TitleLetter book containing correspondence to the estate manager of Lacock, Mr Foley, concerning estate business.
DescriptionContains letters from:

H G Salter, Orchard & Co: looking for an allowance for a lime tre that had iron and nails in it
G Halliday: looking to rent a house; dispute over allotment
Huntington & Leaf: death duties, estate and succession duties; questions due to Dr Taylor selling Wraycroft, occupied by Mr Latham; sale of New Farm; Wick Farm
Frances Awdry: needs new pipe chimney in garden room
E C Hunt: roof and sitting room chimney needs repair
Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited
Henry Hill: rent, front wall falling inwards due to so much wet
E Wheeler: lavatory bucket is leaking
Matilda Talbot: W Fortune to have a pay rise and the tenants to have a gift of firewood; on register to vote; birth certificates of two Belgian children born at Lacock; reduce total acreage of estate; her MBE and others received at Cranwell, her increase in pay; donation to Lacock Band of Hope: thoughts of a tea for tenants to celebrate Victory, but postponed as it may spread influenza; her demobilisation; her health issues; Mr Pocock buying New Farm; housing for Joe Pullen, Ted Pullen, Charles Fortune, possible build of a pair of cottages on Whitecross site at old turnpike and repair of 11 houses; sale of Naish Hill Farm and effect of change of ownership of Lackham; concrete homes and mention of Mrs Gerrish, Beatrice Baker, Mrs Lionel Bird; raising entrance fee for the Cloisters
Frederick Banks: various work required on cottages; gravel from the quarry; tracing route of rats, mention of Mrs More, J Flowers, T Smart; T Kettles' low income possibly gives entitlement for out-reliaf
Frederick Croker: Blanchard House; Mrs Self
Katherine Estcourt: rain ingress following storm; house repairs; Lackham panelling
Frank Banks: apologies
J Wheeler: needs to give up allotment as son called away in the Army
J Goodwin, Bowden Estate Office: enclosing cheque for tithes and discusses Bowden Common hedge; damage caused by cattle
Virginia and Alfons Pardon: asking for certificate of Frankie's (François) birth, so can go to Belgium
Mrs Fred Hunt: lavatory bucket has large holes in it; ceiling and wall fallen down
F Baines, Corsham Water Works Company Limited: water pressure and difficulty getting plumbers
M E Gilchrist Clark: finances; visiting the Abbey with daughter Mary
Louis Anthonissen: a Belgian soldier, requesting birth certificate for his son, Albert, whose mother is Virginia Adams
Adamson & Blacklock: enclosing cheque from Miss Gilchrist Clark, so discharging Bond
A H Lapham, Chippenham Rural District Council: water flooding down path from Cantax Hill towards Arnold's Mill; possibility feet of iron railings driven into underlying drain
W Spackman: rent
E Jones: rent
A D Hamilton: a doctor, lodging in Lacock, wanting to have a telephone installed
W J & D Awdry:births of Belgian children
Andrew Boa, Wilts County Council: Naish Hill Farm
Mary Murray: wishes to take over tenancy of her aunt's house; her husband very ill
E Mortimer: wants a house for her brother Joseph Pullen
E H Mason: 1918 audit of the estate
Lady R Shippard: requests a meeting
Grace Hay: update on Miss Talbot's health
Lilian H Miller: intends to provide teas for visitors, needs Mrs Coleman to remove her things from the scullery
R C Binney: rent
Charles J Butler: decorating house
Charles Wiltshire: roof repairs; state of hedge at Bowden Hill Common; broken gate near the Bell Inn - done with violence by some boys - Mrs Gregory at the Wharf mentioned.
Board of Trade: ash trees; claim for damage by N A Hartford
Mabel Granville: rent, and whitewash needed to cover the marks from when the fleas were "routed out"
Chippenham Rural District Council: new cottages required in Lacock for the working class, wishes to buy land, on Corsham road, for this purpose from Miss Talbot; coal and coke entitlement
The People's Refreshment House Association Ltd: provision of meals at the Red Lion; use of the field attached to the house, previously used for cricket; financial position of Red Lion
National Bank of Scotland Ltd: receipt
Bath Electric Tramways Ltd: Miss Talbot agreed to passengers in their cars to tour the Abbey
A H Whilting, Henry L Risely & Sons: insurance for wearing apparel to Brussels
C Sherley Smith, Office of the Housing Commisioner: new houses
Smith & Marshall: value of land of Notton and Lacock estates required by the Council; sale of any of the Notton estate complicated as Major Awdry is missing
W H Burt: the Red House
The Standard Building Construction Company Limites: house building
Tilley, Parry & Culverwell:
Special Commissioners of income Tax: super-tax
Harold Brakspear: north side cloister
Edgar H Blanchard: cottage has damp, so would like to apply for a new house
Adam Thring Sheldon & Co: Red House
Henry Fennell: pump needs repair; tenancy for his son
Mrs Gough: rent
E H Mason: Abbey accounts
Commissioner of Taxes: Richard Foley appointed Collector of taxes
Post Office Engineer: payment of wayleave
Marion [William] Cooper: George Chivers, the Hermitage
W Courrish: wishes to buy piece of land between his house and Mr bath
John E Gladstone: cattle on the Common
J Smithies: building work
A W Doel: cattle from the Common in his fields
H J Hands: Mr Beer has use of one room at cottage at Cantax Hill
Orchard & Co: damage to gate when removing tree
George Webb: damage to his garden by cow
H D(an) Webb: damage to his garden by cow
E Hankey: rent
K Stevens: rent, mentioning John Hall, Jack Gregory
A V Willson: water rent
Union Bank of England Limited: asking who owns house occupied by Edward Brinkworth
Lucy Elmes: papering walls and ceiling; Mr Jenkins charges too much for wall paper
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