This shows the location of the record within the hierarchy of the collection.

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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Expand 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
Expand 2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS
Expand 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Expand 4 - 1855-1859 Documents4 - 1855-1859 Documents
Collapse 5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS
Expand 1 - 1859 Documents1 - 1859 Documents
Expand 2 - 1860 Documents2 - 1860 Documents
Collapse 3 - 1861 Documents3 - 1861 Documents
1 - Copy of memorandum from Lord Herbert to the Prince Consort, Great Master of the Order of the Bath. January 1861. No date.
2 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Prince Consort regarding the claims for the Order of the Bath by Lord Clyde and Lieutenant-Colonel Allan, and the general refusal of Herbert to recommend such honours because of the excessive demand. 4 October 1859.
3 - Memorandum by Mr. Pennington on the Bath, special reference to the 3rd class of the order. November 1860. No date.
4 - Letter from the Prince Consort to Sidney Herbert objecting to any increase in the military division of the Bath, but believes there should be an increase in the civil division. 6 December.
5 - Letter from Lord Herbert to the Prince Consort replying to his letter of 6 December and enclosing his (Herbert’s) memorandum on an increase in the numbers of the Order of the Bath. [See 2057/F8/V/C/1] 10 January.
6 - Letter from the Prince Consort to Lord Herbert commenting on the claims for the Bath from a list provided to him by Lord Herbert. 6 February.
7 - Letter from Albert Woods, Secretary to the Order of the Bath, to Lord Herbert enclosing a return on the present state of the Order and the increase proposed to be made. Enclosure. 13 February.
8 - Note from Sir Charles Wood, India Office, to Lord Herbert on the matter of the Bath. 16 February.
9 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Herbert concerning the claim of Sir Henry Somerset to be a G.C.B. (Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath) 19 March. Reply from Lord Herbert enclosed. 21 March.
10 - Letter from Lord Herbert to Sir Charles Wood requesting him to read a letter from the Duke of Somerset, at the Admiralty, relative to proposed changes in the Bath. 17 April. Letter from the Duke of Somerset to Lord Herbert enclosed. 17 April. Enclosed memorandum by E. Pennington on the Duke of Somerset’s letter. 22 April.
11 - Paper prepared by E. Pennington dealing with the proposed changes in the Order of the Bath, and apparently intended for the Prince Consort. 23 April.
12 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Herbert expressing the view that Captain Coffin, Commissary-General Smith and Dr. Gibson should have received the second class of the Bath. 10 June.
13 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Herbert expressing the hope that there will not be any reduction in the list of names he (the Duke) has submitted for the G.C.B. 21 June. Enclosed letter from Lord Herbert to the Prince Consort explaining why the Duke of Cambridge does not wish the list for the G.C.B. curtailed. 23 June.
14 - Statement of the number of military companionships of the Order of the Bath awarded to the Indian army, and other relevant information. No date.
15 - Table showing the present number of members in the three classes of the Order of the Bath, where vacancies exist, and where the numbers are in excess. Prepared by Albert W. Woods, registrar and secretary of the order. Three copies. 1 January.
16 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert commenting on the selection of a site for a chapel school at Hilsea, and enclosing a letter from Colonel Gordon on the subject. 5 January. Enclosed letter from Colonel Gordon to Captain Galton.
17 - Letter from Mr. George Megee to Lord Herbert disagreeing with the site selected for the chapel school at Hilsea, namely within the barrack enclosure. 14 January. Note from Reverend G. R. Gleig, Chaplain General, to Lord Herbert attached. 19 January.
18 - Letter from Captain Galton to Lord Herbert on the construction of the school at the Hilsea barracks. 2 April.
19 - Newspaper reference (Liverpool Mercury Saturday May 25 1861) to a riot at Wrexham between the Liverpool Volunteers and the Denbighshire Militia, the result of the Volunteer band supposedly playing the tune Battle of the Boyne – an offence to the Roman Catholics in the militia.
