Description | - Brief of the scire facias served on the mayor and commonalty, early 17th century - Correspondence with the bishop about renewing the city's charter, 1629-1637 - Papers concerning the mayor's oath, late 16th - early 17th centuries - Copy letters to the bishop and the mayor, late 16th - early 17th centuries - Copy agreement witnessing the election of two members for the city, 1727 - 2 letters from the bishop (probably John Coldwell, 1591-1596) expressing his resentment against the citizens - List of the mayors of Salisbury 1327-1690 - five members of the Company of Shoemakers' reasons for keeping the market, n.d., late 16th century - Notes on the election of mayors, and the case of John Long and his eligibility for mayor, n.d., early 18th century |