Description | 1. 5 October 1803 From Robert Montague, Rear Admiral to receive eight Able Seamen from the (Utrecht). 2. 11 October 1803 General Order from the Admiral: any indications that the enemy fleet are embarking to inform the shore stations as soon as possible. Includes order dated the following day on the same topic. 3. 26 September 1803 From Bartholomew Samuel Rowley, Rear Admiral: order to pick up a pilot from the (Donner), put 200 men on the flagship and execute Lord Keith's orders. 4. 22 October 1803 From Lord Keith, Admiral: placing him and the Circe under the command of Commander Sir William Sidney (Smith). 5. 9 October 1803 Order to discharge eight men from the Circe to the (Utrecht). 6. 10 October 1803 Admiralty Office order concerning the case of two Americans and proof of their citizenship. 7. 9 October 1803 From Robert Montagu, Rear Admiral, enquiring about a George Cummings. 8. 29 November 1803 From (B Mowley): Warrant and petty officers of the late ship Circe have left for London and are directed to return. 9. 19 November 1803 From Captain Feilding reporting the foundering of the Circe. 10. 30 September 1803 From Robert Montagu, Rear Admiral: to proceed to off Boulogne and put himself under the command of Captain Owen. 11. 24 August 1803 Office of High Admiral concerning repair of small defects. 12. 10 July 1803 Office of Lord High Admiral: respecting the use of water and beer casks. 13. 9 August 1803 General order concerning the recording of live oxen and sheep consumed for the Commissioners for Victualling His Majesty's Navy plus a form for recording it. 14. 4 October 1803 General order from William Cornwallis, Admiral, concerning control of the purchase of provisions. 15. 26 October 1803 From Lord Cornwallis to Flag officers and Captains updating the Signal Book. 16. 31 December 1803 From Lord Cornwallis to Captains and Commanders banning tenders. 17. 4 August 1803 From Lord Keith. Admiral instructions to take a convoy to Elsineur (Helsingor, Denmark) and return to the Nore. 18. 2 January 1804 General memo from Lord Cornwallis giving signals instigated by Captain Brace of the Castor. 19. 18 February 1804 General memo from Lord Cornwallis for receipts to be given for stores carried for the squadron on their ships. 20. 30 March 1804 Office of Lord High Admiral to Captains, Commanders off Brest concerning the completion of pay books. 21. 3 May 1804 General memo from Lord Cornwallis directing Captains and Surgeons to inspect the hospitals caring for their crew. 22. 14 May 1804 General Memo to Captains and Commanders that the Lord Commissioners disapprove of false and improper reports of the enemy force at Brest. 23. 3 June 1804 General memo concerning the loss of hammocks and haversacks. 24. 27 June 1804 General memo instructing Captains on rejoining the Squadron to report any news to the Admiral as soon as possible. 25. 14 August 1804 Admiralty's orders over conducting the blockade of Channel ports. 26. 4 September 1804 General memo that boats are not to hosted out until permission has been granted 27. 27 September 1804 General memo that no person be transported in the hired armed vessels without particular orders. 28. 14 October 1804 General memo directing that small defects be repaired by the ship's crews 29. 17 October 1804 General memo that ships in an anchorage should be kept complete in stores, water and provisions. 30. 21 November 1804 Letter from the Admiralty giving the Order in Council dealing with the quarantine required due to the outbreak of plague America and Spain. 31. 22 November 1804 General memo that the names of Commissioners and Warrant officers serving on each vessel be reported with the weekly accounts. 32. 7 December 1804 From Lord Cornwallis: all vessels anchored in Torbay are to be kept in readiness to sail. 33. 21 April 1784 Admiralty letter requiring Captains to attempt to recover any anchors lost in the Downs. 34. 12 September 1803 Admiralty letter instructing that any vessel carrying wool from Spain and consigned to a United Kingdom merchant shall not be detained. 35. 5 August 1803 Admiralty letter instructing that ships be victualled before sailing. 36. 29 July 1803 Admiralty letter that Captains should ensure that wounded officers and men be given smart tickets to enable them to claim from the Chest at Chatham. 37. 18 July 1803 Admiralty letter that beer and water casks be carefully taken apart (shaken) so as to enable them to be reassembled. 38. 9 July 1803 From Honourable William Cornwallis: to seize all French and Dutch fishing boats and detain only the able bodied seamen on board. 39. 