TitleLacock estate correspondence.
Description1. Notice of proposal by rating authority for the amendment of the valuation list from Calne and Chippenham Rural District Council with respect to Lacock Abbey house and gardens and Flats1-3.
2. 15 Nov 1944-1 Jan 1946 Letters between Richard Foley and Messrs Forrester & Forrester acting on behalf of Miss Fergusson regarding repayment of rates including handwritten calculations of sums owed to Miss Talbot and tenancy of 21 High Street (11).
3. Letters between Richard Foley and Lieutenant Colonel E J Burt regarding payment of rent for Mrs Burt's flat in the abbey (3).
4. Letter from L A Pitt, branch manager of Wessex Electricity Company, with reference to a quote given for work.
5. Letters from L A Pitt with reference to meter readings in Flats 1-3 (5).
6. Letters to Messrs Haine & Corry Ltd with regard to the provision of boilers (3).
7. Letter to E Knollys of the National Trust regarding lists of furniture and pictures in the abbey.
8. Letter to Matilda Talbot from Richard Foley regarding estate matters.
9. Letters between Light & Fulton, solicitors, and Richard Foley regarding Mrs Burt's Income Tax return and heating bill (8).
10. Letters between Barton, Mayhew & Co, chartered accountants, and Richard Foley regarding Mrs Burt's Income Tax return (6).
11. Oct-Nov 1947 Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton of the National Trust proposing a contribution towards the rates on the Abbey (8).
12. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding trees (3).
13. Letter to Messrs Harding & Son acknowledging payment for timber.
14. Letters from Richard Foley to Matilda Talbot regarding her financial affairs (3).
15. Letter from Matilda Talbot to Richard Foley regarding money received from Sotheby's for sale of books and giving her itinerary for Sep 1947.
16. Letter from Richard Foley to Miss Talbot informing her of estate matters.
17. Letter from D-U-K Films Ltd to Miss Talbot requesting permission to visit Lacock Abbey to take external views of the abbey and village for a film called "Held in Trust", a story based on the National Trust.
18. Letter from Miss Talbot to Richard Foley referring to Mr & Mrs Hennessy's stay at the abbey, the visit by D-U-K Films Ltd and also the need for electric meters for the house and the flat occupied by Miss Harrison (4).
19. Letters between Richard Foley and E Knollys indicating Miss M Talbot's intention with regard to books, furniture and pictures to be gifted to the National Trust (4).
20. Letter from Richard Foley to C J Dobson requesting that he cut up some oak tops.
21. Letters between G N Haden & Sons Ltd, engineers, and Richard Foley regarding the repair of the Robin Hood "C" Pattern seven-section boiler at Lacock Abbey (5).
22. Letter from S Buxton to Richard Foley regarding tenancy of 12 East Street Lacock.
23. Letter from Richard Foley to Messrs E Hill & Sons regretting the reduction of gravel being removed from Inwood as it was a source of income for the estate.
24. Letter from Richard Foley to the collector of taxes regarding Matilda Talbot's taxes and revised income tax demand.
25. License to sell for felling and/or to fell growing trees.
26. OHMS envelope with note by Richard Foley to say that it had contained a cheque for £15.
27. Letters between Richard Foley and Wessex Electricity Company referring to a wayleave agreement (2).
28. Letter and statement of refund of rates marked overpayment in respect of properties at 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17 and 18 Church Street, Lacock.
29. Letter from Simon Buxton regretting that the National Trust could not purchase No.2 Chapel Hill.
30. Letter from Simon Buxton thanking Richard Foley for a plan of Lacock showing the drainage.
31. Letters from Richard Foley to Simon Buxton regarding the sale of timber (2).
32. Letter from Richard Foley to Messrs Harding & Sons regarding removal of timber from Bewley Court and Lacock Abbey.
33. Letter from the County Planning Officer Wiltshire County Council to Matilda Talbot regarding the colour of post office telephone kiosks and questioning how it was that a grey and not a red kiosk was erected in Lacock.
34. Letter from Richard Foley to G N Haden & Sons referring them to the National Trust for payment of repairs to a boiler at Bewley Court (2).
