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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Expand 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
Expand 2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS
Expand 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Expand 4 - 1855-1859 Documents4 - 1855-1859 Documents
Collapse 5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS
Expand 1 - 1859 Documents1 - 1859 Documents
Collapse 2 - 1860 Documents2 - 1860 Documents
1 - Written memorandum on guns and ammunition in store and in progress, the cost of the Armstrong guns and ammunition, general observations, rifling service guns, Sir William Armstrong’s position in relation to the War Office, and the alleged defects in the Armstrong guns and ammunition. No Date.
2 - Memorandum on fuses for the Armstrong guns, with enclosed note by Sidney Herbert. October 22.
3 - Confidential report on the experiments with field artillery proposed for comparing the merits of the system of rifling and breech loading proposed by Sir William Armstrong and Joseph Whitworth, with reference to military and naval service. April 18. Enclosed confidential report by Lynall Thomas, Superintendent, Royal Laboratories, on the action of fired gunpowder; and two further letters by Thomas. Confidential report dated 19 November 1858; letters dated 17 March and 28 March.
4 - Printed report of the Enfield and Whitworth rifle committee to ascertain the relative efficiency of the regulation Enfield rifle as against Whitworth’s polygonal rifle. 1859. Enclosed supplement to the report, dated 1 January 1859. Cover memorandum by Colonel Alexander Gordon. December 12.
5 - Memorandum on the steps taken towards the introduction of rifled ordnance into the service. No Date. Cover not addressed to Sidney Herbert, dated 9 September 1859.
6 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert on the bore of the Enfield rifle and its suitability for war-like purposes. January 24 (1860?).
7 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Sidney Herbert suggesting that Mr Whitworth tests one of his guns against one of Armstrong’s in a trial at Shoeburyness. 15 February. [See 2057/F8/V/B/13].
8 - Written observation of the Armstrong and Whitworth guns. Author unknown. No Date.
9 - Written observation on the Armstrong and Whitworth guns. Author unknown. No Date.
10 - Written replies to questions raised by Sidney Herbert, Secretary for War, regarding small arms, Enfield rifles, and the number of rifles issued during the year and to what bodies, etc. Herbert’s questions pose in a memorandum of 13 February. Replies dated 15 February.
11 - Statement from the Royal Gun Factory relative to the price of certain Armstrong guns. 16 February.
12 - Memorandum of the consecutive rounds from the new 12 pound Armstrong field gun with the minimum charge of 1lb. 8oz. slow powder. 10 February.
13 - A statement of the corps which have been armed with the Enfield rifle, and the corps which remain to be armed. 15-16 February.
14 - Letter from General Sir John F. Burgoyne to Sidney Herbert giving a favourable report on Whitworth’s guns. 16 February.
15 - Written proposal for a trial between the Whitworth and Armstrong rifles. Author not cited, but reference given to a Captain Coffin (?). No Date.
16 - Letter from Joseph Whitworth to Sidney Herbert on the cost of his rifles and enclosing a table showing the mean range and deviation of shots fired from his rifled cannon in experiments at Southport. 29 February.
17 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Whitworth suggesting a comparative trial between his gun and that of Sir William Armstrong. [See 2057/F8/V/B/7]. 1 March.
18 - Letter from Joseph Whitworth to Sidney Herbert commenting on the features of his rifle and accepting Herbert’s invitation to a comparative trial. 5 March.
19 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Sidney Herbert describing his successful experiments with the 100-pound howitzer at Shoeburyness. 23 March.
20 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert relative to the supply of Armstrong guns and ammunition. April 1860. No Date.
21 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Benjamin Hawes expressing concern regarding the number of Armstrong guns ordered for the navy and a proper amount of ammunition. [See 2057/F8/V/B/49a]. 8 April
22 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Joseph Whitworth requesting a meeting to work out arrangements to put Whitworth’s gun into service, and to put Whitworth’s gun into service, and to eliminate problems connected with some of Whitworth’s demands. 16 June.
23 - Letter by Colonel Claremont declaring satisfaction by the Marine Artillery with the iron smooth guns, rifled and hoped. June 180. No Date.
24 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Sidney Herbert describing French tests with the hooping rifled cast-iron guns. Written from the Embassy in Paris. 13 July. [See 2057/F8/V/B/125 and 2057/F8/V/C/40].
25 - Written questions and answers relative to the number and prices of hoped and unhooped rifled guns. Prepared by the Stores Department. 21 June.
26 - Copy of letter from Mr. Whitworth to Mr. H. Main (?) stating that there would be no difficulty in adopting the Enfield machinery to his rifles. 12 July.
27 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert commenting on arrangements for sending some naval officers to Southport to see, test and report on Joseph Whitworth’s cannons. 12 July.
28 - Manchester Guardian report on Whitworth’s cannon experiments at Southport on 25 July. Newspaper clipping dated 26 July.
29 - Letter from Colonel Dixon to Sidney Herbert assuring him that no intentional delay had been incurred in preparing Mr. Whitworth’s rifles for manufacture. 17 July.
30 - Extract of a letter from Mr. T. Ashton, acting for Mr. Whitworth, stating that Whitworth did not expect or wish any royalty for his inventions. All proceeds to go to the national rifle association. 28 July.
31 - Copy of a report on the number of Armstrong guns produced and the number delivered to various depots. 31 July.
32 - Memorandum by Colonel St. George on the merits of the Lancaster oval bored rifle, supplied to the Royal Engineers, and the Enfield rifle. 11 August.
33 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to General Hay on Colonel Dixon’s annoyance at his (Hay’s) charge that he (Dixon) copied Whitworth’s rifling or his twist in the Enfield pattern without acknowledgment. No Date.
34 - Letter from Major-General Hay to Sidney Herbert retracting statements he made relative to the exact bore of the Whitworth rifle being adopted at Enfield without proper acknowledgment. 4 August. [Editor: Hay’s accusation cast some discredit upon Colonel Dixon’s report give to a committee appointed to study the Whitworth rifle].
35 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Colonel Dixon forwarding Hay’s letter of retraction and expressing the hope that it would prove satisfactory to Dixon. 6 August.
36 - Letter from Colonel Dixon to Sidney Herbert stating that Hay’s offer to publicly retract his statements is not satisfactory because Hay has attacked not only him personally, but the committee that appointed his (Dixon) and ultimately the Secretary of State for War – Herbert. 8 August.
37 - Written questions and answers relative to the number of rifled guns delivered at Woolwich for the navy, the number proved for the navy, the number of rifled field guns in use by the artillery, etc. Prepared by the Store Branch 1-2 October.
38 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Sidney Herbert expressing pleasure at the news of the success of his guns in the China campaign. 6 November.
39 - Return on the numbers of ships of the different classes and divisions forming the steam reserve at Portsmouth, Devonport, and Chatham with the numbers of guns ready for deficient. No date. Cover letter attached, dated 8 August.
40 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert on the need for greater speed in providing the navy with rifled cannon, especially in view of the French progress at Toulon where 150 three-grooved guns “were seen on the wharf and about 7000 conical projectiles piled up in tiers”. 3 April. [See 2057/F8/V/B/39 and 2057/F8/V/B/430 ]
41 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert requesting that Whitworth’s 80 pound gun, now at Woolwich, be sent to H.M.S. Excellent as soon as it has been proved. 9 November. [See 2057/F8/V/B/430]
42 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert recommending that Whitworth’s 80 pound gun should be sent to the Excellent and tested at Portsmouth and one of Whitworth’s men should be allowed to see the trials. 12 November.
43 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Sir Benjamin Hawes protesting against having his guns undergo final inspection in the Royal Laboratories. 12 November.
44 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Armstrong explaining the delay in providing him with adequate ammunition for his guns. 24 November 1859.
45 - Two letters from Sir William Armstrong to Sidney Herbert dealing with alleged defects in his guns as opposed to those of Joseph Whitworth. No Date.
46 - Memorandum on the number of breech loading rifled guns to be produced (1860-61) and the cost of shot, shell and fuses for the Armstrong breech loading guns. No Date.
47 - Letter from Sir Howard Douglas to Sidney Herbert enclosing printed materials on naval gunnery. 24 July.
48 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert on the question of moving the arsenal from Woolwich to a new site for a central arsenal or department of military stores. No Date.
49 - Memorandum on the reorganisation of the French artillery. Prepared at the Horse Guards. 4 April.
50 - Letter from Sir Alexander Tulloch to Sidney Herbert replying to Herbert’s request for a return of the candidates for the Reserve Force. 30 April. Memorandum on the Reserve Force enclosed. 4 May. Abstract of the returns relative to the Army Reserve Force, up to 15 April. Abstract of supplementary returns relative to the Army Reserve Force, up to 15 April.
51 - Memorandum on the present system of inspection at Woolwich by the manufacturing department of the army. Author not cited. 15 December (1860?)
52 - Copy of letter from Anthony Perrier to Lord Clarence Paget describing French experiments with smooth bore guns. 19 April. [See 2057/F8/V/B/29]
53 - Correspondence relative to rifled guns being manufactured at Liverpool for the Russian government. Sketches and newspaper clipping enclosed. July-August. No date.
54 - Written report on Sir William Armstrong’s reported connection with the Elswick Company, and subsequent awarding of contracts by Armstrong. 30 May.
55 - Memorandum by General Sir John F. Burgoyne on the increased power of breaching to be obtained by the use of rifled ordnance. 6 December. Cover letter from Burgoyne to Sidney Herbert.
56 - Letter from Mr. W. O. Stanley to Sidney Herbert calling for more extensive defences around Holyhead and the establishment of a military depot there. 6 July.
57 - Letter from Sir John F. Burgoyne to Sidney Herbert expanding on his (Burgoyne’s) suggestion for trial of a continuous rapid fire of rifled guns of a heavy calibre. 24 December.
58 - Memorandum on the issue of the storage of merchants’ powder in government magazines in Dublin. Notation by Sidney Herbert. 13 October.
59 - Précis on the course of events relative to Mr William Hale’s comet shells. And his request to the government for funds to defray the cost of his expenses while his shells were being tested for use by the services. Unless paid, Hale threatened to offer his invention to the French government. 18 October.
60 - Statement on the position of the Royal Artillery with reference to the rest of the British Army. No Date.
61 - Note from Thomas B Horsfall, MP, to Sidney Herbert concerning a letter from a Mr. Clay of the Mersey Steel and Iron Works offering to work with Sir William Armstrong to reduce the price of his guns. 28 April. Letter from Clay to Horsfall enclosed. 27 April.
62 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert on the best means for providing the navy with its immediate needs for guns and ammunition. 7 April.
63 - Letter from Hawes to Sidney Herbert replying to the latter’s questions relative to the available supply of guns and ammunition. 9 April. [See 2057/F8/V/B/15a]
64 - Letter from Hawes to Sidney Herbert elaborating on his letter of 9 April and commenting on other War Office business. 11 April. Enclosed memorandum on the guns, shells, fuses ordered from the Elswick Ordnance Company and the Royal Gun factories on 11 April.
65 - Letter from Mr William Kenrick to Sidney Herbert on the supplying of Whitworth or Enfield rifles to the volunteer corps. 12 March.
66 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Clark, Royal Arsenal, to Sidney Herbert explaining that the gun carriages presently used for the field artillery can be converted for the Armstrong guns. 27 March.
67 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Sidney Herbert on the progress on the manufacture of 100-pound breech loaders at the Elswick factory. 4 April.
68 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert proposing names for a committee to inspect and decide on the gun carriage for the Armstrong guns. List enclosed. 27 November.
69 - Memorandum relative to questions and answers about the Armstrong guns. Prepared by the Store branch. 31 August.
70 - Printed confidential memorandum from Sidney Herbert to Queen Victoria setting forth his views on the system of purchase in the army, and stating why he opposes a proposed motion by Sir DeLacy Evans to entirely abolish the purchase system. 31 January.
71 - Printed confidential memorandum from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge, the commander in chief, reiterating his views on the purchase system. 7 February. Memorandum summarising Herbert’s proposals for reforming the army purchase system enclosed. Confidential printed memorandum from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert stating reasons for his opposition to some of Herbert’s reform proposals. 10 February.
72 - Printed memorandum by Sidney Herbert on the army purchase system and the need for reform. Marked “most confidential”. 23 February. Appendix attached.
73 - Printed confidential memorandum from the Duke of Cambridge elaborating on his views in opposition to proposals for modifying the present system of purchase on the army. 29 February.
74 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on arguments presented on both sides in the debate on purchase in the army. No Date.
75 - Written memorandum by Sidney Herbert clarifying his proposal for modifying the system of army purchase. No Date.
76 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert discussing the relationship between the amalgamation of the local army of India with the line army and the purchase system. 30 January. Memorandum by the Duke enclosed.
77 - Return showing the length of time each officer, promoted to major general during 1859, had to wait for such promotion after having attained the rank of major, lieutenant colonel and colonel. No date. Enclosed note by Sidney Herbert 12 February.
78 - Lord de Grey’s observations on Sidney Herbert’s memorandum (31 January?) relative to army purchase reform. 6 February.
79 - Return specifying the regiments of cavalry in which there were vacancies in each regiment; also, the number of such vacancies at the last examination for admission into the military college at Sandhurst, etc.; and, copy of correspondence between the War Department and the Treasury concerning proposed augmentation of the pay or allowances of junior officers of the army. Two copies. 14 February.
80 - Note from Mr. Baring, India Office, to Sidney Herbert enclosing memorandum on the Indian civil service argument against purchase in the army. 8 March.
81 - Letter from Alexander Wood to Sidney Herbert stating his views on the purchase system and particularly the claim of subalterns. 8 March.
82 - Letter from Mr. Wood to Sidney Herbert presenting a scheme for a degree of reform in the army purchase system. 10 July 1859.
83 - Letter from Mr. Philip Melville, former secretary in the military department to the East India Company, to Sidney Herbert offering suggestions on reforms in the army purchase system. 28 March. Cover note from Sidney Herbert to Sir Edward Lugard asking if there is anything worthwhile in Melville’s proposals (29 March). Lugard’s answer: “Nothing whatsoever.”
84 - Queries by Sidney Herbert relative to the number of vacancies through lieutenant colonels going on retired full pay since 1850, and the state of the fund and the effect of the new regulations in the cavalry commissions. Answers enclosed. 13 April.
85 - Notes from Sidney Herbert on the promotions of lieutenant colonels. No date.
86 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Sir Edward Lugard asking about the number of lieutenant colonels of regiments who did not rise to the command of the regiment. 12 February. Enclosed list of lieutenant colonels promoted to the command of their regiments. No date.
87 - Statement on the number of exchanges from cavalry to infantry in the three years 1857-60. “Sent by Sir E Lugard.” April 1860.
88 - Printed pamphlet titled Observations on the Purchase System in the Army and on Jacob Omnium’s Letters to The Times. Author unknown. No Date.
89 - Printed returns on the purchase of commissions in the army. Nos. XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXIII, XXIV, XXV. No Date.
90 - Printed Table of contents on the minutes of evidence given before the Royal Commission on Army Purchase. Index to returns enclosed. No Date.
