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Expand 11 - Other activities of the family11 - Other activities of the family
Collapse 12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series.
Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham.
See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence.
This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975.  
Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j.
F8/I 1833-1846
F8/II 1847-1852
F8/III 1853-1855
F8/IV 1855-1858
F8/V 1859-1861
F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861
F8/VII  Additional miscellaneous papers
F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society  and Female Emigration Fund
F8/IX   Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund
F8/X    Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea
F8/XI   Miscellaneous12 - Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861), Baron Herbert of Lea. Herbert was Secretary to the Admiralty, 1841-1845, Secretary at War 1845-1851, and Secretary of State for War 1852-1860. The papers are an important source for the reorganisation of the army, particulaly medical reforms and the campaign in the Crimea. Florence Nightingale was a frequent correspondent and she figures heavily in the series. Other subjects covered include campaigns in China, India in 1860, Ireland, Wellington College and the Royal medical School at Chatham. See also 2057/F4/50-71 for related correspondence. This list to 2057/F8/I-VI was made by Dr. James G. Provan, Associate Professor of History at Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. and completed in 1975. Parts VII to XI were listed in 1992, by Nicola Bailey, a student in the Wiltshire Record Office, when the following items in the original list were not found: 2057/F8/III/A/9c, 2057/F8/IV/A/8, 2057/F8/V/A/67-73, 2057/F8/V/A/140, 2057/F8/V/A/216, 2057/F8/V/B/393h, 2057/F8/V/C/71j. Index F8/I 1833-1846 F8/II 1847-1852 F8/III 1853-1855 F8/IV 1855-1858 F8/V 1859-1861 F8/VI Documents dated prior to 1833 or after 1861 F8/VII Additional miscellaneous papers F8/VIII Emigration to Australia; Family Colonisation Loan Society and Female Emigration Fund F8/IX Emigration to Australia; Female Emigration Fund F8/X Appointment of nurses to the army in the Crimea F8/XI Miscellaneous
Expand 1 - 1833-1846 Documents1 - 1833-1846 Documents
Expand 2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS2 - 1847-1852 DOCUMENTS
Expand 3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS3 - 1853-1855 DOCUMENTS
Expand 4 - 1855-1859 Documents4 - 1855-1859 Documents
Collapse 5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS5 - 1859-1861 DOCUMENTS
Expand 1 - 1859 Documents1 - 1859 Documents
Expand 2 - 1860 Documents2 - 1860 Documents
Expand 3 - 1861 Documents3 - 1861 Documents
Expand 4 - Documents Dated Prior to 1833 or After 18614 - Documents Dated Prior to 1833 or After 1861
Collapse 5 - Additional Miscellaneous Papers [1793]-c18605 - Additional Miscellaneous Papers [1793]-c1860
1 - Letter from General Sir Howard Douglas to Sidney Herbert. About regimental staff officers. August 23 1845.
2 - Letters from Lord Raglan to Sidney Herbert concerning pensions for staff officers. May 24 1845.
3 - Letter from H. E. Leech, paymaster, Lancers to Lieutenant General Sir Howard Douglas concerning pensions for staff officers, Cawnpore, Bengal. June 16 1845.
4 - Table entitles Medical staff promotion in 1846. No date.
5 - Report of a committee – Training School for regimental schoolmasters. June 22 1846.
6 - Royal Warrant respecting appointments, pay and pensions of schoolmasters from the Training School and the appointment of an Inspector of Schools. July 2 1846.
7 - Letter from Colonel Brown to Sidney Herbert concerning regimental schools. August 26 1845.
8 - Copy of letter from Sidney Herbert to the Reverend G. R. Gleig, concerning instructions to the inspector of schools. July 2 1846.
9 - Letter from Sir J. Graham to Sidney Herbert concerning Greenwich pensioners. May 5 1845.
10 - Confidential report by Henry Moseley, to the Committee of Council on Education dealing with the Royal Military Asylum at Chelsea. April 7 1846.
11 - List of eight questions, concerning regimental schools, some of which have been answered. Undated.
12 - Proposed advertisement for five teaching posts in the Normal and Model Schools for the army in the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. June 23 1846.
13 - Memorandum from Mr. Gleig concerning the Royal Military Asylum, Normal School. May 22 1846.
14 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Treasury respecting schools at Chelsea and regimental schools. June 27 1846.
