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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Expand 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
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Expand 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Collapse 4 - 1855-1859 Documents4 - 1855-1859 Documents
Expand 1 - 1855 Documents1 - 1855 Documents
Expand 2 - 1856 Documents2 - 1856 Documents
Expand 3 - 1857 Documents3 - 1857 Documents
Collapse 4 - 1858 Documents4 - 1858 Documents
1 - Letter from Dr. G. Beaton to Sidney Herbert relative to charges by Florence Nightingale that she found the hospitals at Balaclava dirty and disordered, for which she held Dr. John Hall responsible. [Miss Nightingale made her charges in reply to question no. 10020 before the commission on the sanitary condition of the army] February 23.
2 - Letter from Dr. J. Murray to a Dr. Huish (?) replying to charges by Florence Nightingale reflecting on the management of the Balaclava general hospital and impugning the character of Dr. Hall, Inspector General of Hospitals. March 9.
3 - Copy of letter from Dr. John Hall to Sidney Herbert responding to Miss Nightingale’s statements on the condition of the general hospital at Balaclava, which had been under his supervision as inspector general of hospitals. March 20.
4 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert to many of Dr. Hall’s comments in his letter of March 20. Miss Nightingale speaks of Hall’s “gross ignorance and inhumanity”. March 9.
5 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert stating further her views on Dr. Hall and suggesting how Hall should be answered by Herbert. May 9.
6 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert on her willingness to meet Dr. Hall in open testimony in order to prove her charges of his mismanagement at Balaclava. No date.
7 - Notes by Florence Nightingale setting forth her own defence of her charges against Dr. Hall. No date.
8 - Notes by Florence Nightingale substantiating her charges of hospital mismanagement at Balaclava. No date.
9 - Letter from Dr. John Rees to Vice Admiral Dundas describing the destitute conditions that he found in the Crimea and the general disorder in the management of the hospitals. November 8.
10 - Letter from the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary for War, to Sidney Herbert stating his belief that the medical deficiencies in the Crimea are the fault of Dr. John Hall. November 23
11 - Copy of letter from David Fitzgerald, Deputy Purveyor-in-Chief, to Dr. John Hall commenting on new bed arrangements at Balaclava hospital and other hospital matters. April 14.
12 - Series of letters between Dr. Hall, Dr. Jackson and Dr. Beaton regarding the lack of efficient organisation in the general hospital at Balaclava. April 15-April 28.
13 - Letter from Major-General Charles Grey, secretary to Prince Albert, to Sidney Herbert on the immediate election of a new headmaster for Wellington College. (Herbert was a governor of the college). February 24.
14 - Letter from F. Temple, headmaster at Rugby, to Major-General Grey recommending the appointment of a Mr. Benson, a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and one of the under-masters at Rugby, to be head of Wellington College. Temple was requested by Prince Albert to make a recommendation for the headship at Wellington. February 20.
15 - Printed copy of testimonials for Jonathan Page Clayton, applying for headmastership at Wellington. February 10.
16 - Printed list of candidates for headmastership at Wellington. May.
17 - Letter from Colonel W. P. Talbot, honorary secretary to the board of governors of Wellington to Sidney Herbert relative to copies dealing with admission to the college that are being sent to all of the governors. Several enclosures. May 21.
18 - Letter from Colonel Talbot to Sidney Herbert on the resolutions passed by the governors of Wellington College. June 13.
19 - Copy of confidential memorandum from the War Office on the anomalous and unequal military expenditure in the colonies. October 2.
20 - Copy of the commission and the signed report of the commission of inquiry into the state of the store and clothing depots at Weedon, Woolwich and the Tower. Commission dated 14 July. Report dated 29 July. Enclosed list of commission members.
21 - Letter from Lord Ebrington to Sidney Herbert on the quality of cloth in soldiers’ blankets, based upon a letter from Mr. John Early to Lord Ebrington on this subject (May 14 1858). Early letter enclosed. May 17.
22 - Letter from J. R. Martin to Sidney Herbert soliciting his support for appointment to the board or council of the medical department of the army. May 28.