91 - Draft report on the system of army purchase. No Date.
92 - Printed observations by Mr. Edward Ellice on the army purchase system and the need for further information, especially if it is recommended that the present system be abolished. No Date.
93 - Printed pamphlet titled Remarks upon the system of purchase in the army, the proper organisation of the staff, and the promotion of serjeants. Author: “A colonel of infantry”. No Date.
94 - Printed list of colonels in the army. No Date.
95 - Paper dealing with several aspects of the purchase system: annual amount paid for the purchase of commissions, purchase of lieutenants’ colonelcies in the Guards, selection of Indian officers for the command of regiments, etc. No Date.
96 - Statement on the average service of English officers, 1838, 1854. No Date.
97 - Printed copy of the data and calculations upon which Sir Charles Trevelyan founded the statements upon which the War Office committee was called upon to report their opinion to the Secretary of State relative to the purchase and sale of commissions in the army. Ordered printed by order of the House of Commons. 30 March 1859.
98 - Printed report on Sir Charles Trevelyan’s statement relative to the abolition of purchase in the army. June 1858. No date.
99 - Assorted newspaper articles on the sale and purchase of army commissions, primarily 1857 and 1859. No Date.
100 - Printed report comparing the present and proposed pay and allowances of the officers of the household troops, and of the cavalry and infantry of the line. No Date.
101 - Extract of a letter from the Life of Sir Henry Havelock by John Clark Marshman on the injustice of the purchase system. Extract dated 19 April 1851.
102 - Printed confidential memorandum on the state of the army and the defences of the country. Two copies. No Date.
103 - Written extract from The Times (6 June 1860) on the state of the army, and observations on The Times article. 8 June.
104 - Printed report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the defences of the United Kingdom. No Date.
105 - Printed report of the committee appointed in 1858 to consider and report upon the best means of repelling an invasion of the United Kingdom. 26 May 1858. [See 2057/F8/V/B/93]
106 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert suggesting a method for determining the priorities of defences proposed by the Fortification Commission and the means for financing each scheme. 15 December 1859.
107 - Draft letter by Sidney Herbert to Sir Harry Jones, chairman of the Fortification Commission, replying to the remonstrance from the Commission against Herbert’s proposal to refer the Commission’s report to the Defence Committee, of which the Duke of Cambridge is president. 29 January.
108 - Letter from Sir Harry Jones to Sidney Herbert stating that he would call a meeting of the members of the Fortification Commission to consider Herbert’s request for a withdrawal of the Commission’s letter of remonstrance. 30 January
109 - Letter from Sir Harry Jones to Sidney Herbert stating the members of the Fortification Commission had agreed to withdraw their letter of remonstrance. 31 January.
110 - Letter of remonstrance on National Defences. 27 January.
111 - Printed confidential minute by the Defence Committee relative to the report of the Royal Commissioners for National Defence. Four copies. 9 April.
112 - Printed confidential memorandum relative to the several works of fortification recommended by the Royal Commission for National Defences. Two copies. 9 May.
113 - Statement showing the expenditure for fortifications, works and buildings, distinguishing the amount disbursed for barrack accommodation in the United Kingdom in each year from 1839-40 to 1859-60, under the late Ordnance Board and War Department. No date. Statement on the expenditure for “defensive harbours” under the late Ordnance Board and the War Office. No Date.
114 - Printed confidential papers on national defences prepared by General Sir John F. Burgoyne to the Secretary of State for War. Two copies. 5 March.
115 - Printed paper titled An inquiry into the different opinions that have been given of late by writers on the subject of Our National Defences, with the view of shewing in one paper the main points that have been advanced by them, and of offering some suggestions thereon. Author: Colonel Dashwood Graham, late Lieutenant-Colonel, Bombay Engineers. No Date.
116 - Printed paper on the defence of Portsmouth by land and sea, written by Colonel Dashwood Graham. 1 December 1859.
117 - Printed memorandum for the Cabinet by Sidney Herbert on the cost of the proposed fortifications suggested by the Royal Commission for National Defences. Table enclosed on approximate estimate of the cost of fortifications. Printed at the War Office. December 13 1859.
118 - Notes by Sidney Herbert for use in the debate on the fortification loan in the House of Commons. No Date.
119 - Notes by Sidney Herbert for his speech on fortifications in the House of Commons. No Date.
120 - Written memorandum on the preparations necessary to resist invasion. No Date. [See 2057/F8/V/B/82]
121 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on fortifications. December 31 1859?
122 - Memorandum in response to a request by Sidney Herbert for information on the works for the defence of commercial ports and anchorages. 4 January.
123 - Written list of the names of the members of the Defence Committee, and members on the select committee. No Date.
124 - Written list of the names of the members of the Fortifications Committee No Date.
125 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert on the report of the Fortifications Committee. No Date.
126 - Letter from Lord Orkney to Sidney Herbert advancing views on the matter of national defences. 19 June.
127 - Letter from Vice Admiral Sir George Sartorius to Sidney Herbert suggesting ways for defending the coasts against invasion. Observations on the subject enclosed. 30 July.
128 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert commenting on arrangements with the Treasury for advancing money under the Fortification Loan Act. 20 October.
129 - Letter from Major William Jervois, R.E., to Sidney Herbert requesting appointment as deputy inspector general of fortifications 23 January.
130 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert stating that the existing contracts for fortifications had been entered into prior to Herbert’s coming into office. 1 February.
131 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert explaining the delay in construction at Hilsea Lines, as part of the fortification scheme. 31 May.
132 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert pointing out that nothing has been proposed for the defence of Plymouth on the north east side. 17 July.
133 - Memorandum by Major Jervois relative to the works constructed, in progress, and proposed for the defence of commercial harbours. 21 July. [See 2057/F8/V/B/94a]
134 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert on the estimated expense for superintendence of the proposed fornication works. Estimate enclosed. 25 July.
135 - Memorandum by Major Jervois on the protection of Isle of Wight. 2 August.
136 - Copy of a memorandum by Major Jervois on the progress of fortifications at Dover, for which £70,000 is take in the estimates for 1860-61. 17 August.
137 - Memorandum by Major Jervois relative to the works of fortification for which sums are included in the supplementary estimate. 24 June 1859. Printed copy of supplementary army estimate for 1859-60. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 4 July 1859.
138 - Account of the sums voted and spent on fortifications during the ten years, commencing with 1847-48 and ending 1856-57. Cover memorandum by Major Jervois. 13 July 1859.
139 - Memorandum by Major Jervois concerning fortification required for protection of dockyards and arsenals in England and for the defence of the harbours of Portland, Alderney and Dover, and the river Thames. 16 July 1859.
140 - Rough estimate of the cost of lands for the proposed new works of fortification. Estimate prepared by Major Jervois. 15 December 1859.
141 - Approximate estimate of the number of men required for the fortifications when completed. Estimate prepared by Major Jervois. 15 December.
142 - Memorandum with reference to the cost of maintenance of the works of fortification. No Date.
143 - Estimate of the sums proposed to be taken for new works and works in progress, for the period between 31 July 1860 and 1 August 1861. Two copies. 25 July.
144 - Memorandum on the sums proposed to be spent at various stations between 31 July 1860 and 1 August 1861. No Date.
145 - Printed return on the army estimates: Detail of vote no. 12 (fortifications at home and abroad). 1860-61. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 14 August.
146 - Memorandum on the sum for new fortifications authorised by the House of Commons, prepared by Major Jervois. 20 August.
147 - Memorandum relative to the garrisons required for the several places at which it is proposed to extend the fortifications. 31 July.
148 - Return showing value of government property under the Admiralty at the several naval arsenals. Cover note from a Mr. Moore, at the Admiralty, to Sidney Herbert. 2 August.
149 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert recommending that the Defence Committee and the Fortification Commission be joined, as a more efficient means of dealing with planning for fortifications, rather than proceeding as two separate bodies. 27 September.
150 - Written memorandum by Major Jervois on the subject of Lord Ashley’s question relating to Hilsea Lines and the proper state of defences at Portsdown Hill, Portsmouth. 1 March.
151 - Memorandum by General Sir John F. Burgoyne for Sidney Herbert on the defence works at Portsdown Hill. 4 August.
152 - Letter from Mr. F. Smith to Sidney Herbert recommending that defence work at Portsdown Hill be postponed. 10 August.
153 - Memorandum by Major Jervois on the defence works at Portsdown Hill. 11 August.
154 - Confidential memorandum by Major Jervois taking issue with opponents of the defence works at Portsdown Hill. 11 August.
155 - Written notations from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert on the Portsdown Hill defences. No Date.
156 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset, Admiralty, to Sidney Herbert asking to be kept informed of any contracts or intended contracts for defence works at Portland. 24 October.
157 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert stating that no new contracts have been arranged for defence works at Portland, and that the Admiralty will be consulted if any further contracts are contemplated. 6 November.
158 - Memorandum on the measures taken in recent years to put the defences of the nation into a more satisfactory state. Author unknown. No Date.
159 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Malmesbury rejecting his suggestion that a gun battery be established at Christchurch. 2 April.
160 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel H. E. Austen to Sidney Herbert suggesting construction of a cable-boon at the mouth of a harbour as a defence measure. 7 August.
161 - Letter from John Henry Briggs (?) to Sidney Herbert advancing suggestions by Captain Luke Smithett for the use of gun boats armed with rifled cannon as a weapon in defence of harbours. 11 December.
162 - Section of printed pamphlet on Intrenched Camps and cover statement, presumably the author of the pamphlet – Major General S. H. Williams, Royal Engineers. No date. Newspaper letter from Major General Williams to Sidney Herbert. 27 June.
163 - Written paper titled Review of Mr. Ferguson’s Peril of Portsmouth. No Date.
164 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Henry James relative to the demands that will be placed upon the Topographical Department by the surveys and plans required for the construction of the new fortifications. 11 August.
165 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Colonel Claremont inquiring as to rumours of French plans to fortify the islands opposite Jersey, the cost of the fortifications of Paris, and the degree of success by the French with the cast iron smooth bore guns rifled and strengthened by hoping. 16 June. [See 2057/F8/V/B/17a]
166 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Sidney Herbert replying to his quires of 16 June. 22 June.
167 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Sidney Herbert providing additional information in response to Herbert’s inquires of 16 June. 1 July. Enclosed is a printed report on the fortifications of Paris prepared for King Louis Philippe in 1845.
168 - Printed memorandum on the course of proceedings under the defence acts, 1842 to 1860, to obtain possession of lands. 28 August.
169 - Statement of the fortifications of the United States of America which have been built, or which are now in progress of construction and of the aggregate amount appropriated for each to the thirtieth of June 1860. Prepared by the Engineer Department, Washington, July 26 1860, H. G. Wright, Captain of Engineers in charge. Extract enclosed of letter from Captain Wright to J. B. Floyd, dated 16 July.
170 - Several reports and memoranda on the defences of Plymouth, Pembroke, and Portsmouth, most of which have been prepared by Major Jervois and cover the period 1857-58. No Date.
171 - Written notation by Sidney Herbert on fortifying by foreign nations, specifically Russia, Germany, Belgium, Austria and France. No Date.
172 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert referring to information received on the cost of foreign fortresses, obtained from a book by Colonel Ardant of the French Engineers. 27 January.
173 - Statement on the detail of works, buildings and repairs for fortifications at home and abroad. No Date.
174 - Letter from Mr. H. A. Bruce to Sidney Herbert enclosing letters from Sir William Napier (14 December 1859) on the subject of national defence. 20 April.
175 - Memorandum by Major William Jervois on the estimated cost of constructing defences for the protection of London based upon principles advocated by Lieutenant-General Shaw Kennedy. 16 December.
176 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert commenting on possible difficulty in getting the Royal Commission on National Defences to consider fortifications for London, particularly around the dockyards. 19 December.
177 - Letter to Sidney Herbert calling for measures to ensure the safety of London from sudden attack. Anonymous author. 15 June.
178 - Clipping of letter to The Times from Colonel Josuah Jebb proposing a plan for the defence of London. 19 June.
179 - Memorandum by Major-General Sir Harry Jones relative to the defence of London. 16 July. Cover letter from Sir Harry to Sidney Herbert. 15 July.
180 - Printed pamphlet titled Observations on the Defence of London; with suggestions respecting the necessary works. Author: Colonel Sir Josuah Jebb, K.C.B. No date.
181 - Paper by Sir Duncan MacDougall on the inadequacy of the army estimates for 1860-61, with respect to internal defence, “in the present state of Europe”. No Date.
182 - Printed copy of a letter from Captain Luke Smithett to Captain A. Briggs offering suggestions for improving the defences of the harbour at Dover. 3 November. Appendix Dover Harbour Works included.
183 - Extract of a return addressed to the Duke of Wellington in 1830 on the expenditure (in English currency) on the fortresses of the Netherlands from 1815 to 1830. Cover note from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert. 5 June.
184 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on the Prussian system of recruiting, taken from a despatch of Mr. Lowther’s, dated Berlin, 15 October 1859.
185 - Statement by the British consul-general in Saxony to Lord John Russell on the proposed defences of the Baltic to be undertaken by the German powers. Leipzig. 23 February.
186 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Lord Cowley on the reduction in the French army as proposed by Louis Napoleon III in his speech of 1 March. 5 March.
187 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Lord Cowley explaining that in the new organisation of the French artillery, no actual reduction in its strength has occurred. 6 March. Enclosed letter from Sidney Herbert to Colonel Claremont commenting on the new organisation of the French artillery and the smallness of the French army estimates. 17 April
188 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Lord Cowley relative to the discussion in the Corps Legislatif on the French army estimates for 1861. 16 July.
189 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Lord Cowley discussing the total strength of the French army as a result of reductions as well as the addition of troops from Savoy. 17 July.
190 - Confidential report by Colonel Frederick William Hamilton, Lieutenant Colonel Grenadier Guards, on the new organisation of the Prussian army. 19 July.
191 - Printed report on the increase in the number of field officers of the French staff corps. Sent as part of Colonel Claremont’s despatch no. 85. 29 July.
192 - Paper on the comparative numbers, cost of administration of the French, Austrian and Prussian armies. 20 August.
193 - Abstract of a report presented to Congress on the fortifications of harbours and rivers in the United States. 1860. No date.
194 - Copy of letter from Colonel Claremont (to Lord Cowley?) on the French government’s preparations for war. 30 January 1861.
195 - Sidney Herbert’s written notes of his speech on the China expedition. No Date.
196 - Copy of Foreign Office despatch to the admiralty relative to relations with China and the instructions sent to the British minister in China as well as instructions prepared for the commander of the British forces in China. 5 March.
197 - Copy of Foreign Office despatch no. 15 on joint British-French military operations against the Chinese forts on the Peiho. Two copies. 7 January.
198 - Copy of Foreign Office despatch to the admiralty summarising instructions prepared for the joint operation against the Peiho forts. 7 January.
199 - War Office despatch from Sidney Herbert to Lieutenant-General Sir Hope Grant informing him of the government’s decisions concerning operations in China. 9 January
200 - Extracts of letters from Sir Hugh Ross on the organising and embarkation of British troops in India to China. 3, 23 January.
