TitleLetter book containing correspondence to and from the estate manager of Lacock, Mr Foley, concerning estate business.

1926 Outbreak of typhoid fever at Wick Farm, traced back to the cheesemaker, Miss Mattick, and resulted in the up-dating of the drainage system.
1927 Letter 432 to Wooton Leaf and Pitcairn about the Magna Carta copy, and furniture and so on at the abbey from the point of view of insurance.
26 Jan and 10 Feb 1928 Letters 446 and 452 to Mr Hurcombe of Piccadilly regarding furniture to be sold at auction.

Adamson & Blacklock: payment of interest on loan secured on Lacock Estate
Albert E Akerman: Nethermore Farm
W A Annett: plot of building land for Mrs Bristowe
Mark Austin: rent arrears
The Automobile association: warning sign at Bowden Hill
Rev Vere Awdry: house lately occupied by Miss Awdry
Miss Banks: Miss Talbot wishes to take over the leaze on the Commons
Frank Banks: would he give up field in Wick Lane; housing for Mr & Mrs Walker, Halliday and Russell Banks
Russell Banks: payment of rent
Walter Banks: repairs to tenants' houses, by name
E Bath: to remove fowl coops and poultry from Bewley Common
A Beer: hedge cutting, rent for the George Inn; rent for premises in Cantax Hill
W Beer: payment of rent
W E Beint & Sons: timber
C H Bethannley: admission charges to the Abbey
Bigwood & Co: tithe charge on new houses; drain clearance needed following flooding at Mrs Margaret Hunt's cottage
R C Binney: lease of Cantax House; trespass by E Edwards' fowls
E H Blanchard: overdue rent; Mr Jefferies, the bootmaker, to take over Whitecross Cottage, with Mrs Maidment as a lodger
W Borrow: damaged wall at Cantax House
W J Bowsher: sale of land near Halt Farm
Mr Brakspear: does he have knowledge of the history of the Red Lion
F G Brice: Nethermore Farm
E J Brooks & Son: tithe payable from Awdry estate
Captain Burt: The Red House
C J Butler: payment of rates
W Chandler: rent arrears
Miss Chester: wishes to buy land to build house, but thwarted by problem with Indian banking
Alfred Chivers: tenancy of field known as "Hare House Ground"
Percy Chivers tenancy of 2 fields; land clearance; rent Nethermore Farm
H Cleverly: submit a bid for land known as "Doctors"
Mrs Clifford: Mr Ring to install new portable range
C E Cole; design of new house
Fred Cole: to move into cottage recently occupied by his brother Henry
Frederick J Cole: tenancy agreement
Collector of Customs and Tax: compensation levy for the Red Lion
Major Coffin: legality of selling or erecting hedges etc on any part of Bewley Common, that sold for the Bowden Hill churchyard was effected under special Acts of Parliament; offer of leazes, but cannot obstruct the old highway, commonly called Stoggy Lane
Commercial Union Assurance Co: loss following the fire at the 2 cottages; dispute as to who should pay the Fire Brigade costs; unable to pay for complete insurance of all buldings due to Death Duties etc
J L Crathorne: availabilty of a house/building land
F Crew: cost of erection of a piggery
F Croker: timber, especially not cleared in a timely manner from fields
A W Doel: shrub planting; encroachment onto the Common; letting of garden below his farm to Mr Harnes; leazes; no horses on the Common
R C Donner: bracken
Edwards and Armstrong: agreement with West Wilts Light & Power Co
John Edwards: water pipe to Abbey's stable yard, and at Mr Horwood's, Mr Newman's; repairs at George Gerrish's and F Jones
Frank Elmes: vacate cottage in Wick Lane
Miss Estcourt: installation of electric light
A T Farthing: tithe rent charge
Mr Fennell: future tenancy of house lately occupied by J T Smart- names mentioned Mrs Jessie Baker, Arthur Marles, his daughter Mrs Parsons, Mr wootten, Mr Pegler's son
Harry Ferris: roadway used jointly with Mr Hughes
John Ferris: death of S King, Mr bigwood of melksham to build 12 houses at foot of Bowden Hill
Henry Flower: tenancy agreement;
English Forestry Association: purchase 900 larch
Fox & Sons: building land; Lacock Abbey and village are not for sale
