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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Expand 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
Expand 2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS
Collapse 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Collapse 1 - 1853 Documents1 - 1853 Documents
1 - Report of the committee of inquiry into the state of the establishment of the War Office [called for by a Treasury minute of September 6 1852]. Minority report of Benjamin Hawes, Deputy Secretary at War, included. December 23 1852 and January 5.
2 - Memorandum containing a brief summary of the recommendations contained in the report of the three concurring committee members with remarks against them based on Benjamin Hawes’ separate report. [See 5027/F8/III/A1]. No date.
3 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert commenting on the new proposals made for the reorganisation of the war office. January 7.
4 - Letter from John Croomes to Benjamin Hawes disputing two points in the latter’s minority report on the War Office establishment. January 12.
5 - Letter from William E. Gladstone to Sidney Herbert on the conflict of authorities on the proposed reforms in the War Office. [See 2057/F8/III/A/l, 2057/F8/III/A/1o, 2057/F8/III/A/1p and 2057/F8/III/A/1q]. January 1.
6 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes [to Sidney Herbert?] on the deficient state of the Accounts Branch of the War Office. January 18.
7 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert commenting on specific items in Herbert’s draft proposal for implemented reforms in the War Office. January 26.
8 - Draft proposal from Sidney Herbert to the secretary of the treasury proposing and defending the increase in War Office staff (clerks) to adequately and efficiently handle the increase in the department’s business. [Ed. Herbert’s proposal contains some criticism of the committee report on the War office establishment. See 2057/F8/III/A/l]. January 28.
9 - Notes by Benjamin Hawes on the majority report of the committee of inquiry into the War Office establishment. [See 2057/F8/III/A/lj]. February 18.
10 - Memorandum by Benjamin Hawes on remarks by Benjamin Disraeli on December 16 1852, to the effect that the War Office was already in an efficient state without further increase in funds or augmentation of staff. February 19.
11 - Letter from the committee of inquiry into the state of the War office to the Chancellor of the Exchequer critical of Benjamin Hawes for his unprecedented action in submitting a counter-report, and defending the recommendations of the committee majority. [See 2057/F8/III/A/lh]. February 17.
12 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert defending himself against criticisms made by the majority members of the committee of inquiry in their letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. February 18.
13 - Correspondence between the War Office and the Treasury, relative to the Establishment of the War Office. [Correspondence and Treasury minutes covering the period August 1826 to October 1830]. Printed at the Foreign Office. February 22.
14 - Letter from Mr. Kirby, chief examiner at the War Office, to Benjamin Hawes explaining the accumulation of accounts in his office is due to the shortage of staff. February 25 1853. Additional remarks by Mr. Croomes that enrolment and training accounts of the militia remain unexamined for the same reason – shortage of staff. February 26.
15 - Paper on the duties of the various sub-divisions of the War Office and a list of the clerks in each department with the salaries on January 1, 1853. March 3.
16 - Letter from William E. Gladstone to Sidney Herbert commenting on the dispute between the committee of inquiry majority and Benjamin Hawes. [See 2057/F8/III/A/1d]. March 8.
17 - Letter from William E. Gladstone to Sidney Herbert expressing his official concern at the continuing dispute over the committee of inquiry’s report and the request of Herbert for additional clerks at the War Office. March 22.
18 - Letter from William E. Gladstone to Sidney Herbert suggesting that Herbert precede with the augmentation of the war office staff on his own authority through application to the Treasury. April 5 1853.
19 - Report on the state of the examination of accounts in the War Office on April 1, 1853, and remarks by Benjamin Hawes. [See 2057/F8/III/A/1cc] April 4.
20 - Memorandum from Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert suggesting the appointment and deployment of new clerks to handle the increase in War Office business. April 9.
21 - Rough draft letter from Sidney Herbert to William E. Gladstone explaining his intention to proceed with War Office reorganisation within the limits imposed by the Treasury, although regarding it as a make-shift arrangement. April 12.
22 - Note from William E. Gladstone to Sidney Herbert stating Sir Charles Trevelyan’s – the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury – appreciation, and his own, with Herbert’s plans to proceed with the reorganisation of the War Office. No date.
23 - Letter from Sir Stafford Northcote to William E. Gladstone offering his opinion on the salaries of War Office clerks in the proposed reorganisation. August 9 1853. Prefatory note from Gladstone to Sidney Herbert. 9 August.