201 - Memorandum showing the probable dates on which the various corps forming the China expedition will be ready to leave India. 30 January. Numerical return of the force proceeding from India to China enclosed. 30 January.
202 - Second numerical return of the troops being sent to China from India. January 1860. No date.
203 - Questions and answers on additional troops in India to be sent to China, and whether extra funds will have to be voted by Parliament because of the China expedition. No date.
204 - Return showing the total force serving in China, the numbers left to garrison Hong Kong and Canton, and the proportion of the above troops that have been furnished from India and from Britain. Prepared by the Adjutant General’s Office. 5 January 1861.
205 - Statements concerning the payment of field allowances to officers at Canton. February 1860. No Date.
206 - Minute paper listing the troops that left India, the Cape and England in the China expedition of 1860. No Date.
207 - List of forces sent to China. No Date.
208 - Paper on the British military force in China in the war of 1840-41. No Date.
209 - Statement of the British expeditionary force for service in China. Two copies. No Date.
210 - Abstract return of the force about to be sent to China. No Date.
211 - Written questions concerning the pay of native regiments permanently stationed in India, and the coast of each. 14 March.
212 - Names of two French officers coming to arrange joint operations in China. No Date.
213 - Copy of letter from Brigadier-General Sir R. Napier reporting his departure from India to China as well as that of his troops. 11 March.
214 - Printed correspondence relative to affairs in China. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 21 February.
215 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Canning, Governor General of India, on plans for the expedition to China. 18 January.
216 - Letter from Lord Canning to Sidney Herbert covering several matters concerning the China expedition, especially the British personnel involved. 30 January.
217 - Extract from Lord Canning’s Letter of 27 February on the India regiments to be sent home. [See 2057/F8/V/B/160d]
218 - Letter from Lord Canning to Sidney Herbert commenting on the number of European (British and French) troops being sent to China and whether it will be sufficient. 15 March.
219 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Canning explaining the need for certain types of forces to be sent to England from India – “our deficiency is in infantry of the line”. 8 April.
220 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Canning stating that the European force in China is ample but a reserve force should be readied in case of need. 25 April.
221 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Canning covering a range of topics connected with the China expedition: the number of troops, the climate, the cost of the campaign etc. 3 May.
222 - Copy of letter from Sir Hope Grant, commanding the field force in China, to Lord Canning describing the force that will be taken north for active operations, as well as other matters connecting with the campaign in China. 12 May.
223 - Extract of a letter from Sir Hope Grant to Lord Clyde, commander in Chief, explaining why it was necessary to dispense with the services of the Indian commissariat officers simply because they were not required – and because the English commissariat refused to work with them unless they were placed in a subordinate position. 14 May.
224 - Letter from Lord Canning to Sidney Herbert replying to Herbert’s letters of 25 April and 3 May, and advancing his views on the China war. [See 2057/F8/V/B/160e and 2057/F8/V/B/160f]. 10 June.
225 - Letter from Lord Canning to Sidney Herbert on the latest news from China and enclosing a page of the Government Telegraph Gazette (Calcutta), June 26 1860, describing the fighting in China. 27 June.
226 - Letter from Lord Canning to Sidney Herbert enclosing copies of letter from Sir Hope Grant (9 June) and the Earl of Elgin (14 June) relative to the need for additional troops, specifically the Sikh regiment Canning had stopped at Singapore. 4 July.
227 - Letter from Lord Canning to Sidney Herbert enclosing the Government Telegraph Gazette giving the latest news from China. July 16.
228 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Canning expressing his views on the China expedition and taking exception to some Canning’s thinking on the proper strategy to be employed in the campaign. 21 July.
229 - Copy of official letter sent to Lord Canning calling for reinforcements to be sent to China from India. No Date.
230 - Return on the size of the French expeditionary force in China. Dated Shanghai, 1 April. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192r]
231 - Return showing the strength of the British expeditionary force in China and the strength of the garrisons at Hong Kong, Canton, Chefoo and Shanghai. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192r] No Date.
232 - Copy of note from W. G. Romaine to Lord Ripon stating that gunboats and the vessels to tow them will leave England at the end of November and arrive at Hong King about the end of March. No Date.
233 - Letter from Mr. Laing, Treasury, to Sidney Herbert on the number of troops sent to China and the necessity of checking expenses. 27 April.
234 - Memorandum on the number of commissariat officers sent to China, and the role of the Indian commissariat officers serving in China. [See 2057/F8/V/B/162]. 11 June.
235 - Statement on the proceedings of a council of war held at Shanghai on 18 June.
236 - Copy of letter (A) from Sir Hope Grant to Lieutenant-General Montauban, commander of French forces in China, calling for the landing of French and English forces at Peh-tang. 26 June. Copy of letter (B) from General Montauban to Sir Hope Grant stating his objections to the Peh-tang operation. 6 July. Copy of letter (C) from Sir Hope Grant to General Montauban clarifying his request of 26 June for a joint operation at Peh-Tang. 8 July. Memorandum on the Anglo-French conference held at Che-foo on 10 July. Sketch of fleet arrangement enclosed. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192w].
237 - Exchange of letters between General Montauban and Sir Hope Grant on the best method of attacking the Chinese forts. 20 August.
238 - Statement of the value of stores shipped fro China from 1 April to 31 May 1860. 6 June.
239 - Memorandum on the initial and augmented forces to China and the stores in course of issue for the China expedition. No Date.
240 - Correspondence on the quality of the knapsacks sent out to the British troops in China, specifically whether they were of the same pattern and quality condemned in the Crimean War. Enclosures. 11 July.
241 - Copy of electric telegram from Consul Edward Mark to Lord John Russell describing the arrival of Allied Troops at Heiho on 1 August. Dated Marseilles, 15 October.
242 - Two written statements by Sikh troops as to the treatment of English prisoners by the Chinese. 13 October.
243 - Printed report on the Chinese expedition titled, Despatched from the capture of the Taku forts to the occupation of Pekin. 1860. No date.
244 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant extending the Queen’s congratulations at the success of the forces under his command in China. 10 November.
245 - Memorandum from General Richard Airey, Quartermaster General, to the Under Secretary of State for War recommending distribution of the force in China, on the cessation of hostilities. Proposal enclosed. 10 November.
246 - Reply of Captain Coffin to a memorandum from Sidney Herbert concerning the fresh stores to be sent to China. 8 December.
247 - Written notation on a store vote relative to a balance of £294,902. 19 March.
248 - Deciphered telegram from Sir J. Crampton, at St. Petersburg, confirming news of the end of hostilities in China. 15 December.
249 - Copy of deciphered telegram from Sir J. Crampton, at St. Petersburg, stating that a letter from Lord Elgin confirms that the treaty with China has been ratified and published, and that the army marched into Tiensin on 9 November. 19 December.
250 - Statement on the role and performance of the commissariat in providing supplies to the expeditionary force during the China war. No Date.
251 - Comparative statement of the rates of pay and allowances of regimental officers for thirty days, of a British regiment in India; and of the pay and allowances of the same ranks of a British regiment in the field, but not in India, including field allowances. No Date.
252 - Notes by Sidney Herbert on Indian allowances to each rank in China, based upon the 1842 and 1857 conflicts. No Date.
253 - Notes by Sidney Herbert relative to the cost of a native regiment on foreign service and the coast of Indian allowance to British forces. No Date.
254 - Statement from the India Office in reply to query from Sidney Herbert on the monthly cost of a native regiment at Hong Kong, and of a British regiment in India. No Date.
255 - Translation of a memorandum from two Chinese ministers to the Emperor of China describing the augmentation of British and French forces in China and that they are landing at Peh-tang in order to find a way to reach the rear of the forts on the shore of Tientsin. Translated by Thomas Wade. Second copy dated December 1860. No Date.
256 - Written copy of telegram-in-cipher from the Governor General of Bombay to Sir Charles Wood stating that he can send to England three regiments instead of two. Received 3 March.
257 - Statement on the approximate estimate of the cost, beyond the provision made in the army estimates, of the China expedition, 1860-61. May 25.
258 - Approximate estimate of the cost, beyond the provision made in the army and navy estimates of the China campaign, from 1 April 1860 to 31 March 1861. Two copies. 5 July.
259 - Statement of the particulars of the amount included in the army estimates of 1860-61, as applicable to the China expedition. 15 March.
260 - Copy of statement of the sums included in the several heads of Vote 17 for the year 1860-61 on account of the China service. Prepared by Charles Richards, comptroller of transports. 31 January.
261 - Particulars of the sum apportioned to army services out of the vote of credit for the China expedition 1859-60. 17 March.
262 - Written notation on the recapitulation of money taken for China. No Date.
263 - Copy of an estimate of the amount which will be required to make good the deficiencies in the navy grants for the year 1859-60, due to the excess expenditure consequent upon the china expedition, to be defrayed out of the special vote of credit to be submitted to Parliament by the Lords of the Treasury. [See 2057/F8/V/B/189k] 27 January.
264 - Paper on the China war votes for the wars of 1840-43. 5 July.
265 - Paper relative to the reasons for not attempting to present a detailed estimate for funds to Parliament in order to finance wars. 6 July.
266 - Reply to inquiry from Sir John Pakington on the grants or estimates for the China expedition during the present session of Parliament. 11 July.
267 - Statement by Sidney Herbert of the particulars of the amount included in the ordinary army estimates for 1860-61 as applicable to the China expedition. No Date.
268 - An approximate estimate of the charges which will be incurred by the Naval Department on account of the China expedition during the year 1860-61, in excess of the provision made for that service in the ordinary navy grants for that year, for which a vote of credit is proposed to be taken by the Treasury. 2 July. Cover letter from the Admiralty to the Treasury. 3 July
269 - Memorandum explaining the sum of £443,896 for payment of past transactions with the Indian government and now provided for in the China estimate submitted to Parliament. 6 July.
270 - Analysis of extraordinary expenses related to the China expedition, 1860-61. No Date.
271 - Memorandum on the division of military expenditure in China into two categories – ordinary and extraordinary. 4 May.
272 - Copy of reports from Colonel W. H. Marsh, commander at Shanghai, on the rebel forces’ plan to attack that city. 21, 16 August. Cover letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert. 2 September.
273 - Paper on the numbers of the army hospital corps in China. 8 February.
274 - Draft of instructions to Lieutenant-General Sir Hope Grant from Sidney Herbert relative to his appointment as commander of the military force participation in the expedition to China. November 1859. No Date.
275 - Private and confidential letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant detailing the composition of the force that he will take to China, and reviewing relations with the Chinese, as well as the proper conduct to be employed in dealing with the Chinese people. Two copied. 26 November 1859.
276 - Written memorandum from Sidney Herbert asking if the instructions prepared for Sir Hope Grant should also be sent to the admiralty in the China expedition. 2 December 1859. Reply enclosed from Sir Edward Lugard.
277 - Copy of private letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant explaining that his instructions are still in Paris, being studied by the French government, and stating that the forces he will command will be weaker that originally assumed. 10 December 1859. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192f]
278 - Substance of communication between Sir Hope Grant, Admiral Hope and Sir C. Straubenzee relative to the arrival of troops for the China campaign. 6 January 1859.
279 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert elaboration on the China preparations as well as his own departure for the war theatre, and asks for instructions concerning advancing to Pekin. 15 February.
280 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert replying to his letter of 10 December on the reduced force destined for China, and commenting on the appointment of Sir William Mansfield as commander of the infantry division. 30 January. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192c]
281 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert elaboration on the China preparations as well as his own departure for the war theatre, and asks for instructions concerning advancing to Pekin. 15 February.
282 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert on the embarkation of forces from India for China. 21 February.
283 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert informing him from Hong Kong that it appears the French may not be ready for operations until the middle of August. He intends to proceed to Chusan with 2500 men to enforce the British ultimatum to the Chinese emperor to come to terms. 14 March. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192q]
284 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant acknowledging receipt of his letters of 25 and 30 January and elaboration of the diminished forces that will be sent out from India to China. 19 March. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192e and 2057/F8/V/B/192f]
285 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert reporting French concurrence in the plan to occupy Chusan, and reporting other news on preparations for war against China. 27 March.
286 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert inquiring as to the pay of staff officers in China. 7 April. Enclosed note from Sidney Herbert on the pay differential of staff officers. 30 May.
287 - Note from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert enclosing a memorandum relative to the Chinese emperor’s rejection of the British-French ultimatum. 7 April. Memorandum prepared by Thomas Wade, Chinese secretary, Shanghai. 6 April.
288 - Draft letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant commenting on the reasons for sending home the 2nd battalion of the Royals, the question of advancing to Pekin, and other aspects of the China expedition. 8 April. Copy of formal letter dated 9 April.
289 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert relative to the refusal of the Chinese government to accept the ultimatum of the British and French. 16 April.
290 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert enclosing a copy of the Chinese emperor’s answer to the British-French ultimatum, proceedings of a conference held at Mr. Bruce’s house (the British minister to China) and a letter from Mr. Bruce calling upon the military to commence hostilities. 17 April.
291 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant replying to his letter of 14 March [See 2057/F8/V/B/192i] and elaborating on supplies that have been readied for the British forces in China. 10 May.
292 - Copy of despatch from the Governor General of India to Sir Hope Grant explaining the size of forces being sent out from India. 9 April. Copy of the composition of the French expeditionary army in China. [See 2057/F8/V/B/166]. Statement on the composition of the British expeditionary force, and the garrisons at Hong Kong, Canton, Chusan, Chefoo and Shanghai. 14 May. [See 2057/F8/V/B/167]. Coloured sketches of the Peh-Tang-Ho forts, the entrance to Peh-Tang-Ho and a plan of the entrance to the Pei-Ho. 1860.
293 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert discussing the force that he proposes taking north with him, and aspects of the strategy that the British and French will follow in China. 20 May.
294 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert dealing with several topics relating to the China war: army staff changes in China, trial of the Armstrong batteries, the need for army chaplains, the sailing of the expedition, some French losses, and strengthening the Shanghai garrison. 30 May.
295 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant approving the arrangements the general has made with the French, and commenting on other features of the China expedition. In this letter Herbert calls the Chinese “the strangest people on the face of the earth”. 10 June.
296 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert discussing the arrival of the remainder of his troops, the decision of General Montauban (French commander), that he will not be ready to commence operations until 15 July, and the arrival at Shanghai of the Russian ambassador, General Ignatieff, with news of Chinese defence activities. 21 June.
297 - Memorandum by Sir Hope Grant of a conference at Chefoo (10 July) to arrange strategy for the combined Anglo-French naval assault against the Chinese forts on the Peiho. Chart enclosed. Copies of letters from Sir Hope Grant to General Montauban dated 26 June and 8 July. Copy of letter from General Montauban to Sir Hope Grant. 6 July.
298 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert describing his arrival at Talienwan Bay on 26 June and commenting on the health of his troops as well as other matters connected with the expedition. Colour sketch of Talienwan Bay enclosed. Two copies. 4 July.
299 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert commenting on final plans for the combined Anglo-French assault on the Peiho forts. 20 July.