15 - Memorandum from St. J Moorhead respecting the medical establishment of Chelsea Hospital and the Royal Military Asylum. April 18 1846.
16 - Copy of minute of the Paymaster General, Lord John Russell, on the establishment of Chelsea Hospital. January 11 1846.
17 - Royal Military Asylum: List of officers, non-commissioned officers etc., with their pay etc. for the year. 1846. No date.
18 - Letter from J. MacLauchlan concerning the post of Deputy Surgeon at Chelsea. May 18 1846.
19 - Letter from Sidney Herbert to the Commander in Chief relative to proposed alterations in army schools at Chelsea and in regimental schools. June 24 1846.
20 - Lists of courts martial held in the years 1842 and 1843. No date.
21 - Table for years 1838-1842 inclusive, detailing numbers of men tried, number court-martialled and number of corporal punishments awarded and number inflicted. No date.
22 - Calculation of capital and outgoing expenses on Lord Ducie’s model farm at Whitfield covering the years 1839, 1840 and 1843. No date.
23 - Notes on established and other churches in Bengal, Madras and Bombay. 1835. No date.
24 - Tabular comparative statement of length of service of regimental lieutenant colonels and colonels. 1841. No date.
25 - Extract from report of Select Committee on army and navy appointments. August 12 1839.
26 - Copy of letters patent, appointing the Duke of Wellington Commander in Chief. August 13 1842.
27 - Miscellaneous undated memoranda relating to various subjects including, military, army and navy recruitment, pay, clothing, education matters and health (undated); includes copies about half pay 1693, 1715. Letter from Colonel W Coleridge about ‘cramming” for a commission c1850.
28 - Miscellaneous undated memoranda relating to various subjects including military, recruitment, pay clothing, education matter and health, ‘soldiers’ oath and declaration’.
29 - Bundle of miscellaneous items some undated concerning army organisation, finances and the militia including:- Mr. Booth on the Commissariat Department in general. Letter from Mr. Booth to Mr. Byham respecting the proposal that the Ordinance should do the duties of the Commissariat in Ireland. Remarks by Mr. Booth upon certain answers given by Sir Charles Trevelyan before the Committee on Army Ordinance expenditure upon the subject of the Commissariat. Mr. Booth on the public contract system for the soldier’s food in Great Britain and Ireland. Heads of a Bill for amending the militia laws. 1837. Commissariat Chest Fund. April 1850. Two confidential foreign office papers. The first is entitled The Army by Lord Grey. October 17 1846 concerning anxiety about the defence of the country in case of foreign invasion and the possible enlargement of the army or a reserve force of militia or volunteers. The second is entitled The Army: Defences of the Country. Militia Pensioners an Extract from Colonel Tulloch’s memorandum January 31 1852 concerning the use of old soldiers as a reserve force, the cost of maintaining them and the advantages. Letter from the Duke of Wellington to Prince Albert upon the subject of a reserve army. July 20 1852. Memorandum on national defence, by Lieutenant Colonel Jebb. November 19 1852.
30 - Miscellaneous items – some undated dealing with military matters, organisation, supplies, education in army schools, including: Discussions on Army Estimates 1844. Letters concerning new equipment for the Army from Dr. John Foster. 1842-45. The Principal chaplain’s report on the Library and regimental school of the Battalion Coldstream Guards. 11 August 1845. Copy of a letter from Colonel Markham to Sir Robert Peel. 16 October 1845. Militia estimates 1845-46. Mr. Herbert to Admiral Bowles concerning promotion in the navy. April 1846. Account of the diet of soldiers in India. June 1846. Warrants for the establishment and government of the Royal Military Asylum. 1846. Royal Military Asylum rules and regulations to be observed by the pupils in the normal school and by the paid monitors. 1847. Comparative cost of augmenting the army by increasing depots. Undated. Memoranda on reorganisation of War Department suggesting the commander-in-chief be abolished, the Secretary of State for war is to have his own council. The Army to be distributed in brigades and divisions. Undated. Memoranda on the subject of monitoring a commissariat in time of peace. Undated.