23 - Two letters from J. R. Martin to Sidney Herbert commenting on the report of the royal commission on the sanitary condition of the army. May 20, 22.
24 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert on the mortality rates among the regiment of guards. Return enclosed on the strength, deaths, numbers of discharged from 1 June 1856 to 1 February 1858. [See 2057/F8/IV/D/11] April 30.
25 - Letter from Dr. Balfour to Sidney Herbert defending the correctness of the report of Herbert’s commission on the sanitary state of the army against those who have challenged its accuracy. May 3.
26 - Note from Dr. Balfour to Miss Nightingale on the mortality rates among three regiments of Foot Guards, based on an enclosed return. May 7.
27 - Statistical data on the proportion of deaths by each class of diseases out of 1000 deaths among various regiments compared with town population, based on the Statistical Report of 1853. Author unknown. No date.
28 - Comparative figures of mortality from consumption in the cavalry and infantry. No date.
29 - Memorandum by Dr. Graham Balfour containing questions to be asked of witnesses before the commission on the sanitary condition of the army and suggestions for making the army medical department more efficient. No date.
30 - Letter from General Peel, War Office, to Sidney Herbert requesting him to serve on a new royal commission to reconsider the question of promotion in the army. March 18.
31 - Minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission on promotion and retirement of officers of the army. April 28.
32 - Extract from the army list of October 1858, showing the positions held before the new warrant by the colonels promoted for service in the Crimea, etc. and an extract from the army list of November 1858. [See 2057/F8/IV/E/8 and 2057/F8/IV/E/8a] No date.
33 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Sidney Herbert objecting to the compulsory retirement of officers. July 2.
34 - Memorandum on the number of general officers on the paid establishment. August 17.
35 - Letter from Sir Henry Storks, War Office, to Sidney Herbert pointing out some difficulties between existing practices and the provisions of the new warrant on promotion and retirement. August 27.
36 - Letter from Major Marvins to Sidney Herbert concerning the case of a Major Carruthers and his promotion under the warrant of 1854. Letter from Carruthers to Herbert (June 17 1854) enclosed. September 24.
37 - Letter from General H. Eyre to Sidney Herbert on the subject of the supernumerary and the temporary major-generals and the way this matter has been considered by the royal commission on promotion and retirement. No date.
38 - Memorandum by General Eyre proposing that the promotion of lieutenant-colonels to colonels be subject to the approval of the commander-in-chief. No date.
39 - Letter from General Eyre to Sidney Herbert recommending abolition of the rank of Major. No date.
40 - Letter from General Eyre to Sidney Herbert further elaborating on his recommendation for the abolition of the rank of substantive major. No date.
41 - Estimates of the expense of increasing the fixed establishment of general officers to 260 etc. No date.
42 - State of the major-generals of the army and the average service at which they arrived at the rank of major-general, as they stood on the 1st of January each year (1851-1858). No date.
43 - Questions and answers on the system of promotion in the French army. Author unknown. No date.
44 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton, Board of Trade, to Sidney Herbert stating that specimens of water at Netley will be examined by Henry Witt, assistant chemist to the Government School of Mines. January 30.
45 - Report for Sidney Herbert of chemical investigations relating to the site of the new hospital at Netley (near Southampton) and the analyses of the drinking water by Henry W. Witt. March 10.
46 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert on the construction of a new army hospital at Netley. March 30.
47 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on the difficulties within the committee investigating the construction of a new hospital at Netley. May 28.
48 - Post-script from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert concerning the alteration of wards in the proposed Netley hospital. No date.
49 - Letter from J. R. Taylor, Fort Pitt (Chatham) to Sidney Herbert expressing irritation at a lead article in The Times regarding statements by Taylor on the diet of soldiers. February 15.
50 - Original draft (brouillon) of Sidney Herbert’s letter to General Peel, Secretary for War, on the reorganisation of the army medical department as a result of Dr. Andrew Smith’s resignation. June 1858. No date.
51 - Draft (brouillon) of Sidney Herbert’s on the promotion and relative rank of army surgeons. 1858. No date.
52 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert listing sixteen complaints by army medical officers. No date.