300 - Statement on the decisions made at a conference held at the French headquarters at Chefoo on 19 July.
301 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant covering a range of subjects connected with the China expedition: Hope Grant’s return of additional troops sent from India, the extent of the French effort, the loss of the Indian commissariat, and the securing of the vote of credit from the House of commons. 21 July.
302 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert describing the successful landing at Peh-tang. 4 August.
303 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert written from outside the walls of Pekin and elaborating on the China campaign. 9 August.
304 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert giving an account of the successful taking of a part of Pekin and stating that the people and rich merchants have petitioned the emperor to end the war. 13 August.
305 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert describing the assault and capture of Peiho Forts. 18, 24 August.
306 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert on the taking of the Taku forts and the overall significance of the capture of these defences. Two copies. 8 September.
307 - Official letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert announcing the fall of the Taku forts and impending peace negotiations between the Chinese commissioners and the Allied ambassadors, and stating that all further supplies from India are to be stopped. 8 September.
308 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert complaining of the bad faith of the Chinese in negotiating a peace, thus necessitating further military action. Two copies. 23 September
309 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant prior to receiving news of the success of the attack on the Taku forts, and expressing concern about the postponement of sending warm winter clothing to the China expeditionary forces. 24 October.
310 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert giving a description of the condition of the British prisoners returned by the Chinese and his general impressions of the campaign, the peace settlement, and his desire to return to England for a rest. 27 October. Statement enclosed of the force to be left at Tientsin during the ensuing winter. 25 October.
311 - Copy of public despatch from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant acknowledging receipt of the news of the successful occupation of the Taku forts and extending congratulations and expressing gratitude from the Queen to the officers and men. Three copies. 10 November.
312 - Copy of private letter of congratulations from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant on his success in China and for a campaign which had “not a drawback to it”. November 10.
313 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant on the operation of the military train and the commissariat in the China war and requesting Hope Grant to give his views on these two organisations since he has seen the practical working of both. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192tt] 10 November.
314 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant relative to the need for the government to come to some decision as to the means of maintaining the garrison at Hong King in view of the effects of the climate on the health of the troops. 10 November.
315 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert on the publishing of the peace settlement in China and the subsequent withdrawal of his troops from Peking, and the officers who distinguished themselves in the campaign as well as in the peace negotiations, notably Lord Elgin. 16 November.
316 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant offering further congratulations on his successful engagements and again expressing anxiety about the state of the army with the approach of winter. 27 November.
317 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert commenting on the evacuation of his forces from the Gulf of Pechelee, the necessity of leaving three regiments of European troops at Tientsin to deal with difficulties there, and his problems with the military train. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192mm]
318 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant reacting to telegram news via Alexandria on the military events in China and the prospect of the army wintering outside Pekin. 10 December.
319 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Hope Grant discussing several matters: the list of promotions and honours for the Chinese campaign, British public reaction to the conduct of the war, Sir Hope Grant’s promotion and request to return home, and Herbert’s comment on his own elevation to the House of Lords. 10 January.
320 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert describing his visit to Japan and the poor state of relations between Britain and Japan, the condition of his troops at Shanghai and Tientsin, and the defects in the military train. Two copies. 21 January.
321 - Letter from Sidney Herbert (now Lord Herbert of Lea) to Sir Hope Grant in reply to his letter of 6 December. 26 January 1861. [See 2057/F8/V/B/192qq]
322 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Sidney Herbert in reply to a letter from Herbert inquiring about the distribution of the force at Hong Kong and submitting two proposals for the same. 11 February 1861.
323 - Letter from Sir Hope Grant to Lord Herbert accepting the chief command at Madras when it is offered to him and commenting on other military and diplomatic matters. 28 February.
324 - Remarks on vote 11: warlike stores for land and sea service; as part of the estimates for 1860-61; Notes by Sidney Herbert enclosed. No Date.
325 - Paper on the estimate of expenditure made for regulars and for militia, 1859-60. 19 March.
326 - Notes by Sidney Herbert explaining the difference between the estimates for 1859 and 1860. No Date.
327 - Statement of the various sums authorised in Barrack Annual Estimate, 1859-60, but not entirely expended. No Date.
328 - Statement on the store of boots for the army and militia, as well as those under contract, on 16 February.
329 - Copies of votes 15-23, as part of the expenditures for 1860-61. No Date.
330 - Memorandum setting forth the reasons why a statement was not appended to the estimates showing the quantities of articles and their costs manufactured in the Manufacturing Department of the Army during the previous year. 5 May.
331 - Statement showing the number of vacant cornetcies. 14 May.
332 - Memorandum on the limited number of men to be gained to the reserve force under a proposed warrant and act of Parliament. No Date.
333 - Abstract of the returns relative to the Army Reserve Force up to the 20th February 1860. Supplementary returns also included. No Date.
334 - Letter from Lord de Ros to Sidney Herbert commenting on the endurance of English cavalry horses. 3 June.
335 - Printed copy of vote 22 – out-pensioners: Detail of the charge of the out-pensioners of Chelsea Hospital; of pensions granted to discharged Black soldiers; and of the military organisation of out-pensioners in the United Kingdom and in the colonies, from the 1st April 1859 to 31st March 1860. Enclosed notation by Sidney Herbert. No date.
336 - Comparative figures of the cost of the War Office and the Horse Guards in 1830 and 1860. Enclosed note by Sidney Herbert. 14 February.
337 - Draft of statement by Sidney Herbert on the establishing of a regiment of yeomanry cavalry and the question of appointing colonels of yeomanry corps. 14 January.
338 - Letter from Lord Evenly to Sidney Herbert suggesting revisions in the appointment of majors to the yeomanry corps. 19 January.
339 - Letter from Mr. Deedes to Sidney Herbert asking why any regiment of yeomanry cavalry should have two lieutenant-colonels. 26 January.
340 - Letter from Mr. Milne to Sidney Herbert stating that he has no objection to yeomanry regiments being placed on the same footing as those of the line. 16 January.
341 - Return showing the comparative number of field officers in the principal armies of Europe: Britain, France, Austria, Prussia and Sardinia. No Date.
342 - Table showing the composition of regiments and batteries and comparative proportions of officers and men in various European armies. No Date.
343 - Note by Sidney Herbert comparing officers and men in various armies. No Date.
344 - Note by Sidney Herbert on the proportion of soldiers to civilian population in England, France, Russia, Prussia and Spain. No Date.
345 - Statement of the pay of officers – captain and below – in the English and French services. No Date.
346 - Letter from Lord de Grey to Sidney Herbert relative to the pay and position of the Director of Ordnance. 20 December.
347 - Statement on the number of males in England and Wales sentenced to be whipped by courts of assize or quarter sessions in 1858. Memorandum attached. 30 January.
348 - Return of the number of men flogged in the army and militia of Great Britain and Ireland in 1859; specifying the offence, the regiments, the place of station, the time, the sentence and the number of lashes inflicted. Prepared by the War Office 31 May. Ordered to be printed by the House of Commons. 11 June.
349 - Memorandum by Lieutenant-General Knollys reviewing improvements made at the Aldershot camp during the five years that he commanded the camp. [See 2057/F8/V/B/439] 13 February.
350 - List of inventions reported upon by Lieutenant General Knollys at Aldershot. 13 February.
351 - Copy of memorandum by Lieutenant General Knollys on the state of health, discipline, instruction of the troops at Aldershot, 1857-58. March 1858. No date.
352 - Paper containing observations on the mortality and sanitary conditions of the troops stationed at Aldershot, 1 January to 31 December 1859. 8 February.
353 - Statement of the force at home as of 1 May 1860. 4 June.
354 - Revised estimate of the total force for 1860-61, and intended distribution according to establishment. 31 May.
355 - Letter from Lord de Grey to Sidney Herbert advancing suggestions for the reorganisation of the War Office. 1 July.
356 - Further memorandum by Lord de Grey on his scheme for the reorganisation of the War Office. Dated: War Office, 26 November.
357 - Letter from Lord de Grey to Sidney Herbert (Lord Herbert) stating that his (de Grey’s) reorganisation scheme has been agreed to by Sir Benjamin Hawes and Mr. Godley. 27 January 1861.
358 - Written scheme for the organisation of the British infantry in regiments of two service battalions and depot service battalion. No Date.
359 - Inquiry from Colonel McMurdo to Sir Edward Lugard concerning the amount of work done by the military train and to what value. 24 May (1860?). Sir Edward’s reply enclosed. 25 May (1860)
360 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert recommending appointment of an accountant general for the War Office. 15 June.
361 - Letter from J. W. Smith, Commissary General, to Sidney Herbert expressing his views on the proposed scheme for the administration of the Commissariat, and specifically opposing appointment of an intermediate officer to “overlook the Commissariat”. 1 August
362 - Letter from Sir William Codrington to Sidney Herbert relative to the new Victoria battery site and the repair of the governor’s cottage. 28 January.
363 - Letter from Sir William Codrington to Sidney Herbert as to the site for a new military hospital at Gibraltar. 2 November 1859.
364 - Notation on the number of volunteers both artillery and rifles. January 1860. No Date.
365 - Printed circular from the War Office respecting taxation of the effective members of the Yeomanry Cavalry. 30 April. Enclosure from the Naval and Military Gazette, dated 11 February.
366 - Memorandum (by Sir Edward Lugard?) on the pay of various officers of the Volunteer corps. No Date.
367 - Statement of the approximate return of the Volunteer Force of Great Britain. 31 March.
368 - Minute paper concerning an incident in Peel Park, Bradford, 25 February, in which several spectators were injured from firing by the Bradford Volunteers during their field day. Enclosures.
369 - Minute paper prepared by Colonel McMurdo on the cost of firing ranges and butts for the Volunteer Corps. 1 May.
370 - Note from Viscount Sydney to Sidney Herbert enclosing a letter from C. B. Phipps, the Queen’s secretary, stating the Queen’s view on the presentation of Volunteer officers at court. 4 May.
371 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert supporting plans for the brigade drill of the Volunteer Corps. 27 May. Statement enclosed from the War Office concerning inspection of the Volunteer Corps. No Date.
372 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert relative to the plans for the Volunteer review and commenting on other matter associated with the Volunteer Corps. 13 June.
373 - Printed announcement from William Richardson, honorary secretary, of the Irish Rifle Volunteers calling attention to a circular (enclosed) advertising a meeting held on 20 June 1860 asking for the extension of the Rifle Volunteer Movement to Ireland. 25 June. Newspaper reference to the organisation of the Royal Irish Rifle Volunteers (Irish Times, 14 July)
374 - Letter from Lord Carlisle to Sidney Herbert offering his opinion on the extension of the Volunteer Movement to Ireland. 30 June. [See 2057/F8/V/B/372]
375 - Statement from Captain Coffin in reply to a question put to Sidney Herbert in the House of Commons regarding the issue and price of targets for the Volunteer Corps. 4 July.
376 - Letter from the Duke of Manchester to Sidney Herbert objecting to the name or title give to his corps of Volunteers and requesting a change. 5 July.
377 - Printed copy of a bill for facilitating the acquisition by Rifle Volunteer Corps of grounds for rifle practice. Ordered to be printed by the House of Commons. 25 July.
378 - Printed statement by Colonel M. McMurdo relative to the distribution of the Volunteer Corps taking part in the Royal Review at Edinburgh (7 August) 3 August. Printed enclosure of the position of the carriages forming the train for the Queen’s journey to Scotland. 1860.
379 - Statement of the estimated strength of the Volunteer force as of 1 August 1860. 14 December.
380 - Statement of the estimate and expenditure connected with the movement of troops from 1853-54 to 1860-61. 11 April. Cover note on the saving of expense between the movements of the cavalry and infantry of the line at first intended, and those now proposed. 19 April.
381 - Written question from Sidney Herbert as to the proportion of men to the whole number serving who receive good conduct pay. 8 December.
382 - Letter from Lord Winchester to Sidney Herbert discussing the case of a Captain Le Fenure who has been forced to resign his commission. 3 August.
383 - Memorandum on the Reserve Fund – its origin, how augmented, how appropriated, and the balance. Two copies. 9 June.
384 - Memorandum on the state of the Reserve Fund. 26 July.
385 - Paper by Dr John Percy, professor of metallurgy in Jermyn Street Museum, submitted to the Duke of Somerset offering some observations on the quality of iron suitable for plates on ships or floating batteries. 29 August.
386 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert in reply to Herbert’s suggestion that a committee be appointed to study the results of experiments made by various projectiles upon iron, either as a ship’s side or otherwise, and to try further experiments if necessary. 21 October.
387 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert calling for more accurate information on the power of resistance which different qualities of iron possess against cannon-shot. 6 November.
388 - Memorandum on the experiments required for ascertaining the resistance of iron plates to shot, to enable the Government to specify the best form and composition of the plates. Some written notations by Sidney Herbert included. 26 November.
389 - Letter from Lord Somerset to Sidney Herbert generally approving the plan to conduct experiments on iron plates. 28 November.
390 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert proposing names for the commission of inquiry as to the resistance of iron plates to shot. 29 November.
391 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert suggesting the name of Joseph Glynn for the commission of inquiry. 29 November.
392 - Confidential memorandum from the Admiralty on the position of Great Britain with regard to the increase of iron-cased ships in foreign navies, particularly in that of France. 1 December. Enclosed return of English and French line-of-battleships from 1855 to 1860 inclusive. 3 December.
393 - Letter from General Sir John F. Burgoyne to Sidney Herbert proposing the name of Sir William Armstrong for the commission of inquiry. 17 December.
394 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert informing him that Major William Jervois is hurt at not being named to the commission of inquiry on iron plates. 26 December.
395 - Letter from Captain Galton to Lord Herbert commenting on conclusions reached by the civilian members of the Iron Plates Commission. 9 June 1861.
396 - Letter from Colonel Clarke Kennedy to Sidney Herbert submitting his application to be names Inspector of the Volunteer Rifle Corps. 7 January. A second letter enclosed dated 12 January.
397 - Letter from Lord de Grey to Sidney Herbert on the cost of providing adjutants for the present number of Volunteer Corps, and suggests the Yeomanry not be called out this year. 31 January.
398 - Written memorandum as to the Volunteer Corps in rural districts. February. No date.
399 - Letter from Sir Howard Douglas to Sidney Herbert recommending certain officers for appointment as district inspectors of militia and volunteers. No Date.
400 - Letter from Sir Benson Maxwell to Sidney Herbert expressing appreciation for Herbert’s intervention on his behalf with the Secretary of State for India concerning a transaction referring to him. 3 September.
401 - Letter from Mr. Fortescu, Colonial Office, to Sidney Herbert suggesting that another regiment ought to be sent to New Zealand “after this bad news” from there. 18 September.
402 - “Most confidential” returns on the amount of small arms in store at home and abroad, as well as other military data. Two copies. War Office, 31 January.
403 - Table of the comparative state of the staff of the Army prior to the Crimean War, during the war, and at the present period (exclusive of the East Indies). Prepared by the Adjutant General’s Office. 11 January.
404 - Table of the comparative state of the staff of the Army (non-commissioned officers and rank and file) in 1853, 1856 and 1860. Prepared by the Adjutant General’s office. 17 January.
