Description | 1. 4 Dec 1899 Copy letter from the clerk of the council in Trowbridge about outstanding orders for the parish council, and some rules and regulations. 2. Undated letter providing the address of the District Auditor, Edward Stevens. 3. Undated note of a biblical reference. 4. 12 Dec 1899 from Rosamond Talbot about family information and her arrangements. 5. 13 Dec 1899 from William Gilchrist Clark-Maxwell thanking Charles for the issue of the Photogram with the editorial notice of William Henry Fox Talbot; gives his comments on the article. Agrees to have his name proposed for the Memorial Committee but he will not be able to take much part from such a distance away. His article in the Archaeological Journal took up almost half the issue and he will send Charles copies soon. Mentions Jack's health. 6. 21 Dec 1899 from William Gilchrist Clark-Maxwell enclosing a Christmas present; provides information on the family especially Jack's health. 7. 1 Jan 1900 from Harold Brakspear about the bottle room chimney being smoked; he will try to come and see it when the weather improves. 8. 7 Jan 1900 from George Taylor to say he would be interested in taking on the house occupied by his late father James Taylor and his grandfather George, but alterations needs to be made. He is currently unwell and is staying with Thomas Jenkins whilst his aunt is away. 9. 1 Feb 1900 from Matilda Gilchrist-Clark about family information particularly Jack's health, which is much improved. 10. 14 Feb 1900 from Arthur Schomberg about the delay in printing an article by Charles in his magazine. His brother and his brother's wife have just gone to Yorkshire to attend the wedding of her brother Miles Staplyton of Myton. 11. 15 Mar 1900 from P Delme Awdry to say that Henry Austin has paid some of what he owes but has asked for more time as he has been ill. Edward Brinkworth is to marry the daughter of James Taylor and wants to live in the house opposite the school for which James Taylor would still be the tenant. He asks for some work to be done. Also mentions a complaint from Mr Beer about rain coming through his roof. 12. 18 Mar 1900 from G Fuller, Neston Park, Corsham enclosing a contribution to the Fox Talbot memorial fund. |