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Expand 8 - Wilton House and Park8 - Wilton House and Park
Expand 1 - Genealogy and history of the family1 - Genealogy and history of the family
Expand 2 - Public Office 2 - Public Office
Expand 3 - Royal household: Most of the following are printed items. They relate chiefly to the time when Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke was Lord steward of the royal household, 1895-1905, to the Duke of Kent, 1935-1942, and comptroller and private secretary to the Duchess of Kent, 1942-1948.
See also 2057/F2/493 - Royal household: Most of the following are printed items. They relate chiefly to the time when Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke was Lord steward of the royal household, 1895-1905, to the Duke of Kent, 1935-1942, and comptroller and private secretary to the Duchess of Kent, 1942-1948. See also 2057/F2/49
Collapse 4 - Correspondence4 - Correspondence
1 - Official and business letters of the Fitzwilliam family, with typed transcript. 1 volume. Removed 11/04/1997 to National Archives Dublin.
2 - Letter book of Lord Fitzwilliam, in French. In and out letters
Expand 3 - Five volumes of summaries of political dispatches.3 - Five volumes of summaries of political dispatches.
4 - Copy of despatches from Mr. A. Court to Lord Castlereagh, from Palermo, Italy
5 - Letter book of Henry 10th earl of Pembroke on estate, military (militia, volunteers and Yeomanry) and official business.
6 - Letter book of Henry 10th earl of Pembroke on estate, military (militia, volunteers and Yeomanry) and official business.
Expand 7 - Letter books of George 11th earl of Pembroke on estate, military (militia, volunteers and Yeomanry) and official business.7 - Letter books of George 11th earl of Pembroke on estate, military (militia, volunteers and Yeomanry) and official business.
Collapse 8 - Correspondence
The following summary list to the correspondence is copied from the labels on the boxes.8 - Correspondence The following summary list to the correspondence is copied from the labels on the boxes.
1 - Correspondence from Henry Lord Herbert, the Duke of Newcastle, the Duke of Marlborough, the countess of Suffolk, the Honourable Richard Arundel, and the Honourable Robert, William and Nicholas Herbert, to marquis of Blandford, Lord Charles Spencer and Mrs. E. Trevor, to Lady Elizabeth Spencer countess of Pembroke
2 - Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and Sir William Hamilton, the marquis of Carmarthen, Sir Horiace Mann, Sir James Harris, Sir R.M. Keith and Lord Mountstuart.
3 - Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and Elizabeth countess of Pembroke and the Reverend William Coxe.
4 - Correspondence from general Sir John Floyd, bt., to Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and George Lord Herbert.
5 - Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and his son George Lord Herbert.
6 - Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and his son George Lord Herbert.
7 - Correspondence between Elizabeth countess of Pembroke and her son George Lord Herbert.
8 - Letters from Elizabeth Lady Herbert, Lady Charlotte Herbert and captain Augustus Montgomery to Henry 10th earl of Pembroke, George Lord Herbert and the Reverend William Coxe.
9 - Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and J.C. Hippisley, Charles O’Hara, C. Sheldon, G. St. John, W. Morton Pitt, T. Dampier, Robert Jarrett, Thomas Jenkins, H. Tresham, T.R. Salway, Thomas Bromley, Henry Grand, William Harcourt and N. Marchant.
10 - Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and the Reverend William Coxe. Published in The Pembroke Papers.
11 - Correspondence in French between George Lord Herbert and Mme. De Bouflers, the Duc de Guines, Count S. Romanzoff, Prince Adam Czartoryski, Maximilian Cerjat, M. Desaille, M. Theobault, M. Wauthier, Major de Seigneux, Nicolas Laurent and Count Thun Mohenstein.
12 - Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and Augustus John 3rd earl of Bristol, Lord Porchester, the Duke of Buccleuch, Lord Charles Spencer, Lord Southampton, Lady Holderness, the Duchess of Marlborough, Lady F. Scott, Sir Hew Dalrymple, Lord chief baron J.A. Eyre, Dr. Thomas Eyre, and the bishop of Bangor.
13 - Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and Dr. A. Hamilton, 1789, Mr. Whitwell, 1785-1786, Robert Brettingham, 1787-1789, Thomas Mease, 1788-1789, Samuel and William Moody, 1789-1790, C.Bourchier, 1787, and Mr. and Mrs. Rideout, 1786.