405 - Notations relative to the augmentation of the army. 1860. No Date.
406 - Letter from Mr. C. Leeson to Sidney Herbert asking permission to submit a proposal for “a special service for the fortification of the entire coast and a new system of attack and defence upon a large scale”. 7 August.
407 - Written paper of a plan to use soldiers in the construction of the fortifications at Antwerp. No Date.
408 - Letter from Major Jervois to Sidney Herbert stating that the plans of Captain Brialmont of the Belgian Engineers for the defence of Antwerp are identical to proposals for the Portsmouth forts. 19 November 1859.
409 - Printed draft report of the select committee inquiring into claims preferred by certain major generals to the pay of general officers who accepted half-pay under the terms of the General Order of April 25 1826, and who are now only receiving the half-pay of brevet majors. 4 August. Enclosed note from W. L. Forster, Commander-in-Chief’s office, to Sir Edward Lugard. 20 August.
410 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Charles Wood relative to charges made concerning the safety and health of women and children on board the Accrington, bound for Calcutta. 26 April.
411 - Written statement of the crowding of women and children on military transports to India. Enclosed letter on the subject from “an Indian Officer” to the editor of the Aldershot Military Gazette, dated January 14.
412 - Letter from Mr. Laring at the Treasury, to Sidney Herbert expressing the view that children should not be sent in troop ships to India. No Date.
413 - Letter from Mr. Murdock to Sidney Herbert relative to arrangements that he (Murdock) is preparing to transport women and children to India for the army service. [See 2057/F8/V/B/369l] 16 August.
414 - Letters from Alexander Wood to Sidney Herbert relative to his (Wood’s) testimony before the select committee on transport service. 11 June, 13 July. Printed copy of evidence given before the select committee on transport service by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry H. Clifford, Major-General Sir Richard Airey, and Colonel Studholme Brownrigg. 29 June.
415 - Minute paper on the loss of stores for the army because of inefficiency in the transport service. 14 June.
416 - Letter from C. Alexander Wood to Sidney Herbert on the question of Indian reliefs and his testimony before the select committee on the transport service. 14 June. Enclosed three printed copies of Wood’s lecture on “Military Transport by Sea, and Colonia Reliefs” delivered on 4 May.
417 - Letter from C. Alexander Wood to Sidney Herbert commenting on the employment of the artillery and the Indian reliefs. 25 May.
418 - Confidential memorandum from General Sir John Burgoyne for Sidney Herbert relative to the importance, militarily, of the Mauritius and the danger of an attack against that possession. 16 March.
419 - Confidential memorandum from General Sir John Burgoyne for Sidney Herbert concerning the defensive state of the Mauritius, despite attempts by the governor to cultivate good feelings with the French. 9 April.
420 - Note from the Duke of Newcastle to Sidney Herbert regarding information received from Mauritius and stating that the governor will be alerted to report any and all news on events there. 2 April.
421 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset, at the Admiralty, to Sidney Herbert suggesting that a naval officer be sent to study the defences of the Mauritius. 9 April.
422 - Copy of letter from Benjamin Hawes, War Office, to the general officer commanding Mauritius, to appoint a special committee to draw up a distinct plan for the defences of Mauritius. 11 April. Enclosed extract from a War Office report to the Colonial Office regarding appointment of a committee of officers at Mauritius to plan defences. 28 March.
423 - Letter from Sir Edward Lugard to Sidney Herbert informing him that the governor and surveyor general of Mauritius are returning to England immediately therefore it might be wise to delay the sending of a naval officer to study the defences. 13 April.
424 - Letter from General Burgoyne to Sidney Herbert commenting on the defences at Gibraltar. 3 April.
425 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Harry Jones recommending modifications in the report of the Defence Commission, of which Sir Harry is president. [See 2057/F8/V/B/81] 25 February.
426 - Letter to Sidney Herbert concerning fortifications at Ardglass (Editor: Author’s signature illegible) 9 February.
427 - Letter from Sir Henry Storks to Sidney Herbert requesting that the regiment left at Corfu be brought up to full strength. 24 July. Enclosed list of the numbers required to complete the full strength of the regiment.
428 - Minute paper on the state of the defences at Malta, Gibraltar and Mauritius in 1857, 1859-60, as requested by Sidney Herbert. 31 July.
429 - Letter from Lord Carnarvon to Sidney Herbert expressing his views the state of the defences at Malta. 19 November.
430 - Memorandum from Colonel St. George in reply to statements by Lord Carnarvon in his letter of 19 November concerning aspects of the defences at Malta. 1 December.
431 - Memorandum from Colonel Brigham, Deputy Adjutant General, on the defences at Malta, specifically the merits of the “dwarf traversing platform” referred to Lord Carnarvon in his letter of 19 November. 5 December. Enclosed copy of note from Sir Benjamin Hawes to the Adjutant General, Horse Guards. 9 July.
432 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Carnarvon replying to his (Carnarvon’s letter of 19 November, and with special reference to the condition of the traversing platforms at Malta. 20 December.
433 - Printed confidential report on the work and armament of Malta, prepared fro Secretary Major-General Peel and the Duke of Cambridge by Colonel J. F. Lefroy and Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Owen. 7 June.
434 - Copy of letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Donoughmore, Commander of the Tipperary Artillery to the Duke of Cambridge, the Commander in Chief, proposing that his Tipperary Artillery be volunteered in a body to the Royal Artillery. 15 December 1859.
435 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert discussing some of the conditions upon which the Tipperary Artillery will be volunteered to the Royal Artillery. 13 November.
436 - Draft copy of a letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Donoughmore on the obstacles confronting the formation of a new brigade of artillery. December 1860. No date.
437 - Noted by Colonel Bingham of an interview with Lord Donoughmore (3 December 1860) on the subject of the offer of the Tipperary Artillery. 5 December. Notes by Sidney Herbert enclosed.
438 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert discussing the difficulties involved in transferring the Tipperary Artillery to the Royal Artillery. 9 December.
439 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge relative to the embodying of the Tipperary militia into the regular artillery, and discussing the supplies being sent to the expeditionary force in China. 11 December.
440 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert commenting on various matters associated with the Tipperary militia proposal, especially the role of Captain B. Grey Mackenzie of the Tipperary Artillery. 12 December.
441 - Memorandum of the services of Captain and Adjutant B. Grey Mackenzie, Tipperary artillery, written by Mackenzie. No date. Enclosed letter from Mackenzie to Lord Donoughmore expressing appreciation for the support given him by his Lordship. 13 November.
442 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert expressing his views on the role of Major H. W. Massey and Captain Mackenzie in the scheme to volunteer the Tipperary Artillery, particularly the requirement of “the new A.B.C. of military knowledge” 13 December. Enclosed letter from Major Massey to Lord Donoughmore. 12 December.
443 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert explaining that the general feeling is moving against the transfer of the Tipperary Artillery Militia into the Royal Artillery. The reasons for this feeling are discussed by the Duke. 13 December.
444 - Letter from Reverend G. R. Gleig, Chaplain-General, to Mrs. Herbert requesting that she use her influence to dissuade her husband from proceeding with the plan to incorporate the Tipperary Artillery Militia into the Royal Artillery. 14 December.
445 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert asking for an early decision on the issue of transferring the Tipperary Artillery, preferably “before Christmas”. 15 December.
446 - Written proposal by General Lancom for creation of a separate corps called “the Artillery of the Guard”, instead of amalgamating the militia artillery or any part of it with the Royal Artillery. 16 December.
447 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert expressing astonishment at Herbert’s decision to upset plans to amalgamate the Tipperary Artillery with the Royal Artillery. Lord Donoughmore reviews the negotiations on the subject that transpired for over a year. 18 December.
448 - Note from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert enclosing his address in Ireland where he can be located during the Christmas holiday. 20 December.
449 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert advising the course to be taken in dealing with the Tipperary Militia question. 21 December.
450 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert regretting that Herbert will not adhere to the system of examination for officers transferring from the militia artillery to the regular service. 22 December.
451 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert sent to the Duke of Cambridge on the subject of incorporating a brigade of militia artillery into the Royal Artillery. 25 December.
452 - Letter from Major Massey to Sidney Herbert renewing a proposal he (Massey) made earlier that the Tipperary Artillery should become “a movable coast brigade subject to service at home or in the colonies”. 26 December.
453 - Copy of a letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Donoughmore setting forth his reasons for abandoning the arrangement to amalgamate the Tipperary Artillery Militia with the Royal Artillery. Three copies. 31 December.
454 - Draft copy of Sidney Herbert’s reply to Major Massey’s letter of 26 December. 1 January 1861.
455 - Letter from Lord Donoughmore to Sidney Herbert recapitulating the facts of the Tipperary Artillery issue and the shameful way his officers and men have been treated. 4 January 1861.
456 - Letter from Major Massey to Sidney Herbert in reply to his (Herbert’s) letter of 1 January and urging him to modify his position on the Tipperary Militia so as not to alienate an entire country. 7 January.
457 - Draft copy of a letter from Sidney Herbert to Major Massey, replying to his letter of 7 January and clarifying his reasons for abandoning the scheme to transfer the Tipperary Militia to the Royal Artillery. 12 January 1861.
458 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Donoughmore regretting his decision to resign his commission as a result of the Tipperary issue. 15 January 1861.
459 - Letter from Major Massey to Sidney Herbert requesting that the Tipperary Militia be allowed to remain embodied as a militia after March in order to placate the officers and men. 16 January 1861. Enclosed reply from Sidney Herbert. 21 January.
460 - Letter from General Eyre to Sidney Herbert commenting on attempts to dissuade Lord Donoughmore from resigning his commission, to no avail. Enclosure. 23 January 1861.
461 - Letter from Major Massey to Lord Herbert relative to the hurt pride of Lord Donoughmore. 4 February 1861. Enclosure of letter from Major Massey to J. M. Maynard. No date.
462 - Note from the Horse Guards to Sir Edward Lugard on the enlistment of members of the Tipperary Militia into the Royal Artillery. 11 March 1861.
463 - Letter from Major Massey to J. M. Maynard, War Office, describing the peaceful disembodiment of the Tipperary Militia “due to the kindness of Lord Herbert”, who allowed them to remain in England until after the county assizes. 25 March 1861.
464 - Confidential written paper on Lord Donoughmore proposals. No date.
465 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert commenting on a conversation with a Mr. Mundella, a Nottingham manufacturer, concerning government clothing contracts. 7 January. Memorandum and relies to Mr. Mundella’s assessment enclosed.
466 - Memorandum explaining how clothing is supplied for the army. 16 February.
467 - Paper on the types of clothing then in use in the army. No date.
468 - Extract of a letter from J. M. Primrose, commander of the 43rd Light Infantry, commenting on the highly satisfactory state of the clothing being issued to his men. No date.
469 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge regarding the system of clothing and inspection in the army. 1 May.
470 - Written observations on army administration. Author cited as Colonel H. C. Owens. Enclosed note from Colonel Owens to Sidney Herbert. 30 May.
471 - Letter from Mr. Hughes Childers to Sidney Herbert offering a suggestion on the clothing to be taken by the 14th Regiment about to be sent to New Zealand. They should take a sufficient supply of “bus” dress with them. 19 September.
472 - Letter from Mr. Childers to Sidney Herbert enclosing a lengthy letter from Captain Clarke, R. E., in reply to a request from Childers for a specification of suitable bus clothing. Clarke’s letter dated 22 September. 25 September.
473 - Statement of the cost of making soldiers shirts by benevolent societies and by contract. Estimates prepared by George Ramsay. 20 November.
474 - Copy of confidential memorandum For the guidance of the Secretary of State on the mode of dealing with certain military subjects in relation to the discipline, appointments, and promotion in the army; the planning and construction of fortresses and barracks, and the arming, equipping and clothing the troops. A copy of the paper was sent to the Queen. No date.
475 - Minute paper from Colonel McMurdo relative to the knapsacks best suited to Volunteers. 26 June.
476 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert on the state of the militia. No date.
477 - Letter by Colonel Boultbee complaining of deficiencies in his militia regiment, and offering suggestions for improving the militia generally. 4 January.
478 - Note from Lord de Grey to Sidney Herbert enclosing letter from Lord Burleigh commenting on various militia matters. Burleigh’s letter dated 30 January 1859. 8 January.
479 - Letter from Mr. William Beadon to Sidney Herbert discussing the deficiencies and abuses in the present militia system. 23 January.
480 - Printed clauses of the Militia Ballot. [See 2057/F8/V/B/398]. 23 January.
481 - Letter from Lord Donegal to Sidney Herbert protesting against Herbert’s proposed plan for the disembodiment of the militia. 29 January.
482 - Letter from Lord Hatherton to Sidney Herbert asking appointment of his son to some military employment, in view of Herbert’s decision to disembody the militia. 2 February.
483 - Letter from Colonel Dickson to Sidney Herbert objecting to the sudden disembodiment of the militia, as proposed by Herbert. 4 February.
484 - Letter from Colonel Buchanan to Sidney Herbert expressing the hope that his regiment of militia will not be disembodied. 26 February.
485 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel D. Laird, Commander of the Forfar Militia Artillery, to J. M. Maynard concerning the difficulty of recruiting men in view of the impeding militia disembodiment. 28 February.
486 - Returns of the actual strength of the regiments of militia in the United Kingdom at present embodied, and their nominal strength; and, of the umbers present at the last annual training of each disembodied regiment, and the number of absentees from each regiment on that occasion. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 6 March.
487 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel James Ferguson, Commandant Royal Ayrshire rifles, to Sidney Herbert suggesting ways to improve the efficiency of the militia. 17 March.
488 - Letter from Lord Hatherton to Sidney Herbert stating his intention to request the Home Office to postpone the disembodiment of the Stafford county militia. 29 March. Enclosed earlier letter from Hatherton to Sidney Herbert requesting delay in the disembodiment of the 2nd Staffordshire due to the poor state of the iron trade in that region. 27 January. Enclosed question on the issuing of a new supply of clothing to the 2nd Staffordshire Militia and if it meant that the regiment was to be excepted from the proposed disembodiment. 23 March. Answer attached.
489 - Letter from Lord Hatherton to Sidney Herbert enclosing a copy of a letter from Colonel Hogg, chief constable of police at Stafford, on the effects of the militia disembodiment upon the populace of that county. Colonel Hogg’s letter dated 27 March 1860. 31 March.
490 - Letter from Lord Carlisle to Sidney Herbert on the time agreed upon for calling out the Irish militia. 6 April. Enclosed letter from Sidney Herbert to Carlisle on complaints from Irish militia colonels as to the earliness of the training for the militia there. 4 April.
491 - Letter from Lord Leithien (?) to Sidney Herbert critical of Lord Carlisle’s indecision in arranging to call out the Irish militia, and suggesting it be arranged for the middle of July. 9 April.
492 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert commenting on the disembodiment of the Forfar Artillery Militia, and enclosing letters from Lieutenant-Colonel Laird (11 April) and Major Mackay (12 April) on the subject. 13 April.
