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Collapse 2664 - Talbot family of Lacock2664 - Talbot family of Lacock
Collapse 1 - Estate1 - Estate
Expand 1 - General1 - General
Collapse 2 - Wiltshire2 - Wiltshire
Expand 1 - Deeds and legal1 - Deeds and legal
Expand 2 - Manorial2 - Manorial
Expand 3 - Rentals3 - Rentals
Collapse 4 - Surveys4 - Surveys
1 - Corrections of a survey of properties of the manor of Lacock.
2 - Survey of Bowden House and lands, part of the monastery lands divided.
3 - Perambulation of the forests of Grovely, Chippenham, Melksham, Braden, Savernake; Westrugg; Hippenscombe; Chute; Selwood.
4 - Survey of the fields of the manors of Lacock and Lackham.
5 - Surveys relating to Lacock farms and other material.
6 - Survey of Nethermore. Part only.
7 - Surveys of the fields of the manor of Lacock 1541 and 1545. View of frankpledge 1545.
8 - Commenced 1548. Survey of the manors and lands of Sir William Sharington by Stephen Cole, Steward.
9 - Survey of the manors of Liddington, Charlton and Nethermore.
10 - Survey of the property and lands belonging to Bowden House signed Gilbert, [earl of] Shrewsbury and W[illiam, lord] Knollys (arbitrators). Fields, acreages, tenants, rents and value of tithes all mentioned.
11 - Survey of the property and lands belonging to Lacock House signed Gilbert, [earl of] Shrewsbury and W[illiam, lord] Knollys (arbitrators). Fields, acreages, tenants, rents and value of tithes all mentioned.
12 - Survey and receipt.
13 - Surveys of Lacock, and various legal documents relating to Shropshire families and their wills.
14 - Liddington court of survey and valor with copy of custumal 1586. Includes Medbourne, Coate and Chiseldon.
15 - Surveys of the manors of Lacock, Liddington with Coate, and Charlton.
16 - Survey of the manors of Lacock, Liddington with Coate, Walcot and Barbury Castle, Charlton.
17 - Survey of the manor of Lacock, with loose sheets of some proceedings at courts.
18 - Survey of the manor of Charlton by Jonathan Rogers, steward.
19 - A particular of the manor of Liddington with Walcot adjoining, and of Barbury Down.
20 - Surveys of Charlton
21 - Book of five maps of farms and lands in Lacock:
22 - Account of the lands and hereditaments in Liddington, Medburne, Coate and Walcot belonging to Sir John Talbot.
23 - Survey of the demesne lands and estates belonging to John Talbot in the parish of Lacock and other adjoining parishes, by John Overton.
24 - Schedule of Lacock titheable lands.
25 - Survey of trees in Lacock.
26 - Lacock survey of lease and copyhold estates, possibly for Mrs Davenport.
27 - Number not used
28 - Survey of Lacock and a contemporary copy. With map reference numbers.
29 - Manor of Lacock, survey of lease and copyhold estates granted, 1746-1789.
30 - Survey for Lacock: valuation of the tithes, field names, state of cultivation.
31 - Survey and valuation of estate of William Henry Fox Talbot in Lacock with plans based on 1764 survey.
32 - Survey of Lacock, with index.
33 - Survey of Lacock estate rents and accounts, with disbursements.
34 - Perambulation of the boundaries of the manor of Lacock by William Awdry, steward.
35 - Map of Naish Hill Farm, Chippenham and Lacock.
36 - Ordnance Survey 1" sheets 14, 19, 34, 35.
Expand 5 - Maps and plans5 - Maps and plans
Expand 6 - Accounts6 - Accounts
Expand 7 - Correspondence7 - Correspondence
Expand 8 - Other8 - Other
Expand 3 - Shropshire3 - Shropshire
Expand 4 - Other4 - Other
Expand 2 - Household2 - Household
Expand 3 - Family3 - Family

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