20 - Letter from Captain John Hamilton, Liverpool Volunteers, to Lieutenant-Colonel William Brown denying that the Volunteer band played party or sectarian tunes thus precipitating the Wrexham riot, but acknowledging his responsibility in permitting his men to wear their uniforms at their annual excursion. 28 May. Enclosed telegram confirming that the Volunteer band did not play party tunes, on authority of the bandmaster. 28 may.
21 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Brown to Colonel McMurdo announcing that Captain Hamilton and he will meet with McMurdo and discuss the events that led to the riot at Wrexham. No date.
22 - Random notes by Lord Herbert relating to the reports of side arms being worn by the Volunteers at Wrexham. No date.
23 - Printed copy of a bill to exempt the Volunteer forces of Great Britain from the payment of tolls. Ordered to be printed. 10 June.
24 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel William Brown to Lord Herbert encouraging the Secretary for War to put the Volunteer force on a more permanent basis. 15 April. Enclosed statement of the pay of Royal artillery non-commissioned officers, trumpeters, gunners and drivers per year.
25 - Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel William Brown to Lord Herbert raising some particular points regarding the governing, training and discipline of the Volunteer force and enclosing a printed circular of the rules governing the First Lancashire Artillery Volunteer Corps. 25 May.
26 - Statement of the estimated expense which will have to be defrayed from army votes on account of Rifle Volunteer Corps during the year ending 31 March 1862. A statement of the actual cost of guns, small arms and appurtenances supplied to Volunteer Corps to the present time. No date.
27 - Letter from J. R. Godley to Lord Herbert submitting proposals for dealing with the difficulty of fitting Sir Benjamin Hawes and himself into the arrangement for reorganising the War Office. 13 January.
28 - Proposal by Mr. Godley for the reorganisation of the War Office. No date.
29 - Letter from Mr. Godley to Lord Herbert expressing the view that the War Office should actually be the Army Office, since the navy is under a separate and independent minister. 23 May (1861?)
30 - Copy of report by Lord Herbert to the Secretary to the Treasury proposing arrangements for improving the organisation of the War Office, based upon a report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Military Organisation. 21 January.
31 - Printed copy of the draft report of the Select Committee on Military Organisation, including amendments proposed by Sidney Herbert, Colonel Lindsay, and Mr. Walpole. 1860. No date.
32 - Printed copy of Sidney Herbert’s testimony before the Select Committee on Military Organisation. 1 June.
33 - Letter from Mr. Baring, India Office, to Lord Herbert concerning the proposed army estimates for 1861-62, notably an increase in £193,000 over the votes of last year; and a decrease of £340,000 upon the estimates of last year. 19 January.
34 - Abstract showing the state of War office finances, from 16 March to 22 March. No date.
35 - Notes by Lord Herbert on the force at home and expected home in 1861. No date.
36 - Letter from Captain Douglas Galton to Sidney Herbert referring to a letter for Sir John McNeill to Florence Nightingale relative to the insufficiency of the barrack accommodation at the Corfu garrison. 2 January. Enclosed letter from Sir John to Miss Nightingale. 22 December 1860.
37 - Letter from Sir Henry Storkes to Sidney Herbert describing the insufficiency of accommodation at the Corfu Garrison and recommending withdrawal of a battalion to relieve crowded conditions. 3 May (1860?) Enclosed note opposing withdrawal of one battalion from Corfu. (Author unknown) No date.
38 - Letter from Sir Henry Storkes to Sidney Herbert elaborating on his letter of 3 May and enclosing an extract of a letter on the subject of insufficient barrack accommodation for married women at Corfu. 7 May 1860.
39 - Letter from Dr. Gibson to Lord Herbert recommending abolition of the second assistant surgeon attached to each regiment at home and abroad during rifle practice (as required by the Queen’s regulations). 19 January.
40 - Letter from Lord Vernon to Lord Herbert protesting against the use of “swift targets” during rural Volunteer or militia drill. 20 January. Enclosed note from Colonel McMurdo to Lord Herbert attempting to clarify the “swift target” alluded to by Lord Vernon. 23 January.
