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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Collapse 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
Expand 1 - 1833 Documents1 - 1833 Documents
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Expand 6 - 1838 Documents6 - 1838 Documents
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Expand 8 - 1840 Documents8 - 1840 Documents
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Expand 10 - 1842 Documents10 - 1842 Documents
Expand 11 - 1843 Documents11 - 1843 Documents
Expand 12 - 1844 Documents12 - 1844 Documents
Expand 13 - 1845 Documents13 - 1845 Documents
Collapse 14 - 1845, 1846 Documents14 - 1845, 1846 Documents
1 - Letter from Lord Fitzroy Somerset to Sidney Herbert on the qualifications of a Mr. Euston (?). January 1.
2 - Memorandum on the militia of Great Britain, prepared by J. Hanby. January 9.
3 - Memorandum from the Duke of Wellington on the necessity of augmenting the army. January 24.
4 - Letter from Sir G. C. Lewis to Captain O’Brien identifying those classes of union officers who should be exempted from militia service. January 29.
5 - Report from W. Boulton, Major, Royal Engineer Eastern District, to the Inspector General of Fortifications relative to the canals in Canada. January 30.
6 - Proposal from Lieutenant G. F. Ruxton to William E. Gladstone that the North American Indians in Canada be organised as a military force. Ruxton further discusses modes of warfare in the United States. February 4.
7 - Letter from William Gladstone to Sidney Herbert suggesting the exemption of borough and corporation treasurers from militia service. February 5.
8 - Letter from Lord Mount Edgecumbe to Sidney Herbert relative to militia qualifications proposed in Herbert’s militia bill. February 9.
9 - Memorandum from the Horse Guards relative to the sending of a 300 man detachment to Garry on the Red River (Canada) February 14.
10 - Letter from G. J. Guthrie to Sidney Herbert on the disgraceful absence of medical comfort for the troops in India. February 24.
11 - Letter from Lord Fitzroy Somerset to Sidney Herbert on the state of the army medical department in India. 1 March.
12 - Letter to Lord Cathcart requesting information for sending a detachment of 200 men to Fort Garry on the Red River (Canada). [This letter is dated December 2, 1846; this is perhaps incorrect, and should be December 2 1845. A note attached to the letter is dated March 4 1846. See 2057/F8/I/N/9]
13 - Observations addressed to the chairman and court of directors of the Honourable the East India Company, on the defective state of the medical department of the British Army in India. Paper written by G. J. Guthrie. March 11.
14 - Memorandum from Sir John MacDonald on the illegal attestation of recruits and its threat to the safety of the recruiting service. March 14.
15 - Letter from Lord Fitzroy Somerset to Sidney Herbert on the defective state of the medical department of the British Army in India. March 19.
16 - Memorandum on the good conduct pay of the 2nd Dragoon Guards. May 7.
17 - Letter from G. J. Guthrie to Sidney Herbert on the defective state of the army medical arrangement. May 12. Enclosed note from a medical officer of the India Company’s service on the condition of the wounded at Feresopere. March 2.
18 - Letter from the president of the Royal College of Physicians to Sir James Graham requesting that medical men be exempt from militia service. June 4.
19 - Letter from Elias P. Squarey to Sidney Herbert relative to the importation and price of wool. June 30.
20 - Memorandum on the number of captains who die annually. No date.
21 - Letter from G. R. Gleig to Sidney Herbert recommending applying for yearly grant from the chancellor of the Exchequer for military churches and schools. No date.
22 - Memorandum to Sidney Herbert suggesting that the office of the Principal Chaplain be enhanced by an increase in salary, influence, and possible residence. Comment appended by Herbert. No date.
23 - Notes on the number of men in the army according to the establishment of 1845. Written by Sidney Herbert. No date.
24 - Mr. A. Burke’s thoughts on French affairs. Written by Sidney Herbert. No date.
25 - Returns on the number of merchant steam vessels in various French and English ports in 1845. No date.
26 - Sidney Herbert’s calculations of total numbers in the nation’s security forces, according to “Mr. Hume’s return”. No date.