493 - Letter from Lord Methven to Sidney Herbert enclosing circulars and tracts relative to the unsatisfactory position of militia surgeons. 10 May.
494 - Letter from Lord Burghley to Sidney Herbert thanking him for the free kits sent to the recruits in his militia regiment. 11 May. Enclosed letter of 30 April 1860.
495 - Return showing the number of persons who have received Queen’s commissions as quartermasters of militia of Great Britain and Ireland, specifying their rates of retired full pay, of other pension for previous line or other service, and for what length of service, together with their rates of disembodied pay. Ordered printed by the House of commons. 11 June.
496 - Printed copy of a bill to amend the laws relating to the militia. Prepared and brought in by Sidney Herbert and the Judge Advocate. Ordered printed by the House of commons. 26 June. [See 2057/F8/V/B/398 and 2057/F8/V/B/398a]
497 - Printed copy of a bill to amend the laws relating to the ballots for the militia in England, and to suspend the making of lists and ballots for the militia of the United Kingdom. Prepared and brought in by Sidney Herbert and the Judge Advocate. Ordered printed by the House of commons. 16 July. [See 2057/F8/V/B/398b]
498 - Report from the select committee on militia estimates for the year ending 31 March. Ordered printed by the House of commons. 16 August.
499 - Letter from General Lowther to Sidney Herbert setting forth his reasons for opposing the amalgamation of the Cumberland and Westmoreland militia, and objecting to the low pay of militia staff sergeants. 24 August. Enclosed table on the rate of pay for militia staff sergeants embodied and disembodied. 24 August.
500 - Minute paper on the number and charges for the militia for 1860-61. No date.
501 - Printed table on the establishment of regiments of militia in the United Kingdom upon the full quota of 120,000 men. No date. [See 2057/F8/V/B/410]
502 - Estimate for the disembodied militia, 1860-61, and the approximate army estimate for 1860-61. Enclosure. 2 February.
503 - Printed copy of the report of the commissioners inquiring into the establishment, organisation, government and direction of the militia of the United Kingdom. Written notes enclosed. No date.
504 - Printed paper by Lieutenant-Colonel William Cross on the state of the militia. Cover note from Colonel Cross to William E. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer. 20 August.
505 - Printed pamphlet titled A few words on the military organisation of Great Britain, by Centurion. 16 January.
506 - Written replies and memorandum on evidence given by a Mr. Anderson with regard to stores before the select committee on military organisation (22 May 1860) as well as that given by Captain Gordon on the same day. 30-31 May.
507 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Dr. Balfour requesting that careful attention be given to the preparation of the army medical statistics under the new statistical arrangements. 1 March.
508 - Letter from Dr. Balfour to Sidney Herbert stating that the medical statistics for 1859 will not be as complete as future reports because of the use of old forms of returns. 8 March.
509 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge with regard to the sum provided in the estimates for barracks and civil buildings. 10 January.
510 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert replying to Herbert’s question on additional fuel allowance to enable men to be spread out in their barracks, a provision established by his predecessor, Major-General Peel. 1 November. Printed copy of Peel’s order enclosed.
511 - Written paper on improvements in recruit barracks during 1860. No date.
512 - Printed statement on change of policy regarding repairs at military hospitals. 30 March. Enclosed notes on the subject by Florence Nightingale. 7 May.
513 - Memorial from the committee appointed by the Wesleyan Methodist Conference for counsel and direction of affairs relating to Wesleyans in the army, addressed to Sidney Herbert. 21 February.
514 - Letter from General Knollys, commandant at Aldershot, to Sidney Herbert concerning appointment of an additional Wesleyan minister at the camp when required. 24 April.
515 - Letter by the Reverend G. R. Gleig, Chaplain-General, suggesting that he be made ex officio commissioner for Chelsea, Kilmainham and Royal Hibernian School, and that his position at the War Office be altered. 11 April.
516 - Letter from the Reverend G. R. Gleig, Chaplain-General to Sidney Herbert expressing his views regarding the Church serving the needs of the masses. 5 July.
517 - Letter from the Reverend G. R. Gleig and Mr. Kinnaird to Sidney Herbert, and a letter from the Vicar at Aldershot, complaining at the sad state of religious life at Aldershot, the inefficiency of the chaplains and the extensive vice at the camp. 16, 31 July; 1 August.
518 - Letter from the Reverend G. R. Gleig to Sidney Herbert relative to the recall of a Mr. Leo St. George, a chaplain with the forces in China. 1 August.
519 - Letter from the Reverend G. R. Gleig to Sidney Herbert concerning appointment of a Thomas Greer as assistant Presbyterian chaplain in Dublin. 16 August. Enclosed letter from Mr. Greer to Sidney Herbert. 23 July.
520 - Letter from Mr. Greer to Lord de Grey complaining at the appointment of Mr. J. B. Wilson as assistant Presbyterian chaplain in Dublin rather than himself. 13 September.
521 - Packet of correspondence between Sidney Herbert and the Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly in Ireland relative to the appointment of Mr. Wilson as officiating minister to the troops in Dublin. Letters labelled A to K, with J missing. Correspondence covers the period from June to October 1860.
522 - Letter from the Reverend G. R. Gleig to Sidney Herbert enclosing letter from Mr. McGhee, senior chaplain in China, calling for more chaplains to be sent out, and for an order to the Purveyor to release books for use by the sick and wounded. 22 September. Mr. McGhee’s letter dated 12 July.
523 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lieutenant-General Sir William Codrington replying to the General’s reference to the deficient state of church accommodation at Gibraltar. 1 December.
524 - Letter from the Reverend Gleig to Mr. Maynard, War Office, indicating the number of Irish Presbyterian soldiers in the army – “they are… the merest fraction”. 12 December.
525 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Salisbury on the appointment of Lord Grosvenor as Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant of the Queen’s Volunteer Corps. 16 January.
526 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Hardwicke with respect to the formation of the Cambridge University Volunteer Corps. 16 January.
527 - Draft of letter from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Cowper discussing the construction of stands for a review of the Volunteer Corps. 15 June.
528 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Cowper proposing a better arrangement in the future for the distribution of tickets for the Volunteer review. 10 October.
529 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert recommending appointment of General Cox as commander of a regiment, and commenting on other military affairs. 18 October.
530 - Copy of the Army and Navy Gazette (14 January 1860), edited by Mr. Russell of Crimean War fame, containing an article charging that the guns to be shipped to China were found to be rotten when they were hoisted on board the Himalaya at Purfleet. This information was provided by “a quarter’ that cannot be questioned ...” according to the paper.
531 - Letter from Colonel Alexander Tulloch, Superintendent of the Carriage Department at the Royal Arsenal, to Sidney Herbert stating that the charge in the Army and Navy Gazette “is without a shadow of truth”. Enclosures. 16 January.
532 - Letter from John W. McMilland, constructor in the Carriage Department at the Royal Arsenal, to Colonel Tulloch defending the construction of the gun-carriages used to ship the Armstrong guns. January 1860. No date.
533 - Letter from Colonel Tulloch to Sidney Herbert further defending the construction of the Armstrong gun-carriages and strongly rejecting the accusation in the Army and Navy Gazette 2 February.
534 - Written paper on the estimated distribution of the army for 1860-61. 21 February.
535 - Return showing the sums voted for the whole of the army non-effective services, at intervals from 1815 to 1860. 25 June.
536 - Return showing the number of regular troops on the British establishment and embodied militia at home and abroad from 1850-51 to 1859-60 (excluding the Indian depots) 18 April.
537 - Return of the establishment of the army for the year 1859-60, and of the effectives at home on the first day of each month. 3 April.
538 - List of general officers appointed to the staff in the United Kingdom on 1 April.
539 - List of appointments of general officers to commands abroad since January 1860. No date.
540 - Statement of the succession to appointments on the staff of assistant adjutant and assistant quartermaster general which are about to become vacant and which have been approved by the Queen. No date.
541 - Statement of the transfers from India, and augmentations in excess of the establishment voted by Parliament for 1859-60. 6 august.
542 - Memorandum by W. F. Forster, Horse Guards, on the number of commissions without purchase in the cavalry or the line which are given at Sandhurst after the periodical examinations. 3 July.
543 - List of the number of men and officers in the Royal Artillery at home and at certain garrisons abroad. No date.
544 - Paper explaining the decrease of £108,000 in the clothing vote of the army estimates for 1860-61. No date.
545 - Paper on the amounts to be deducted from the Store and Wages Votes, 1860-61, for the purpose of being appropriated to other services. 20 March.
546 - Proposal for meeting the expense of maintaining an army of 146,000 despite provision in the estimates for a regimental establishment of 142,000. 19 March.
547 - Printed report comparing the revised army estimates of 1860-61 with those for corresponding services in 1835-36. Issued by the War Office. 24 April.
548 - Second copy of revised army estimates of 1860-61 and those of 1835-36, with a cover memorandum titled Alleged extravagance of the army expenditure; and comparison of the army estimates of 1835-36 with those of 1860-61. 22 June.
549 - Written notes by Sidney Herbert relative to the army estimates for 1859-60, 1860-61. No date.
550 - Memorandum explaining the supplementary estimate required for 1859 by “the present state of affairs”. 27 May
551 - Memorandum in reply to remarks by General Sir John Peel on the army estimates for 1860-61. No date. Enclosure by Sidney Herbert.
552 - Notes by Sidney Herbert regarding the army estimates. No date
553 - Notes by Sidney Herbert concerning the evidence connected with an accident at Dover. Dates on the minute paper: 21, 28 August.
554 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes to Sidney Herbert commenting on various War Office matters, particularly the operation of the Accountant General’s Department. 12 September. [See 2057/F8/V/B/313]
555 - Letter from Hawes to Sidney Herbert concerning the financial state of the War Office. 18 October.
556 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert discussing various army and army medical subjects: a plan for casement ventilation in barracks, the construction of a wooden mess room at the Army Medical School (Chatham), the composition of the proposed fortification committee. 24 August.
557 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert regarding the positive reaction to and initial success of the Army Medical School (Chatham), especially the class of men admitted. 26 December.
558 - Written paper by Major Deston (?) 2nd Depot Battalion, suggesting 50 ways to improve the army. 22 February.
559 - Written report on the force at home, combatant and non-combatant in 1859-60. May 1860. No date.
560 - Proposal by Colonel Percy Herbert for organising the infantry regiments of the army. 18 May. Cover memorandum from the Duke of Cambridge. 28 May.
561 - Printed report on correspondence respecting the stoppage of trade by Japanese authorities. Presented to the House of Commons by command of the Queen, in pursuance of their Address. 21 February.
562 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 11 August to 17 August. No date.
563 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 1 August to 24 August. No date.
564 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 25 August to 31 August. No date.
565 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 1 September to 7 September. No date.
566 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 8 September to 14 September. No date.
567 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 20 October to 26 October. No date.
568 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 3 November to 9 November. No date.
569 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 1 December to 7 December. No date.
570 - Abstract showing the state of the War Office finances, from 22 December to 28 December. No date.
571 - Papers relative to military organisation. May 1860. No date
572 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot, at the Treasury, to Sidney Herbert acknowledging a provisional plan by Sir Benjamin Hawes affecting the Accountant General’s Department of the War Office. 8 March.
573 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert apologising for the delay in submitting a committee report on the War Office organisation. 16 April.
574 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert urging him to use his influence with a Mr. Anderson who is causing the delay in the committee’s report on the War Office organisation. 18 April.
575 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert clarifying a reference in the Draft Report to the system of selection for promotion adopted in the War Office. 16 June.
576 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert elaborating his views with regard to the present organisation and proposed reorganisation of the War Office. August. Enclosed letter from Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert correcting some views of William E. Gladstone regarding the War Office under Herbert’s leadership that may have been conveyed to Gladstone in a letter from Arbuthnot. 10 September.
577 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert describing the committee’s findings relative to the organisation of offices at Woolwich. 14 September.
578 - Letter from Mr. Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert raising questions about the arrangement for gun carriages for guns not needed, and the desirability for better communications between officers commanding the artillery and the army storekeeper. 27 October. Further elaboration of these matters in enclosed letter from Arbuthnot to Sidney Herbert. 30 October.
579 - Letter from General Knollys to Sidney Herbert on an experiment to set aside some day rooms for the use of the soldiers in the permanent barracks. 25 January.
580 - Letter from General Knollys to Sidney Herbert referring to a lecture on cooking at Aldershot by a Mr. Warriner and suggesting that his lecture be printed. 26 January.
581 - Extract from Mr. Warriner’s letter of 25 January 1860, after lecturing at Aldershot.
582 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Prince Albert elaborating on proposed expenditures for barracks authorised but not expended in the last financial year, and the state of the barracks at Glasgow and Edinburgh. 21 May.
583 - Letter from Paul Cullen, Catholic Arch-bishop of Dublin, to W. Monsell, M.P., calling for the construction of a Roman Catholic chapel at the Dublin barracks. 12 August.
584 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert describing a conversation with a Mr. Bidder concerning his design for raising the foundations of the Spithead Forts to the water level. 27 September.
585 - Letter from Lord Rokely to Sidney Herbert explaining the delay in opening the day rooms in the canteen house of the Wellington Barracks. 3 October.
586 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert informing him about the forthcoming report on barracks and hospitals. 15 October.
587 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Lansdowne replying to the latter’s request for names of men to command the 2nd Battalion of the Wiltshire Volunteer Rifles. 20 November. Letter from Lord Lansdowne enclosed. 30 October. Enclosed note from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Maynard, War Office, requesting him to reply to Lansdowne’s letter. 20 November.
588 - Memorandum on the Coast Brigade of Artillery. Table enclosed, dated 24 January.
589 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Tweeddale replying to his (Tweeddale’s) memorandum on the subject of the Volunteer system. 24 February.
590 - Return showing the number of desertions from the Royal Artillery during 1858 and 1859. 16 February.
591 - Table of the augmentation of the artillery, and an enclosed memorandum. No date.
592 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert relative to artillery matters. 16 May.
593 - Copy of letter from Frederick Eggar, proprietor of the gas works at Aldershot, to Sir Richard Airey concerning the lighting of the Aldershot camp with gas. 25 February. Enclosed memorandum from Captain Douglas Galton stating the view that the gas can be obtained cheaper than Mr. Eggar offers it.
594 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Maynard asking about the plan for enlarging the military prison at Aldershot. Reply by Maynard attached. 22 April. Enclosed note from Sir Joshua Jebb to Maynard on the prison enlargement scheme at Aldershot. 23 April.
595 - Copy of a letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge concerning an outbreak of disease among the horses at Aldershot, a matter raised by General Peel with Lord de Grey. 1 July.
596 - Letter and statement concerning whether cavalry offices, at the time of a general order issued on 23 February 1860, are entitled to select chargers from the ranks and the disposal of horses previously bought. 1, 4 June.
597 - Notation on the number of cavalry horses in England and India. 8 June.
598 - Letter from a Mr. Wakefield to Sidney Herbert on the cost of mounting the cavalry. 4 June. Copy of answer from Herbert. 18 June.
599 - Memorandum on the organisation of the cavalry. Prepared at the Horse Guards. 31 December. Plan proposed by the Duke of Cambridge enclosed.