41 - Letter from General Peel to Lord Herbert requesting a copy of the last monthly return of the state of the army. 21 January.
42 - Letter from Lord Lansdowne to Lord Herbert describing a proposal to divide the Volunteer force in Wiltshire. 24 January.
43 - Two letters, one to Lord Herbert (25 January 1861), the other to Lady Herbert (24 January 1861) advancing the name of a Mr. Rooke to become counsel for the investigation of titles to land, a position provided under the Defences act.
44 - Letter from George D. Ramsay to Lord Herbert referring to a letter from Mr. Thomas Hayward to Lord Herbert complaining against the wages paid for the manufacture of military clothing. 29 January. Enclosed letter from Mr. Hayward to Lord Herbert. No date.
45 - Written memorandum by Florence Nightingale on the establishment and purpose of forming a general hospital in England. February 1861. No date.
46 - Letter from Lord Abingdon to Lord Herbert concerning the appointment of an adjutant to his Volunteer force. Enclosure. 13 March.
47 - Memorandum dealing with the question of employing soldiers to effect the incidental repairs and damages 13 March.
48 - Memorandum comparing the expense of training militia for 21 or 27 days, as well as for drilling recruits. 14 March.
49 - Letter from the Duke of Wellington to Lord Herbert recommending a Mr. Steinmetz ho held a commission in his (Wellington’s) Volunteer Corps. 5 April.
50 - Letter from Lord Wenlock to Lord Herbert setting the reasons for his opposition to the formation of the Hull Engineers Volunteers, namely that there are only five engineers in the names forwarded to him. 8 April. Enclosed list showing the occupations of the men making up the Hull engineers Volunteers force.
51 - Written paper by Major Dishon, 2nd Depot Battalion (Chatham) stating his views on several military subjects: enlistment pay, pensions, barracks and the occupation of soldiers. 9 April.
52 - Letter from Major Dishon to Dr. Sutherland commenting on the importance of employing the soldier in useful and meaningful ways. 11 April. Enclosed note on Major Dishon’s letter from Florence Nightingale. 14 April.
53 - Letter from Lord Winchester to Lord Herbert relative to the position of assistant surgeons in the Volunteer Corps. 19 April.
54 - Notes by Florence Nightingale on the defects to be found in the first annual statistical report. 31 May.
55 - Letter from Colonel Clark Kennedy to Lord Herbert declining the appointment as governor of the general hospital at Woolwich. 1 June.
56 - Letter from Colonel Clark Kennedy to Lord Herbert endorsing Colonel Ereligh for the governorship of the Woolwich hospital. 6 June.
57 - Notes by Florence Nightingale regarding the operation and organisation of the general hospital at Woolwich. 21 June.
58 - Letter from Reverend G. R. Gleig, Chaplain General, to Lord Herbert acknowledging his own error in a clause relative to Roam Catholics in a new proposed warrant. 25 June.
59 - Letter from Lord Herbert to Colonel Wilbraham offering him the governorship of the general hospital at Woolwich. 26 June.
60 - Letter from Colonel Clark Kennedy to Lord Herbert announcing that Colonel Wilbraham is ready to take up his new duties as governor at Woolwich hospital. 9 July.
61 - Statement by Florence Nightingale calling for the statistics and other returns of Mediterranean garrisons in order to render more effective an inspection tour by Dr. Sutherland and Captain Galton. 3 July.
62 - Written suggestions from Florence Nightingale for Dr. Sutherland and Captain Galton for an enquiry and personal examination into the sanitary condition of the barracks and hospitals at Gibraltar, Malta and in the Ionian Islands. No date.
63 - Letter from Captain Galton to Lord Herbert discussing several War Office matters: construction of a solders’ institute at Gibraltar, the building of an officers’ club at Aldershot, progress at Woolwich hospital, etc. 28 July.