Mrs Fry: tenancy of the house lately occupied by Miss Awdry
Reuben George: admission charge to the Abbey
Mr Gladstone: bad condition of the old plan; erection of an AA sign;
W Glen: contribution for a new boiler
Mr Gott: approval to use Miss Awdry's garden room for parish purposes
Gowan & Stevens: new boiler for gardens; remove water from pipes due to shortage of fuel
Great Western Railway: Impropriate tithe payment
Mr Guley: rent from Coles; cottage lately occupied by Henry Cole
W T G Guley: indoor sanitary system; over-assessed for rates
F Haines: tithe due; ditch clearance needed
F A Hake: rent arrears due from Mark Austin
Thos R Hall-Watson: building plots: reason for affluent not soaking away
S Halliday: cultivation of garden
Dr Hamilton: application for Church Place
Miss Harding given permission to take girls from the Girls' House to Inwood
H J Harding; timber
H S Harrold: leazes to let
John Hatton: visit by the Quator Coronati party
C H Heathcote: possiblility he knew Foley's father, interested in a house in Lacock
A Hicks: rent arrears; can only move to Church Street if pay rent arrears
Mr Hill: improvements to The School House
Mrs Horwood: tenancy of the Bakehouse
A Hughes: Nethermore Farm; land let to Mr Ferris in order to get waste land back into cultivation; relinquishing of Nethermore Farm
Harold Hunt: offer of 2 fields to rent
Harry Hunt: offered his house to buy
Huntington & Leaf: sale of land to Miss Chester, which fell through ; payment of 6th instalment of Estate Duties & Succession Duty; whether Miss Talbot can call herself "The Lady of the Manor"
W E Hurcombe: auction of furniture
A V Hyde: the Red Lion Inn
Inspector of Taxes: maintenance claim for Matilda Talbot; request for deferment of taxes due to payment of heavy Death Duties
Col Jackson: insurance of the Chancel and Lady Chapel of St Cyrias Church, Lacock; drainage problem; his dispute with W Self
Mr Jefferies: to remove fowl coops and poultry from Bewley Common
R J Jefferies: no house for rent
F G Jones: repairs to cottages occupied by J Vines, C J Butler, F Bird, Mr Edmonds, W Self, Lady Shippard; Wick Farm drainage; repair to closet in C E Cole's house, where there has been an outbreak of fever
Keary, Stokes & White: whether Miss Talbot can call herself "The Lady of the Manor"; E bath's refusal to remove fowl run from Bewley Common
S King: Mr Oram to have temporary use of his garden
Lacock Parish Council: the allotments
Lacock Parochial Church Council: insurance of the Chancel and Lady Chapel
Mr Latham: Miss Talbot wishes to take over the leaze on the Commons
E H J Latham: work required on his late brother's house and shop
H Ledbury: payment of tithe
Lloyds Bank; asking them not to pay rent for the space they occupy in Mark Austin's house; seeking advice for Miss Talbot obtaining funds whilst abroad
Mrs Lock; tithe payment
The Lowden Syndicate Ltd: agricultural pipes
Mrs Maidment: application for house
Arthur Marles: tenancy agreement
Mr Marti: giving Melksham Boy Scouts permission to collect moss in Inwood
Leslie Martin: allotment rent
T Martin: allotment rent
Mrs Miles: rent
Albert Miles: notice to quit, with new tenant being Richard Jones, with George Gerrish taking Mr Jones' house
Minimax Ltd: purchase of fire extinguishers
W C Minty: overdue rent, hedging and ditching; relinquishing of arable land to be taken over by G Guley
Mrs Murray: installation of electric light
Mr Newman: scouring ditch and cutting brambles; Mrs Hicks would like house in Church Street; stone from Gastard quarry; Mrs Spackman's sister, Mrs H Collett
Norfolk & Price: building land; reason why cannot let his man, Parsons, have the late Mrs Spackman's house - it to be occupied by Mrs Selman, nee Humphries
Osborne & Sons: repair of tomb
Mr Parker Pearson: to provide and independant valuation; drainage at Mrs Bristow's and Col. Jackson's; to measure the land required by Frank Banks to improve access to his house
People's Refreshment House Association: compensation levy deducted from rent of Red Lion; windows; electric light