53 - Letter from J. R. Taylor to Sidney Herbert commenting that forms for army medical returns prepared by Dr. William Farr, chief superintendent of the statistical department, general register office, were not as suitable as a form prepared by him (Taylor). January 15.
54 - Copy of Dr. Taylor’s letter to Dr. Farr on the subject of forms to be used in army medical returns. January 15.
55 - Letter from Dr. Alexander, Director General of Hospitals to Sidney Herbert agreeing with Dr. Farr on the need for weekly returns on army medical data, rather than Dr. Taylor’s view that monthly returns would be preferable. January 21.
56 - Memorandum by Dr. Alexander on the subject of the merit of weekly returns as opposed to monthly returns. No date.
57 - Copy of blank form titled Weekly returns of cases of sickness, discharges and deaths. No date.
58 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert relative to the dispute on weekly vs. monthly returns in the army medical service. January 18.
59 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert enclosing the first copy of the weekly return of the sickness in the army, for the week ending January 29.
60 - Copy of form titled Short medical case book for general hospitals. No date.
61 - Forms on medical histories and admission and discharge book; comprise the army’s admission and discharge papers. No date.
62 - Confidential memorandum on the subject of military education. Printer at the War Office. April 1858. No date.
63 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on the question of a new military hospital at Netley and the necessity for additional information on the project. January 22.
64 - Note from Dr. Graham Balfour to Sidney Herbert on the subject of w.c. facilities in the wards at Netley hospital. January 22.
65 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton, Board of Trade, to Sidney Herbert concerning alterations in the design for wards at Netley hospital. January 26.
66 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert commenting on matter relating to Netley hospital. Newspaper clipping enclosed from Florence Nightingale on military casualties being receive from China and India. February 6.
67 - Letter from General Peel to Sidney Herbert stating that a group of eminent medical men will be sent down to Netley to report on the pros and cons of the site for the hospital. Peel requests Herbert to suggest names of medical men to be appointed to such a group. Herbert’s list enclosed. April 13.
68 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on the status of deliberations concerning the establishment of Netley hospital. May 24.
69 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert commenting further on the Netley committee discussions. May 29.
70 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert describing difficulties on the Netley committee. No date.
71 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert on various subjects: army, cooking, the status of army medical reforms, the Indian sanitary commission, etc. August 9.
72 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert on the direction and management of army medical hospitals. No date.
73 - Notes on the army medical establishment, before and after the (Crimean) war. Author unknown. No date.
74 - Return on the number of candidates who have entered the army medical department between 1844 and 1853, inclusive. No date.
75 - Letter from Dr. Alexander to Sidney Herbert on the proposed warrant relative to admission of candidates into the army medical department. July 16.
76 - Memorandum from Dr. Alexander on the forms to be used by the army medical board. No date.
77 - Memorandum by Dr. Alexander on the scale of payment of the old and new army medical boards. No date.
78 - Memorandum by Dr. Alexander on the pay of officers on the army medical board. No date.
79 - Proposal by Dr. Alexander for the new army medical board. No date.
80 - Copy of instruction of the Secretary for War for the conduct of business by the Director-General and Council of the Army Medical Department. The instructions, written by Sidney Herbert, created the new Army Medical Board. [ Notation on front cover, apparently written by Lady Herbert, reads: “These are kept to show to those who may read these hereafter the enormous labour & care bestowed on these instructions (as in all other matters) by Mr. Sidney Herbert & Miss Nightingale”] One copy printed at the War Office in March 1858; two copies printed at the War Office in June 1859. No date.
81 - Instructions of the Secretary for War for the conduct of business by the Director-General and heads of branches of the Army Medical Department”. Notation on front cover “Written by Sidney Herbert himself for Genl. Peel”. Printed at the War Department, March 1859. [See 2057/F8/IV/E/10] No date.
82 - Letter from General Peel, Secretary for War, to Sidney Herbert relative to the salary of the director-general of the army medical department under the new arrangement in that department. December 28.
83 - Letter from Dr. Alexander to Sidney Herbert on the staff of the army medical department. Memorandum enclosed on the same subject, but not written by Dr. Alexander. December 3.