64 - Letter from Lord Wilton to Lord Herbert requesting him to allow an Edwin James to call upon him (Herbert) to explain some facts connected with charges made against him (Wilton) by Colonel Dickson. 15 February.
65 - Letter from Lord Wilton to Lord Herbert asking him to appoint a board of inquiry to examine charges made against him. 17 March.
66 - Letter from Lord Wilton to Lord Herbert stating that he has been requested by the Horse Guards to forward an application for a board of inquiry, to be transmitted ultimately to the War Office; he requests Herbert to appoint such a board “without an hour’s delay”. 19 March.
67 - Note from J. M. Maynard to Lord Herbert stating that no letter from Lord Wilton asking for a board of inquiry has been received at the War Office. 23 March.
68 - Note from Lord Herbert relative to papers sent by Lord Wilton and asking if Wilton might call upon him. (Author’s signature illegible) 8 May.
69 - Note from Lord Wilton to Lord Herbert requesting an appointment to meet with him at the War Office. 10 May.
70 - Letter from Viscount Palmerston to Lord Herbert enclosing a statement from Lord Wilton and commenting that Wilton would prefer that the matter of the charges made against him by Colonel Dickson be allowed to end as it is. Enclosure. 15 May.
71 - Letter from Lord Wilton to Grevills (?) reviewing the case against him and reiterating his willingness to meet a board of inquiry if Lord Herbert would appoint one. 16 April Cover note from Grevills (?) to Lord Herbert. 17 May.
72 - Note from Lord Herbert to Lord Wilton asking Wilton to return documents that he (Herbert) has studied previously relative to Colonel Dickson’s charges in order that a record may be maintained in the confidential department of the War Office. 10 July
73 - Letter from Mr. Denison, Deputy Judge Advocate, to Lord Herbert setting forth his legal views on the case of Lord Wilton. 20 March.
74 - Statement by General Sir John F. Burgoyne on the subject of the assimilation of the Indian regiments of artillery with that of the Royal Artillery. Cover note from General Burgoyne to Lord Herbert. 14 January.
75 - Letter from Lord Charles Kerr, Royal Perthshire Rifles, to Lord Herbert giving his views on several subjects connected with the militia. 3 February. Enclosed memorandum.
76 - List of disembodied militia regiments, 1861. [See 2057/F8/V/B/409a] No date.
77 - Statement of the number of cavalry regiments armed with breech-loading carbines. 13 March.
78 - Letter from General Sir John F. Burgoyne to Lord Herbert discussing the lingering controversy surrounding the defences at Spithead, the result of the report by the commission on National Defences. 30 March.
79 - Letter from Colonel Claremont, at Paris to Lord Herbert replying to his inquiry concerning whether the French continue hoping their sea service iron guns. 12 April.
80 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Lord Herbert explaining that experiments at Woolwich show that cast iron guns bear as much without hoops as with them regardless of the impressions gathered from the French by Colonel Claremont. 16 April.
81 - Letter from Lord Herbert to Colonel Claremont conveying many of the points and questions raised by Sir William Armstrong about the French tests with the hoped rifled cast iron guns. 18 April.
82 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Lord Herbert replying to his letter of 18 April and expressing the hope that in time “we shall persuade the incredulous … that the hoped guns are not only cheap but also eminently practical…” 21 April.
83 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Lord Herbert suggesting that a competent officer be sent to France to verify Colonel Claremont’s claims regarding the French guns. 24 April.
84 - Letter from Colonel Claremont to Lord Herbert elaborating on his letter of 21 April relative to the French rifled sea service guns. 30 April.
85 - Note from Sir William Armstrong to J. M. Maynard, War Office, retuning a letter by Colonel Claremont which, says Sir William “does not appear to me to require any particular observation”. 5 May.
86 - Letter from Sir William Armstrong to Lord Herbert announcing the successful firing of a new 100-pound breech-loading gun at Shoeburyness. 30 May.
87 - Memorandum on Armstrong’s breech-loading rifled guns and projectiles, as well as smooth bore guns. 1861-62. No date.
