TitleCorrespondence relating to Fisherton Anger.
DescriptionEnvelope 1: Correspondence relating to the advowson and tithes of Fisherton Anger:
1. 13 Oct 1785 Letter from Mrs Davenport, Lacock Abbey to Miss Fishlake who is disputing the next presentation to the living of Fisherton, although the living had been purchased by John Talbot from Mr Atkinson who himself bought it from Mr Fishlake (2).
2. 15 Oct 1785 Letter from W Boucher to Mr Goldney: Mrs Fishlake is claiming the right of presentation under a marriage settlement. Her lawyer, Mr Chubb, is seeking legal opinion.
3. 5 Jan 1786 Letter from Goldney to Mrs Davenport: need to make a presentation promptly.
4. 21 Oct 1785 Letter from Elizabeth Fishlake: the living was settled on her mother and her children for ever; the distress hastened the end of her brother; she and her sisters could not understand how the living could have been sold. Agrees with Mrs Davenport to settle without going to law.
5. 24 Nov Letter from Anna Fishlake, reiterating the position that her father could not sell the advowson without consent of her brother, who was not then of age and in the East Indies.
6. Undated draft letter to Mr Awdry seeking his opinion on the dispute.
7. 7 Jan 1786 Draft letter to Mr Goldney concerning details of nephew Edward Davenport.
8. 13 Jan 1786 Letter from Gabriel Goldney suggesting he sends an abstract of Mr Morris' opinion to Miss Fishlake.
9. Jan 1786 Letter from Awdry: legal opinion is in Mrs Davenport's favour.
10. 11 Jan 1786 Letter giving Mr Morris's opinion which is "clear and decisive". He will draw up the presentation immediately.
11. 14 Jan Draft letter to Miss Fishlake sending Mr Morris' opinion.
12. 31 Jan 1786 Letter from A Fishlake: Mrs Davenport's rights justly obtained; suggests that either Mrs Davenport purchases the fee simple from them or they buy the estate for the original price of £330. She also includes a recipe for rheumatism.
13. 25 Feb 1786 Letter from Gabriel Goldney: Mr Boucher suggests Mr Morris' opinion be sent to the bishop.
14. Three letters: 4 Mar 1786 from Gabriel Goldney forwarding a letter from Mr Boucher; 28 Feb 1786 from W Boucher, he has sent a copy of the opinion to the trustees; note from unknown questioning certain aspects of the legal opinion.
15. 25 Jul 1786 Opinion of G Hill with a note by Stokes.
16. History of the advowson since 1683, being the case for Mr Morris' opinion.
17. 6 Apr 1786 Letter to Mrs Davenport from her nephew Edward Davenport: the Bishop of Salisbury has sent down a Commission to give him the Institution to Fisherton, he will visit her at Lacock en route to Salisbury.
18. 5 May 1786 Draft letter: Mrs Matthews will pass what information she has on the living at Fisherton in her husband's time.
19. 11 May 1786 Letter from Edward Davenport: he expects Mrs Matthews to leave the house in a state ready for his curate, Mr Bumsted.
20. List of various papers.
21. 2 Aug 1790 Letter from W Boucher to Miss Davenport; considers the insinuation of Dr Johnstone of any wilful delay on his part as illiberal as unjust.
22. 1758 List of Rents due Michaelmas to Christmas (with notes)
23. Unsigned, undated draft letter summarising the position of the living at Fisherton Anger.
24. Invoice and Receipt for Land and Window Taxes for 1785.
25. List of items left at the Parsonage House at Fisherton
26. Undated extracts from various letters.

Envelope 2: correspondence about the parish of Fisherton Anger:
1. 26 Feb 1745 Opinion of F Capper, attorney, about the Advowson in perpetuity, with a note by Thomas Warde that Mr Capper is a good lawyer.
2. 26 Feb 1745 Letter from Mr Biscoe to Reverend Atkinson, Newport, Isle of Wight with his opinion regarding the purchase of advowson.
3. Note from Richard Fishlake listing the rents and profits and tithes of the parsonage of Fisherton Anger.
4. 9 Oct 1753 Letter from Richard Fishlake giving a copy of an agreement between himself and Mr Safe, drawn up 1 Nov 1751 by Mr Stillingfeet. Includes lists of yearly rents and monies received 1748 and 1749.
5. Abstract of the title of the Reverend Mr William Atkinson to the advowson and right of patronage of the rectory or parsonage of Fisherton Anger.