35. Letters between Richard Foley and J Stoddart explaining the system by which the National Trust allocated houses to tenants.
36. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton advising Buxton about the actions of Milkman Slocombe, the tenant of 21 Church Street and prospective tenants of the property (8).
37. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton forwarding a letter from Mr Graham and an offer from J Tinsey to thatch properties in Lovers Walk (4).
38. Letter from Richard Foley to A Selman to add the sum of £18.5.0 for half year's rates when remitting the next quarter's rent for Inwood Cottage.
39. Letter from Ruth M Harrison to Richard Foley regarding the forming a committee to raise funds for the painting of Miss Talbot's portrait.
40. Letters between Richard Foley and Lloyds Bank regarding the purchase of National Savings Certificates (3).
41. Letters between Richard Foley and collector of taxes regarding employees' tax deduction cards and the employer's annual return form P35 (2).
42. Letters between Richard Foley and Wood & Awdry, solicitors, regarding the copying of the trust deed executed by Matilda Talbot when the Lacock Abbey was handed over to the National Trust (4).
43. Letter from Simon Buxton to Richard Foley regarding the schedule of Lacock cottages and the water supply to the abbey.
44. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding B Lewis, an assistant at Wiltshire's Stores, as a possible tenant for 8 West Street (2).
45. Letters between Simon Buxton and Richard Foley regarding the rental paid by the late Sir John Gladstone's for the access drive across Bewley Common to his property, the levy on holders of the leazes and listing the leaze owners as: the trustees of the late Sir John Gladstone 29 leazes; the vicar of Lacock 1 Leaze; and the owner of Bowden House 1 leaze. Also acknowledgements of correspondence (4).
46. Letters between Richard Foley and J S Sparey, sales superintendant of post office telephones, explaining that his letter and application regarding the positioning for the telephone kiosk had been forwarded to Simon Buxton as Matilda Talbot had conveyed her manorial rights to the National Trust. Also Simon Buxton's reply (3).
47. Letter from Dobell Shearman & Co Ltd regarding the Corona Typewriter. Richard Foley notes in pencil the estimated cost of an overhaul.
48. 2 copies of a license from Ministry of Works to carry out necessary repairs to 14 East Street.
49. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding payment of an account from G N Haden & Sons (2).
50. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding the boundary between 4 and 5 East Street, Miss Talbot's recommendation to let 1 Lovers Walk to Mrs S Smith (known as Gypsy Smith) whose caravan and life saving had been burnt, and a contribution towards the abbey rates (2).
51. Letter from Richard Foley to HM Inspector of Taxes regarding repayment of tax.
52. Letters from Richard Foley to National Bank of Scotland Dumfries regarding Miss M Talbot's account (3).
53. Letter from Simon Buxton to Richard Foley referring to the retirement of Mr Brinkworth and the butcher's business and transfer of tenancy.
54. Letter from Richard Foley to Royal Bank of Scotland regarding the legacy of Miss Mary Anne Ewart (2).
55. Letters trying to arrange a meeting between Simon Buxton, Richard Foley and Frank S Ingle to discuss Bewley Common beast leazes (3).
56. Letters between Richard Foley and Sothern Electricity Board querying the March quarterly account sent to Miss Talbot and meter readings for Mr Huxtable, Miss Crathorne and Mrs Burt. Also returning the account for Bewley Court advising that it should be sent to Mrs Worsley at her new address in Thorpe Thewles, County Durham (2).
57. Letter from Richard Foley to Messrs Bush & Hudson enclosing a cheque and complaining about the oak draining board supplied.
58. Letters between Richard Foley and E A Canneman and J Stapper, architects of Rijkbureau voor de Monumentenzorg S-Gravenhage, Holland regarding their visit to England in May 1948 to study English rural architecture; noting that Lacock belongs to the most important old villages of England, the gift of a map to scale 1/2500 and suggestions for the itinerary of their visit including an invitation to meet with Miss M Talbot (7).