88 - Written opinions by Florence Nightingale regarding use of reading rooms and libraries at army barracks. 17 January.
89 - Letter from Miss Nightingale to Sidney Herbert complaining that the day rooms at Wellington Barracks are open but few of the men there are aware of it. She asks that the commanding officers issue a general order announcing the availability of the day rooms. 16 October 1860. Enclosed letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert on the Gibraltar Soldiers’ Home. 3 November.
90 - Memorandum by Florence Nightingale concerning the establishment of reading rooms at Aldershot. No date.
91 - Instructions prepared by Florence Nightingale for Captain Pilkington Jackson, R.A., to inspect Aldershot camp for the purpose of founding a soldiers’ institute there. No date.
92 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert setting forth a scheme for establishing day rooms and reading rooms in army barracks as a way of preventing the spread of immorality among the troops. [See 2057/F8/V/C/54] 25 December.
93 - Letter from Florence Nightingale to Lord Herbert commenting on the intention of Lord Ebrington to introduce a bill dealing with solders homes and day rooms; she urges Herbert to introduce such legislation beforehand. 17 January.
94 - Notes by Florence Nightingale and written comments by Lord Herbert on day rooms at army barracks. 28 January.
95 - Instructions by Florence Nightingale for the commission on libraries, reading rooms and day rooms at army barracks. No date.
96 - Paper titled Remarks on the questions relating to libraries, reading rooms and other means of instruction and recreation for the troops Prepared by Bertram Brown, librarian at Chatham. 16 March.
97 - Memorandum listing the newspapers and periodicals supplied to the troops at home and abroad. No date.
98 - Letter from Miss Nightingale to Lord Herbert regarding efforts to establish a fourth Soldiers’ Institute at Europa Point, Gibraltar. 26 April. Earlier letter on the Gibraltar project enclosed, dated 24 October 1860. Written notes by Florence Nightingale on the Gibraltar home enclosed. No date.
99 - Letter from Miss Nightingale to Lord Herbert setting forth her views on the conclusions advanced in the report of the Day Room Committee. 3 July. Enclosed memorandum by Florence Nightingale on the members of the Day Room committee. No date.
100 - Letter from Sir William Codrington, Governor at Gibraltar, to Lord Herbert relative to e difficulties involved in sending a group of Garibaldian volunteers from Gibraltar to England. 21 January.
101 - Letter from J. R. Godley, War Office to Lord Herbert recommending appointment of Sir Thomas Larcom to a vacancy in the office of Inspector General of Fortifications. 31 January.
102 - Letter from John W. Hozier to Lord Herbert enclosing a memorandum proposing that Sandhurst should be converted into a general training college, “through which all candidates should be required to pass…” 10 February. Enclosure
103 - Memorandum by Lord Herbert indicating the changes in the military staff that will appear in the estimates. 11 February.
104 - Note from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Lord Herbert enclosing documents on the National Volunteer Mutual Association and observations on same by Mr. Tidd Pratt. 14 February.
105 - Written statement on the purposes and rules of the National Volunteer Mutual Association 24 November 1860.
106 - Statement by Mr. Tidd Pratt, Registrar of Friendly Societies in England, on the rules of the National Volunteer Mutual Association. 5 December 1860
107 - Letter from Dr. John R. Cormack to Lord Elcho replying to objections made by Mr. Tidd Pratt to the establishment of the National Volunteer Mutual Association 14 December 1860
108 - Memorandum by Mr. Tidd Pratt replying to Dr. Cormack’s observations in his letter of 14 December 1860.
109 - Letter from Sir William Codrington, Governor at Gibraltar, to Lord Herbert asking for a more liberal interpretation of the strict order prohibiting the governor from taking leave from the garrison. 28 February.
110 - Letter from Sir Charles Phipps, private secretary to the Queen, to Lord Herbert recommending that the Windsor Park Volunteers be unconnected with other Volunteer corps and not under the Lord lieutenant. 28 February.