600 - Returns of the strength regimentally, in officers and men and horses, of the regular local army of the several arms in India, European and Native, at the different presidencies, from the latest returns; and, of the number of recruits at the depot at Warley, and the number now on the voyage to India. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 7 June.
601 - Letter from the Scottish Lord Advocate, Mr. Moncreiff, to Sidney Herbert concerning the government’s obligations respecting the fortresses at Edinburgh, Stirling and Fort Augustus. 11 January. Enclosed letter from Mr. Waddell, agent for the Ordnance in Scotland, to the Lord Advocate. 10 January.
602 - Statement of the sums required to make good the deficiency of certain army grants for 1858-59. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 30 January. Two copies.
603 - Return showing the number of recruits raised in Great Britain and Ireland in each month of the year, 1850-59. Prepared by the Recruiting Department, Horse Guards. 10 February.
604 - Returns of British regimental establishments, for 1860-61, of all ranks; of effectives, 1 April 1860, of all ranks; of Indian establishment, for 1860-61; of Indian effectives, 1 April 1860; and, the total number of embodied militia, 1 April 1860, of all ranks. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 11 June.
605 - Extract of a despatch from the Governor General of India, 5 May 1860, on the subject of the organisation of the Queen’s European forces serving in India. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 11 June.
606 - Comparative statement as to the amount of arms received from contractors during the year 1860. No date.
607 - Memorandum and enclosures of the service records of certain officers who were “never under fire”. Prepared at the Horse Guards. 24 May. Cover letter to Sidney Herbert.
608 - Memorandum by Lord de Grey to Mr. W. Marshall explaining that Sidney Herbert has decided to suppress the rank of ensign in militia regiments and to add two supernumerary lieutenants to the established number of that grade at present. 9 June. Return enclosed, dated 16 June.
609 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Queen Victoria recommending appointment of two additional lieutenants to the disembodied militia regiments in lieu of ensigns. 16 June.
610 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lieutenant-Colonel Williams, M.P., relative to the amalgamation of the Anglesey and Carnarvon regiments of militia, and Williams’ apparent opposition to the scheme. 7 November.
611 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Prince Consort regarding a question to be put to him (Herbert) concerning leave given officers of the Guards. 21 May.
612 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge on the large amount of leave granted to Guards officers, particularly in some ranks. 4 June.
613 - Letter from Captain Napier Sturt to Sidney Herbert objecting to Herbert’s plan to give Guards’ generals £600 a year; they should receive £400 “like other generals”. February 1860. No date.
614 - Letter from Captain Sturt to Sidney Herbert requesting an army commission for the son of a “hunting friend & a good fellow”; and recommending abolition of colonelcies in the Guards. No date.
615 - Letters from Captain Sturt to Sidney Herbert retarding changes in the Guards, particularly the abolition of lieutenant-colonelcies. (One letter undated). 24 June and 12 December 1859.
616 - Note by Sidney Herbert inquiring whether anyone in the Adjutant General’s department still receives £100 a year for mustering Guards twice a year. Answer attached. 6 May.
617 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge concerning the expiration of Lord Rokeby’s tenure as inspector of the Guards and the course to follow when the vacancy occurs. 10 June.
618 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge relative to a letter from Lord Rokeby on promotion in the Guards. 30 June. [See 2057/F8/V/B/351]
619 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert replying to his letter of 30 June relative to Lord Rokeby’s letter on guards’ promotion. 4 July. Enclosures, including a note and list from Lord Rokeby (6 June), and a reply entitled Promotion of captains and Lieutenant Colonels of the Guards, dated 23 June.
620 - Letter from “a retired veteran” offering suggestions as to the contemplated changes in the Guards. No date.
621 - Memorandum by Colonel Alexander Tulloch as to the relative promotion of lieutenant-colonels on the line and major-generals of the Guards. Enclosure. 12 September.
622 - Nominal list of the officers of the Brigade of Guards to be brought home from Turkey by brevet. No date.
623 - Memorandum by Sidney Herbert concerning promotion in the guards. No date.
624 - Comparative statement by Sidney Herbert of the number of officers in a regiment of the line with two battalions as opposed to the number of officers in a Guard regiment with two battalions. No date.
625 - Letter from General Sir John Burgoyne to Sidney Herbert on recent experiments with rifled ordnance. 26 November.
626 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert recommending the use of Netley for the training of cadets rather than enlarging Sandhurst. 7 August.
627 - Statement on the return of the medical officers serving in the army, navy and Indian army, requested by Mr. O’Brien, M.P., in the Notice of Motions. 15 March.
628 - Letter from Sir Charles Wood to Sidney Herbert on the amount of artillery force required in India. 17 December.
629 - Letter from Mrs. Isabelle Hare, wife of the Reverend M. Hare, chaplain to Woolwich, to Mrs. Herbert (?) requesting support for improving the married quarters at Woolwich. 1 June.
630 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to James K. Howard declining Howard’s proposal that the War Office should take a 21-year lease on the whole of the Curragh. 13 March.
631 - Letter from Colonel Alexander Tulloch, Superintendent of the Royal Carriage Department, to Sidney Herbert relative to a proposal from Messrs. Howell and Leak, timber merchants at Bristol, to supply foreign timber to the army. 29 August. Letter from Howell and Leak to Colonel Tulloch dated 23 August. Memorandum from Mr. Howell, War Office, to Lord de Grey on the Howell and Leak offer. 3 September.
632 - Précis of a report by the committee on charges for the messing of officers; families on board ship. No date.
633 - Letter to Lord de Grey concerning the education of children at the Woolwich arsenal. (Author’s signature illegible) 6 September.
634 - Letter from Captain Boyer to Sidney Herbert discussing the employment, as well as the care and education, of children – especially girls – at Woolwich arsenal. 17 September.
635 - Memorandum of the annual rates of contribution to the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, “on account of Gentlemen Cadets, and the number of cadets at the institution on each rate”. 19 October
636 - Paper on the scale of payment of cadets for two and a half years residence on the Woolwich scale and on that presently prevailing at Addiscombe. No date.
637 - Paper relative to a plan by a Mr. Maclaren for the construction of a military gymnasium. 12 December
638 - Memorandum from Captain Edward Walter in response to a proposal by Sidney Herbert to provide positions in the War Office to discharged pensioners of the army and navy. 3 February. Enclosed paper on the Corps of Commissaries.
639 - Minute paper dealing with likelihood of increased appropriation for the army stores in 1861-62. 19 May.
640 - Letter from Lord de Ros to Sidney Herbert raising the question of the Secretary of State for War’s jurisdiction over the Tower, and the privileges of the constable. 5 November.
641 - Copy of the Duke of Wellington’s instructions relative to jurisdiction at the Tower and the constable’s authority and privileges. Paper prepared by Lord de Ros. No date.
642 - Copy of statement as to privileges at the Tower, approved by the Duke of Wellington. June 1852. Paper prepared by Lord de Ros. No date.
643 - Note upon the Tower of London written by Lord de Ros. October 1860. No date.
644 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Charles Phipp, secretary to the Price Consort, regarding plans to tear down the old store buildings at the Tower and replace them by a new store house. 17 December. Enclosed letter from Sir Charles to Sidney Herbert expressing the Prince Consort’s view that there is a flaw in the plan for building a new storehouse at the Tower. 16 December.
645 - Set of draft notes by Sidney Herbert on the organisation of the Indian army. No date.
646 - Printed copy of draft warrant calling for the formation of a corps in each of the Indian presidencies and to consist of officers selected by the government in India. Other military drafts on India enclosed. Cover note from Sir Charles Wood to Sidney Herbert. 15 December.
647 - Set of papers on the Indian army, covering various aspects: divisional commands in India, the names of officers on the local army in India holding divisional commands, comparative mortality of the troops of the line as opposed to local armies, the rates of mortality among white troops serving at home and abroad. (1830-47), etc. No date.
648 - Letter from Sir Hugh Rose to the Duke of Cambridge endorsing the proposed amalgamation of the British and Indian armies and the advantages to be derived from such an arrangement. 10 May.
649 - Substance of a memorandum by Sir Hugh Rose to the Duke of Cambridge on the subject of Indian military reorganisation. No date.
650 - Copy of letter from Sir Hugh Rose to the Duke of Cambridge accepting appointment as commander of the forces in India, as well as expressing his views on the Indian mutiny (1857). 20 September 1859.
651 - Copy of military despatch of the Court of Directors to India, dated 31 March 1858, no. 84. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 16 May.
652 - Extract from evidence given by the Duke of Wellington in 1828 on the morale of colonial troops, particularly that of regular troops as opposed to those of the East India Company. Three printed reports of the discipline and morale of local European troops in India. No date.
653 - Copy of newspaper (not identified) report of Mr. Horsman’s statement in the House of commons on the amalgamation of the Indian army. No date.
654 - Letter from Lord West to Sidney Herbert enclosing a pamphlet he (West) has written on the cadets nominated to commissions in the native branch of the Indian army. Copy of pamphlet enclosed. 2 December 1858.
655 - Letter from Sir Edward Lugard to Sidney Herbert concerning the distribution of the India prize money among the troops stationed there. 10 April.
656 - Letter from Sir Charles Wood to Sidney Herbert relative to Indian army questions. 6 June. Second brief note enclosed.
657 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Mr. Murdock regarding the transporting of wives and children of soldiers stationed in India, and the desire to safeguard their health and safety while en route to India. 14 August. [See 2057/F8/V/B/251c].
658 - Draft letter from Sidney Herbert to Sir Charles Wood commenting on a memorandum submitted by Colonel Sir A. Tulloch on the comparative cost of the line in the local army in India. 29 August.
659 - Two papers dealing with the influence of acclimatisation in India upon the troops sent there and the small amount of loss among regiments sent to India since the 1857 mutiny. No date.
660 - Copy of memorandum by the Duke of Cambridge on the reduction of cavalry regiments in India. 17 November.
661 - Note from Sir Charles Wood to Sidney Herbert with respect to the warrant being sent out to India dealing with the proposed amalgamation of the regular and Indian armies. 6 December. Copy of draft warrant enclosed. Enclosed memorandum on the Indian amalgamation. 17 December.
662 - Note from Major Marvin to Sidney Herbert regarding discussions with Sir Charles Wood on the Indian army amalgamation. No date. Note from Sir Charles to Sidney Herbert enclosed. 13 December.
663 - Printed statements countering arguments against amalgamation of the regular and Indian army forces. Notation by Sidney Herbert attached. No date.
664 - Printed statement refuting charges of harsh treatment of Indian natives by regular army officers. No date.
665 - Several questions and answers relative to certain storekeepers sent out to India and the duties to be performed. No date.
666 - Letter from Lord Herbert to the Duke of Cambridge recommending that appointments in India continue to be made in the same way as before the amalgamation of the regular and Indian armies. 27 June 1861.
667 - Printed report of the accounts of all charges raised by the War Office against the Indian establishment, and of stores supplied to services performed for the Indian government, in each year from 1 April 1853 to 31 March 1860. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 8 June.
668 - Letter from Henry Deffell to Sidney Herbert commenting on the uniform to be worn by the Volunteer Corps, and expressing the hope that it will resemble that of the “Rifles” of the regular army. 7 January.
669 - Note from the Prince Consort to Sidney Herbert stating that the Queen has no objection to her name being extended to the amalgamated Westminster Volunteer Corps. 12 January.
670 - Letter from Edward Cardwell to Sidney Herbert giving approval to extending the Volunteer movement to Ireland [See 2057/F8/V/B/226 and 2057/F8/V/B/227] 30 January.
671 - Letter from Lord Tweeddale to Sidney Herbert on the prevailing system of raising Volunteer companies I Scotland. 16 February.
672 - Letter from General Scarlett to Sidney Herbert discussing a dispute with Lord Winchester as to the colour of dress to be worn by the Portsmouth Volunteer Rifle Corps. 3 March.
673 - Letter from Lord Derby to Sidney Herbert describing the controversy between Lord Winchester and the Southampton Volunteers. 25 June.
674 - Two letters from Lord Winchester to Sidney Herbert complaining against statements and actions of a Major Lacy and the Southampton Volunteers. 17, 19 October
675 - Letter from Edwin James, M.P., to Sidney Herbert relative to the refusal of Lord Salisbury, Lord Lieutenant for Middlesex to appoint Colonel Lothian Dickson to a commission in the North Middlesex Rifle Volunteers. [See 2057/F8/V/C/70] No date. Letter of Colonel Dickson to Mr. James enclosed. 21 July. Copy of Colonel Dickson’s letter to the Marquis of Salisbury enclosed. (20 July) and Lord Salisbury’s reply. (20 July)
676 - Letter from Lord Hatherton to Sidney Herbert suggesting the establishment of three musketry schools for the training of Volunteer rifle corps, and discussing other Volunteer matters. 30 September.
677 - Letter from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert recommending that the Lord lieutenants of counties be made honorary brigadiers and be given a brigade major to conduct the necessary correspondence, something that has become a great burden to the Lord lieutenants. 6 October.
678 - Letter from Martin F. Tupper to Sidney Herbert enclosing copies of a letter he (Tupper) wrote to The Times relative to the formation of an irregular Volunteer mounted rifle corps. Enclosures. 17 October.
679 - Letter from Mr. A. Court to Sidney Herbert commenting on the opinion of M. Tidd Pratt as to the creation of a central Friendly Society for Volunteers. 20 October.
680 - Letter from Colonel McMurdo to Sidney Herbert on the proposal to form an Engineer Volunteer Corps out of the engineer institutions. 27 October.
681 - Letter from Sir John Ogilvy to Sidney Herbert expressing the hope that a school of musketry can be established at Monifirth. 30 October.
682 - Letter from Lord Lansdowne to Sidney Herbert agreeing to an increase in the number of deputy Lord lieutenants. 22 November.
683 - Letter from Lord Burghley to Sidney Herbert expressing appreciation for his appointment to the vacant militia aide-de-campship. 24 November.
684 - Minute paper from Colonel McMurdo to Lord de Grey relative to the plan of Lord Ranelagh to arrange a muster of Volunteer Corps near Croydon on Easter Monday. 22 December. Enclosed letter from Colonel Alexander Tulloch to Lord de Grey enclosing a note from Lord Ranelagh (28 November 1860) explaining his plans for the Easter Monday muster. 27 December. Enclosed note to Lord Herbert reminding him to write about Lord Ranelagh’s proposed muster. 17 January 1861.
685 - Statement of the number of vacancies for admission to the Royal Military College (Sandhurst) and the number of candidates permitted to fill those vacancies, and a memorandum by the Council of Military Education. (31 December 1859). 2 February.
686 - Return on the number of men, horses and guns of the field artillery at home in 1857, 1859 and 1860. Enclosed statement from the Horse Guards. 31 July.
687 - Return on the ordnance mounted for defence at various fortresses during the years 1857, 1859, 1860. Enclosed letter from the Deputy Adjutant General of Artillery to Mr. Maynard, War Office. 1 August.
688 - Return on the force at home (all ranks), regiments in India, and embodied militia, the force on British establishment, the European force in China and the Hong Kong garrison. 20 August.