14 - Military papers: Letters from Lieutenant Colonel Sir C. Gould, judge advocate; Mmajor Garth; captains Garth, Evatt, Crawfurd, May, Nelson and Gordon, and lieuts. Dive, Singleton, Pocklington, Findlay, Wareham and Dupuin.
15 - Military correspondence between George Lord Herbert and Sir George Lord Yonge, secretary at war, 1789-1791, the Duke of Richmond, 1793, Lord Amherst, 1793, and Sir William Fawcett, Adjutant-General, 1783- 1793.
16 - Military correspondence and memorandums between George Lord Herbert and general Sir John Floyd, Lieutenant Colonel C. Taylor, and Lieutenant Colonel Goldsworthy.
17 - Correspondence in French between Madame Bernard and Richard 6th Viscount Fitzwilliam.
18 - Correspondence between King George III, Frederick Duke of York, the Rt. Honourable William Pitt, the Rt. Honourable Spencer Percival, George 1st Marquess Townsend, Garter King of Arms and George 11th Earl of Pembroke.
19 - Political correspondence of George 11th Earl of Pembroke from Vienna.
20 - Memoranda and correspondence between the Duke of Marlborough, the Earl of Malmesbury, Lord Palmerston, the Earl of Normanton, Lord Bathurst, Lord Fitzwilliam, Lord Chief Baron Eyre, Lord Carnarvon, John Douglas bishop of Salisbury, Archdeacon Coxe, Barbara Verschoyle, and others, and George 11th Earl of Pembroke and his mother and wife.
21 - Correspondence of livings and other church matters, between the Bishop of Salisbury, the Reverend G.A. Montgomery, the Reverend H. Hetley, the Reverend T. Bromley, Archdeacon Coxe, the Earl of Malmesbury, the Reverend W. Moody, the Reverend A. Harris, and George 11th Earl of Pembroke.
21A - Letter of George 11th earl of Pembroke requesting that Montgomery Williams, the son of 'a left handed sister of mine' [Caroline Medkoper or Medkaff] be given military post as an Engineer. Returned with a brief negative response.
22 - Correspondence between George 11th Earl of Pembroke, his mother Elizabeth, his wife Catherine, and his sons Robert 12th Earl of Pembroke and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
23 - Correspondence from Queen Charlotte and her daughters the Princesses Charlotte, Amelia, Elizabeth, Mary and Augusta Sophia to Elizabeth Countess of Pembroke and Catherine Countess of Pembroke. See 2057/F7/3/2.
24 - Letters, business memorandums and bills relating to Count Simon Woronzow, his son Prince Michael Woronzow, and his daughter Catherine, Countess of Pembroke.
25 - Correspondence between Countess of Pembroke and her son Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth.
26 - Correspondence between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his sisters Lady Clanwilliam, Lady Ailesbury, Lady Dunmore, Lady de Vesci and Lady Shelburne.
27 - Correspondence between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth.
28 - Miscellaneous correspondence between Sir Albert Grey, Mr. Gouldburn, Count Strelecki, Hans Christian Andersen [his letter refers to Charles Dickens], the Duke of Newcastle, Lord John Russell, Mrs. Bracebridge, Mrs. Norton, the Duke of Cambridge, Earl de Grey, Cardinal Vaughan, Cardinal Manning, Lord Stanmore, the marquis of Dufferin and Ava, and Lord and Lady Herbert of Lea, 1846-1861, 1900-1906. Two envelopes containing hair of Sidney Herbert cut after he died, presumably for mourning jewelery, 1861.
29 - Correspondence between Sir Robert Peel, the earl of Aberdeen, the Duke of Newcastle, the Duke of Somerset, the earl of Derby, the Earl of Clarendon, Earl Granville, Earl Grey, Lord John Russell, Sir Charles Wood, Mr. E Cardwell, and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
30 - Cabinet and other memoranda passing between the Duke of Wellington, Lord Melbourne, Lord Canning, Lord Grey, Lord John Russell, Lord Anglesey, Lord Hill, Lord Hardinge, Lord de Grey, Sir E. Lugard, Sir Charles Wood, and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
31 - Correspondence between Queen Victoria, the Prince Consort, and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
32 - Correspondence between Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
33 - Correspondence between Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
34 - Political letter to Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea, with some related papers.
35 - Correspondence between Sir James Graham and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth.