111 - Letter from Sir Charles Phipps to Sir Edward Lugard stating that the Queen concurs in his (Phipps’s) view regarding the Windsor Park Volunteers. 8 March
112 - Letter from Sir Edward Lugard to Lord Herbert concerning what is to be done about the Windsor Park Volunteers. 2 April.
113 - Draft letter from Lord Herbert to Lord Mostyn regarding a contingent allowance granted to the Merionth Militia. 8 March.
114 - Note to Lord Herbert inquiring whether Lieutenant-Colonel MacDuff, 74th Highlanders, is to receive some honorary distinction as a reward for his services in the field. 25 March.
115 - Letter from Colonel McMurdo to Lord Herbert describing arrangements made by Lord Ranelagh for a Volunteer review at Brighton. 27 March.
116 - Letter from J. M. White to Lord Herbert enclosing letter from Mr. Henry Catt expressing appreciation for the use of four field guns from the militia depot at Lewes during the Volunteer review at Brighton. 3 April. Enclosed letter from Catt to White. 2 April.
117 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes to Lord Herbert commenting on several War Office matters: an offer by Sir William Armstrong to build a 300-pound gun, War Office reorganisation, etc. 27 March
118 - Letter from Major Edward Vivian, Devon Volunteers Artillery, to Lord Herbert requesting that his son, R. H. D. Vivian, be made adjutant of the Devon brigade. 30 March.
119 - Letter from Lord Fortescue to Lord Herbert supporting the claim of R. H. D. Vivian to be made adjutant of the Devon brigade. 31 March.
120 - Letter from Colonel McMurdo to Lord Herbert opposing the appointment of Vivian because of his inexperience as well as the regulation for the service qualification for an adjutant of Volunteers. 2 April.
121 - Suggestions for improving the condition, moral and otherwise, of the soldier, based upon improvement of the barrack. Prepared by T. R. Maynard, chaplain to the forces. April 1861. No date.
122 - Letter from Lord Herbert to the Marquis of Devonshire relative to the extent of his liability in issuing a security bond. 29 April.
123 - Letter from Lord Herbert to the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University relative to the training received at Sandhurst and the advantages inherent in a military education received in a university. Two copies. 30 April. The Letter is in reply to an inquiry from the Vice Chancellor, Latimer Neville, regarding introduction of a military education programme at Cambridge. Letter from Neville to Lord Herbert enclosed. 23 April.
124 - Printed statement from the Council of the Senate, Cambridge University, recommending a programme of military education at the university to prepare candidates for army commissions. 6 May. Enclosed printed letter from Latimer Neville to Lord Herbert. Cover note from Neville to Lord Herbert (9 May 1861) 6 May.
125 - Letter from Lord Herbert to Dr. Jeune relative to the proposed enlargement of Sandhurst as opposed to courses in military education at the universities. June 1861. No date.
126 - Letter from Mr. Todd, Registrar at Trinity College, Dublin, to Lord Herbert asking that his university be included in any plan to use the universities to train candidates for army commissions. 29 June. Enclosed reply from Lord Herbert to Dr. Todd. 5 July. Cover note from Lord Herbert to Mr. Maynard. 5 July.
127 - Letter from Lord Herbert to the Prince of Wales commenting on the proper dress for the City of London Volunteer inspectors, since the stated regulations sent to the Lords lieutenant do not apply to London which has no Lord lieutenant. 8 May.
128 - Note from J. R. Godley, War Office, to Lord Herbert reminding him of the suggestion he (Herbert) made as to having a Mr. Moore appointed to the Accountant General’s office. 9 May.
129 - Letter from Lord Salisbury to Lord Herbert supporting the claims of a Mr. Nicholson, clerk of the lieutenancy of Middlesex, for adequate remuneration for his work in connection with the provisions of the Volunteer Act. 11 May. Letter from Mr. Nicholson to Lord Salisbury enclosed. 8 May 1860.
