to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to the position of poles (2).
125. 3 Feb 1934 Note to Richard Foley from R Sheppard of the Old Angel complaining about the stop cock and also the fireplace in the smoking room.
126. 6 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot regarding Mr Champion's bankruptcy and other items.
127. 6 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Board of Trade regarding the first meeting of creditors at the G M Champion hearing.
128. 9 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Lloyds Bank confirming an overdraft.
129. 12 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council confirming that plans of the drainage system at Whitecross have been submitted to the council.
130. 10 Feb 1934 Note to Richard Foley from Post Office Telephones relating to telegraph fixtures on Lacock Abbey estate.
131. 12 Feb 1934 Certificate of water supply issued to Matilda Talbot from Chippenham Rural District Council.
132. 15 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to conveyances between Miss Morgan and Mr Hayward.
133. Undated letter from Ellen Ashfield relating to her health and also possibility of accommodation in Lacock.
134. 19 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to public liability insurance held by Matilda Talbot.
135. 20 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to a conveyance between Miss Morgan & Miss Hayward.
136. 20 Feb 1934 Letter to Prebendary Clark Maxwell from Wood & Awdry relating to plots of land in Mrs Gilchrist Clark's marriage settlement.
137. 20 Feb 1934 Letter from M H Morgan relating to the purchase of land in Corsham Road.
138. 21 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to a clerical error in the purchase price in the conveyance to Miss Morgan.
139. 23 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot returning two conveyances signed and witnessed and other items.
140. 24 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry thanking him for returning the conveyances between Matilda Talbot, Miss Morgan and Mr Hayward.
141. 28 Feb 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the letting of Inwood Cottage to Miss Aspinall.
142. 7 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Hilda Aspinall thanking Matilda Talbot for letting the cottage to her.
143. 7 Mar 1934 Letter from M H Morgan enclosing a plan for a house to be built on a plot of land purchased from Matilda Talbot.
144. 8 Mar 1934 Note to Richard Foley from H Aspinall apologizing for being unable to visit on Saturday.
145. 8 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to a maintenance claim for 1933-1934.
146. 8 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Insurance Company Ltd relating to public liability insurance held by Matilda Talbot.
147. 9 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Frederick Croker relating to a cheque for two elm trees.
148. 10 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry relating to the completion of a sale to R E Hayward.
149. 13 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H G Harding relating to the purchase of 20 elm trees.
150. 13 Mar 1934 Letter from M H Morgan relating to a plan previously sent.
151. 13 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Mells Colliery giving a quotation for supplying coal.
152. 14 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot thanking him for his letter and bank statement and other items.
153. 16 Mar 1934 Rating assessment for a workshop, store and flat at 19 Church Street from Chippenham Rural Rating Authority.
154. 15 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Miss E Attwood complaining about the WC at 7 Church Street.
155. 15 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to a notice of a meeting of the Champion creditors and other items.
156. 16 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to a missing letter.
157. 16 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Board of Trade relating to the creditors' meeting of G M Champion.
158. 19 Mar 1934. Letter to Richard Foley from Hilda Aspinall relating to moving into her cottage.
159. 19 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the examination of the plans for Mr Morgan's House.
160. 19 Mar 1934 Note to Richard Foley from Post Office Engineering Department relating to wayleave verification.
161. 22 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Sir Harold Breakspear relating to plans for a house to be built by Mr Morgan.
162. 26 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot regarding the plan of a house submitted by Mr Morgan.
163. 28 Mar 1934 Letter from M Dummer of Bowden Hill enquiring if any property will become available to rent.
164. 27 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to Public Liability Insurance held by Matilda Talbot.
165. 29 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot regarding to various problems on the estate.
166. 31 Mar 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to the payment of a cheque into her Scotch bank.
167. 3 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Board of Trade relating to G M Champion and the tenancy of two fields in Lacock.
168. 3 Apr 1934 Bankruptcy notice relating to G M Champion from Somersetshire County Court.
169. 3 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot enclosing a cheque for payment of the electricity and other items relating to the estate.
170. 4 April 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Hilda Aspinall relating to the lease on her property.
171. 5 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Robert Catin enquiring if Matilda Talbot has any more building sites to sell.
172. 6 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business.
173. 9 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Hilda Aspinall returning the agreement signed & witnessed.
174. 10 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council asking him to supply them with particulars on closet conversions on the abbey estate during 1933.
175. 17 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd relating to public liability insurance held by Matilda Talbot.
176. 17 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Mrs Fennell enquiring if Mr Wheeler's house became vacant could they be given the opportunity of taking it.
177. 19 Apr 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from E M Pollock asking for a reference for Frederick Selfe.
178. 21 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business.
179. 26 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd relating to houses now connected to the water supply.
180. 28 Apr 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business.
181. 1 May 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Dorothy G Adams relating to a payment of one pound five shillings due and enclosing a cheque.
182. 2 May 1934 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business. (2)
183. 4 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes regarding a bank interest certificate.
184. 6 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Somerset Archaeological Society asking if it is possible to visit the Abbey as a party of around 25.
185. 7 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Chippenham Rural District Council informing him that plans for the drainage system at Nethercote have been submitted to the council.
