Description | 1. 21 Nov 1865 from West Awdry enclosing notice of the Poultry and Cheese Show on 23 Nov stating that if it has any attraction Charles would be welcome at luncheon. 2. 24 Feb 1871 from unknown reporting the comments of Edward Christian, architect, on the condition of Christian Malford Church. 3. 31 Mar, year unknown, from his mother asking if he needs his table and bed linen when he goes into lodgings. Rosamond had ventured outside that day for the first time since the beginning of winter. 4. Nov 1871 Rules of the Lacock Coal and Clothing Club. 5. 31 Jan 1872 Bill from William Cave, butcher. 6. 15 Jun 1872 Bill from William Brinkworth, baker. 7. 31 Dec 1872 Bill from Alexander Cochrane for books and binding. 8. 29 May 1873 Bill from E & H Vezey for carriages. 9. 28 Jul 1873 Notes on West Harnham Church. 10. 28 Feb 1874 from Marshall & Lord for clothing. 11. 10 May 1875 Draft letter from Charles Henry Talbot to unknown regarding proposed repairs to Lacock church. The Church Restoration Committee had decided to proceed with the work to the spire according to the correspondent's specification and that he had written to Blackwell asking for an updated estimate. 12. 24 Aug 1875 from John Henry unknown concerning the photographic plates in the book "The Archaeology of Rome". 13. 4 Oct 1875 from Reverend J E Jackson to say he is glad to hear that Charles had consented to act as secretary to the Archaeological Society 14. 6 Nov 1875 from H Awdry regarding a misplaced payment for school pence for boys attending night school. 15. 8 Nov 1875 Bill from the Bear Hotel at Devizes. 16. 9 Nov 1875 from Henry A unknown asking for a contribution towards the purchase of a collection of British Birds, a large case for the Natural History Room and the binding of books for the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. 17. 11 Jan 1876 List of proposed members of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. 18. 7 Feb 1876 from A C Smith regarding Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society matters, the advice given by Charles regarding the chancel of Upavon church, the delay in Mr Kite producing illustrations and whether to have the name of the Society on the museum. 19. 14 Feb 1876 from F H Goldney thanking Charles for the loan of two Star Chamber documents and apologising for the delay in returning them. 20. 20 May 1876 from Constance Talbot with family news. 21. 15 Aug 1876 from Edward J Stevens thanking Charles for the sum of 2s 6d for a members ticket but that he was unable to send any as Mr Nott had not sent them to him. 22. 16 Aug 1876 Draft letter from Charles Henry Talbot to the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society to say that E J Stevens had requested but not received tickets for the Salisbury meeting of the Society. 23. 17 Aug 1876 from William Nott on behalf of the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society to say that the Tickets had been dispatched.. 24. 21 Aug 1876 from Edward J Stevens thanking Charles for the two copies of the translation of the document in the possession of Mr Edwards of Amesbury and confirming that the difficulty with the tickets was now at an end. 25. 20 Nov 1877 from John Thomas Irvine expressing sympathy at the death of William Henry Fox Talbot and apologising for the delay in writing due to the severe illness of his eldest son and discussing publication of notes on Britford church plus reference to Bradford Saxon Chapel and other church archaeological matters. 26. 2 Sep 1887 from West Awdry to say that Mr Stock will take a lease of Reybridge Cottage. 27. 2 Apr 1878 Memorandum from John Moffat with receipt for payment. 28. 8 Apr 1878 memorandum from John Moffat confirming that two enlargements had that day been sent. 29. 10 Apr 1878 from Thomas Tyley apologising for the delay but that his best letter cutter on marble had been laid up ill but that the hoped to finish the work the following week. 30. 10 Apr 1878 from unknown confirming the subscription price of a copy of the "Notes". 31. 13 Apr 1878 from West Awdry on estate matters, Henry Hudd's cottage tax payments and payments made to his mother. 32. 3 May 1878 from Henry M Vane, secretary to the Charity Commissioners, regarding the regularizing the affairs of the Stephen Fussell, George Bailey, George Hulbert and Charles Bailey Charities. In the same envelope is a receipt from Henry M Vane acknowledging Charles' letter of 4 Jun 1878. 33. 11 Jun 1878 from West Awdry regarding matters of William Henry Fox Talbot's estate. 34. 12 Jun 1878 from West Awdry regarding matters of William Henry Fox Talbot's estate. 35. 8 Jun 1879 from John Thomas Irvine expressing sorrow that Charles had not been well and discussing archaeological matters concerning Wells, Hereford and Lichfield cathedrals. 36. 18 Nov, year unknown from Charles Granville Stuart-Menteth on theological matters and evolution. 37. Undated note concerning 10 Aug and the grant by Sir John Bluet to the Abbey of Lacock in Aug 1312 of a share of the advowson of the parish church. 38. Various notes for letters to be written by Charles Henry Talbot and tasks to do. 39. Undated notes regarding costs of attending to the furnace at Lacock Abbey and sweeping of gutters. 40. 22 Apr 1908 post card from unknown to say that they would write in a day or so. 41. Part of a letter from unknown concerning lodgings. |