130 - Letter from Lord Herbert to Lord Leigh concerning the intention of having the Duke of Cambridge take command of the Warwickshire Volunteers at the review in Warwick set for 24 July. 13 May. Two notes enclosed from a J. MacDonald, Horse Guards, stating that the Duke has not been invited to take the command and has no intention of doing so, but only to review the Volunteers at Warwick. 15, 20 June.
131 - Printed statement on appointment of the mess committee for the Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Cavalry. 13 May.
132 - Letter from Dr. J. Sutherland to Lord Herbert commenting on the statistical report of sanitary conditions in the army, and particularly the unsatisfactory sanitary conditions at the Mediterranean stations. 22 May.
133 - Letter from Lord Hatherton to Lord Herbert discussing the difficulty of maintaining a full complement of officers in the Staffordshire Rifle Volunteers because of lack of authority to appoint majors in battalions composed of six or seven companies. 14 June.
134 - Letter from Lord Dudley to Lord Herbert proposing a compromise between him and the Yeomanry Commission relative to suitable compensation for the personal expense incurred in maintaining his regiment. 28 June.
135 - Letter from Lord Lyttelton to Lord Herbert expressing the hope that it will be possible to keep Lord Dudley as head of his regiment. 29 June.
136 - Letter from Sir Fenwick Williams to Lord Herbert on the state of feeling in Canada and the request to revise and reduce the annual military estimates of Quebec. 1 July.
137 - Letter from Mr. Baring to Lord Herbert sating that the final instructions have been prepared for the organisation of the Accountant General’s Department. 6 July.
138 - Printed War Office circular memorandum defining the duties and responsibilities of the Director of Ordnance. 8 July.
139 - Printed War Office circular memorandum describing the distribution of War Office duties as a result of the appointment of Major-General Sir Edward Lugard to be Under Secretary of State. 9 July.
140 - Memorandum on the amount of stores sent to China during the recent campaign. Enclosed statements from the Military Store Office “showing some of the principle stores” sent to China. 5 February.
141 - Note from Lord Herbert to Mr. Whiffin requesting the sums taken specially in the estimates on account of the various expeditions to China, between 1858 and 1860. 6 February.
142 - Return of the admissions into hospital and deaths in the army at home and abroad, 1859-60, including a comparison of white and black troops on foreign stations. No date.
143 - Memorandum on the health of the army at home and abroad during the past as compared with preceding year. China expedition medical statistics. No date.
144 - Statement on the British force remaining in China. March 1861. No date.
145 - Statement of the number of troops, British and Indian, at various China garrisons and the cost of their maintenance. Enclosed comparative statement showing the cost of a regiment of infantry of the line, on Indian pay and allowances, and a regiment of native infantry. March 1861. No date.
146 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to Lord Salisbury relative to a proposal from Sir John Shelley to raise Volunteer Corps at Westminster. (“I ought to have signed “Herbert” but I have not got into it yet”). 13 January. Enclosed correspondence between Lord Salisbury and Sir John Shelley referred to in a letter from Shelley to Lord Herbert, 28 January, and in cover note.
147 - Letter from Sir John Shelley to Mr. Baring, M.P., commenting on the correspondence concerning Lord Salisbury’s refusal to give him as offices in the 46th Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps by Sir John. 9 April. [See 2057/F8/V/B/376] Enclosed copy of correspondence between Lord Salisbury and Sir John: 29 March, 5 April, 8 April.
148 - Memorial from Sir John Shelley to Queen Victoria relative to the men nominated by him to be officers of the 46th Middlesex Rifle Volunteer Corps, a recommendation rejected by Lord Salisbury. Two copies. 11 June.
149 - Copy of letter from Lord Herbert to Lord Salisbury commenting on the memorial from Sir John Shelley to the Queen and seeking to heal the breach between Salisbury and the officers of the Volunteer regiment in Middlesex. 20 June.
150 - Letter from Lord Salisbury to Lord Herbert acknowledging his letter of 29 June and stating his reasons for rejecting the request of Sir John Shelley to consider the men he recommended for promotion. 23 June.
