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Collapse 2664 - Talbot family of Lacock2664 - Talbot family of Lacock
Expand 1 - Estate1 - Estate
Expand 2 - Household2 - Household
Collapse 3 - Family3 - Family
Expand 1 - Talbot family1 - Talbot family
Expand 2 - Davenport family2 - Davenport family
Expand 3 - Feilding family3 - Feilding family
Collapse 4 - Other4 - Other
Expand 1 - Pedigrees1 - Pedigrees
Expand 2 - Correspondence2 - Correspondence
Expand 3 - Diaries and journals3 - Diaries and journals
Expand 4 - Accounts4 - Accounts
Expand 5 - Legal5 - Legal
Expand 6 - Politics and public office6 - Politics and public office
Expand 7 - Patronage and societies7 - Patronage and societies
Expand 8 - Research notes8 - Research notes
Collapse 9 - Photographs, prints, sketch books and music books9 - Photographs, prints, sketch books and music books
1 - Music book for an unidentified owner.
2 - Small coloured print of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in Turkish dress, copied from an original miniature at Harrington, the house of Lady Caroline Stanhope.
3 - Photographs.
4 - Photographs and postcards.
5 - Photographs.
6 - Engravings, mostly of British buildings.
7 - Framed pair of miniatures of Henry Thomas Fox-Strangways, second Earl of Ilchester and Mary Theresa Grady, daughter of Grady of Limerick.
8 - Glass negative and print of an unknown gentleman (possibly Charles Henry Talbot) standing in front of arches. Addressed to Miss M Fox Talbot from Hughes of Melksham.
9 - 2 photographs of a river scene from a boat.
10 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
11 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
12 - Photographs of various buildings and landmarks.
13 - Various photographs and postcards, some from the 19th century.
14 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
15 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
16 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
17 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
18 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
19 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
20 - 3 photographs of a baby in a pram with a cat sat in the pram.
21 - Photographs mostly of Lacock.
22 - Music book for Rosamond Mundy containing scales and exercises for sharps, flats, minors and majors.
23 - South Tyrolean scene sketched in pencil, signed "G M" [George Montgomery].
24 - Various photographs and postcards.
25 - Photographs and prints of various buildings, mostly religious buildings.
26 - Photograph of Stonehenge.
27 - Variety of photographs, not annotated.
28 - Photographs of religious buildings.
29 - Photographs.
30 - Letter from Polesden Lacey to Mrs Burnett-Brown enclosing a photograph of the Holbein portrait of William Sharington.
Expand 10 - Recipe books10 - Recipe books
Expand 11 - Newspaper and magazine cuttings11 - Newspaper and magazine cuttings
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous12 - Miscellaneous

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