36 - Correspondence between the rt. Honourable W. E. Gladstone and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and their wives
37 - Correspondence between viscount Palmerston and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea
38 - Letters from viscount Palmerston to Elizabeth Lady Herbert of Lea. See also 2057/F7/3/3
39 - The Crimea and China, letters and memoranda on military affairs between general Sir Hope Grant, Lord William Paulet, the earl of Elgin, general Escourt, Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, viscount Hardinge, general Sir John Burgoyne, Sir Charles Trevelyan, Lord Fitzroy, Mr. Bracebridge, Lord Strafford and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea
40 - Correspondence, memoranda and reports, dealing with the establishment of hospitals and nursing in the Crimea, the Nightingale fund, the Nightingale memorial, and medical reforms in the army, between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea, Lord Straford de Redcliffe, Miss Stanley, Mr and Mrs. Bracebridge, Dr. Meyer, Lady Herbert of Lea and Florence Nightingale.
40A - Report by Col Sir A Tulloch on the Proceedings of the Crimean Commission and the Chelsea Board of Enquiry. Photocopy
40B - Report by Florence Nightingale on the Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army. Photocopy.
41 - Memoranda, notes, drafts for speeches, pamphlets and letters between Florence Nightingale and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth. Includes printed reports by Florence Nightingale; Notes on the Care and Treatment of Sick and Wounded During the Late War, 1857 (appendices and preface only); Hospital Statistics and Hospital Plans, an offprint from the Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 1862
42 - Letters from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
43 - Letters from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
44 - Letters from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
45 - Memoranda and notes by Florence Nightingale.
46 - Sidney, Lord Herbert of Lea: election speeches, correspondence and memoranda, and newspaper cuttings.
47 - Correspondence between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth, and their children: George 13th earl of Pembroke and his wife Gertrude, Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke and his wife Beatrix, the Honourable Sir Michael Herbert and his wife Lelia, the Honourable Reginald Herbert, Lady Maud Parry and Lady Mary von Hugel.
48 - Correspondence between George 13th earl of Pembroke and his brother and Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke the Honourable Sir Michael Herbert.
49 - Correspondence between GLadys marchioness of Ripon and her brother the Honourable Sir Michael Herbert and his wife Lelia (Belle) Wilson.
50 - Correspondence between the Honourable Lady Herbert (nee Lelia Wilson) and her parents and her English and American relations and friends, incl Edith Roosevelt, wife of the president of USA, 1903.
51 - The Honourable Sir Michael Herbert’s official diplomatic correspondence.
52 - The Honourable Sir Michael Herbert’s official diplomatic correspondence.
53 - Official diplomatic correspondence between Queen Victoria, the prince of Wales, president T. Roosevelt, Lord Landsdown, Lord Salisbury, Lord Rosbery, Lord Curzon, Lord Minto, Lord Stamfordham, Sir Wilfred Laureier, Sir Francis Knollys, Sir Frank Bertie and others, and the Honourable Sir Michael Herbert.
54 - Correspondence between the Honourable Lady Herbert and her sons Sir Sidney Herbert bt. And Michael Herbert.
55 - Letters of Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke to his mother.
56 - Letters of Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke to his mother.
57 - Letters of Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke to his mother.
58 - Letters of Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke to his mother.
59 - Correspondence from Queen Victoria, Edward VII. George V, Queen Alexandra. Queen Mary, Kaiser William II, King Alfonso and Queen Ena of Spain, the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of Connaught, the Duke and Duchess of Albany, prince Arthur of Connaught, princess Alice Countess of Athlone, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Sweden, to Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke.
60 - Letters from the marquis of Salisbury, Joseph Chamberlain, A.J. Balfour, Sir M. Hicks Beach, Augstine Birrell, viscount Esher, Lord Stamfordham, Lord Knollys, the Honourable W.H. Smith, George Wyndham, the earl of Minto, Marquis Curzon, earl Cadogan, Sir Dighton Probyn, monsieur Cambon and the Maharajah of Nepal to Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke.
61 - Beatrice, countess of Pembroke: miscellaneous correspondence.