30 June 1803 Admiralty letter instructing that neutral vessels containing thrown or raw silk produced in Italy and consigned to any merchant of the United Kingdom should not be detained. 40. 21 June 1803 From Honourable William Cornwallis to respect Portugal's neutrality Portuguese ports: they are not to be used except in case of bad weather. 41. 24 June 1803 Letter from Pelham that any vessel carrying silk from Italy and consigned to a United Kingdom merchant that is detained be freed on a claim being made by the merchant. 42. 24 June 1803 Letter from Pelham giving orders not to seize any neutral vessel carrying trade between the colonies of the enemy and the neutral country to which the vessel belongs. 43. 21 March 1800 Admiralty orders that if they meet resistance when examining neutral vessels that both the vessels and their protectors be detained and taken into one of H M ports 44. 15 June 1803 General memo that prisoners of war are to be landed only where there is a regular establishment for their reception. 45. 8 June 1803 General memo from Cornwallis directing Captains to send muster books to the Navy Office as they become due. 46. 9 July 1803 General memo that the agent for prisoners of war are to be informed of the number and quality of prisoners before being landed. 47. 28 May 1804 List of supplies for guns. 48. 1 November 1804 Receipts from Captain Feilding for gun boats No.7 & 8 with stores. 49. 26 September 1803 From B Rowley: Order to discharge six landsmen to the Zealand. 50. 27 September 1803 From B Rowley: memo that if they meet the Diana they must place onboard her the 200 seamen they received from the Zealand. 51. 26 September from B Rowley: memo to add to their books the men taken by them out of the Baltic Convoy. 52. 19 November 1803 To Repulse from Captain Feilding explaining the sinking of the Circe. 53. 1 November 1803 From Commodore Sir William Sidney Smith on orders of Lord Keith to say he is to put himself under my command. 54. No date: Letter from Captain Feilding to the Admiral and list of men from the Circe. 55. 29 November 1803 from Navy Office asking for details of the three smacks who came to the assistance of the Circe. 56. 1 November 1803 From William Sidney Smith giving the location for the first rendezvous of the squadron. 57. 5 August 1803 From Lord Keith giving Admiralty orders to place himself under his command. 58. 26 September 1803 From B Rowley: to take on board a man from the Zealand in exchange for an able seaman. 59. 26 September 1803 From B Rowley directing to take 200 seamen from the Zealand to the flagship in the Downs. 60. 27 September 1803 From B Rowley to discharge to the Zealand taken from the Baltic Convoy and receive the same number of landsmen in lieu. 61. 27 September 1803 Memo from B Rowley to discharge two apprentices with the usual certificates. 62. 27 September 1803 From B Rowley to say his report on Thomas Coppard has been considered and he are required to keep him in service. 63. 19 November 1803 The deposition of the Captains of the fishing smacks who came to the aid of the Circe. 64. 26 September 1803 Letter from F Coffin for payment for a pane of glass broken by a seaman. 65. 24 September 1802 Admiralty letter requesting the books etc from the Andromeda which is to be paid off at Portsmouth. 66. 6 November 1803 From Captain Feilding regarding the ship's company being unequal to their tasks. 67. 22 September 1803 Orders from Lord Keith to blockade Flushing and Ostend as there is evidence for preparations for invasion. 68. 1 November 1803 Order from (unknown) to discharge George Carr, an apprentice, and report on the proof of citizenship in the cases of four other men. 69. 27 April 1781 Letter from Captain Feilding to Charles Murray, British Consul at Madeira concerning the salute to the British flag from Governor of Madeira. 70. 15 October 1803 Letter from Ewan Neveau, Admiralty: representations from the Swedish Consul over the citizenship of E Backman. 71. 15 October 1803 Letter from Ewan Neveau, Admiralty: concerning the Prussian Consul's application for the discharge of F Peterson, a Prussian subject. 72. 15 June 1803 Admiralty orders to Captain Charles Feilding of the Circe to pick up gunners and gunnery stores from Gillingham (Leach) and report to the Nore. 73. 10 October 1803 Letter from Ewan Neveau, Admiralty: concerning the discharge of George Carr, apprentice. 74. 23 July 1803 Letter from Lord Keith on his inability to provide marines for sentinels to prevent desertion. 75. 27 October 1803 Orders from William Allen Proby to deliver dispatches for Admiral Montagu. |