Gilbert E Peto: building plots for sale
W Pike: tree guards
Mr Pocock; repairs to thatched cottages occupied by Joseph Stevens, E Sparks, Mrs Margaret Hunt, John Chivers, H D Webb
C H Pritchard: visit to the Abbey
Public Records Office: manorial records
The Red Lion: removal of bath
Mr Rhodes: cess-pool at Lacock Brewery; house at Cantax Hill; drainage near F Jones' workshops
J S Ring: re-bending of tree guards
The Roadstone Supply Co: coarse gravel
Mr Rose: damage to gate by horses
C Rutley: rent
J Self: tenancy agreement
W Self: Miss Talbot wishes to take over the leaze on the Commons; offer of land called "Hudd's Ground" and allotment land; his dispute with Col Jackson
T Selman: intentions on cottage rented by his father, Michael Selman; Miss Talbot gave £5 to defray funeral expenses of his father
Michael Selman: he will now rent directly from Miss Talbot
T G Selman: mason for the Estate; would he give up field in Wick Lane
William Shaw: advice for water supply to extinguish fires
Lady Shippard: cutting of hedge between her and Captain Burt's garden
Mr Slade: to remove his donkey from the Common
M E Slade: charge for taking photographs
Mr Southey: Mrs May, Bewley Cresecnt, a candidate for a house in the High Street
E W Sparkes: tenancy agreement
W Staddon: sale of walnut tree and other timber
Rev C M Steednam: reference for W. Sparke, prospective tenant
Mrs Stewart: move to Court Hill, Potterne
Rev E H stewart: Mrs Gilchrist-Clarks' Marriage Settlement
John Stratton junr: would he reliquish arable land known as "Doctors"?
Miss M Stratton: giving her authority to take a party of Beanacre Church Choir to Inwood to pick primroses
Sylvester & Mackett: tithes payable by W C Minty
Miss Talbot: many estate matters including difficulty paying death duties, names mentioned are Feltham, Croker, Mrs Fortune; 2 old cottages at top Cantax Hill burnt down due to a fire in Mrs Chamberlain's chimney, occupants temporarily housed, other names mentiond are Bird, W Minty, Mr Hatton, Fortune, Mrs Clark, Mrs Selman, Mrs Hill, Foley retiring from PCC; Halliday family re-housed at Bowden Hill, Chamberlain family to be re-housed in Jones's yard, killing rabbits at Nethermore, burglars at Lackham were caught, Lord & Lady Glanely en route for Madeira - he has not fully recovered from influenza; discussion as to whether to let Nethermore Farm to Mr Hughes, encroachment by Doel of Bowden farm onto the Common, Aaron Watson publishing a series of articles on Lacock in the Wiltshire Gazette; domestic arrangements Latham/Saunders/Bath's daughter; Foley is Chairman of the PCC, the abbey appeared in "Country Life"; William Reeves wishes to take cottage at Inwood; another burglary at Lackham House; death of young Mrs Horton; 4 local fire brigades to practice at the Abbey, Choral Society won in their section at Devizes; W Minty "is in very low water", Leslie Brinkworth very ill; plan to scour the Avon from Chippenham to Melksham, Foley contemplating buying a Rover car; tenants Mr King and Oram, who married Mrs Fred Hunt, at Bowden Hill cottages, Lacock Brewery and Mr Watson's house sold by auction; Mr Bowsher to buy land in Corsham Road; Major Coffin extremely upset about proposed route of drain over his land; erection of wireless aerials; storage of Mr Stewart's furniture at the Abbey; accomodating lodgers of E Blanchard, recently occupied by Mrs Webb, nee Alice Hudd; proposed sale of "Doctors"; Mrs Beamish, sale of land to E Fear; work on roof of Mark Austin's house; payment of the final instalment of Death Duties; heavy expense on Abbey roof, work needed on George Chamberlain's roof; Mrs Wheeler's (deceased) tenant, William Wheler, wishes become the tenent and rent out room to Mr & Mrs Porter; duties of Fred Bird and his son, plot of land for Miss Bessie Hunt; G Guley has typhoid fever, the carrier was the cheesemaker, Miss Mattick; gift of 2 cwt of coal to poorer tenants, Joseph Stevens and G Heath mentioned; new drainage system required at