84 - Florence Nightingale’s questions to a Dr. Monat on army medical matters. No date.
85 - Note, in the form of a question, raising the need for a manual on sanitary science of use by young medical officers. Author unknown. No date.
86 - Letter from Sir Benjamin C. Brodie to Sidney Herbert proposing the formation of a body of medical cadets within the army and to receive training in civil hospitals before taking up their military duties. May 1857.
87 - Letter from General Peel to Sidney Herbert commenting on a suggestion from Sir Benjamin Brodie that candidates (probationers) for the army medical department be B.A.’s and requesting Herbert’s opinion. November 4.
88 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Brodie to Sidney Herbert outlining his ideas on the requirements and education of candidates for the army medical department. November 6.
89 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Brodie to Sidney Herbert clarifying some of his views on the education of army medical department candidates. November 16.
90 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on the classification of diseases and the evidence required for the army medical returns. June (?) 1858 No date.
91 - Letter from Dr. William Farr to Sidney Herbert on the classification of diseases relative to data for the returns on the army medical service. June 5.
92 - Written copy of a resolution by the court of directors of the East India Company expressing confidence in Lord Canning, Governor-General of India. Author unknown. May 10.
93 - Copy of letter from the secret committee of the court of directors of the East India Company to the Governor-General of India in council, dated 24 March 1858, relative to the policy to be pursued towards the natives of provinces lately in a state of hostility. Printed by the House of Commons, April 26.
94 - Copies of a letter from the secretary to the government of India with the governor-general to the secretary to the chief commissioner of Oude, dated 3 March 1858, and of the proclamation enclosed therein, and ordered to be published in Oude; and, of a letter from the secret committee of the Court of Directors of the East India Company to the Governor-General of India in Council, dated 19 April 1858, relating to that Proclamation. Printed by the House of Commons, May 7 1858. Notes by Sidney Herbert enclosed.
95 - Copy of letter from the court of directors of the East India Company to the governor-general of India in council, dated 5 May 1858. (Presented to Parliament by Her Majesty’s Command). Printed by the House of Commons, May 14.
96 - Copy of proceedings of the court of directors of the East India Company, relating to the proposed proclamation of Lord Canning, and to the late despatch from the secret committee with reference thereto. Printed by the House of Commons, May 18.
97 - East India Oude Proclamation Copy of letter for the secretary of the chief commissioner in Oude to the secretary of the governor-general, dated Lucknow, 8 March 1858, with reference to the issue of the proclamation to the people of Oude; and of letters of the secretary of the governor-general to the secretary of the chief commissioner in Oude, dated 10 and 31 March 1858, on the same subject. Presented by Command of Her Majesty. Printed by the House of Commons. May 20.
98 - Letter from Dr. William Farr to Sidney Herbert stating that the corrected proof of the report (on the sanitation condition of the army) has been sent to the printers. June 24.
99 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert on proposed revisions in the commission’s report by Sir Alexander Tulloch. June 28.
100 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert on the refusal of the Treasury to grant compensation to Farr for his work with the commission on the sanitary condition of the army. September 20.
101 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Sidney Herbert quoting the average rate of morality in all England between 1848-1854, for age groups of 15-25, 25-35, 35-45, male and female. October 27.
102 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert commenting on plans for a military hospital to be built at Gosport, and the kitchen apparatus of a Captain Grant. December 24.
103 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert proposing the appointment of a cook major for the whole army at home to provide instruction on the proper preparation of food. December 31.
104 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on the examination of cooking apparatus to be used in the army service. January 9 1859.
105 - Letter from Dr. Sutherland to Sidney Herbert informing him of the work of the barrack commission which, at that moment, was pursuing its investigation in Ireland. September 15.
106 - Letter from Dr. Sutherland to Sidney Herbert describing the condition of barracks in Ireland as compared with those generally found in England. September 19.
107 - Letter from Dr. Sutherland to Sidney Herbert inviting him to meet with the barrack commissioners in Dublin, presumably to participate in the inspection of the Dublin barrack. September 20.
108 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert relative to the cost and site of a proposed new barrack near Galway. October 5.