62 - Royal photographs, Christmas cards, birthday and other cards
63 - Correspondence from George V, Queen Mary, George VI, Edward VIII, Queen Elizabeth, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, the princess royal, the countess of Harewood, king George of Greece, the Queen of Spain, princess Helena Victoria and prince Frederick and princess Cecilie of Prussia to Beatrice countess of Pembroke
64 - Letters, telegrams, cards, etc., from George V, Queen Mary, Edward VIII, George VI, Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Connaught, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, Princess Victoria, the Princess Royal, Princess Alice, the Earl of Athlone, Prince Nicholas of Greece, Prince and Princess Paul of Yugoslavia, the Infanta Cristina of Spain and Lady Maud Carnegie to Lady Linlithgow and Sidney 16th earl of Pembroke and his wife Mary.
65 - Press cuttings re opening of Michael Herbert Hall. Letters, etc., on the death of Sir George Herbert. Memorial service of Reginald 15th earl of Pembroke.
66 - Correspondence between the Earl and Countess of Pembroke, Beatrix Countess of Pembroke, Viscount and Viscountess Hambleden, the Honourable David Herbert, the Honourable Anthony Herbert, the Honourable Sir George Herbert bt., Sir Sidney Herbert bt. and Lord Herbert.
67 - Menus, game cards, papers and letters relating to visits to India by Sidney Lord Herbert.
68 - Letters from Lady Muriel Jex-Blake to Sidney Lord Herbert.
69 - Correspondence between Lord and Lady Herbert.
70 - Correspondence between Lord and Lady Herbert and the Marquis and Marchioness of Linlithgow, Lord and Lady Hopetoun, Lord John Hope, Lord Charles Hope, and the ladies Anne, Joan and Doreen Hope.
71 - Letters from Lord and Lady Herbert to their son the Honourable Henry Herbert.
72 - Letters from Lord and Lady Herbert to their son the Honourable Henry Herbert.
73 - Letters from Lord and Lady Herbert to their son the Honourable Henry Herbert while he was in Cyprus.
74 - Letters from the Honourable Henry Herbert to his parents, Lord and Lady Herbert.
75 - Letters from Lord and Lady Herbert to their daughter Diana.
76 - Letters from Diana Herbert and her nanny to her parents, Lord and Lady Herbert.
77 - Correspondence between the Honourable Diana Herbert and Henry Herbert.
78 - General correspondence about the paintings at Wilton. Correspondence, reviews, etc., relating to the publication of A catalogue of paintings and drawings at Wilton House by the 16th earl of Pembroke.
79 - Miscellaneous letters, cards, memorandums, etc., relating to Sidney 16th earl of Pembroke.
80 - Letters from Edith Olivier, G. M. Young, Earl Baldwin, the Earl of Derby, Lord and Lady Ponsonby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lady Chetwode, Sir Alexander Hardinge, Sir Godfrey Thomas, Noel Coward, Rex Whistler, Cecil Beaton, Siegfried Sassoon, Edith Evans, Sacheverell Sitwell, Malcolm Bullock, Lady Desborough, Mrs. George Keppel, Lord Stanley, Maxine Elliott, Mrs. Sykes and the Earl of Clarendon.
81 - Letters from the royal family to Sidney 16th earl of Pembroke and Mary countess of Pembroke.
82 - Miscellaneous correspondence relating to the 16th earl of Pembroke. “Lord Lieutenant’s Flag” poem by Sir Michael Duff. Funeral of princess Marina Duchess of Kent. Lord Pembroke’s description of alterations to Wilton House, 1801-1963, and occupation by the army, 1940- 1947. Correspondence between Lord Pembroke and Christopher Hussey about the Country Life article on Wilton House.
83 - Letters of condolence, relating to the deaths of Reginald 15th earl of Pembroke and Sidney 16th Earl of Pembroke, and printed form of memorial service for the Honourable A. Herbert.
9 - Miscellaneous letters to and from members of the Herbert family. Correspondents include John Morris, about paintings and art, 1766-1780
10 - Letters to Lord Herbert about the publication of Pembroke Papers
11 - Copy letters from Henry 10th earl of Pembroke after his elopement with Miss Hunter, 1762
12 - Letters to Lord Herbert and others about various topics in the family papers, with transcripts
13 - Letters to Lord Herbert from his parents and sister.
14 - 34 undated letters from Michael Herbert to Freda Dudley Ward. Freda had been the mistress of Edward VIII, when Prince of Wales.
Expand 5 - Diaries5 - Diaries
Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Expand 12 - Public and state papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea12 - Public and state papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea
Expand 13 - Deeds13 - Deeds
Expand 14 - Legal 14 - Legal

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