59. Letter from Richard Foley to Royal Bank of Scotland informing them of the death of Matilda Talbot's sister Mary Gilchrist Clark on 17 Apr 1949 and the consequent effect regarding the estate of Miss Mary Anne Ewart.
60. Letters between Simon Buxton and Richard Foley informing him that the question of the beast leazes is to be put in the hands of a local solicitor with a hand written post script naming Messrs Wood & Awdry (3).
61. Letter from Richard Foley to the Interceptor Cleansing Services Ltd requesting a quote for cleaning the sewerage disposal system attached to his house.
62. Letters between J M Perrett, clerk to the Lacock Parish Council, and Richard Foley regarding a complaint about the dumping of rubbish on Bewley Common (2).
63. Letter from Richard Foley to Messrs Bush & Hudson to arrange a meeting at the Abbey.
64. Letter from Richard Foley to HM Inspector of Taxes regarding Matilda Talbot's income tax and maintenance claim, reference - Z6/T33 (9).
65. Letters between Richard Foley and Mrs Stoddart and Maurice Hamblin about possibility of properties to let (4).
66. Letter from Richard Foley to Simon Buxton referring to notes he made about the Common.
67. Letters between Richard Foley and the Metal Agencies Co Ltd about the repair to a measuring chain and a linen measuring tape (8).
68. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding the re-siting of electricity poles following a meeting with the wayleave officer of Southern Electricity Board (2).
69. Letter from Richard Foley to Mr Ball c/o R Moore regarding rent and repairs to a property in Raybridge.
70. Letter from Ernest Reeves to Richard Foley regarding about 1 acre of wood near "Silverlands" corner.
71. Voucher from Southern Electricity Board for rental payment.
72. Receipt from National Trust for letter dated 10 Jan 1950.
73. Correspondence concerning the water supply to the Abbey July 1948-September 1952 (54).
74. Letters between Richard Foley, Mr Harold White, E Peacock and Southern Electricity Board regarding consumption of electric current used by the Abbey tenants and during the period of the Fox Talbot Commemoration, together with hand written notes (7).
75. Letters between the Reverend John Frith and Richard Foley regarding the leaze (2).
76. Letter from Richard Foley to the Command Land Agent, Salisbury regarding 4 pillboxes, Manor Farm, Lacock, and referring him to the National Trust.
77. Letter between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding Mr and Mrs Walter Webb as possible tenants for a house in the High Street. Walter Webb is employed as a labourer on the abbey estate.
78. Letter from Richard Foley to Bush & Hudson referring to an account they have submitted dated 21 Mar 1950.
79. 18 April 1950 Notes regarding the duties of Mr Stevens and his wife and some of the difficulties experienced in carrying out theses duties. A recommendation is made for the employment of another person who should be responsible to "someone in authority" and "given a clearly defined area to look after".
80. Letter from Richard Foley to Messrs E Hill & Sons thanking them for the offer of gravel for his garden.
81. Letter from E Eplin, area clerk of the National Trust, to Richard Foley cancelling a meeting about Bewley Common due to the illness of Simon Buxton.
82. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton regarding the need to call in contractors to clear out the Abbey Septic Tank and effluent pipes and also the overflow from the elevated water tower as an emergency. Also he reported that the plot of land in the abbey garden occupied by Mr Watts and his son were in a disgraceful state (2).
83. Letter from Calne and Chippenham Rural District Council to Richard Foley arranging for the cesspool at Tower House to be emptied.
84. Letters between Richard Foley and Simon Buxton stating that the Watts' have made a start clearing their plot in the Abbey gardens, and regarding the possibility of Mervyn Banks renting the yard in Church Street in order to carry on the family's building business from his brother Walter and offering the flat in the yard to Walter Webb who works for Mervyn Banks. Together with arrangements for a meeting (4).
85. Letter from Richard Foley to Miss Crathorne apologising and explaining the clerical error made in the calculation of her electricity account
86. Letter from Richard Foley to Ernest Reeves following a complaint from Frank King about the numerous rabbits in Inwood. Mr Reeves is asked to deal with matter before a notice is served by the Wilts Agricultural Committee.
