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Collapse 9 - Ailesbury family of Savernake, Earls of Cardigan9 - Ailesbury family of Savernake, Earls of Cardigan
Expand 1 - Section 1. General Estate1 - Section 1. General Estate
Expand 2 - Section 2. Records of individual manors: Barton, Manton and Preshute2 - Section 2. Records of individual manors: Barton, Manton and Preshute
Expand 3 - Section 3. Records of individual manors: Great Bedwyn Borough3 - Section 3. Records of individual manors: Great Bedwyn Borough
Expand 4 - Section 4. Records of individual manors: Great Bedwyn Prebend4 - Section 4. Records of individual manors: Great Bedwyn Prebend
Expand 5 - Section 5. Little Bedwyn and Froxfield5 - Section 5. Little Bedwyn and Froxfield
Expand 6 - Section 6. Burbage manors (Savage, Darells and Esturmy)6 - Section 6. Burbage manors (Savage, Darells and Esturmy)
Expand 7 - Section 7. Burbage Rectory7 - Section 7. Burbage Rectory
Expand 8 - Section 8. Chisbury8 - Section 8. Chisbury
Expand 9 - Section 9. Collingbourne Ducis9 - Section 9. Collingbourne Ducis
Expand 10 - Section 10. Collingbourne Kingston10 - Section 10. Collingbourne Kingston
Expand 11 - Section 11. Collingbourne Sunton11 - Section 11. Collingbourne Sunton
Expand 12 - Section 12. Collingbourne Brunton or Valence12 - Section 12. Collingbourne Brunton or Valence
Expand 13 - Section 13. Collingbourne Aughton13 - Section 13. Collingbourne Aughton
Expand 14 - Section 14. Crofton14 - Section 14. Crofton
Expand 15 - Section 15. Easton, Bradenstoke, Warren and PrioryEASTON, BRADENSTOKE, WARREN AND PRIORY15 - Section 15. Easton, Bradenstoke, Warren and PrioryEASTON, BRADENSTOKE, WARREN AND PRIORY
Collapse 16 - Section 16. East and West Grafton16 - Section 16. East and West Grafton
1 - Letters patent of Edward III, granting to Robert de Hungerford permission to give to the Prior and Convent of the Holy Trinity of Easton, ' near Burbach', a messuage, a carucate of land and 3s.6d. rent in Grafton, the said messuage, etc., being of the annual value of 20s.4d. as is shown by return of the escheator for this side of Trent, to hold to the said Prior and Convent and their successors' in the value of 40s. per year' for ever. Recites letters patent of King Edward his father, granting to the Prior and Convent, permission to hold lands up to the annual value of £10, in spite of the Statute of Mortmain. At Hertford, on the third day of March in the 10th year of the reign.
1-137B - Title deeds
2 - Licence to assign (1) John Mautravers, the elder, and John Mautravers, the younger, (his brother), at the request of Brother Edmond, Minister of the house of Easton of the Order of the Trinity, and of the brethren of the same house, (2) Robert de Hungerford. To assign to the said minister and brethren a messuage, curtilage and 3 virgates of land in East Grafton. To hold for the maintenance of a chaplain, to pray for John Mautravers, the elder, and the younger, their ancestors and the souls of all Christians. And the minister and brethren have agreed to set up the chantry. Given at Somerford Mautravers the Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Barnabas, the Apostle, 10 Edward III. Two armorial seals. Document is in Anglo-Norman.
3 - Agreement (1) Robert de Hungerford, Kt., (2) Brother Edmund, minister of the house of the Holy Trinity, and the brethren of the same house:
4 - Quitclaim (1) Richard de la More, rector of the church of Collingbourne Abbas, (2) Robert de Hungerford. All his right in the lands and tenements Robert holds in East Grafton. Witnesses: Robert Hopegras, John Torald, John Fyzwilliam, the younger, Walter (D?)ouce, William de Pollesdene. Given at Crofton on the day of St. Kalixtus the Pope, 10 Edward II. Seal of Richard de la More.
5 - Quitclaim (1) Richard de la Moure, rector of the church of Collingbourne Ducis (Colyngbourn' Abbatis), (2) Brother Edmund, minister of the order of the Holy Trinity of the house of Easton and the brethren of the same place. All his claim in all the lands and tenements which Robert de Hungerford formerly held in East Grafton. Witnesses: Robert de Hoppegras, John Torald, John Fizwilliam the younger, Walter Douce, William de Pollesden. Given at Collingbourne, 22 October, 10 Edward III. Seal of Richard de la Moure.
6 - Lease for two additional lives, in reversion, (1) John Hackleston, prior of the order of the Holy Trinity of the house of Easton next Savernake, and the convent of the same (2) Thomas, son of John Brown, and Agnes, Thomas's wife. All the lands which came to the house by gift of Robert Hongerford in East Grafton. These lands were formerly granted for their lives and one year longer to John Brown, deceased, and Agnes, his wife, now wife of John Haleman. Now they are to remain to (2) for their lives and one year longer. They are to keep all houses in good repair, and not to remove or enlarge anything fixed. Rent 40s. Witnesses: William Spershute, Hugh Baylemund, Robert Scalerne, John Bouclonde, John Chavyn. Given at Easton, Thursday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 3 Henry IV. Two seals.