24 - Memorandum by Benjamin Hawes on Sir Stafford Northcote’s comments on clerk salaries in the War Office. 15 August.
25 - Comparative statement showing the cost of the registry room at the War Office as it was constituted prior to 10 May 1853 and as it now exists. August 24.
26 - Brief note on the number of papers registered and persons employed in registration at the War Office: 1850, 1851, and 1852.
27 - Copy of a letter from William Beresford to Benjamin Disraeli correcting a judgement of the efficiency of the War Office made by the latter in a speech on December 1853. [See 2057/F8/III/A/1i] [Ed. The copy is incorrectly dated 1853; it should be 1852] No date.
28 - Notes by Benjamin Hawes on the augmentation of departments in the War Office specifically the questions of finance and discipline.
29 - Estimates for the present and proposed establishment of the War Office.
30 - Statement showing the difference in the number of accounts not received and not examined at the War Office on January 1 1852 and January 1 1853. [See 2057/F8/III/A/1r]
31 - Two letters from the Marquis of Winchester on the state of the North Hampshire militia regiment. February 2 and February 7.
32 - Official list of men, officers and privates in the North Hampshire militia the Winchester Barracks. February 2.
33 - Surgeon’s report on the health and general condition of the men in the North Hampshire militia regiment. February 6.
34 - Militia estimates for 1853. No date.
35 - Letter from Captain Cowper, Wiltshire militia, to Lord Broughton suggesting improvements in the militia staff, etc. February 18.
36 - Letter from Lord Broughton to Sidney Herbert commenting on Captain Cowper’s proposals. February 26.
37 - Memorandum by L. W. Dougale [?] on the pecuniary liability of colonels and commandants of militia regiments. April 29 1853. Second memorandum by Dougale on the qualifications and pay of militia artillery. April 2.
38 - Establishment of regiments of militia in England and Wales, upon the full quota of 80,000 men. March 5.
39 - Letter from Lord Grey to Sidney Herbert describing the difficulty of raising corps of militia artillery in Northumberland as requested by the secretary of state. July 26.
40 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Grey suggesting the means of enrolling men in the artillery. July 29.
41 - Rough draft of confidential letter from Sidney Herbert to militia colonels detailing steps to take in dealing with desertions from their regiments. July 5.
42 - Letter from Lord Raglan to Sidney Herbert requesting clarification of the law requiring that training ground for the militia be provided by the counties. July 27.
43 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Benjamin Hawes asking him to look into the question raised by Raglan. No date.
44 - Reply to Raglan’s inquiry stating that the counties are not compelled to provide exercising or training grounds for the militia. [Author of reply not indicated] July 29.
45 - Letter from H. Waddington, Home Office to Benjamin Hawes relative to the difficulty of satisfactorily determining whether the counties are responsible for providing militia training grounds because of the vague language in the militia act. August 19.
46 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert commenting on Waddington’s reply to the initial inquiry of county responsibility for militia training grounds. August 19.
47 - Note from William E. Gladstone to Sidney Herbert indicating that the publicans at Devizes do not want the militia moved from the town, as they wished earlier. April 7.
48 - Letter from Lord Salisbury suggesting ways to improve the militia. June 14.
49 - Report from the select committee on militia estimates for the year ending 31 March 1854. July 15.
50 - Copy of a report by Sir John Burgoyne on the requisite necessities for militia depots and the desirability of centralising the arrangements required for all of the local militia depots. July 21 1853. Cover letter enclosed from Lord Raglan to Sidney Herbert. July 25.
51 - Copy of letter from John Atkinson of Leeds to Colonel Smyth, M.P., recommending amendments to clause 36 and following clause 37 of the Militia Pay Act. Amendments enclosed. July 31.
52 - Letter from Colonel Lowther to Sidney Herbert suggesting changes in the militia estimates. Proposals enclosed. July 18.
53 - Letter from Major Gronius (?), Westmoreland militia, to Sidney Herbert describing his plans for improving the living quarters of militia officers. September 28.
54 - Letter from Lord Salisbury to Sidney Herbert commenting on several matters related to the militia, particularly the opportunity for the militiamen to enlist in the regular army or marines. November 15 1853.
