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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Expand 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
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Expand 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Collapse 4 - 1855-1859 Documents4 - 1855-1859 Documents
Expand 1 - 1855 Documents1 - 1855 Documents
Expand 2 - 1856 Documents2 - 1856 Documents
Collapse 3 - 1857 Documents3 - 1857 Documents
1 - Report on the objections raised against the plans of the Royal Victoria Hospital at Netley, prepared by Colonel Terence O’Brien, Assistant Quartermaster-General. May 25.
2 - Remarks on the report of the committee report on the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. Two copies. Cover Note: “Written by Sidney Herbert himself” No date.
3 - Appendix to the committee report on the Royal Victoria Hospital, apparently written by Sidney Herbert. No date.
4 - Model plan of the Netley hospital, and Sidney Herbert’s note. No date.
5 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on the antecedents of Netley. No date.
6 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on the Netley hospital No date.
7 - Letter from Dr. Douglas (?) Maclachlan to Sidney Herbert endorsing the latter’s criticism of the site chosen for the Netley hospital. June 10.
8 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Thomas Phillips requesting him to join the royal commission on army medical and sanitary reforms. April 7.
9 - Letter from a Mr. Robert (?) Lowe to Sidney Herbert calling for the increase in discretion at Chelsea as to the number of pensioners accepted there. June 19.
10 - Memorandum from the commissioners of Chelsea Hospital to Sidney Herbert on the subject of pensioning invalid soldiers. Private letter enclosed. June 22.
11 - Letter from J. T. (?) Nicholls to Sidney Herbert asking his support of a memorial on the subject of the claims of militia surgeons. May 23.
12 - Letter from a Dr. Hansard also asking Sidney Herbert’s endorsement of the memorial from the Society of Military Surgeons to Lord Panmure, Secretary for War, in support of militia surgeons’ claims. Copy of memorial enclosed. May 26.
13 - Letter from Dr. J. R. Brush to Sidney Herbert relative to the favouritism shown to military officers in ill health as opposed to medical officers labouring under sickness, based upon his experiences in the Crimean War. May 11.
14 - Letter by Mr. Tufnell on the position of the surgeon and assistant surgeon of a regiment having their names placed in the Army List in relation to the position they hold in the regiment with respect to the other officers. July 10.
15 - Letter from Dr. J. R. Taylor to Sidney Herbert commenting on several subjects concerning the promotion and pay of medical officers, the authority of Dr. Alexander Smith (Director-General, Army Medical Department), and soldiers’ rations. [See 2057/F8/IV/C/12]. May 30.
16 - Letter from Dr. Taylor to Sidney Herbert criticizing a recent warrant in circular downgrading the ranks of army medical officers as detrimental to the efficiency of that department. July 1.
17 - Notes on the position of a medical officer on half-pay. Author unknown. No date.
18 - Memorandum by Dr. J. R. Martin on the grievances of medical officers in the Bengal army. No date.
19 - Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to Sidney Herbert commenting on military matters, with emphasis on the qualification status and pay of army medical officers. Extract of questions enclosed. June 4.
20 - Letter from Dr. J. R. Taylor to Sidney Herbert critical of the present system of promotion among the army medical staff. [See 2057/F8/IV/C/8] June 29.
21 - Some notes listing objections to the system of promotion, pay, dress and other requirements of medical officers. Author unknown. No date.
22 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert enclosing a return showing the number of medical officers on full pay on 1 July 1857, distinguishing the ranks and length of service. Other data included in the return. December 23.
23 - Copy of the draft warrant to regulate the pay, promotion and retirement of army surgeons, drawn up by Sidney Herbert. No date.
24 - Corrected copies of the warrant relative to the rank and pay, promotion and retirement of army medical officers. Two copies. No date.
25 - Copy of draft warrant to regulate the pay, promotion and retirement of army surgeons, with two suggestions written in (by Sidney Herbert?) Contained in envelope. No date.
26 - Pamphlet titled Copies of correspondence from the governing bodies of the universities and royal colleges of physicians and surgeons of England, Ireland and Scotland, relative to the insufficiency of the present position, pay and retirement of the medical officers of the Army, as communicated to the right Honourable the Secretary of State for War, in memorials from the above mentioned bodies. No date.
27 - Sidney Herbert’s notes on the War Office minutes on the proposed medical board or council to administer reforms in the army medical service. Notes sent to Benjamin Hawes, Deputy Secretary-of-War. February 18.
28 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Benjamin Hawes on the treatment of soldier lunatics, and to remove the stigma of pauperism from the care provided for soldiers who have experienced the loss of their reason. May 31.
