TitleLetters patent of Edward III, granting to Robert de Hungerford permission to give to the Prior and Convent of the Holy Trinity of Easton,
' near Burbach', a messuage, a carucate of land and 3s.6d. rent in Grafton, the said messuage, etc., being of the annual value of 20s.4d. as is shown by return of the escheator for this side of Trent, to hold to the said Prior and Convent and their successors' in the value of 40s. per year' for ever. Recites letters patent of King Edward his father, granting to the Prior and Convent, permission to hold lands up to the annual value of £10, in spite of the Statute of Mortmain. At Hertford, on the third day of March in the 10th year of the reign.
Date3 March 1336
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