31 - Bundle relating to educational matters in the army, i.e. schools for soldiers’ children. Regulations for the guidance of the officers, assistants and servants of the Royal Military Asylum in execution of their respective duties. 19 July 1847. Regulations to be observed in retard to the instruction of children in garrison and regimental schools, to which a trained schoolmaster has been or may hereafter, be appointed by the Secretary of State for War. 30 March 1850. Order laying out regulations about education – schools to be attached to each garrison or regiment. 30 March 1850. Memoranda – grant for the maintenance of town and country schools. April 1853. Memorandum on normal and model schools of the Royal Military Asylum at Chelsea established 1846, conditions, function and organisation. 6 July 1853. Conditions by which non-commissioned officers can be found eligible for admission in the normal school royal military asylum – undated c.1853. Regulations for the guidance of regiments to which a trained schoolmaster is appointed by the Secretary of State for War. 1852. Memorandum on Royal Military Asylum for orphans of soldiers. 1853.
32 - Miscellaneous items concerning military and governmental organisational matters including: Copy of report on Soldiers’ pay as affected by the stoppage made from it for his daily ration to Right Honourable F. Maule M.P. from Sam Petrie and John Gromes 15 May 1847. Copy of report upon that part of the Treasury minutes which relates to the provisioning of the Army by: Sir W. Gorden Viscount Havoringe Mr. Booth Sir K. Booth – undated [1849] Confidential letter dated March 8 1852 from W. H. Gregory concerning Irish politics and the forthcoming election.
33 - Miscellaneous items concerning the Budget debate and tax on malt 1852. Charles Trevelyn (assistant secretary to the treasury 1840-1859) and Sir Stafferd Northcote produced a report which reorganised recruitment and organisation of the Civil Service. It was an attempt to end the aristocracy’s and prominent families’ control over appointments and encourage appointment on intellectual merit. 1853 A number of letters relating to the establishment and organisation of the War Office. December 1852 A brief history of the Household Cavalry and the Foot Guards. A comparison of the cost of Household Cavalry and Foot Guards with that of covering them into Infantry of the line. Undated. Memorandum on converting Hours and Foot Guards into the regiment of the line. Undated Number of officers of the British Army on full pay, half pay or retired 25 December 1821 and 1846. Number of men and horses in the British Army in 1792 and 1833.
34 - Miscellaneous items relating to military medical matters including: Copy of report from Mr. Gaskell to the commissioners in lunacy concerning the condition of the military lunatic hospital at Yarmouth. 19 February 1853. Memoranda on the establishment of Chelsea Hospital and the charge for the same 20 March 1853. Memoranda on the qualifications needed to be an out-pensioner of Chelsea Hospital to be eligible for admission as an in-pensioner. 16 April 1853. Accommodation for the sick and wounded in Crimea. The Admiralty. 2 January 1855. Memoranda by Sidney Herbert – draft regulations, examinations and appointments. Undated. Two memoranda by Sidney Herbert on the Nightingale Fund.
35 - Miscellaneous items concerning military matters, religion, reorganisation of army, etc. including: Large amount of correspondence relating to the report on promotions in the army produced after the Crimean War to ensure soldiers were promoted on merit and not through patronage, taking into account statistics concerning the length of service of officers, an assessment of the mortality rate of the army, promotion consequences for a period over 20 years and a return of promotions and the age of those promoted 1854. Some religious military matters i.e. – letter to Lord Harding respecting the attendance of troops at the Episcopalian Church of Aberdeen 25 July 1853. Appeal of the Scottish Reformation Society to the Protestant Members of Parliament against Papist Chaplains on the Army and navy. April 1854. “Begging” letter from Colonel du Plat to Stainman requesting a reference from Stainman to Sidney Herbert. The reference is included January 7 1855. Letters concerning the Foreign Enlistments Act including one from Sidney Herbert to Sir Gaspard le Marchant. February-March 1855. Memoranda on volunteers for militia units. Undated.
36 - Miscellaneous items relating to social matters. Health of Town’s Association. Unhealthiness of towns as causes and remedies, being a lecture delivered at Crosby Hall, Bishopgate Street by William Augustus Guy M.B. 1845. Proposals for the better application of cathedral institutions to their intended uses in a letter to the Very Reverend The Dean of Salisbury by Right Honourable Sidney Herbert. Concern for the spiritual well being of the nation. 1849.
37 - Undated items concerning medical matters, including: Memorandum for organisation of the Hospital Corps. Memorandum for Aldershot Hospital and plans for the future. Remarks on the report of the committee on the Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Hants. Extract from a report on the medical topography and diseases of the Turco-Danubian provinces of Serbia and Bulgaria by Dr. Dumbreck, Deputy Inspector General of hospitals.