87. Letter from Richard Foley to Bathampton Coal Service regarding fuel allowance and deliveries to Miss Talbot at Lacock Abbey and the Honourable Mrs Parsons at Bowden Park.
88. Letter from Richard Foley to H M Inspector of Taxes, Stroud explaining that Miss Talbot's income returns are sent to H M Inspector of Taxes at Chippenham.
89. Letter from Richard Foley to Messrs Harding & Sons regarding timber work in Inwood and at Bowden Park (2).
90. Letters between Richard Foley and Joseph Mullard requesting information about accommodation near Lacock Abbey (2).
91. Letter from Richard Foley to F T Bushroyd, Southern Electricity regarding the supply and metering of electricity to the abbey and flats.
92. Letters between Richard Foley and Elizabeth Jackson, Strode Farm House, following a discussion about a blocked drain on Mr Doel's farm. He recalled an arrangement between previous owners of the properties Mr Giles and General Palmer when the drain was blocked and outlined the advantages of repairing the present drain (2).
93. Letters between Richard Foley and Messrs Wansbroughs, Robinson, Taylor & Taylor, solicitors, regarding the shared water supply for Lower Lodge, Bowden Hill and Mr Doel's farm (11).
94. Letter from G M Foxwell, clerk to the Lacock Parish Council, to Matilda Talbot regarding the provision of a footbridge over the stream at the bottom of Cantax Hill.
95. Notice of increase of rent and letter of explanation to Mr Moore in respect of his house at Reybridge, Lacock.
96. Correspondence enquiring about property to rent (7).
97. Letters between Richard Foley and the Ministry of Fuel and Power regarding fuel consumption (3).
98. Letter from the manager of Lloyds Bank Limited regarding proposed sale of National War Bonds 1951-53.
99. Letters between Richard Foley and Post Office Telephones, Bristol (7).
100. Letters between Richard Foley, Bathampton Coal Service and Road Transport & General Insurance Company Limited regarding a claim for damage to the gates and post at Tower House (5).
101. Letter to Bathampton Coal Service ordering coke and questioning the need to apply for a renewal of the license.
102. Letter from Matilda Talbot to Richard Foley enclosing the GPO Warrant for £500 and explaining disposal of funds to her sister, Mrs Grace Hay, and her niece and eldest godchild, Eileen Stewart.
103. Letter from Matilda Talbot to Richard Foley requesting that he arrange for £25 to be made available to Mr and Mrs Crees for their holiday.
104. Letter from Richard Foley to the manager, Southern Electricity Board, regarding cost of an electrical installation at the house of Mr and Mrs Wootten at Reybridge.
105. Letter from Richard Foley to Concrete Paint Company requesting suitability of their product on an old house.
106. Letter from Richard Foley to the National Trust estate office regarding an account received by Miss Talbot.
107. Letter to Captain Spicer, Spye Park, granting permission for him to take a cygnet from Inwood Water.
108. Letters between Foley and J R Eve, surveyors and valuers, regarding the claim for loss of development value at Inwood Gravel Pit (24).
109. Letter from Richard Foley to the English Forestry Association ordering 400 Sitke Spruce for Inwood.
110. Letter from the Forestry Commission arranging an inspection of trees following an application for a felling license.
111. County Court Statement concerning the bankruptcy of George Mariner Champion of Mill Farm, Lacock.
112. Copy of agreement to be signed by all holders of the key to the door between the churchyard and Lacock Abbey (3).
113. Letter from Lloyds Bank Limited outlining changes on statements of account.
114. Letter from Simon Buxton to Richard Foley regarding housing site (2).
115. Letters between Colonel D Burnett Brown and Richard Foley regarding the lease of the Abbey (13).
116. Letters between Rev J Frith and Richard Foley regarding the insurance of the Chancel and the Talbot Chapel (2).
117. 2 fragments of a letter to Richard Foley from the resident of Axford Patch Lacock.
118. Correspondence between Richard Foley and A Selman and E Hill & Sons regarding Inwood Cottage and Inwood from December 1946 to April 1957 (112).
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