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Collapse 1946 - Pleydell-Bouverie family of Longford Castle, Earls of Radnor1946 - Pleydell-Bouverie family of Longford Castle, Earls of Radnor
Expand 1 - Business1 - Business
Expand 2 - Estate2 - Estate
Expand 3 - Household3 - Household
Collapse 4 - Personal and Family4 - Personal and Family
Expand 1 - Bouverie, de Bouverie, des Bouverie & de la Bouverie1 - Bouverie, de Bouverie, des Bouverie & de la Bouverie
Collapse 2 - Pleydell-Bouverie2 - Pleydell-Bouverie
Expand 1 - Pedigrees, heraldry & family history1 - Pedigrees, heraldry & family history
Expand 2 - Correspondence & memoranda2 - Correspondence & memoranda
Expand 3 - Diaries, journals, recipes3 - Diaries, journals, recipes
Expand 4 - Accounts & investment4 - Accounts & investment
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Politics & public office6 - Politics & public office
Expand 7 - Societies & organizations7 - Societies & organizations
Expand 8 - Photographs & prints8 - Photographs & prints
Collapse 9 - Miscellaneous9 - Miscellaneous
1 - Lady Rich's cabinet contents (including letter from Elizabeth I) & documents
2 - Memoires d' Estat vol 4, by Nicolas de Neufville, seigneur de Villeroy, 1625. Le Martyr de Sainte Caterine by Jean Puget de la Serre, 1643,
3 - Lease of Fewsom Grange, Yorkshire by Queen Henrietta Maria.
4 - Proposal & outline for a History of Wiltshire
5 - Plan of Dunkirk
6 - Miscellaneous printed items
7 - Newspapers & pamphlets
8 - Correspondence between George II and Frederick, Prince of Wales
9 - Printed material
10 - Old Darby and Joan
11 - Society of Antiquaries survey
12 - Copy of statue inscription & Radnor toast (2)
12A - Guides to Salisbury (2)
13 - Plan and elevation of staircase at Chateau de Benouville
14 - The Economist
15 - Photocopies of 'The Detector'
16 - Miscellaneous printed material
17 - Printed material
18 - Etat General des Postes de France with map, 1789; Memoires sur la Vie et le Charactere de Mmme la Duchesse de Polignac by la Comptesse Diane de Polignac, 1796.
19 - Anne, countess of Radnor
20 - Letter to Bishop of Salisbury from a member of the Society of Antiquaries
21 - Anne, countess of Radnor
22 - Song: 'Ghost of Admiral Byng' to the tune of Hosiers Ghost, sent to 2nd Earl of Radnor
23 - George, Prince of Wales
24 - Stapleton: petition of Thomas Stapleton
25 - Playbill for The West Indian and The Poor Soldier at the Theatre Royal, Weymouth, Dorset
26 - Letter
27 - The Laity's Directory
28 - Miniature almanacks
29 - Musical fragment from the French Revolution
30 - Miscellaneous
31 - Geometry
32 - Historical miscellany & memorandum book
33 - Copy of Archbishop Spotswood's advice to Charles I about the Scots
34 - Copies of love letters of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn
35 - The Beresford Ghost
36 - Child's set of animal and bird cards
37 - Verses and Notes
38 - Royal pedigrees
39 - Handwritten translation of Racine's "The Berenice"
40 - Portraits of Popes
41 - Family diamonds
42 - Chaplains of Jacob, 2nd Earl of Radnor
43 - Jacob 2nd earl of Radnor: a list of names as lives in the tontine for Salisbury Assembly Rooms, 1803. Menu plan for the corporation dinner [Salisbury], 1805
44 - Newspaper cuttings
45 - Copy of medieval grant of tolls for repairing highway
46 - Miscellany of Jacob, 2nd Earl of Radnor
47 - Printed description of trial of Eliza Fenning
48 - Printed material
49 - Printed material
50 - Printed material
50A - Printed material
51 - Jacob 2nd earl of Radnor a commentary on the Lord's Prayer, 1821
52 - Insurance policy
53 - Play poster
54 - Inventory of valuables
55 - Franked envelopes
56 - 'The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman'
57 - Hound lists
58 - London & South Western Railway timetable
59 - Letter
60 - Copies of The Cornhill Magazine
61 - Queen Victoria's wedding & bridesmaids
62 - Statement re Sainsbury Charity
63 - The Berkshire hounds
64 - Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground at Harnham Hill - Discoveries
65 - Roll of the lords spiritual and temporal
66 - Guest lists
67 - Letters about archaeological artifacts
68 - Children's drawings
69 - Printed material
70 - Picture book
71 - The Times: Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee celebrations
72 - Dance list
73 - Presentation scroll
74 - Programme of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee procession through London (illustrated)
75 - Diamond Jubilee dinner ticket
76 - Coronations: Invitations to attend the coronations of Edward VII and Geoge V
77 - Poems by E.F.Benson
78 - Stationery
79 - National farmers' Union: South Wilts branch
80 - Debentures from Folkestone Golf Club Ltd.
81 - Correspondence about and digest of MS book on Salisbury Cathedral
82 - Extracts from book "Salisbury Cathedral Library"
83 - Agenda of National Pig Breeders' Association
84 - Four Gracious Ladies
85 - Reflections on Helen Matilda, Countess of Radnor
86 - Article on Victorian women stained glass artists
87 - Various
88 - Petition
Expand 3 - Other families3 - Other families

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