38 - Undated items concerning education, emigration, religion and politics, including: Memorandum for the Secretary of War on places of worship, school houses and chaplains. Proposed additional clauses to the Ecclesiastical Commission Bill. Memorandum on Blue Books by Sidney Herbert. Memorandum on the committee report to search the journals of the Lords with respect to a Bill sent from the Commons repealing custom duties on paper. Handbill printed during an election campaign on the southern division of Wiltshire addressed to Lord Henry Thynne from a supporter of Sidney Herbert, in answer to allegations made against Sidney Herbert, 1857 or 1859. Sir J. Tyrell on the prosecution of fishermen by the French Government.
39 - Miscellaneous undated items, mostly military mattes including: Memorandum on the Duke of Wellington approving Sidney Herbert’s proposal for rewarding distinguished service. Memorandum of Mr. Green’s suggestions for Balaclava. Memorandum of Sir Tullock on Balfour’s report as to the relative morality in the Army and civil life. Memorandum on the Expedition against the King of Badiboo (Gambia). 1860. Comparison of the pay of the Artillery and of the line regiments.
40 - Public Health/Welfare Sanitary Legislation and Administration in England by H. W. Rumsey. 1858. General board of health. Minute of information on disinfection and deodorisation, by Lindsay Blyth – 1857. Report on the accommodation in St. Pancras Workhouse; by Henry Bence Jones M.D. F.R.S. 1856. On a Standard of Public Health for England – E. Headlam Greenhow 15 March 1859.
41 - Who Shall We Hang? The Sebastopal Inquiry. 1855.
42 - Military Education – speech of the Right Honourable Sidney Herbert in the House of Commons on the education and instruction of officers in the army. June 5 1856.
43 - Description of a cart for hospital service and army transport generally, invented by Frederick Gifford Cherry. (Principal Veterinary Surgeon) Two copies. Three Pamphlets gathered together.
44 - Clinical lectures on compound fractures of the extremities on excision of the head of the thighbone, the arm-bone and the elbow joint: on the miscellaneous subjects, delivered at Westminster Hospital by G. J. Gutherie F.R.S. 1838.
45 - Bundle Sidney Herbert’s memoranda including notes on taxation, the navy – increase in size, retirement of men and foreign production of wheat.
46 - Newspaper cuttings. The Times – report of a speech by Sir C. Wood on the Local Army of India, raising questions about the shortage of men after the Indian Mutiny and recruitment of troops. June 13 1860. The Morning Post – including articles on France, Turkey, Italy, Russia and Ireland. Railways – Indian Peninsula and Southern and Royal Swedish International Exhibition, Royal Academy Exhibition. Report on business in parliament. April 24 1861.
47 - Miscellaneous items including memoranda and letters on medical and military matters.
48 - Items concerning military matters, mainly the militia.
49 - Items concerning military matters, army and navy.
50 - Observations on the means of preserving the health of the troops – Assistant Surgeon Edward Balfour 19 May 1845. Ground Plan Hospital at Bordeaux.
51 - Miscellaneous items. Colonel James’ memorandum on ordnance survey in which he discusses the scale to be adopted and an estimate of the cost 1855. East Kent Railway Bill statement and letter from Liskinton to Lord Hardinge. February 1853. Typewritten copy of a letter from Argyll to Sidney Herbert, attacking the government’s non-interventionist policy concerning the United States and the abolition of Slavery October 14 1856. Part of a transcript copy of a letter to Sidney Herbert from ‘Stafford House’ concerning American Abolition of Slavery and Great Britain’s Foreign policy towards America and the government’s attempts to recruit Americans into the British Army. [1854-1856] Fragmented typewritten copies of letters from: Raglan to Sidney Herbert Florence Nightingale to Sidney Herbert Florence Nightingale to Mrs. Herbert Edward Menzies to Mr. Herbert Mr. Herbert to General Estcourt.
Expand 6 - Emigration to the Colonies (Australia, New Zealand, The Cape and Canada) 1849-18546 - Emigration to the Colonies (Australia, New Zealand, The Cape and Canada) 1849-1854
Expand 7 - Emigration to Australia: Female Emigration Fund 1850-18537 - Emigration to Australia: Female Emigration Fund 1850-1853
Expand 8 - Appointment of Nurses8 - Appointment of Nurses
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous9 - Miscellaneous
Expand 13 - Deeds13 - Deeds
Expand 14 - Legal 14 - Legal

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