29 - Report of lunatic patients, prepared by Alexander Stuart, staff surgeon at the Royal Hospital, Haslan. January 21.
30 - Minute paper prepared by Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert on the military lunatic asylum. Enclosure. June 3.
31 - Letter from Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert on the military lunatic asylum. June 4.
32 - Letter from Sir John MacNeil to Sidney Herbert commenting on the work of the Board of Supervision, in Edinburgh, in response to allegation made against it by the Scotch Lunacy Commission. Enclosure. July 6.
33 - Letter from the Office of Commissioners in Lunacy to Sidney Herbert on the proposed regulations for the temporary lunacy wards in the new hospital at Netley. November 24.
34 - Letter from S. Gaskell to Sidney Herbert relative to the instructions on the treatment of men suffering from mental diseases. November 28.
35 - Notes titled Instructions as to the treatment of men suffering under mental diseases. (Written by Sidney Herbert) No date.
36 - Letter from George Graham, registrar general to Sidney Herbert raising the issue of providing some form for recording the deaths of soldiers. Graham first discussed such a procedure during the Crimean War without successful results. [See 2057/F8/IV/A/3] June 10.
37 - Memorandum and cover note from Dr. B. Childs to Sidney Herbert commenting on the night duty of police constables. [Ed. Herbert requested his information as part of a comparative study of the effects of night duty on military personnel as opposed to civilians] June 20
38 - Two letters from Colonel E. Warde to Sidney Herbert relative to the mortality rates at Woolwich and Aldershot camps. Comparative figures enclosed. 4 August.
39 - Letter from Dr. J. R. Martin to Sidney Herbert on the need for improved medical facilities in India, as a result of larger numbers of troops being sent there to suppress the native mutiny. July 7.
40 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert expressing his views of the problem of invaliding in the army, the status of Kilmainham hospital, Chelsea hospital, etc. These areas were to be studied by Herbert’s commission on the sanitary condition of the army. June 18.
41 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert discussing the preliminary report of Herbert’s commission on the sanitary condition of the army. Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to Balfour on the same topic enclosed. August 19.
42 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert on the rationing of European troops in India. October 23.
43 - Letter from John MacDonald to Sidney Herbert on the improved ventilation at The Times office, but cautioning against any conclusions to be drawn from this development. December 1.
44 - Letter from Dr. J. R. Taylor to Sidney Herbert rejecting the instructions sent him by the detailed medical report L (part of the report by the royal commission on the sanitary condition of the army?) relative to invaliding – “Wretched twaddle”. Taylor offers his own ideas on the subject. November 26.
45 - Letter from Taylor to Herbert clarifying and elaborating on his views on invaliding expressed in his letter of 26 November. November 29.
46 - Letter from Taylor to Herbert suggesting improvements in the form to be used by military and medical authorities in determining the invaliding (i.e., the discharge) of a soldier. Form enclosed. December 13.
47 - Letter from Dr. Douglas (?) MacLauchlan to Sidney Herbert offering his views on the question of invaliding. November 28.
48 - Printed copy of Instructions regarding the examination of soldiers brought forward for discharge as unfit for further service. No date.
49 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert expressing disagreement with Dr. Taylor’s views on invaliding. December 28.
50 - Note by Florence Nightingale calling Dr. Taylor’s ideas on the causes of invaliding “invaluable” and stating that they should be included with the other statistical data in the appendix of the final report of the royal commission on the sanitary condition of the army. No date.
51 - Memorandum on the statistical department of the general register office. Author unknown. No date.
52 - Letter from Dr. William Farr, chief superintendent of the statistical department, general register office, to Sidney Herbert commenting on his (Farr’s ) impending visit to Vienna and the information he hopes to obtain on the statistical services used in the Austrian Army. August 8.
53 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert on general matters pertaining to publication of the royal commission report. July 1.
54 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert thanking him for consenting to become a Fellow of the Statistical Society and agreeing to propose his name. Also requests Herbert to look into the question of the Crown, as a disinterested person. 29 June.
55 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert relative to statistical data requested by Herbert, to be included in the report of the commission on the sanitary condition of the army. The evidence, says Farr, “throw a terrible light on the scene of [Miss Nightingale’s] labour…” August 11.
56 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert explaining what information will be required in order for the statistical department to calculate the mortality of any portion of the army. October 21.
57 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert requesting certain returns in order to proceed with requested calculations, and commenting on other matters involving the statistical department. November 3.