55 - Memorandum from G. Stacey, army ordnance storekeeper, on the construction and specification of army boots. June 24 1853. Enclosed memorandum on specifications to the contractor in the supply of infantry boots for the militia. June 5.
56 - Letter from Thomas Hastings, Board of Ordnance, to Sidney Herbert responding to Herbert’s request for papers relating to the supply of clothing and boots for the militia. June 27.
57 - Copy of letter from G. Stacey ordnance storekeeper, explaining the reasons for the unsatisfactory state of militia clothing supply. June 18.
58 - Memorandum from Thomas Hastings, Board of Ordnance, explaining the irregularity and unsatisfactory state of militia clothing supply. No date.
59 - Paper on the clothing of the militia of the Channel Isles. No date.
60 - Notes by Major Ripon proposing a new dress tunic for officers of the line. No date.
61 - Letter from Colonel Richard Airet, Horse Guards, to H. Waddington, Home Office, approving the amended establishment of militia regiments and corps in England and Wales for 1853. February 16.
62 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes to H. Waddington on the question of militia commissions and how Lord Palmerston wishes to handle the matter. April 26.
63 - Letter from H. Waddington to Benjamin Hawes explaining some difficulties in the fees involved in issuing the commissions. April 28.
64 - Memoranda on fees on militia commissions 21 June. No date.
65 - Memoranda on fees on militia commissions 21 June. No date.
66 - Letter from Lord Grey to Sidney Herbert describing the difficulty finding and appointing suitable officers to the Northumberland militia. July 9.
67 - Letter to Spencer Walpole from a militia officer complaining about the low pay of adjutants, sergeants, etc. One enclosure on the 2nd Surrey Regiment showing attendance in training by volunteers as opposed to those men who were balloted.
68 - Letter of appreciation from a Lieutenant Brackley to Sidney Herbert for the latter’s efforts in his behalf in securing advancement in the yeomanry, a move opposed by Lord Palmerston. December 15.
69 - Anonymous letter to Sidney Herbert complaining against militia colonels, most of whom received their appointments through family interest and politics. Letter signed “25 years active service”. September 1.
70 - Confidential parliamentary report on a scheme for the extension and improvement of elementary education in England and Wales. January 27.
71 - Memorandum on the management of clauses of building grants for elementary schools. [See 2057/F8/III/A/35] February 1.
72 - An act to improve and extend the school establishment of Scotland. [See 2057/F8/III/A/34] February 10.
73 - Confidential parliamentary report on a plan of education in Scotland. February 26.
74 - Confidential parliamentary report: Un-technical heads of a bill to improve and extend education in Scotland. [See 2057/F8/III/A/32] March 31.
75 - Memorandum on changes in the education bill for 1853, prepared by R. V. W. Lingey [?] for Sidney Herbert. [See 2057/F8/III/A/31] April 18.
76 - Notes on the financial bearing of the proposed education bill and of the proposed education bill and of the proposed minute supplement thereof. Prepared by R. V. W. Lingey for Sidney Herbert. April 20.
77 - Copy of the draft of a bill for the promotion of education in cites and boroughs in England. April 2.
78 - Minute as to grants for schools in agricultural districts and in towns not having charters of incorporation in England and Wales. [See 2057/F8/II/F/8]
79 - The rate scale to be adopted in the minute relating to capitation grants in rural districts and towns not incorporated in England and Wales. February 21.
80 - Table no. 1 showing grants to elementary schools in England and Wales between 1833 and 31 December 1852. Table no. 2 showing population in the incorporated and unincorporated towns by the 1851 census. No date.
81 - Comparative tables showing selected incorporated towns, agricultural counties, and unincorporated towns and the annual education grants received by each. No date.
82 - Copy of draft bill for giving increased facilities for grants of sites of schools. Enclosures. No date.
83 - Draft of a bill for the better administration of charitable trusts. April 6.
84 - Letter from J. D. Fitzgerald to Benjamin Hawes, Deputy Secretary at War, requesting the War Office to investigate Arbour Hill school in Dublin where Roman Catholic children are required to attend religious instruction of the Established Church. Enclosures. March 11.
85 - Letter from Reverend G. R. Gleig, Chaplain-General to Sidney Herbert on the dismissal of a Mr. Corrie, a schoolmaster. December 5.