109 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert enclosing a letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes on the request for a lithographed copy of the Hospital de la Riboisiere. April 3.
110 - Letter from Major-General Willes, R.M., to Sidney Herbert offering suggestions on the construction of military barracks as an aid improving the health of the soldiers. Memorandum enclosed. February 14.
111 - Letter from Colonel Jebb to Sidney Herbert on the amount of ventilation required in barracks. March 5.
112 - Notes (by Florence Nightingale) refuting Colonel Jebb’s proposals and calculations. No date.
113 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert on barrack calculations on the amount of space provided between beds in the barracks. Notes enclosed. No date.
114 - Notes by Florence Nightingale on the question of barrack accommodation. Printed material attached. No date.
115 - War Office circulars regarding sanitary arrangements in army barracks – “issued by Genl. Peel at Mr. Herbert’s request”. Circulars cover the period from 7 September 1858 to 18 November 1858. No date.
116 - Copy of letter from Mr. W. Ed. Butt to Sidney Herbert offering to sell 10 acres of land near the Chelsea Bridge for the construction of barracks. June 26.
117 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert stating that Mr. Butt’s proposition was worthy of further consideration. July 1.
118 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert giving the names of men who will be qualified to review the report of the commission on the sanitary condition of the army. February 10.
119 - Note from Miss Nightingale to Sidney Herbert (?) alluding to Edwin Chadwick’s desire to write his article on the commission’s report for the North British Review. No date.
120 - List of newspapers and journals, as well as reviewers to whom the report should be sent. No date.
121 - Further list of periodicals and reviewers to whom the report should be sent. No date.
122 - Letter from Mr. Louis Howell expressing his willingness to write an article on the commission report. February 12.
123 - Letter from Mr. Higgins to Mrs. Herbert acknowledging receipt of a copy of the commission report. February 12.
124 - Letter from Mr. H. Reeve to Sidney Herbert agreeing to endeavour to write an article on the commission report for the next edition of the Edinburgh Review [See 2057/F8/IV/D/53q] February 13.
125 - Letter from Edwin Chadwick to Sidney Herbert recommending that the report be published separately in a compact and cheap form for the maximum of public circulation. February 13.
126 - Letter from James Wilson to Sidney Herbert complimenting the report and raising the question of the effects of idleness and listlessness on the health and mortality of soldiers. February 13.
127 - Note from Mr. R. Fontblanque to Sidney Herbert promising to review the report in the next edition of the Examiner. February 13.
128 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert commenting on various proposed reviewers and publications for the report. February 13.
129 - Letter from W. J. Fox to Sidney Herbert stating his intention to give full coverage to the report in the Dispatch. February 15.
130 - Letter from Reverend C. Richson to Sidney Herbert commenting on the report, urging a petition campaign to force Parliament to act on it, and giving thought to preach a sermon on the report. February 16.
131 - Letter from Mr. John Chapman to Sidney Herbert proposing the names of writers to review the report for the Westminster Review. February 26.
132 - Letter from W. R. Gregg to Sidney Herbert expressing his regrets that he will be unable to review the report because of other commitments. February 27.
133 - Letter from W. Bowman to Mrs. Herbert praising the efforts of Florence Nightingale and Sidney Herbert in producing the report. March 1.
134 - Letter from Dr. William Farr to Sidney Herbert informing him that Dr. William Guy, one of the first sanitary reformers, proposes to write an article on the report for Fraser’s magazine. March 2.
135 - Letter from Mr. Reeve to Sidney Herbert declining to review the report until the July edition of the Edinburgh Review because of the enormity of the work. [See 2057/F8/IV/D/53f] March 11.
136 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert relative to a new method for detecting organic impurities in the air, which might be of value in determining the suitability of constructing a hospital at Netley, near Southampton. June 19.
137 - Copy of a letter from P. H. Holland to Dr. Burrell describing the method for discovering organic impurities in the air developed by Dr. Angus Smith of Manchester. June 8.
138 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert explaining the financial loss occasioned by his (Burrell’s) work with the barrack commission and requesting some additional recognition of his services. June 28.