6. 21 Aug 1754 Opinion by R Wilbraham, Lincoln's Inn of the title to the advowson of Fisherton Anger.
7. 7 Oct 1754 Opinion by D Poole considering the opinion of Mr Wilbraham.
8. 29 Jan 1760 Letter from Henry Dench to John Talbot seeking agreement for the land in the common fields of Fisherton to be obtained for enclosure.
9. 18 Feb Letter from Henry Dench to John Talbot on enclosing land in Fisherton.
10. Letter from Davy Pocock to John Talbot: impossibility of identifying field boundaries
11. Case and query on behalf of William Atkinson (incomplete).

Letters to and from Reverend Atkinson and associated letters:
1. 10 Feb 1745 Letter from James Brown Alexander advising a perpetual advowson in Hampshire for disposal.
2. 20 Feb 1745 Letter from E Biscoe referring to payment for the Peterborough wagon. Also advises on the purchase of an advowson and simony.
3. 11 Jan 1746 Unsigned letter from Newport: his living was £70 per year and he must forget about an exchange. On reverse, in a different hand, discussing purchase of an advowson and whether a resignation can be safely done.
4. 9 Feb 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake to the Reverend Doctor Troughear seeking advice on the selling of the advowson to Mr Atkinson.
5. 11 Feb from Richard Fishlake: the rectory of Fisherton was bequeathed to him by his father.
6. 13 Feb 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake concerning the purchase of the perpetual living. He mentions a bond to Mr Talman for £200 mortgage and a receipt for the money.
7. 18 Feb 1746 Signed agreement for the purchase of the perpetual advowson of Fisherton by Thomas Troughear from Richard Fishlake for £300.
8. 27 Feb 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake: Mr Birt has given his opinion and wishes to see certain documentation.
9. 15 Mar 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake saying he had acted in ignorance suggesting he could surrender the rectory of Fisherton.
10. 16 Mar 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake: his sister was their father's executrix.
11. 14 Mar 1745 Letter from William Boucher to Mr Fishlake: he had been unsuccessful in getting Mr Talman to execute the instrument; it would have eased things if Mr Fishlake had forewarned him.
12. 20 Aug 1745 Letter from Richard Fishlake to Benjamin Collins in answer to an advertisement for a living in the south of Wiltshire, offering that at Fisherton. Pencilled comments on the reverse regarding the need for a resignation and whether the bishop can refuse it.
13. 10 Jun 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake: he will let the house to Reverend Atkinson as long as he wants as he, Richard Fishlake, has a living at Fisherton.
14. 28 Jul 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake concerning his residence.
15. 14 Oct 1746 Letter from Richard Fishlake saying he will send an account of the profits of Fisherton Anger and asking for it to be settled by way of John Bungey, his attorney. Also asking for the reimbursement of the half year's payment for the parsonage house, enclosing a receipt for the same.
16. 22 Dec 1746 Letter from John Gregory asking for deferment of payment of principal and interest.
17. Scrap of a letter, no date, no signature regarding Mr Fishlake, "an odd mortal on whom there is very little Dependance" and the disposal of the living [of Fisherton Anger].
18. 11 Mar 1748 Letter from John Jones, rector of Uppingham, Rutland, asking many questions about the living of Fisherton Anger as the advertisement for its sale gave insufficient information. Indicates he would like it for his son.
19. 11 Nov 1752 Letter from Richard Fishlake to John Bungey asking him to collect various amounts due to him from different people.
20. 9 Nov 1753 Letter from Thomas Edwards to Reverend Mr Atkinson advising Mr Fishlake is to resign immediately due to him having "but a few Days to live". Need to dispose of the premises quickly as in need of repair. Thomas Edwards had previously served the curacy and offers to continue until the vacancy is filled.
21. 29 Dec 1753 Letter from J Jefferson advising the death of Mr Fishlake. Also reference to Oxford University.
22. Bill for legal matters paid 1747.
23. 22 Mar 1754 Letter from J Jefferson in which he states that Mrs Baker had told him that Mr Fishlake had settled the advowson to his wife and their issue as part of their marriage settlement, so he had no right to sell it. Also, a draft response debating the issue and asking Mr Jefferson to obtain an extract from the settlement.
24. 1 Apr 1754 Letter from J Jefferson enclosing a note from Mrs Baker saying that she no longer had the settlement. Mr Jefferson does not think Mr Atkinson will have trouble on this matter, but his heirs may have problems with the title.
