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Collapse 2664 - Talbot family of Lacock2664 - Talbot family of Lacock
Collapse 1 - Estate1 - Estate
Expand 1 - General1 - General
Expand 2 - Wiltshire2 - Wiltshire
Collapse 3 - Shropshire3 - Shropshire
Expand 1 - Deeds and legal1 - Deeds and legal
Expand 2 - Manorial2 - Manorial
Expand 3 - Rentals3 - Rentals
Expand 4 - Surveys4 - Surveys
5 - Maps and plans
Collapse 6 - Accounts6 - Accounts
Expand 1 - Rates, tithes and taxes1 - Rates, tithes and taxes
Expand 2 - Estate agents' accounts2 - Estate agents' accounts
Collapse 3 - Other3 - Other
1 - Receipts from unknown to Henry Davenport (5).
2 - Accounts of tithes due and other accounts and lists, for Worfield.
3 - Various documents relating to the Davenport family in Shropshire, and some East India Company documents:
4 - Receipts and a list of land for members of the Davenport family.
5 - Household accounts for Henry Davenport and Sharington Davenport for Worfield.
6 - Estate, household and personal bills, receipts and related items for Henry Davenport and Mrs Davenport.
7 - Bills and other items for the Davenport family for Worfield and some for the Talbots at Lacock.
8 - Various legal documents including bonds and copies of deeds and mortgages as well as some bills for General Davenport and Henry Davenport at Worfield.
9 - Bills, one receipted, from Thomas Pyper to Henry Davenport for mending objects (7).
10 - Accounts of copyhold surrenders for Worfield, and one account of Robert Barrett.
12 - Estate receipts to Sharington Davenport.
13 - Estate bills to Colonel Sharington Davenport for Worfield.
14 - Estate bills for Henry Davenport for Worfield.
15 - Estate bills for General Sharington Davenport and Henry Davenport for Worfield.
16 - Estate bills for Henry Davenport and Barbara Davenport at Worfield.
17 - Estate bills for Henry Davenport and Barbara Davenport for Worfield.
18 - Estate bills for Henry Davenport at Worfield, particularly for building the new house, and some plans.
19 - Accounts and measurements of timber at the Worfield estate.
20 - Estate and other bills for Henry Davenport for Worfield.
21 - Correspondence and financial documents for Henry Davenport concerning estate, household and East India Company affairs.
22 - Estate and household bills for Henry Davenport, some for work on the new house at Worfield.
23 - Bills and receipts for the Worfield estate.
24 - Estate bills for Henry Davenport, some for work on the new house at Worfield, paid by John Devey.
25 - Bills for Barbara Davenport.
26 - Estate and some household bills for Mrs Davenport for Worfield.
27 - Booklet of Worfield tithes valued in 1735, plus a balancing statement.
28 - Bills and expenses for Barbara Davenport.
29 - Mostly undated bills for Miss Davenport, and some letters.
30 - Bills for Sharington Davenport at Worfield, and some letters and notes.
31 - Valentine Vickers' accounts with Sharington Davenport to be settled after Davenport died in 1774. Probably for estate at Worfield.
Expand 7 - Correspondence7 - Correspondence
Expand 8 - Other8 - Other
Expand 4 - Other4 - Other
Expand 2 - Household2 - Household
Expand 3 - Family3 - Family

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