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Collapse 2664 - Talbot family of Lacock2664 - Talbot family of Lacock
Expand 1 - Estate1 - Estate
Expand 2 - Household2 - Household
Collapse 3 - Family3 - Family
Expand 1 - Talbot family1 - Talbot family
Collapse 2 - Davenport family2 - Davenport family
Expand 1 - Pedigrees1 - Pedigrees
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Expand 4 - Accounts4 - Accounts
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Collapse 6 - Politics and public office6 - Politics and public office
1 - Letters, orders and lists sent to Captain Henry Davenport regarding sending arms to Shrewsbury Castle.
2 - Commissions and lists relating to the military career of Sharington Davenport.
3 - Accounts and other documents relating to the military career of Sharington Davenport.
4 - Various documents relating to Sharington Davenport's military career, including many accounts. Some, but not all, relate to a dispute over Flanders arrears between him and Richard Butler.
5 - Various documents concerning the military career of Sharington Davenport.
6 - Letters and other documents concerning Sharington Davenport and his military career.
7 - Bundle of various military drills and exercise, collected by Colonel Sharington Davenport.
8 - Documents relating to the military, particularly the career of Colonel Sharington Davenport.
9 - Accounts for Sharington Davenport concerning his military career, and some documents for Henry Davenport.
10 - Lists and accounts concerning Sharington Davenport and his military career.
11 - Letters concerning members of the Davenport family and military matters, particularly military clothing.
12 - Accounts concerning Sharington Davenport's military career.
13 - Letters and accounts concerning Sharington Davenport's military career.
14 - Military papers concerning General Sharington Davenport.
15 - Accounts mostly concerning Sharington Davenport and his military career.
16 - Minutes of meetings of senior officers of Sharington Davenport's regiment (not complete).
17 - Letters to and from Major Renouard.
18 - Letters and accounts concerning Sharington Davenport and his military career.
19 - Bills and letters concerning Sharington Davenport and his military work.
20 - Letters and lists concerning Sharington Davenport's military career.
21 - Articles of agreement between James Wills of Dublin esquire and the Honourable Major General Sharington Davenport to provide suitable clothing to Davenport's regiment.
22 - Articles of agreement between Major General Sharington Davenport and William Grimes of the parish of St Martin in the Fields, beltmaker, to transfer the right of title and interest of James Wills concerning the clothing for the regiment of which Sharington Davenport is a colonel.
23 - Papers relating to Reverend Doctor William Davenport's priesthood.
24 - Appointment of Reverend Doctor William Davenport as a deputy lieutenant for Wiltshire by Thomas Bruce, Earl of Ailesbury, and Baron Bruce of Tottenham, lord lieutenant and custos rotalorum of Wiltshire.
25 - Appointment of William Bromley Davenport as Lieutenant in the 62nd Regiment of Foot.
7 - Patronage and societies
Expand 8 - Research notes8 - Research notes
Expand 9 - Photographs, prints, sketch books and music books9 - Photographs, prints, sketch books and music books
Expand 10 - Recipe books10 - Recipe books
11 - Newspaper and magazine cuttings
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous12 - Miscellaneous
Expand 3 - Feilding family3 - Feilding family
Expand 4 - Other4 - Other

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