TitleAgreement (1) Robert de Hungerford, Kt., (2) Brother Edmund, minister of the house of the Holy Trinity, and the brethren of the same house:
DescriptionRobert has given to the church and brethren of the said house, a messuage, a carucate of land, and 3s.6d. rent, in East Grafton, to provide for the support of one extra brother priest wearing the habit of the house.
The priest is to celebrate daily the divine offices for the soul of Geva, wife of Robert, for the souls of the parents and benefactors of Robert and Geva, and for the state and souls of various other people (named), and for celebrating the obit of Geva, and also of Robert when he dies. Giving every day to each brother who shall be present at the obsequies 6d., and to each four of the brethren a gallon wine as `pittance'. And similarly, every day keeping seven poor men in food and drink and a pittance of flesh or fish of the value of a meal to each pauper of at least a halfpenny and a farthing forever. And doing all due services to the lord of the fee; and paying 60s. yearly to Robert.
And if the minister and brethren shall fail in any of the above, then the said tenements shall go to Walter, brother of Robert, and his heirs. And the said minister and brethren agree to admit an extra priest brother, and after his death to present another to Robert, who shall admit him; and he shall promise to celebrate the divine offices. And the minister and brethren agree that if they fail in any of the above, the tenements shall go to Walter and his heirs; and they bind themselves, their lands and tenements, to observe the same.
And they are bound to pay 6s.8d. for every default in the above found at the Visitation.
And the Visitor or Diocesan shall be able to compel the brethren to observe all the above by sequestration of the fruits of the parish church of Easton, without judicial proceedings.
And there are in the said house, on the day of making this writing, 5 brothers who are priests and one lay brother, besides the priest brother constitued by this present writing.
One part of this present writing tripartite has gone to the minister and brethren, sealed with Robert's seal; a second, sealed with common seal of minister and brethren, has gone to Robert, and a third, sealed with the common seal and with the seal of Robert, has gone to Walter. Witnesses: Sir Peter Doignel, Sir Robert de Bilkemor/Belkamour, Kt., Henry Sturmy, Roger de Calston', William de Stocke, Robert Hoppegras, William de Pollesdene. Given at Crofton.
There is one armorial seal, so this is presumably the first indenture. Two sides of the document are indented, and there are several annotations in the margin (contemporary). There is also another copy of this agreement, nearly identical in wording, and sealed with the same seal.
Date12 July 1336
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