Description | 1. Sep 20, no year. Society gossip mentioning Lady Jersey's departure to Brighton and Clementina's lack of recovery, Ellenborough's divorce, Lord Stanley's movements and Lady Belfast cutting Lord Anglesea. 2. 1 Oct, no year. Society news mentioning his progress home. 3. Undated personal news but mentions that the chapters of Westminster have refused the spot for the monument. 4. Undated announcing his return. 5. Undated reply to a letter mentioning his sister Emily, and his sister Mary who was accompanying him on his journeys around the country. 6. 1 Oct, no year. Society news including the illness of Clementina Villiers and his journeys. 7. 11 Feb, no year. Society gossip mentioning the Graves and the Duke of Cumberland with information regarding his activities. 8. Undated family affairs including the visit of Mrs Vansittent, Robert and Nicholas. 9. Undated family affairs including visits to the Grenville's, the Essex's and a family dinner. 10. Undated personal letter about his visit to Maiden Bradley. 11. Undated personal and society letter mentioning Sir Charles Hamilton and Sir Robert Stoppard attending a dinner and their dispute about dressing whale. 12. Undated personal letter mentioning Lady Belfast's parties and other society news 13. 30 Dec, no year. Personal news about the game shoot and the party containing the William Russells-Tavistocks, Lady Landwick and Lord Sefton. He was travelling on to Middleton where he might find the Duke of York. He met Prince Leopold at Cobham. They were expecting Lord Byron to arrive any day. The Duke of Bedford, Princess Borghese and the marriage of Mr Becker to Miss O'Neil were also mentioned. 14. Undated personal letter. 15. Undated personal letter. 16. Undated personal and society news including mention of the Butlers, Lord Rivendale's accident and Mrs Gilmore has had an offer of marriage. Also Lord Riverdale thought he heard thieves and went downstairs to find Lady C literally in a chemise reading a letter. 17. Undated letter about the Duke of York's death. Political comment on the Corn Laws and the Catholic question, and Canning's illness. 18. Undated personal letter including a poem. 19. Undated personal letter. 20. Undated personal letter mentioning Esther Acklom. 21. Undated personal letter but mentioning the Duke of Wellington is to be chancellor and Archbishop of Canterbury as soon as vacancies occur. 22. Undated personal and political comment regarding the coronation. Society gossip regarding Lady Winchester, Duchess of Clarence, Lord Cholmondly, Mr. Coke and the Duke of Beaufort. 23. 14 Dec, no year. Society gossip and political comment on the coronation and the divorce question. Comment on the demonstration of the weavers and mention of Lady Stafford and other London news. 24. 20 Apr, no year. Personal and political matters stating that parliament had adjourned and a large party had gone to Brighton. Comment about the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Lord Eldon, Lord Rolle and Canning. Mention of the Catholic question. 25. Undated. Comment on political matters including a fracas between Raikes and Brougham, and the Catholic question. 26. 8 May, no year. Comment on political matters including Harry Bennett bringing John Bull before the House of Commons about breach of privilege and comment regarding the Kings displeasure with his ministers for thwarting him about his coronation, Ireland and other matters. 27. 20 Jan, no year. Social matters. Sir Humphrey Davy is at Naples delighted at the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and Mr Bowles has almost persuaded Lansdowne to have two organs one in the chapel and the other in the drawing room. 28. 3 Feb, no year. Political and social letter regarding Queen Caroline and the possible death of George IV. 29. 31 Aug 1825 Family matters including visiting his sisters at the Wiltons and Robert's marriage on the 13th. 30. Undated Family, social and political matters including Lord Neath standing against Lord Glengate as the representative peerage of Ireland. 31. 11 Apr 1820 Family and political letter regarding Scotland and the manufacturing population near to starvation. Social news including the death of Digby and a ball at Chiswick. 32. Undated family matters. 33. 1826 Social letter including the marriage of Lord Southampton to Miss Stanhope and comment about a National Gallery. 34. 27 Jan, no year. Social letter regarding the death of the Duke of Kent and family matters. 35. Undated family matters. 36. 18 Apr, no year. Family and social matters. Sir Thomas Lawrence, president of The Royal Academy, is opening his exhibition of sovereigns and Congreve has invented a new rocket. 37. 8 undated letters about family matters. One is partly in French and Greek, one is partly in just French. 38. Undated family matters including mention of a robbery and a remedy for a headache and head cold. (End of letter torn off). 39. 26 Jul 1829 Political letter regarding the election and a comment on The Times anecdote of the handkerchief. 40. 21 Nov, no year. Family matters. 41. Undated family matters. 42. Undated social matters including Mrs Howard's remarriage, and comment on Sidney Smith who has christened Sir Humphrey Davy Aladdin in honor of his lamp. 43. Undated poem. 44. Undated letter discussing metaphysics. 45. 10 Jan, no year. Family and social matters regarding the Prince and Lady Conyngham at Brighton. 46. 22 Nov 1825 Political matters including disputed collieries, the catholic question and a speech made by Peel. Social comment about marriages and Sir Charles Stuart's possible peerage and travel. The Duke of Beaufort and the Duke of Devonshire are also mentioned. |