25. 1 Jun 1754 Letter from Robert Clarke: impossible to clarify the position of Fisherton; dependent on whether marriage settlement was made before or after the marriage.
26. Undated bill for law business.
27. Extracts of various wills: 1683 conveyance of the advowson of Fisherton Anger between Charles Raymond of Puck Shipton, Beechingstoke, Wiltshire and John Fishlake senior, of Salisbury; 1698 John Fishlake of Fisherton Anger, son and heir of John Fishlake, sells the advowson to Winifred Dermett, widow, of The Close of Sarum for 500 years by mortgage; 1720 will of John Fishlake the son gives to his son, Richard, the perpetual advowson of Fisherton Anger; 1745 Richard Fishlake sold the advowson to Thomas Troughear of Northwood, Isle of Wight for £330.

Letters to Mrs Davenport, variously referred to as aunt and cousin:
1. 5 Oct 1785 Letter from Edward Davenport accepting the offer of the presentation to the living of Fisherton.
2. 17 Jan 1786 Letter from Ann Fishlake: she cannot reply until she has sought others' opinion.
3. 22 Dec 1786 Letter from Edward Davenport: recently lost a daughter, but wife has given birth to a daughter. John Montague proposes an exchange of the living of Coulston, near Lacock, for the living of Fisherton as he wants to live in the parsonage house near to his relatives in Hampshire. Mrs Davenport's intention to annex the two livings would prevent this during their lives. Draft response indicates she cannot agree to the exchange.
4. 13 Jul 1790 Letter to William Davenport Talbot forwarding the presentation to the rectory of Fisherton Anger for execution and a copy of the bond for Mr Johnstone for his approval.
5. 25 Jul 1790 Letter from J Johnstone thanking Mrs Davenport for presenting the living of Fisherton to his son and advises the Bishop of Salisbury will need to sight the Power of Attorney under which she acts. He adds that Mr Boucher appears to be slow in completing this business. An answer to the bishop is included.
6. 3 Aug 1790 Letter from the Bishop of Salisbury requesting proof of Mrs Davenport's authority regarding the presentation of the rectory of Fisherton to Mr Johnston.
7. 25 Aug 1790 Letter from Edward Davenport discussing the livings following his death.
8. 10 Sep 1790 Letter from W Boucher: he agrees to draw up a bond to ensure the two livings are held by the same person but, for simplicity, suggests the conditions take place on the death of Dr Popham only.
9. 11 Sep 1790 Letter from W Boucher enclosing a draft of a bond for Mr Johnstone to execute. Also questions the resignation taking place on death of Mr Davenport, departing from the spirit of the determinate of the House of Lords.
10. 2 Oct 1790 Letter from Edward Davenport returning a draft of the bond sent to Mr Johnstone. He has had gout.
11. 30 Mar 1790 Letter from Johnstone seeking re-presentation to Fisherton following expectation of presentation of another small living, whose induction would make Fisherton void.
12. 20 Apr 1790 Letter from Edward Davenport: he has sent some lampreys which need to be eaten quickly due to the weather. He was instituted to the vicarage of Worfield, so the rectory of Fisherton became void. Wishes to present Mr Johnston, son of Dr Johnston for the living.
13. 2 Aug 1790 Letter from Thomas Crane Johnstone expressing thanks for presenting him to the rectory of Fisherton Anger.
14. 23 Oct 1790 Letter from Edward Davenport, aged 36 and suffering from gout. Asks for Mr Boucher to forward the bond.
15. 16 Dec 1790 Letter from Edward Davenport asking the position of the bond for Mr Johnston to sign.
16. 5 Apr 1791 Letter from Edward Davenport expressing the thanks of Dr Johnstone. "His Lordship at Sarum is rather difficult to deal with". Also mentions his cousin moving to Canada from the Rock.
17. 23 Oct 1791 Letters from a) Edward Davenport expressing gratitude for presenting Thomas Crane Johnstone a second time; and b) similar one from Thomas Crane Johnstone.
18. 21 Sep 1791 Letter from W Boucher concerning the presentation to the rectory of Fisherton.
19. 13 Aug 1792 Letter from Edward Davenport. Mentions Talbot's ill health and wishes he (Talbot) would leave the army. Gives an estimate of the value of the vicarage, possibly at Lacock.
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