TitleCorrespondence with Ministry of Supply by Richard Foley about timber on the Lacock estate.
Description1. 1943 Receipt from William Tayler, coal merchant, Lacock, to Matilda Talbot for purchase of Forest Cobbs in 25 sacks.
2. 3 Jan 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning felling of oak, ash, elm and hornbeam trees on the estate and to start felling at once.
3. 8 Jan 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning acquisition of timber at Lacock.
4. 4 Mar 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning the custom of the trade to measure both limbs of a forked tree as forming part of the main stem and the fact that the Department cannot agree to this.
5. 27 Mar 1942 Letter from Richard Foley to W D Russell, Ministry of Supply concerning measuring of trees and also draft agreements on Bowden Park and Lacock Abbey. On the reverse is a Calne and Chippenham Rural District Council agenda for 11 Mar 1942 which covers air raid precautions, disposal of tins etc.
6. 30 Mar 1942 Letter from Richard Foley to the secretary, Ministry of Supply concerning the draft agreement.
7. 31 Mar 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning acquisition of timber on the Lacock Abbey estate and amendments to a clause.
8. 4 Apr 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning amendments to the clause.
9. 9 Apr 1942 Letter from Richard Foley to the Secretary, Ministry of Supply concerning the clause.
10. 10 Apr 1942 Letter from W H Cook, Ministry of Supply concerning the clause and damage liability. It is mentioned that the Ministry has 2,000 Vendors.
11. 4 Jun 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley enclosing original agreement for signature.
12. 8 Jun 1942 Letter from Richard Foley to Ministry of Supply stating that all trees are to be measured by himself before removal and he will attend the site of operations as required to agree the measurements of the cut and trimmed logs.
13. 23 Jun 1942 Letter from W Russell concerning agreed measurers.
14. 4 Jul 1942 Letter from Richard Foley to Ministry of Supply concerning timber being felled in Inwood and licenses.
15. 9 Jul 1942 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning previous letter being passed to W D Russell.
16. 10 Jul 1942 Letter from W D Russell to Richard Foley agreeing that a licence application should be made and has sent four copies to be signed.
17. 13 Jul 1942 Letter from Richard Foley to W D Russell sending signed copies of licence application forms back.
18. 4 Mar 1943 Letter from Leonard J Noad, Thompson & Noad, auctioneers, Chippenham to J J Newman, Manor Farm, Lacock concerning removal of timber across his field adjoining Inwood, Melksham Road, Lacock. Valuing the damage to his field and crops at £12.
19. 17 Mar 1943 Letter from B R Davies, Ministry of Supply with acknowledgement of letter.
20. 30 Mar 1943 Letter from L Tanner, Bowood to Richard Foley regarding Inwood and Major Thomas getting the road repaired and erection of a gate and fence.
21. 21 Apr 1943 Letter from Mr Pearson, Ministry of Supply, to Lacock Abbey Estate Office concerning Inwood and a right of way and loss of crops.
22. 25 Jun 1943 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley saying that he is sorry to hear he is unwell and concerning the claim by Mr Newman of Manor Farm for damage in Inwood. Pleased that the farmer is now happy with the repairs.
23. 20 Jul 1943 Letter from Ministry of Supply to Richard Foley concerning Mr Newman of Manor Farm and looking into the matter again.
24. 17 Nov 1943 Letter from Richard Foley to the Divisional Officer, Ministry of Supply concerning Inwood, acquisition of timber and stating that Matilda Talbot's tenant, J J Newman is prepared to accept the sum of £12 by way of compensation for damage caused by the moving of timber.
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