Wick Farm; Mrs Clifford's death and the claims by her son-in-law Edgar Webb and Private Walker; housing for John Chamberlian, E Jones, the Miles; applicants for Russell Banks' house, including Mrs May, with details of her family, Mr & Mrs Walker and son, and Mrs Williams; Harry Latham to leave his house, shop and land in Lacock due to marriage of his brother Bert, suggests Mr Ring's daughter, Mrs Thurgood, take over the house and shop; W Beer does not live in his house, and Walter Banks would like to occupy it; size of house intended to be built by Mrs Bristowe; Mr Gott suggests Miss Awdry's garden room be used by the parish; Mark Austin subletting rooms to Mr Peake and new shop opened by Mrs Jocelyn; old Mr Hopkins had died; deaths of Harry Collett, Mrs Spackman, Aaron Watson; the Walker family; the health of Foley's sister; Potter taken over the Post Office; Lady Shippard upset about sale of hedge to Captain Burt; Bird needs hospital treatment for growth from his cheek, Mrs Harrison, of the Red Lion, had operation for tumour and appendicitis; Mrs Edmund Hunt died suddenly
W Tayler Junr: he will now rent direct from Miss Talbot
Teagle & Sons: changes in tenancies occupied by Harry Latham, names mentioned are W Self, Percy Chivers, Alfred Chivers, Harold Hunt; P Chivers would not use the well as water is unfit; Mr Gladstone succeeds to Baronetcy
A H Thomas: state of Nethermore Farm following some 400 years of occupation by the Croker family; sporting rights in Pewsham
Miss Thurgood: Mrs Horwood's rent for the bake house to Mr Latham
Mrs Thorneycroft: gravel pit nearly worked out, so costly to excavate
Private Walker: debate as to who should occupy the house lately occupied by his mother, Mrs Clifford - Edgar Webb mentioned;
I Walker: house at Cantax Hill not fit foer occupation
H J Watson: seeking an estimate for work required at Nethermore Farm; Mrs Mortimer's death and pen pictures of applicants for her house viz Russell Banks, an employee of Mr Newman, Henry Flower, H Baker and Mr & Mrs Gerrish; discussion on benefits/costs of bringing electric lights to Lacock
M Watson: distempering houses at Whitecross (Messrs Blanchard and Pullen)
F E Weatherly: admission fee to the Abbey
A Webb: repairs at his, R Moore's and Miss Jenkins' house
N Wbb: value of house
Mrs Wills: Whitecross cottage
West Wilts Electric Light & Power Co: bringing electricity to Lacock
Mrs Wilson: Miss Talbot's subscription to St Michael's Home
Wilson & Co: Miss Talbot and Sir John Gladstone wish to purchase the leazes Captain Holt owns
W Wheeler: rent
G A H White: Special Court Baron and matters relating to Bewley Common
W Whitfield: proposed improvement to river Avon
Miss Wiltshire: vacating East Street in favour of her cousin Harold Wiltshire
Wiltshire County Council: action to prevent accident at the footbridge near the river bridge over the Avon
J Wiltshire: horses on Bewley Common straying
Mrs Wiltshire: asking for a reference for Frederick Pearce who wishes to rent Nethermore Farm
Wood & Awdry: sale of cottage to Captain Burt; sale of 3 Bowden Hill cottages to Norah Jane Webb and Emily Georgina Read, Henry Daniel Webb, Edward Brinkworth; sale of Margaret Hunt's cottage to Sir John Gladstone; sale to Walter Henry Barnes a garden of which he is the tenant
Wootton, Leaf & Pitcairn: recovery of monies owed by William Charles Minty, Catridge Farm; Sarah Mary Bowsher to buy pastureland in Corsham Road leased to Miss M A Banks; legal steps required to vest the land on which the War Memorial stands to the Parish; payment of last instalment of Estate Duties & Succession Duty; conveyancing of sale of land to Col Jackson and Major Yorke; purchase of land, Axford's Patch, by Mrs Bristow; Axford's Patch variously shown as part of Inland Farm and Whitehall Farm; Magna Charta still at the Abbey
Major H Reginald Yorke: sale of "Doctors"; dispute with Hughes; impounding of stray cattle due to Bowden Common gates being fastened back
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