TitleLetters to Charles Henry Talbot.
Description1. Undated list of cottage rents collected for May.
2. 25 Sep 1901 Letter from G H Palmer of Lackham saying he is willing to pay more rent when various work has been carried out.
3. 3 Oct 1901 Letter from Arthur Schomberg saying he will let Charles have the illustrations as soon as they are printed before they are issued to the subscribers. So far Mr Schomberg has not received any proof.
4. 12 Oct 1901 Letter from W J Pocock, New Farm, Corsham, replying to Charles' letter saying he could give up the cottage at once if necessary, Chamberlain is leaving it tonight and he has had it at the same rent as he is charged for it. Discusses labourers and farm work.
5. 17 Oct 1901 Letter from Harold Brakspear about Reybridge Cottage: he has had the work priced out and it comes to £220. Banks has agreed to do the work for this. Also a copy letter to Mr Palmer about the work to be carried out at the cottage: notifying Mr Palmer of a rent increase.
6. 21 Oct 1901 Letter from G Palmer apologising for not replying to his letter.
7. 22 Oct 1901 Letter from G Palmer saying at present he does not think he will commence the alterations and if it is acceptable the work can begin the following spring
8. Undated letter from Mr Shadwell about the renting of Reybridge Cottage to Mr Palmer and the rent price; Mr Palmer had stated that he would like the matter of the letting to be directly with Charles, without the intervention of Mr Awdry.
9. 27 Oct 1901 Letter from Harold Brakspear thanking Charles for his note with information about the finds at Mr Palmer's houses. Talks about the committee meeting at Devizes and what can be done to buy the premises next to the museum which he thinks have been offered to the Society previously. Discusses some diggings he is going to see and that there is a large modern barn on the site but that they might be able to dig inside. He says he is doing some work to the large Queen Ann house next to St Marys Church at Devizes and would like Charles to see it before it is touched as it is very interesting.
10. Receipts for iron fire grates bought from Gardiner & Sons (2).
11. 31 Oct 1901 Letter from Thomas Holloway saying that Mr Shadwell is shortly leaving Lackham and that he will be applying for the agency. His application says that he has spent the last 20 years acting as agent for the Pewsham Forest Estate and he has carried out various works and improvements. He feels Mrs Lysley would speak well of him. He has carried out various works for Mr Talbot at Lacock Abbey who would have a good opinion of him.
12. 11 Nov 1901 Letter from Lewin Spackman of the Corsham Water Works Company Ltd in response to a letter from Charles. They say that some soil be placed over the pipe at Reybridge where it is not laid at its proper depth. The contractors should do this and the cost would be slight.
13. 28 Nov 1901 Letter from J H & H Blake Ltd, brewers, maltsters and millers, Trowbridge, apologising and saying it was an oversight on his part in the last quote that he said 1895 and it should have been 1875 Public Health Act.
14. 21 Dec 1901 Letter from P Delme Awdry to say he was very sorry that Frederick Croker had not left Naish Hill but that it was not his fault. He had been acting very carefully on behalf of Charles and had hoped that Mr Croker would leave and that the Croker trustees would make sure the rent was paid as it was due. Gives an explanation of the events and who said they would do whatever should be done. Claims that Mr Shadwell should have insisted that Mr Croker have left the property before he actually took it over.
15. 28 Dec 1901 Letter from P Delme Awdry to say that Mr Wells has pointed out his lease on the house he rents expires the following September; asks if Charles would be willing to continue to let it to him. He says that over the last four years he has spent more than £100 in improvements on the house, stables and garden.
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