86 - List of regimental and garrison schoolmasters and their assistants, 1852. January 1.
87 - Notes on the education and examination of officers [Author unknown] No date.
88 - Private memorandum expressing the view that the time is favourable for granting the Great Western Railway Company rights to construct a narrow gauge line between Oxford, Reading and Basingstoke. [See 2057/F8/III/A/45c] February 22.
89 - Memorandum from the Army Transport Committee, Horse Guards, supporting construction of a narrow gauge line from Oxford to Basingstoke, as important to military communications. February 22.
90 - Memorandum from the Army Transport Committee, Horse Guards, expressing the belief that the construction of a rail line from Stroud to Canterbury via Chatham is of importance to the military communications of the country. February 22.
91 - Evidence by Charles Russell, chairman of the Great Western Railway Company, before the Lord’s Committee on the Manchester and Southern Railway Bill, as to the laying of a narrow gauge line from Oxford to Basingstoke. [See 2057/F8/III/A/45] August 22 1846.
92 - Special report on the Manchester and Southern Railway Bill. August 24.
93 - Copy of petition of the inhabitants of the counties of Wiltshire, Somerset and Dorset against further land grants and rights to the Great Western Railway Company and its subsidiaries. No date.
94 - Lord Hardinge’s remarks before a select committee of the House of Commons in opposition to the Devon and Dorset Railway Bill [a Bill to authorise the Great Western, Bristol, and Exeter companies to construct a broad gauge line between Dorchester and Exeter]. No date.
95 - Evidence by Sidney Herbert before the select committee of the House of Commons on the Devon and Dorset Railway Bill. June 22.
96 - Evidence by Viscount Palmerston before select committee of the House of Commons on the Devon and Dorset Railway Will. June 22.
97 - Position paper expressing government opposition to any further grants of power to the Great Western, Bristol and Exeter, and South Western companies to extend their lines until they complete construction of lines for which they have already obtained powers. No date.
98 - Comparative figures of the amounts of deposits and interest in regimental savings banks and the number of depositors. March 31.
99 - Return of the number of depositors and amount of deposits in the regimental savings banks, 1844-1853. No date.
100 - Copy of the report of the commissioners appointed by the Act of 12 & 13 Vict. C. 71, to make an equitable distribution of the funds of regimental benefit societies. Cover memorandum enclosed. No date.
101 - Rough draft of a letter from Sidney Herbert to Viscount Palmerston concerning the establishment and appointment of a regius professorship of military surgery. February 6.
102 - Letter from Sir Charles Locock to Sidney Herbert suggesting appointment of military surgery professorship in conjunction with the College of Surgeons. February 27
103 - Letter from Caesar H. Hawkins, President of the College of Surgeons, to Sidney Herbert on the proposed professorship of military surgery. February 28 1853.
104 - Letter from R. Self, Principal of King’s College, to Sidney Herbert offering the facilities of the college for the military surgery professorship. February 28.
105 - Letter from William H. Porter. Senior Professor of Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland to Sidney Herbert offering the Dublin facilities for the military surgery professorship. [See 2057/F8/III/A/48g] March 3.
106 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert recommending a Mr. Tufnell, an army staff surgeon in Dublin, for appointment to the military surgery professorship. March 5.
107 - Letter from a Professor Miller to Sidney Herbert outlining his thoughts on the negative and positive aspects of a special chair for military surgery. March 5.
108 - Letter from a Mr. Maxwell, representing the president and council of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, to Sidney Herbert restating that body’s interest in providing its facilities for the proposed professorship of military surgery. [See 2057/F8/III/A/48d] February 22.
109 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Edward Blakeney concerning the re-opening of Dublin’s Kilmainham hospital to veterans on the same basis as the Chelsea hospital. May 19.
110 - Letter from Sir Edward Blakeney to Sidney Herbert pledging co-operation in establishing Kilmainham as a pensioners’ hospital similar to Chelsea. May 21.
111 - Letter to Sidney Herbert to Lord Stanley of Alderbury asking his views on the securing of the services of a Mr. Moorhead of Chelsea hospital, to inquire into the internal discipline and arrangement of Kilmainham hospital. May 23 1853.
112 - Letter to Sidney Herbert to Mr. Moorhead respecting arrangements at Kilmainham. October 31.