58 - Note from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert on the unsuitability of some of the foreign forms used to collect statistical data. November 21.
59 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert commenting on several items of importance in preparing a suitable form for use in collecting data on the army medical services. December 2.
60 - Suggestions of barrack rooms and for hospitals written by Robert Rawlinson, C. E. Diagrams enclosed. No date.
61 - Return showing the amount of accommodation in each barrack in the United Kingdom, with the number of men apportioned in each room and the cubic space allowed for each man; the number of wards in the hospitals, the number of patients allotted to each ward, with cubic space allowed for each patient, as stated in a return to the House of Commons made by the Barrack Department in 1848. Appendix enclosed. July 4.
62 - Printed sheet describing the games at the Parkhurst Barracks, on the Isle of Wight, on October 7 1855.
63 - Letter From Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on the corrections to be found in the proofs of the regulations on barrack construction. January 4.
64 - Remarks on Croydon Barracks, written by Dr. John Sutherland. No date.
65 - Letter From Sir John Burgoyne, War Office to Dr. Graham Balfour on the expense for sleeping and living accommodation for soldiers in the construction of barracks – information requested by Sidney Herbert. Follow up letter (June 19 1857) enclosed. June 17.
66 - Letter from Colonel Alexander M. Tulloch to Sidney Herbert as to the relative cost of poorhouses and barracks. July 27.
67 - Draft of notes on poorhouse building and furnishing. Abstract of returns to the Board of Supervision (Scotland) of the cost of building and furnishing poorhouses in Scotland. September 14.
68 - Letter from Sir Henry Storks, War Office, to Sidney Herbert informing him that the Barrack Commission report has been sent to him (Herbert). Note from Dr. Graham Balfour to Storks enclosed. October 16.
69 - Letter from Sir Henry Storks to Sidney Herbert expressing Lord Panmure’s view on the spending of funds for barrack construction. November 17.
70 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on the new army barracks at Kensington. No date
71 - Cubical content on the Kensington Palace barracks, drawn up by Charles Bell, foreman of works. November 25.
72 - Notes by Florence Nightingale on questions to be asked of the Barrack Commission. No date.
73 - Memorandum from Miss Nightingale to Sidney Herbert commenting on the report of the commission on the sanitary condition of the army viz. Lord Panmure and her thoughts on the Barrack Commission. No date.
74 - Copy of weekly returns of births and deaths in London for the week ending Saturday 15 November 1856. Published by authority of the registrar-general. No date.
75 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Panmure urging speed in the appointment of the commission to investigate army sanitary conditions if a report is to be produced on time. February 12.
76 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert commenting on developments in China, which might well delay arranging for the commission on army medical reform. March 7.
77 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert agreeing to issue instructions for the army medical reform omission. April 15.
78 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert acknowledging that Dr. Andrew Smith, Director General of the Army Medical Department, had been instructed not to proceed to Malta in order that he would be available for use by the commission on army medical reform. No date.
79 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Panmure informing him that the commission on the sanitary state of the army had concluded its work and that a copy of its report would be sent to him the moment it is ready. Herbert offered to aid in the implementation of the commission’s recommendations. August 7.
80 - Copy of memorandum on matter agreed on between Lord Panmure and Sidney Herbert relative to the army sanitary commission, and the appointment of sub-commissions on various aspects of the commission report. August 14.
81 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Panmure requesting appointment of the sub-commission to deal with hospital regulations, and replying to Panmure’s objection to that particular body. November 11.
82 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert promising to issue instructions for establishing the sub-commission on hospital regulations, according to Herbert’s draft instructions. November 25.
83 - Letter from Colonel Alexander M. Tulloch to Sidney Herbert rejecting Lord Panmure’s offer of £1000 for his services as a government medical commissioner during the Crimean War, after subjecting Tulloch and the other commissioner, Sir John McNeil, to severe criticism. February 20.
84 - Letter from Colonel Tulloch to Sidney Herbert explaining that Lord Palmerston intended a satisfactory recognition for Sir John McNeil and himself in view of the fact that both men had declined the offer of money. March 12.
85 - Letter from Sir John McNeil to Florence Nightingale on the organising of the supplies of a military hospital. May 16.
86 - Letter from Sir John McNeil to Sidney Herbert commenting on hospital supplies and how best to provide them in military hospitals. May 22.
87 - Letter from Dr. Drummond, Melville Hospital, to Sidney Herbert describing the regulations governing the painting and whitewashing naval hospitals, and explaining the nature and extent of his (Drummonds) authority. May 25.