139 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert expressing his willingness to accept the position of deputy inspector-general of hospitals until something better is offered. July 9.
140 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert elaborating on his position viz. appointment as deputy inspector and discussing his difficulties with Dr. Andrew Smith, former director-general. Enclosed testimonial by Lord Raglan (May 13). July 13.
141 - Letter from F. Alexander to Sidney Herbert informing him that Dr. Burrell’s appointment to the deputyship has been arranged. August 20.
142 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert announcing his acceptance of the deputy inspectorship. August 27.
143 - Official notification from General Peel, Secretary for War, to Sidney Herbert of the appointment of Dr. Burrell. September 10.
144 - Letter from Sir Henry Storks to Sidney Herbert speaking against the promotion of Dr. Burrell so soon after the publishing of the new warrant (on promotion and retirement?) October 31.
145 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert asking that he meet with Dr. John Sutherland and later with Dr. William Farr; comments on the mortality rate in the Guards. No date.
146 - Letter from Dr. Graham Balfour explaining how the army medical statistics are compiled, and how the returns can be defended. No date.
147 - Copy of a letter from Dr. Balfour to Sir Henry Storks defending the returns on the mortality of the Guards and stating that commanders had not exaggerated the mortality ratios, as first alleged. March 15.
148 - Letter from Dr. Burrell to Sidney Herbert responding to charges that the Guards had more night duty than men of the line, thereby increasing their rate of mortality. February 11.
149 - Major General Oldfield to Sidney Herbert. Causes of mortality in the Army. 16 September
150 - Florence Nightingale concerning diseases of the liver – its importance in the foreign returns. No date.
151 - Dr. Sutherland writing to Sidney Herbert in answer to an article in the press. 2 October
152 - Sanitary condition of the convict prisons with extracts from a work by M. Berenger on the sanitary state of French prisons. No date.
153 - Minuting, general and departmental registration of papers and records of discussions. Lord de Grey’s memorandum on the system in future to be adopted. No date.
154 - Lord Hardinge on Dr. Sutherland’s expenses for Barrack and Hospital improvements. 28 April.
155 - Letter from Dr. William Farr to Sidney Herbert commenting on a proposal to raise the annual salary of the registrar general. May 11.
156 - Letter from Dr. Farr to Miss Nightingale on the salaries of clerks in the statistical branch of the general register office. May 27.
157 - Letter from George Graham, general register office, to Sidney Herbert praising the arduous work of Dr. Farr in the production of the army sanitary report and suggesting proper remuneration for Farr’s efforts. July 10.
158 - Letter from Lord Hardinge, War Office, to Sidney Herbert informing him that the Treasury has refused to grant any extra alliance to Dr. Farr. Treasury letter enclosed (dated 26 July). July 31.
159 - Memorandum setting forth the nature and extent of Dr. Farr’s services to the army sanitation commission, as an appeal against the Treasury’s refusal to grant him additional allowance. September 21.
160 - Letter from Miss Nightingale to Sidney Herbert castigating the Treasury, particularly Sir Charles Trevelyan, for refusal to grant additional remuneration to Dr. Farr – “the stupidity of the Treasury!!” September 23.
161 - Letter from Lord Hardinge to Sidney Herbert announcing that General Peel has written to the Treasury recommending reconsideration of Dr. Farr’s case, and expressing his personal agreement. October 7.
162 - Letter from Lord Hardinge to Sidney Herbert stating that the Treasury has authorised the payment of £250 to Dr. Farr. October 26.
163 - Draft of letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Panmure requesting remuneration for Dr. Graham Balfour, who served as secretary to the commission of the sanitary condition of the army. February 12.
164 - Memorandum on the number of men discharged from the Footguards and the mortality rates in these regiments. Enclosed notes by Sidney Herbert. No date.
165 - Printed pamphlet: On the Sanitary Condition of the British Army; and Especially on the want of Space in Barracks, by Dr. William A. Guy. No Date.
166 - Printed pamphlet: The Mortality in the Guards Considered, and the Causes Explained. Author unknown. No date.
167 - Book titled Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and in War. Author unknown. No date.
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