This shows the location of the record within the hierarchy of the collection.

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Collapse D1 - Bishop of SalisburyD1 - Bishop of Salisbury
Expand 11
1 - Early administrative records: Cartularies
1-38 - Administrative records
Expand 2 - Bishops' registers2 - Bishops' registers
Expand 3 - Benefice papers3 - Benefice papers
Expand 4 - Chapels and unconsecrated buildings4 - Chapels and unconsecrated buildings
Expand 5 - Church furniture5 - Church furniture
Expand 6 - Confirmation6 - Confirmation
Expand 7 - Convocation7 - Convocation
Expand 8 - Curates8 - Curates
Expand 9 - Dissenters9 - Dissenters
Expand 10 - Institutions to benefices10 - Institutions to benefices
Expand 11 - Clergy residences: Mortgages11 - Clergy residences: Mortgages
Expand 12 - Non-residency by incumbents within their benefices12 - Non-residency by incumbents within their benefices
Expand 14 - Ordinations14 - Ordinations
15 - Parish clerks
Expand 16 - Patronage16 - Patronage
Expand 17 - Preaching17 - Preaching
Expand 18 - Presentations18 - Presentations
Expand 19 - Religious Houses19 - Religious Houses
Expand 21 - Rural deaneries21 - Rural deaneries
Expand 22 - Subscriptions22 - Subscriptions
Expand 23 - Taxation23 - Taxation
Expand 24 - Glebe Terriers24 - Glebe Terriers
Expand 25 - Tithe 25 - Tithe
26 - Transcripts of Parish Registers
Expand 27 - Bishops' private papers27 - Bishops' private papers
Expand 28 - Charters28 - Charters
Expand 29 - The Bishop’s courts for the city29 - The Bishop’s courts for the city
Expand 30 - The bishop's disputes with the city30 - The bishop's disputes with the city
Expand 31 - Documents about the bishop's palace31 - Documents about the bishop's palace
Expand 32 - Vacancy in the See32 - Vacancy in the See
Expand 33 - Accounts in the Exchequer33 - Accounts in the Exchequer
Expand 34 - Miscellaneous documents relating to the bishop's estates and properties34 - Miscellaneous documents relating to the bishop's estates and properties
Expand 35 - Correspondence on registry or court business35 - Correspondence on registry or court business
Collapse 36 - Miscellaneous documents, Orders in Council, Secretary's Act books, seals 36 - Miscellaneous documents, Orders in Council, Secretary's Act books, seals
Collapse 1 - Miscellaneous documents1 - Miscellaneous documents
1 - About 25 letters and draft papers.
2 - About 100 copies and extracts of documents, probably used as forms and precedents, and mostly taken from medieval bishops’ registers and other sources.
3 - About 60 drafts, forms and original documents used as precedents. Includes a midwife's oath - Elizabeth Wayte, Westport St Mary, 1683, and an appoinment for Elizabeth Standford, Kingston Bagpuize, Berks, to perform as a midwife within the archdeaconry of Berkshire (with detailed conditions), 1663; nominations of schoolmasters; Francis Smith of Chirton to teach in Devizes, 1678, Joshua Pizzy of Aldbourne, 1687. Also includes a bundle of 13 documents taken from probate records, but labelled non-testamentary, all mid 17th century.
4 - About 90 drafts, forms and extracts perhaps used as precedents, including papers concerning court cases, probate, faculties and visitation, and copy of an instruction to Lord Lieutenants to seize the arms of Papists, 1722.
5 - About 55 miscellaneous bishops’ papers and drafts concerning bishops’ estates, incumbents, and visitation, mostly early 19th century.
6 - About 45 miscellaneous papers and drafts concerning incumbents, visitation, and probate, including 'Cautions [Caveats] against Persons strolling about in the Capacity of Clergymen not to employ them etc'; a blacklist of clergymen not to be employed for various reasons mainly “methodistical tendencies” or “pretence of ordination”, c1775
7 - Four paper volumes with excerpts from and forms for documents, extracts from the Registrum Rubrum; index to documents in the bishop's registers and other cartularies, m,ade late 17th cent; list of the English catedrals and their prebends with totals of tithes for each, late 17th cent; also four loose papers including the form of oath of the bishop at his installation.
8 - About 70 copy and draft documents. Many are extracts from charters, deeds and bishops’ registers.
Expand 22
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous documents: Seals3 - Miscellaneous documents: Seals
Expand 4 - Miscellaneous documents: Orders in Council4 - Miscellaneous documents: Orders in Council
Expand 5 - Secretary's Act Books5 - Secretary's Act Books
Expand 37 - Accounts and fees37 - Accounts and fees
Expand 38 - Documents arising from Acts of Parliament38 - Documents arising from Acts of Parliament
Expand 3939
39 - Act Books
39-46 - Court records
Expand 40 - Caveats40 - Caveats
Expand 41 - Citations, Excommunications, Libels and Miscellaneous Court Papers41 - Citations, Excommunications, Libels and Miscellaneous Court Papers
Expand 42 - Deposition Books42 - Deposition Books
Expand 43 - Detecta books43 - Detecta books
Expand 44 - Inhibitions and Intimations44 - Inhibitions and Intimations
Expand 45 - Precedents45 - Precedents
Expand 46 - Sequestrations46 - Sequestrations
Expand 4747
47 - Apparitors' returns and miscellaneous visitation papers
47-59 - Visitation records
Expand 48 - Diocese books48 - Diocese books
Expand 49 - Visitation Mandates49 - Visitation Mandates
Expand 50 - Churchwardens' books50 - Churchwardens' books
Expand 51 - Clergy books51 - Clergy books
Expand 52 - Visitation books52 - Visitation books
53 - Exhibit book
Expand 54 - Churchwardens' Presentments54 - Churchwardens' Presentments
Expand 55 - Articles of Visitation and enquiry55 - Articles of Visitation and enquiry
Expand 56 - Visitation queries56 - Visitation queries
Expand 57 - Visitations of the Cathedral57 - Visitations of the Cathedral
Expand 58 - Visitations of St Nicholas's Hospital, Salisbury58 - Visitations of St Nicholas's Hospital, Salisbury
Expand 59 - Charities59 - Charities
Expand 6060
60 - Consecrations
60-64 - Court records; non contentious
Expand 61 - Faculties 61 - Faculties
Expand 61A - Archdeacons' certificate (used for minor works that did not require a full faculty)61A - Archdeacons' certificate (used for minor works that did not require a full faculty)
Expand 61B - Faculty registers61B - Faculty registers
Expand 61C - Registers of Faculties, Sequestrations, etc61C - Registers of Faculties, Sequestrations, etc
Expand 61D - Faculty Applications: Queries and Answers61D - Faculty Applications: Queries and Answers
Expand 62 - Matrimonial records62 - Matrimonial records
Expand 63 - Probate records63 - Probate records
Expand 64 - Surrogations64 - Surrogations

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