88 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland, in Paris to Sidney Herbert on his inspection of French military hospitals, with particular attention to be given to the treatment of French lunatic soldiers. June 2.
89 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland, in Paris to Sidney Herbert commenting further on visitation and inspection of French military hospitals. Questions Herbert regarding witnesses before the commission on the sanitary condition of the army. June 5.
90 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert describing the cleanliness and adequate ventilation of French and Belgian military hospitals and the absence of those conditions in British military hospitals. June 22.
91 - Notes by Dr. Sutherland on the experimental weighing of men on salt ration as opposed to those fed on the usual fresh ration. No date.
92 - Letter from Colonel Jebb to Sidney Herbert on the subject of ventilation in military hospitals. August 10.
93 - Note from Dr. Andrew Smith, Director General of the Army Medical Department, to Sidney Herbert relative to the lists on the amount of supplies and equipment required for field hospitals when an army is actively engaged in field operations. July 28
94 - Two letters from Dr. J. R. Martin to Sidney Herbert on the need for field hospitals when an army is actively engaged in field operations. July 28.
95 - Letter from Dr. Christison to Sidney Herbert agreeing to provide information to the army sanitary commission on the present dietary system in military hospitals. November 28.
96 - Letter from Dr. Christison to Sidney Herbert proposing his views on a dietary system in military hospitals. December 28
97 - Anonymous letter to Sidney Herbert suggesting changes in the organisation and administration of the army medical department, and the separating of medical and surgical causes. No date.
98 - Letter from General Storks, War Office, to Sidney Herbert requesting him to make any alterations in the draft instructions issued to the “Army Hospital Corps” under a new warrant by Lord Panmure. November 26 (?).
99 - Letter from Dr. G. Williamson, Fort Pitt (Chatham), to Sidney Herbert on the difficulties of correctly diagnosing certain diseases, notably chronic catarrh, bronchitis, etc. among soldiers. December 7.
100 - Table showing the size of wards in Fort Pitt hospital. Chatham. No date.
101 - Pencilled notes by Sidney Herbert on the size of wards and the number of patients in each ward in French military hospitals. No date.
102 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on general hospitals. No date.
103 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on his speech in the House of Commons relative to the government’s policy pursued toward the native rebellion in India. Notes in several sections. No date.
104 - Report from Henry W. Witt, assistant chemist to the Government School of Mines, to Captain Douglas Galton, R.E., on analysis of water at the Tower and the Mint. December 7.
105 - Pamphlet titled Expédition de Crimée. Quelques Éclaircissements relatifs a l’Armée Anglaise. Authorship attributed to Un ancien capitaine du 23e régt.d’infanterie anglaise (Royal Welsh Fusiliers). December 1 1856. Pamphlet published in Brussels. No date.
106 - Pamphlet “On the Physical Climate of Scutari; and on the Nature of the Diseases of the Allied Troops During the Russian War in 1853, 1854 and 1855”. By William Aitken, M.D. Reprinted from the Glasgow Medical Journal, part XVIII, April 1.
107 - Copy of the Glasgow Medical Journal no. XVIII, July 1857. No date.
108 - Copy of letter from James Paget (?) to Sidney Herbert on the granting of diplomas in medicine and surgery for candidates to be employed in the service of the East India Company. May 29.
109 - Two letters from Mr. T. W. Nunn, lecturer in practical and pathological anatomy at the Middlesex Hospital, to Sidney Herbert wishing to submit his views on the education of army medical officers. Memorandum enclosed. June 13.
110 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert on the subject of the enclosed memorandum by Dr. Brown on the army medical department. June 2.
111 - Suggestions for consideration by the royal commission on the army medical department by Dr. G Beaton. June 19.
112 - Letter from Dr. J. R. Martin to Sidney Herbert on the reconstruction of the army medical department. June 20.
113 - Memorandum by Dr. G. Beaton titled Explanations in reply to remarks on my evidence before Royal Commission – Army Medical Dept. – 8 July 1857 in the subsequent evidence of Dr. Smith – Director General Army Medical Department 17 July. No date.
114 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert on the report of the army sanitation commission. August 21.
115 - Letter from Sir Thomas Phillips to Sidney Herbert on the report of the army sanitation commission and clarifying specific paragraphs in the report. August 21.
116 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert on various matters connected with the report on the sanitary condition of the army, Miss Nightingale’s answers, various returns, etc. October 9.
117 - Note from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert relative to the diagrams and statistical evidence to be used in the sanitation commission report. December 26.
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