186. 7 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from E Wheeler of Church Street asking if two bedrooms could be done out for them.
187. 9 May 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from H M Inspector of Taxes reminding her that they have not yet received the return for her income.
188. 10 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams asking for information on any building sites for sale between Melksham-Chippenham Road and Lacock Halt.
189. 10 May 1934 Letter from Marjorie Collier-Bristow asking if it would be possible to acquire a small amount of stone from some demolished cottages.
190. 12 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes thanking him for the completed tax form.
191. 12 May 1934 Note to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to wayleaves on Matilda Talbot's estate.
192. 15 May 1934 Letter from C G Adams to try to arrange a meeting.
193. 16 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes confirming that there is no duty unpaid in the year in question (1933-1934).
194. 19 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Bristol & West of England Amateur Photographic Association regarding a party visiting the abbey.
195. 22 May 1934 Note from Lady Sheppard enclosing a cheque for payment of rent.
196. 24 May 1934 Note to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes acknowledging receipt of his letter.
197. 25 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Bertram Hutchings asking permission to photograph the nun's cauldron.
198. 26 May 1934 Letter from Melksham Woolf Scouts asking for a permit to take a group to Inwood for a picnic.
199. 5 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department enclosing a list of fixtures on property at Lacock.
200. 25 May 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams of Chippenham Secondary School enquiring about the possibility of building sites.
201. 4 June 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business.
202. 7 June 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams asking if any building sites are likely to become available.
203. 7 Jun 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to a revised list of fixtures and fittings used on the estate.
204. 24 Jun 1934 to Richard Foley from H Hill enclosing a cheque in payment of rent and also terminating the tenancy on 29 Sep.
205. 26 Jun to Richard Foley from W F Courridge stating he is not interested in letting or selling his house.
206. 28 Jun 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Bath & District Grocers Association relating to a visit on 19 Jun.
207. 2 Jul 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Bath & District Grocers Association enclosing a cheque for payment of admission.
208. 5 Jul 1934 Rating assessment for a cottage and garden at Wick lane from Chippenham Rural Rating Society.
209. 13 Jul 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd enclosing a wayleave form in respect of poles and brackets to be used at Cantax Hill
210. 29 Jul 1934 Letter from H Watson of Folly House asking if their shed could be done.
211. 3 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams asking for a meeting.
212. 5 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams enquiring about a possible building site.
213. 6 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd enclosing a demand note in respect of Matilda Talbot's cottages.
214. 7 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from M Hicks of Church Street regarding payment of rent.
215. 10 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams enquiring about possible building sites.
216. 5 Jul 1934 Rating assessment for a cottage & garden at Wick Lane from the Chippenham Rural Rating Authority.
217. Undated note to Richard Foley from M Murray regarding taking the tenancy of a property.
218. 13 Aug 1934 Letter from Frank Crew relating to the payment of rent.
219. 15 Aug 1934 Letters to Richard Foley from C G Adams regarding the purchase of a piece of land next to Mr Hills (2).
220. 18 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams relating to the purchase of a piece of land from Mr Self.
221. 19 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business.
222. 20 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from John Horwood relating to payment of rates.
223. 20 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Post Office Engineering Department relating to a postal draft for one shilling in respect of a pole in a cottage in Church Street.
224. 21 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the River Avon Catchment Board relating to work to be done on a stretch of river.
225. 23 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association relating to water used in the public lavatories passing through a meter attached to the Red Lion.
226. 29 Aug 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry stating they will be acting in the purchase of a piece of land by Mr C G Adams.
227. 3 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry enclosing the conveyance form between Matilda Talbot & Mr Adams
228. 4 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association relating to the supply of water to the public lavatories.
229. 5 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wood & Awdry thanking him for returning the conveyance between Matilda Talbot and Mr Adams.
230. 5 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Mabel Pullen relating to estate business.
231. 6 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd regarding the fitting of a water meter at the Red Lion.
232. 10 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Mabel Pullen relating to the fitting of a grate in her sitting room.
233. 21 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from R Sheppard asking for permission for a cousin to visit the abbey.
234. 21 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to a "Major Road Ahead" sign erected in High Street.
235. 18 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Refreshment House Association Ltd thanking him for his letter regarding the water for the lavatories.
236. 25 Sep 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams relating to the signing of the conveyance between him and Matilda Talbot.
237. 26 Sep 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Calne & Chippenham Rural District Council relating to the Rating & Valuation Acts.
238. 29 Sep 1934 Note to Richard Foley from R Sheppard of the Old Angel giving notice to terminate their tenancy.
239. 1 Oct 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Peoples Refreshment House Association Ltd relating to the fact that the water for the public lavatories is to be connected to abbey private water supply.
240. 1 Oct 1934 Note from Mr Hicks regarding payment of rent.
241. 4 Oct 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Bessie Hunt relating to the connection of electric light.
242. 4 Oct 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Hilda Aspinall enclosing rent payment and giving notice to terminate the tenancy.
243. 13 Oct 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Walter Rudman, Architect, enclosing a drawing for a proposed house for Mr C G Adams.
244. 25 Oct 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business.