151 - Note from Lord Herbert to Lord Salisbury proposing a middle course in order to resolve the controversy between Salisbury and Sir John Shelley. 27 June.
152 - Written regulation issued by William IV regarding the filling up of all vacancies which occur from death or retirement, not entitled to sale in the Corps of Gentlemen at Arms and Yeomen of the Guard. 3 December 1835. Enclosed list of sales of appointments in the Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, from October 1858 to April 1861.
153 - Letter from the Prince Consort to the Duke of Cambridge o the present state of the Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. 23 February.
154 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Herbert expressing the Prince Consort’s view that it would be desirable to fill up the vacancies of the Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. 26 February.
155 - Letter from the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Herbert explaining the method to be used in filling up vacancies in the Gentlemen at Arms. 9 March.
156 - Lord Sydney’s note to Lord Herbert referring to instructions from William IV regarding the Gentlemen at Arms. 9 March.
157 - Letter from Mr. Edward Cook to Lord Foley concerning prices of the several commissions in the Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms. 9 March.
158 - Copy of letter from Lord Herbert to the Prince Consort stating that the Reserve Fund makes it possible to buy up the purchased commissions of the Gentlemen at Arms. 15 April.
159 - Draft letter from Lord Herbert to Lord Sydney setting forth the Queen’s wish that the purchase of commissions in the Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms should cease at the earliest possible moment. 22 April.
160 - Letter from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert relative to the proposed changes in the Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms. 24 April.
161 - Letter from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert enclosing a copy of a letter from Lieutenant-General Grey expressing the Prince Consort’s instructions relative to the reorganisation of the Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms. 25 April. Enclosed letter from General Grey to Lord Sydney. 24 April. Further note from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert enclosed. 25 April.
162 - Statement of the reorganisation of the Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms No date.
163 - Note from the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Herbert commenting on the proposed changes in the Gentlemen at Arms and his own memorandum on the subject. 29 April.
164 - Letter from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert stating that if the commissions of the Gentlemen at Arms are bought up, then the same process should be applied to those of the Yeoman of the Guard, when sufficient funds are available. 27 April. Enclosed memorandum on the officers of the Yeoman of the Guard.
165 - Query from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert as whether or not the Indian army should be included in the appointment of officers to the Yeoman of the Guard and the Gentlemen at Arms. No date.
166 - Letter from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert stating that the Queen approves of the officers of the Yeoman of the Guard being dealt with as those of the Gentlemen at Arms. 6 May.
167 - Letter from Lord Sydney to Lord Herbert on the proposed purchase of the commissions of the officers of the Yeoman of the Guard. 9 May. Further inquiry about the officers of the Yeoman of the Guard. 3 June.
168 - Note by Sir Edward Lugard, War Office, relative to the standard height for the Gentlemen at Arms. 14 June. Enclosed memorandum on the subject.
169 - Letter from W. F. Forster, Horse Guards, to J. M. Maynard, War Office, explaining the background to the reorganisation of the Corps of the Gentlemen at Arms. 15 June. Circular memorandum enclosed. 25 May.
170 - Random notes by Lord Herbert relative to the purchase of the commissions of the Gentlemen at Arms. No date.
171 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Hawes to Lord Herbert promising to do his best managing the War Office while Lord Herbert is taking the cure for his failing health. 9 July.
172 - Printed statement from Florence Nightingale on the work and achievements of Sidney Herbert of Lea. 2 August.
173 - Clipping from French newspaper (not identified) commenting on the death of Lord Herbert. 15 August.
174 - Printed pamphlet titled The Question of Ventilation Considered: Its Importance, and the Consequences of its Neglect by R. A. Westbrook. 1861. No date.
175 - Printed pamphlet titled The Health of the British Army, and the Effects of Recent Sanitary Measures on its Mortality and Sickness by Dr. William Farr. Article reprinted from the Journal of the Statistical society of London December 1861. No date.
176 - Printed booklet titled Distribution of the British Army. Issued by the Adjutant General’s Office. 1 July.
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