113 - Brief notes by Sidney Herbert on the expense of Kilmainham in 1833 and 1853; the ratio of pensioners; the least deserving there, etc. No date.
114 - Brief notes by Sidney Herbert on the qualifications for the master of the charter at Kilmainham. No date.
115 - Lengthy description of the Six Mile Bridge case in Ireland (July 22, 1852?) and the resulting prosecutions. Letter enclosed from a Mr. Brewster to Sidney Herbert (dated February 14 1853) and some notes by Herbert on the case.
116 - Letter from Colonel Alex M. Tulloch, War Office, on the mortality rates among the regiments stationed in Burma. January 26.
117 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Colonel Tulloch asking if the statements in The Daily News (September 20 1853) about the extreme un-healthiness of the troops in Pegu [in Burma] were true. Newspaper article enclosed. September 20
118 - Report from Colonel Tulloch to Sidney Herbert on the mortality among the European troops in Burma, confirming much of The Daily News report. September 20
119 - Clarifying note from Colonel Tulloch to Sidney Herbert on the mortality figures in the Burma campaign. September 22
120 - Memorandum on the establishment of deputy purveyors to take chare of the financial business of military hospitals in the United Kingdom. February 22 (?)
121 - Letter from Colonel Grey to Sidney Herbert on a proposal to change the organisation of the army depots. February 7.
122 - Letter from Colonel Grey to Sidney Herbert requesting that he send the copy of the letter sent on February 7 to Lord Hardinge. Enclosure: comparative figures of the present and proposed strength of regiments and depots at home and abroad. No date.
123 - Letter from Colonel Grey to Sidney Herbert asking, on behalf of Prince Albert, about Herbert’s plan to introduce a measure relative to ten-year men who may wish to take their discharge at the expiration of their period of service. July 24.
124 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Colonel Grey on the formation of reserve battalions through the use of ten-year men. July 26.
125 - Letter from Prince Albert to Sidney Herbert declaring his support for Herbert’s plans to make use of the services of ten-year men and pensioners to form reserve battalions. July 27.
126 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Prince Albert clarifying some points in his plan for the ten-year men and pensioners, but generally expressing pleasure at the Prince’s approval of the scheme. July 29.
127 - Abstract of Lord Hardinge’s on the distribution of forces at home and overseas. January. No date.
128 - Report on the estimate of additions to the army by augmentation of the depots. Included is a statement of numbers and charges voted for the army in each year since 1842. January 11.
129 - Return showing the number of troops in certain garrisons on June 1 and July 1, 1853. Return of the total force in Great Britain and Ireland or July 1, 1853. Prepared by G Brown, adjutant general. August 1.
130 - Letter from the Reverend Skinner to Sidney Herbert on the effects of barrack accommodations on the lives of the soldiers. February 3.
131 - War Office circular no. 1136: Officers shall be permitted to participate in the advantages afforded by barrack libraries. Regulation established for the use of such libraries. Dec 16 1952.
132 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes, Deputy Secretary at War, to the general commanding officer (Beresford?), permitting the use of newspapers in the library or reading room of barracks. Commanding officers to be held responsible for seeing that such newspapers do not jeopardize troop morality or discipline. February 18.
133 - Memorandum on the history of the establishment of barrack libraries. No date.
134 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on the number of books supplied to military libraries at home and abroad between 1840 and 1854, independent of periodicals. No date.
135 - Return on the total number of claimants to war medals under the general order of June 1, 1847, including the peninsula, Egypt and India. From June 1, 1847 to July 31, 1953. Prepared by Henry Elliot, secretary for the military board. Enclosure on the medal in gratuity. No date.
136 - Note from Sidney Herbert enquiring what the clothing board has to do with the issuing of war medals. Reply attached. Respondent not identified. No date.
137 - Memorandum citing reasons for the exclusion of army sergeants from the warrant granting good conduct pay. January 19.
138 - Copy of a letter from Sidney Herbert to Dr Andrew Smith, Director General of the Army Medical Department; on the issuing of French sentinel cloaks to the household guards as a means of combating the high mortality rate among those particular troops. September 9.
139 - Letter from Mr. John Cortalles to Sir John Young on the draft of a will providing for ministers’ salaries. February 28.
140 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir John Young on the subject of ministers’ money. March 6.