245. 1 Nov 1934 Letter from W Bodman enclosing a cheque in payment of tithe.
246. 3 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Puttic & Simpson relating to the inclusion of stamps in their auction.
247. 5 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from M Hicks regarding the payment of rent.
248. 5 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Henry Potter of Bowden Hill enclosing a cheque for rent.
249. 5 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H R Harmer relating to the inclusion of postage stamps in their auction.
250. 8 Nov 1934 Note to Richard Foley from R Sheppard enclosing a cheque in payment of rent.
251. 8 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from W Bodman relating to the provision of a water tank.
252. 11 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from S A Wilkins enquiring if a cottage is available in Lacock.
253. 15 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from E Cole asking to be released of their tenancy as they wish to move to Corsham.
254. 26 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council enclosing a plan of proposed road improvement on the Chippenham Melksham Road.
255. 27 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Calne & Chippenham Rural District Council returning two sets of demand notes relating to Halliday - Wick Lane and Flat 19 Church Street.
256. 28 Nov 1934 Letter to Matilda Talbot from N Beer asking if there is a possibility of a house as they are about to be evicted.
257. 28 Nov 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Henry Potter apologising for not sending a letter relating to the water supply.
258. 4 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd regarding the water at Nethermore Wood.
259. 5 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from H R Harmer, Auctioneer regarding the sale of Matilda Talbot's stamps.
260. 7 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd arranging to meet on site.
261. 7 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council regarding road widening on the Chippenham to Melksham road.
262. 7 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to work carried out at Manor Farm.
263. 10 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from Corsham Water Works Company Ltd relating to the price for water from the springs at Nethermore Farm.
264. 12 Dec 1934 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to estate business (3).
265. 19 Dec 1934 Letter to Richard Foley from the Board of Trade relating to dividend payment from the bankrupt G M Champion.
266. 20 Dec 1934-8 Jan 1935 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business (4).
267. 7 Jan 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from M Hicks of Church Street relating to difficulty in paying the rent.
268. 12 Jan 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Ronald Hunter of Bridge Cottage relating to the paying of rent.
269. 11 Jan 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to improvements on the Chippenham-Melksham road.
270. 21 Jan 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Walter Rudman, Architect relating to the construction of a house for Mr C G Adams.
271. 18-24 Jan 1935 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business (3).
272. 23 Jan 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Mr C Cottee of Corsham Road asking for a gate or fencing to be put across the gateway of his allotment.
273. 24 Jan 1935 Letter from W Bodman relating to the payment of one pound per year for water supply to a field.
274. 28 Jan 1935 Letter to Matilda Talbot from County Offices, Trowbridge relating to the Wiltshire Regional Planning Scheme.
275. 31 Jan 1935 Letter to Matilda Talbot from Marian Stainer asking her if she has a small house available.
276. 31 Jan 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to minor improvements at Lacock.
277. 1-5 Feb 1935 Letters to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business (3).
278. 2 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from E Wheeler of Church Street enclosing Mr Banks' account for work carried out at their house.
279. 5 Feb 1935 Letter to Matilda Talbot from C G Adams relating to the building of his house at Lacock.
280. 6 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Hicks relating to difficulty in paying rent.
281. 6 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light and Power Company Ltd regarding the erection of two poles at Nethercote Hill.
282. 6 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from C G Adams relating to the building of his house at Lacock.
283. 6 Feb 1935 Letter from H J Harding of Broughton Gifford relating to the felling of dangerous trees.
284. 6 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Marian Stainer expressing interest in a house which is expected to become vacant.
285. 8 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business.
286. 8 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to minor improvements at Lacock.
287. 14 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to a wayleave agreement.
288. 17 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Ronald Hunter of Bridge Cottage thanking him for having the roof fixed.
289. 18 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from R Sheppard relating to the Angel, Lacock.
290. 19 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council relating to minor improvements at Lacock.
291. 19 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Marian Stainer relating to their ability to now stay at the farm.
292. 19 Feb 1935 Letter to Matilda Talbot from the Council for the Preservation of Rural England relating to their AGM.
293. 21 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business.
294. 20 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from H M Inspector of Taxes relating to the reassesment of property owned by Matilda Talbot.
295. 21 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Wilts Conty Council relating to minor improvements at Lacock.
296. 21 Feb 1935. Letter to Richard Foley from Frederick Croker of Bridge House relating to the provision of a fence.
297. 21 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Emily Gerrish relating to keeping on the house at 14 Church Street.
298. 21 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business.
299. 23 Feb 1935 Bankruptcy Acts form from the County Court of Somersetshire relating to George Mariner Champion.
300. 24 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from M Burt asking if he could rent part of the garden attached to the Angel.
301. 25 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from the Council for the Preservation of Rural England relating to a "Major Road Ahead" sign which has been erected.
302. 25 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from the West Wilts Electric Light & Power Company Ltd relating to a wayleave agreement for 2 poles to be erected.
303. 25 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Wiltshire County Council regarding minor improvements at Lacock.
304. 25 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from Matilda Talbot relating to Lacock estate business.
305. 26 Feb 1935 Letter to Richard Foley from R W Awdry relating to action by unknown.
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