689 - Separate returns on the guns, muskets, camp equipage etc in store, 1857, 1859, 1860. Cover note from Sidney Herbert. August.
690 - Return of the number of officers, non-commissioned officers and men in depot battalions, belonging to regiments serving in India; similar return for regiments serving in the colonies; and similar returns for regiments serving in the United Kingdom. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 30 April.
691 - Printed copy of report of the committee on expense of military defences in the colonies. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 4 May.
692 - Letter from Dr. John Sutherland to Sidney Herbert relative to the payment of clerks to prepare the Army Indian Medical Statistics for the use of the Indian Commission. 2 May.
693 - Letter from Dr. E. Parkes to Sidney Herbert conditionally accepting appointment to the Chair of Hygiene at the Army Medical School (Chatham); he wishes to the appointment to be a permanent one. 24 November 1859.
694 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Dr. Parkes asking if a ten-year appointment would be acceptable. 19 January 1860.
695 - Note from Dr. Parkes to J. M. Maynard, War Office, acknowledging his immediate appointment to the Army Medical School. 26 January.
696 - Note from Dr. Parkes to Mr. Maynard acknowledging that Sidney Herbert proposes to have his name gazetted as Professor of Hygiene at the Army Medical School. 28 February.
697 - Letter from Dr. Parkes to Sidney Herbert advancing his views on regulations for an army medical school. 28 October 1857
698 - Letter from Dr. Thomas Longmore, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, to J. M. Maynard, War Office, acknowledging Sidney Herbert’s intention to have his name gazetted as Professor of Clinical Military Surgery at the Army Medical School. 28 February.
699 - Paper describing the military services of Dr. Longmore. 29 February.
700 - Letter from Dr. Charles Morehead to Sidney Herbert tentatively accepting appointment as Professor of Medicine at the Army Medical School (Chatham), but asks for military rank antedated to 1857 as a result of his service in India. 21 November.
701 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Dr. Morehead in reply to his letter of 21 November and expressing doubt that his request for antedated rank can be arranged. 19 January.
702 - Letter from Dr. Morehead to J. M. Maynard, War Office, explaining that his delay in finally accepting the appointment at Chatham is due to arrangements he is trying to make with the India Office on his rank while in India. 21 February.
703 - Letter from Dr. Morehead to Sidney Herbert declining to accept the professorship at Army Medical School. 16 April.
704 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert commenting on several matters relating to the medical personnel at Chatham and conveying the view of some that Dr. Morehead can be persuaded to change his mind and withdraw his resignation. 18 April.
705 - Letter from Dr. Morehead to Mr. Maynard agreeing to attend meetings of the Senate at the Army Medical School, and suggesting that he might reconsider his decision regarding appointment to Chatham. 26 April.
706 - Copy of letter from Dr. Morehead to the India Office pressing for a decision on his rank while in India. 26 April.
707 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert offering a compromise arrangement with the India Office in order to gain the services of Dr. Morehead. 2 May.
708 - Memorandum on the services of Mr. Morehead. No date.
709 - Letter from Sir James Clark to Sidney Herbert describing the valuable services of Dr. William Aitken and the contribution he could make as professor of pathology at the new Army Medical School. 19 December 1859.
710 - Copy of Sidney Herbert’s letter to Dr. Aitken offering him the chair of Pathology at Chatham. 28 January. Enclosed note from Dr. Aitken to J. M. Maynard returning a copy of Herbert’s letter of 28 January as requested by Maynard. 20 February.
711 - Letter from Dr. Aitken to Sidney Herbert accepting appointment as Professor of Pathology at the Army Medical School. 30 January.
712 - Note from Dr. Morehead to Mr. Maynard, War Office, relative to his name being gazetted as Professor of Pathology. 28 February.
713 - Letter from Dr. Aitken to J. M. Maynard on the subject of the period of his appointment, which Aitken says would be permanent. 9 March.
714 - Letter from Dr. Aitken to J. M. Maynard acknowledging the ten-year appointment arrangement made between Dr. Parkes and the War Office and accepting the same terms for his own appointment at Chatham. 17 March. Enclosed letter from Sir James Clark to Dr. Aitken explaining the ten-year limitation arrangement. 17 March.
715 - Letter from Dr. Aitken to Sidney Herbert describing a programme of pathology lectures he has prepared for army medical personnel. 7 November 1857.
716 - Notes and correspondence relative to the appointment of Dr. William Campbell Maclean, surgeon major at Madras, as Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Army Medical School. Enclosures. May 1860. No date.
717 - Copy of letter from Dr. Maclean to Sidney Herbert requesting clarification of the terms of his proposed appointment to the Chatham school. 20 June.
718 - Note from Sidney Herbert to Sir Charles Wood asking him to study Mr. Maclean’s letter of 20 June and determine whether anything might be done to assist in reserving his service pension. Two copies. 28 August. Reply from Wood enclosed. 31 August.
719 - Statement on the service record of Dr. Maclean and the anticipated date of his retirement. 19 June.
720 - Letter from Dr. Maclean to Sidney Herbert accepting appointment to the Army Medical School faculty. October 1860. No date.
721 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to Dr. Maclean attempting to deal with the questions raised in Maclean’s letter of 20 June. 7 October. Cover note from Sidney Herbert to J. M. Maynard.
722 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert commenting on the difficulties involved in arranging Dr. Maclean’s appointment. 6 October. Enclosed notes by Miss Nightingale. No date. Letter from Dr. Morehead to Florence Nightingale enclosed. 3 October.
723 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert suggesting a means of arranging with the India Office to give Dr. Maclean two years’ leave with furlough pay and have it count as service in India. 9 October. Enclosures from Sidney Herbert and the India Office.
724 - Letter from Dr. Maclean to Lord Herbert requesting time to make final arrangements prior to taking up his duties at Chatham. 18 February 1861.
725 - Two draft copies of Lord Herbert’s letter proposing Dr. Maclean as Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Army Medical School. Enclosures. March 1861. No date.
726 - Note from Dr. Maclean to J. M. Maynard referring to an error in the gazetting of his appointment at Chatham. 16 March 1861.
727 - Copy of Sidney Herbert’s memorandum appointing professors to the Army Medical School at Chatham. Two copies. 23 March.
728 - Summary sketches on the professors appointed to chairs at Chatham. No date.
729 - Letter from Dr. Alexander to Sidney Herbert discussing appointment of the professors at the Army Medical School. 15 December 1859.
730 - Printed statement on proposed clauses for the Militia Ballot Bill. 23 January. Written proposals by a Mr. Coulson enclosed. 22 January.
731 - Printed draft of a bill to amend tha laws related to the militia. 13 March.
732 - Confidential report relative to raising militiamen by ballot. 11 July. [See 2057/F8/V/B/269u]
733 - Printed returns relating to the militia. Ordered printed by the House of Commons. 13 June.
734 - Written notes by Sidney Herbert as part of a speech on the militia. No date.
735 - Note by Sidney Herbert referring to the number of vacant ensigns in the militia of Great Britain and Ireland. 14 February.
736 - Memorandum on the number of men given too the regular army and marines by the Limerick County Militia since 1854. 11 February.
737 - Statement on the corps of Irish artillery militia formed in 1854-55 by detaching companies from the existing county regiments of infantry. No date.
738 - Letter from Lord Hardinge to Sidney Herbert supporting his (Herbert’s) plan to call out the militia prior to the training of the regiments as a means of employing and testing the permanent staff. 25 June.
739 - Extract of letter from the Marquess of Donegal to Sidney Herbert disagreeing with instructions from Herbert that only men of “settled habits and fixed residences” within the county to which the regiment belongs should be accepted as Volunteers. 2 July. Note from Lord de Grey to Edward Cardwell asking for an opinion with regard to Lord Donegal’s position. 5 July.
740 - Written statement setting forth reasons against the amalgamation of the Rutland Militia and that of an adjoining county. No date.
741 - Notes concerning the forfeiture of bounty by a Volunteer who entirely absents himself from training. No date.
742 - Return on the number of officers of all ranks present at the last training of the disembodied militia, and the number who were absent. 17 February.
743 - Random notes by Sidney Herbert regarding various aspects of the militia: the bounty, free kits, musketry instruction etc. No date.
744 - Note by Sidney Herbert relative to reduction in the militia estimate if he will sanction the issuing of old clothing in store to the disembodied militia at the next training, as was done at the last session. No date.
745 - List of embodied militia regiments. 18 January.
746 - Statement showing the proportion of officers to men in the larger regiments of artillery militia, i.e., those over 600 rank and file, as compared with those below that number. 25 February.
747 - List showing the regiments of militia which have been disembodied during the current fiscal year, together with their numbers and dates. 26 June.
748 - List of militia regiments to be disembodied. [See 2057/F8/V/C/37] June 1860. No date.
749 - List of militia regiments not yet ordered for disembodiment, with special notation reference to the 2nd Cheshire. 14 July. Cover note from Sidney Herbert inquiring where the 2nd Cheshire stands in the list. 14 July.
750 - Return of the embodied militia regiments. 9 February. Enclosed notes from Lord Panmure to Sidney Herbert regarding militia affairs.
751 - Memorandum on the return showing the various descriptions of militia forces of the United Kingdom, and the number of rank and file in each arm of the service. 26 June. [See 2057/F8/V/B/269y]
752 - Estimate of the sum saved by the disembodiment of the militia. 2 February.
753 - Written note from Sidney Herbert to Mr. W. Marshall stating the number of militia he intends to disembody during the period April-June. 12 March. Enclosed list of regiments to be disembodied and those proposed to be retained.
754 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Sidney Herbert concerning an enclosed return of the embodied militia, showing the proportion of officers to rank and file, as now effective and as proposed to be reduced. 18 April. Enclosed note from Sidney Herbert to Mr. W. Marshall. 4 April
755 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset, at the Admiralty, to Sidney Herbert disagreeing with a circular issued by Herbert regarding enrolment of men for the militia insisting its practical effect will be to deteriorate the regular forces. 1 June.
756 - Letter from Sir Duncan MacDougall to Sidney Herbert enclosing a printed refutation of the criticisms circulated against old Indian officers now serving in the militia. 14 July. Enclosed letter from Colonel George Hall to Sidney Herbert expressing appreciation to Herbert for his kindness to Sir Duncan MacDougall. 7 July.
757 - Information supplied by Mr. Marshal relative to pay allowances of militia quartermasters, and other militia matters. 6 August.
758 - Written inquiries from Sidney Herbert regarding a newspaper report (11 May 1860) off official blundering in the supplying of the Cork artillery. 14 May 1860. Answers to the inquiries attached. Newspaper item sent to Sidney Herbert by Lord Lansdowne with attached note. 11 May.
759 - Memorandum on the amalgamation of small militia corps. 26 June.
760 - Memorandum on the number of militia effectives in training, 1859-60, and the number of absentees. 26 June.
761 - Minute paper dealing with the appointment of a permanent instructor to carry out militia musketry instruction. 26 June.
762 - Statements on disembodied militia at Hythe, the exemplary conduct of the sergeants of the disembodied militia at the musketry school, the superannuation of commanding officers. No date.
763 - Lists of the numbers of men in each of the British regiments in garrisons at home and in Ireland. 1860-61. No date.
764 - Letter from John Davies, Irish Society, to Viscount Palmerston requesting an interview concerning appointment of a new governor of the fort at Londonderry and Culmore. 5 June. Enclosed statements on the arrangement for appointment of the Londonderry and Culmore governor.
765 - Letter from G. Warriner to Captain Douglas Galton recommending the establishment of an artillery range in the Scilly Isles. 7 June Cover note from Captain Galton to Sidney Herbert. 8 June.
766 - Memorandum relative to the policy of admission to the Rifled Cannon Foundry. 19 April.
767 - Statement of the total number of guns to be obtained by contract during the year. 1860-61. No date.
768 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Count Corti on the limited number of guns available for purchase by the Sardinian government due to the needs of British forces. 2 March.
769 - Letter from Colonel Alexander Tulloch to Sidney Herbert informing him that the Mersey Iron Works is reported to be manufacturing guns for the Russian government similar to the Armstrong gun, based upon designs supplied from Paris. 2 May.
770 - Letter from Sir Howard Douglas to Sidney Herbert enclosing a printed pamphlet that he feels will provide ammunition against “the economists and peace at any price party in the House…” 2 June. Enclosed pamphlet: Observations on the Naval Operations in the Black Sea, November 1854.
771 - Letter from Lord Somerset, the Admiralty, to Sidney Herbert expressing concern at the slow progress I the production of rifled cannon. 17 April. Enclosed extract of a letter from Captain Mends, commanding H.M.S. Majestic at Liverpool, describing a trial of the rolled iron gun at the Mersey Steel and Iron Works. 18 April.
772 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert discussing a letter to be sent to Mr. Joseph Whitworth who has offered to sell his 80-pound gun for £1000. 1 June.
773 - Notes by Sidney Herbert regarding dates for completion of guns and projectiles. No date.
774 - Note by Sidney Herbert calling for the testing of the price of shot and shell by tenders for purchase from the trade. No date.
775 - Written query from Sidney Herbert asking if orders have been given to Mr. Wesley Richards to manufacture 200 carbines and whether the contract for the guns is in progress. 30 March. Written reply enclosed from Colonel St. George. 30 March.
776 - Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Sidney Herbert regarding the plan of Commander Scott for rifling cannon and Scott’s complaint that the first gun was not rifled correctly. 14 June. Reply by Colonel St. George attached. 15 June.
777 - Note by Sidney Herbert to inquire of Colonel Boxer when he intends to produce some rockets and what difficulties are in the way. 22 October.
778 - Letter from Colonel Boxer to J. m. Maynard, War Office, giving reasons for the delay in the production of rockets. 25 October.
779 - Letter from Captain Coffin, War Office, to Sidney Herbert enclosing a copy of a letter from Captain Blakeley to a Major Keane relative to the success of the French war rockets in obtaining a range of 8000 yards, and the success of his (Blakeley’s) hopped gun. 4 December. Enclosed copy of letter from Blakeley to Keane. 2 December.
780 - Letter from Captain Coffin to Sidney Herbert describing the arrangements for shipping Armstrong ammunition and fuses to New Zealand. 12 December.
781 - Two letters from Dr. William Farr, chief superintendent of the statistical department, general register office, to Sidney Herbert relative to enclosed statistical calculation on the male population of Great Britain living of the age 20-25, on 31 December 1859. 16-17 April. Enclosure.
782 - Printed pamphlet on the Canterbury Solders’ Institute. 1860. No date.
783 - Printed Address of Lieutenant-General Knollys to the Members and Friends of the Aldershot Institution for Mental Improvement and Social Recreation. Delivered at the inauguration meeting held at Aldershot. 4 January. [See 2057/F8/V/B/210]
784 - Book titled A Brief Review of the Means of Preserving the Health of European Soldiers in India, by Norman Chevers M.D., Bengal Medical Service. Part four. 1860. No date.
785 - Printed pamphlet on Public Health: The Right Use of Records Founded on Local Facts by Henry Wyldborne Rumsey. 1860. No date.
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