141 - Letter from Sir John Young to Sidney Herbert acknowledging Herbert’s letter and stating his agreement with its contents. March 7.
142 - Draft copy of a bill to amend the law relating to the provision for ministers in cities and corporate towns in Ireland. June 21.
143 - Report titled: “Observations on the difficulties of the question of ministers money and suggestions for a bill to amend the present system”. Unsigned and undated.
144 - Return of the number of offices and men of each religious denomination in the army at home and abroad. Prepared by the Adjutant General’s Office, Horse Guards. June 3.
145 - Return showing the expenditure of £18,500 taken in the army estimates for allowances to officiating clergymen for performing divine service to the military at home and abroad, and for religious books. July 1.
146 - Statement by Bishop John Ryan declaring support for the efforts of the Reverend Brahan, Catholic clergyman to troops at Limerick, to set up a Catholic chapel at the garrison. April 22.
147 - Letter from Reverend Brahan to Lieutenant Colonel Douglas requesting the bishop’s sanction of chapel plans be presented to General Fleming, garrison commander. April 22.
148 - Letter from G. R. Gleig, Chaplain-General, to Sidney Herbert promising to discuss Bishop Ryan’s request with General Fleming at Limerick. May 25.
149 - Memorandum from G. R. Gleig on the object of Bishop Ryan. No date.
150 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Monsell on the rate of money paid to Roman Catholic priests officiating to the troops. December 26.
151 - Copy of letter from G. Brown, Adjutant General, to Lieutenant General Wood, in Barbados, on the recruiting of black regiments in the West Indies. Enclosures. March 16.
152 - Copy of letter from G. Brown, to Lieutenant General Wood cautioning against recruiting native subjects during the crop season, on the complaint of planters. Enclosures. July 30.
153 - Memorandum on the number and condition of military prisons at home and abroad. February 18.
154 - Comparative figures on prisoners admitted into military prisons, 1850-1853. No date.
155 - Letter from Lord Raglan to Sidney Herbert on the necessity of evacuation pensioners from Tilbury fort. January 21.
156 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Colonel A. M. Tulloch asking about the marine barracks at Deptford as a suitable site for the Tilbury pensioners. February 7.
157 - Letter from Captain Robert McNair to Colonel Tulloch on the suitability of Deptford as a suitable site for the Tilbury pensioners, based upon his personal inspection. February 8.
158 - Letter from Colonel Tulloch to Sidney Herbert on moving Tilbury pensioners to Deptford, and reference to Captain McNair’s report. February 14.
159 - Letter from Lord Raglan to Sidney Herbert re-emphasizing the importance of evacuating the pensioners from Tilbury Fort and taking issue with Colonel Tulloch’s assessment of the Tilbury situation. February 21.
160 - Rough sketch of the barracks at Tilbury Fort. No date.
161 - Letter from Lord Winchester to Sidney Herbert asking for the dismissal of his (Winchester’s) adjutant. March 10.
162 - Letter from Sir William Heathcote to William E. Gladstone requesting his attention to a letter from W. C. Yonge on the subject of the fortifications at Portsmouth. January 31. Yonge letter enclosed.
163 - Letter from G. R. Gleig, Chaplain-General to Sidney Herbert in reply to Herbert’s remonstrance of the former’s promoting of church commissioners to c.o. positions. September 16.
164 - Note on the canteen system in barracks and a change in that system since 1848. No date.
165 - Correspondence respecting the calling of general and subdivision meetings to enable clerks to issue precepts to the high constables for summoning militia volunteers to training and exercise. March 2.
166 - Comparative figures on the numbers and cost of military land forces in 1813, 1835 and 1853. Figures compiled by Sidney Herbert. No date.
167 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Colonel A.M. Tulloch requesting the number of pensioners who join the enrolled list every year and the number who go off the list every year. Enclosure. No date.
168 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert on pensioners and limited service. No date.
169 - Memorandum relative to the number and efficiency of pensioners in the United Kingdom. No date.
170 - Memorandum for the secretary at war, as to the number of pensioners in the colonies; and their condition and prospects. No date.
171 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert on the education of army officers and men, as well as his thoughts on the new Aberdeen coalition government. January 22.
172 - Memorandum on the opinion of law officers on the right of a military sentry to place civilians under arrest, based upon a case at Portsmouth. 1853.
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