TitleLease for two additional lives, in reversion, (1) John Hackleston, prior of the order of the Holy Trinity of the house of Easton next Savernake, and the convent of the same (2) Thomas, son of John Brown, and Agnes, Thomas's wife. All the lands which came to the house by gift of Robert Hongerford in East Grafton. These lands were formerly granted for their lives and one year longer to John Brown, deceased, and Agnes, his wife, now wife of John Haleman. Now they are to remain to (2) for their lives and one year longer. They are to keep all houses in good repair, and not to remove or enlarge anything fixed. Rent 40s. Witnesses: William Spershute, Hugh Baylemund, Robert Scalerne, John Bouclonde, John Chavyn. Given at Easton, Thursday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 3 Henry IV. Two seals.
Date15 December 1401
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