27 - Sidney Herbert’s memorandum with alterations to be made by a bill to amend the militia bill. No date.
28 - Notes on suggestions for the militia bill. No date.
29 - Notes on the comparative cost of militia and army. No date.
30 - Memorandum and notes on the militia. No date.
31 - Notes on militia recruiting expenses. No date.
32 - Notes on the militia. No date.
33 - Militia: cost of arms, accoutrements and clothing. No date.
34 - Sidney Herbert’s comments on Colonel Markham’s suggestions for the militia.
35 - Existing force and its distribution to resist attack; the effect of addition of a militia. No date.
36 - Sidney Herbert’s request to J. Hanby to make a chart showing the number of sergeants to a company and the number of privates before and after the alteration of the staff in 1835. No date.
37 - Paper on the organisation of the Middlesex militia sent to Sidney Herbert by Colonel J. W. Wood.
38 - Suggestions relating to the militia, proposed by Colonel J. W. Wood. No date.
39 - Suggestions for the training of the militia, by Colonel Wood. Letter from Colonel Wood to Sidney Herbert enclosed. No date.
40 - Sidney Herbert’s memorandum on the augmentation of the depots, 1945. No date.
41 - A list of British merchant steamers on Lake Ontario, 1845. No date.
42 - Clause 82 of the Mutiny Act legalizing attestation. [See 2057/F8/I/N/14] No date.
43 - Copy of Lord Palmerston’s letter to the legal officer of the War Office requesting an opinion on the legality of the attesting of three recruits of the 1st Dragoons. Dated June 26.
44 - Notes on the number of men of the Grenadier Guards who have applied for discharge on the grounds of being illegally attested. No date.
45 - Captain Warder’s report on the Canadian Water Commission. Notes on the report by Sidney Herbert. No date.
46 - Number of muskets in store in Canada. No date.
47 - Sidney Herbert’s notes on Hudson’s Bay and the number of Indians that could be raised to support British troops in Canada. [See 2057/F8/I/N/6] No date.
48 - Sidney Herbert’s notes on Hudson’s Bay settlements and the transportation of troops from that region to the Red River. No date.
49 - No. 1. An account of the quantities of wheat and wheat flour remaining in warehouse in Gt. Britain in the month of February 1832 to 1846 both inclusive distinguishing Foreign from Colonial, and also the monthly average price of wheat in England and Wales. No date.
50 - No. 2. An account of the stocks on hand in certain foreign markets in each year, from 1834 to 1846 inclusive. No date.
51 - No. 3. Annual average prices of wheat in foreign markets, in each year from 1834 to 1846. No date.
52 - In continuation. Annual average prices of wheat per Imperial Quarter at the places mentioned herein from 1825 to 1833. No date.
53 - No. 4. Miscellaneous statements relative to shipping charges, insurance, etc., upon wheat imported from the Baltic. No date.
54 - No. 5. Statement of the amount of charges upon a quarter of wheat imported from various foreign ports (according to consular returns for 1826). No date.
55 - Commissariat. Comparative statement showing the price of forage as taken from the estimates for the years 1837-38 to 1846-47 also the average value of the ration of bread and meat per man. No date.
56 - Memorandum on the cost of soldiers’ ration in Great Britain from 1835 to 1846.
Expand 2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS
Expand 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Expand 4 - 1855-1859 Documents4 - 1855-1859 Documents
Expand 5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS
Expand 6 - Emigration to the Colonies (Australia, New Zealand, The Cape and Canada) 1849-18546 - Emigration to the Colonies (Australia, New Zealand, The Cape and Canada) 1849-1854
Expand 7 - Emigration to Australia: Female Emigration Fund 1850-18537 - Emigration to Australia: Female Emigration Fund 1850-1853
Expand 8 - Appointment of Nurses8 - Appointment of Nurses
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous9 - Miscellaneous
Expand 13 - Deeds13 - Deeds
Expand 14 - Legal 14 - Legal

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