7 - Left-hand indenture of a fine, (1) Robert Pypard of Grafton, plaintiff, (2) Richard Bilketot and Cecily, his wife, deft. Two messuages, one virgate and 8a. of land in Grafton, Wolfhall and Crofton. Consideration: 14 silver marks.
8 - Agreement (indented) to lease (1) John de Holte (2) Robert de Brunesdone of Hungerford.
9 - Letter of attorney, (1) William Baxman, (2) Robert Selyman and John Penbiocis. To put Robert de Brunesdone of Hungerford into seizin of 11a. of land in East Grafton, with all its appurtenances, which William had given to Robert de Brunesdone by his charter. Given at Wilton (in Great Bedwyn) Tuesday next after the feast of St. Mathias the Apostle, 7 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
10 - Quitclaim (1) John de Holte (2) Robert de Brunesdone. All his right in all the lands and tenements which Robert had of the gift of Henry de Holte and Ralph, his brother, in East Grafton. Witnesses: William de Hardene, Nicholas de Haverynges, William de Lislebone, Kts., Roger de Stokke, Roger de Hardene, Robert Homodieux, John de Brunesdone. Given at East Grafton on Thursday next after the Feast of the Nativity 14 Edward II. Seal
11 - Feoffment, (1) Peter le Mason and Amicia his wife, (2) John de Holte and Sir Walter de Langeford, chaplain. Thirteen acres of arable land in the town of East Grafton, which Peter and Amicia acquired of Roger de Kyntebury. Witnesses: Henry Sturmy, John de Flory, Thomas de Harden', Peter de Forstebury, John Savage, Thomas Jordan, Robert Wise. Given at East Grafton on the Monday next after the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 18 Edward III.
12 - Lease (1) Brother Edmund, minister of the house of the Holy Trinity of Easton next Burbach, and his brethren, to Amicia, widow of Peter le Maceon of East Grafton. 13a. of arable land in the field of East Grafton, which the Minister and brethren bought by license of the king from Robert de Inkepenne. To hold to the said Amicia for her life, rendering a rose yearly at the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and after her death the said land to revert to the Minister and brethren. Witnesses: Henry Sturmi, lord of Burbage, John de Flori, John de Cherlton, Roger le Bodere, William Wyke. Given at Easton on the Sunday next after the feast of Sts. Processus and Martinarius, 23 Edward III. Seal of the house.
13 - Lease for 25 years (1) John Toppyng, prior of the convent church of Easton and the convent of the same place, (2) Milo Dogeson of East Grafton, in Bedwyn, and Joanna, his wife. A certain tenement in East Grafton in which the said Milo and Joanna now live, to hold for 25 years, at a rent of 33s.4d., the said Milo and Joanna to maintain the said tenements in good repair. Given at Easton in the chapter house, on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.
14 - Lease for 99 years or three lives (1) Henry, Lord Viscount Cornebury, Sir Ralphe Verney of Middle Cleydon, Bucks, Kt., and bart., Sir Allen Apsley of St. Martins in the Field, Middlesex, Kt., Thomas Yate, D.D., Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford, and John Cary of Ditchley, Oxon., gent., (2) William Smith of East Grafton in Great Bedwyn, husbandman. Close called Moorye Mead, in East Grafton. Consideration: surrender of a former lease dated 24 January 1615, and £10. Rent 5s.
15 - Feoffment, (1) William Byrde of Stock in West Bedwyn, gent., (2) William Smith of East Grafton, in the same parish, husbandman. Close of meadow called Moory Mead, in East Grafton. Consideration: £27.
16 - Mortgage for £80, by lease for 500 years, (1) William Smith of East Grafton in Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (2) Daniel Keylway of Wick in Wootton Rivers, gent. Moory Mead in East Grafton.
17 - Transfer of mortgage, by assignment of lease for 500 years, (1) Daniel Keylway of Wick in Wootton Rivers, gent., (2) William Smith of East Grafton in Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (3) John Merriman of Speenhamland in Speen, Berks., gent. Moory Mead, in East Grafton.
18 - Transfer of mortgage, by assignment of lease for 500 years, (1) William Smith of East Grafton, in Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (2) John Merriman of Speenhamland, in Speen, Berks., gent., (3) John Bloxham of Savernake Forest, gent. Moory Mead in East Grafton.
19 - Lease and release in trust, (1) William Smith of East Grafton in Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (2) James Ralfe of Durley, in Burbage, gent., (3) Thomas Ralfe of the same place, gent., nephew of (2). Moory Mead in East Grafton, parish of Great Bedwyn. (1) to (2) and (3) in trust for (2). Consideration; £90.
20 - Right and left-hand indenture of fine, (1) James Ralfe and Thomas Ralfe, gents., plaintiffs, (2) William Smith and Elizabeth, his wife, deforciants. 3a. of meadow in East Grafton, in the parish of Great Bedwyn. Consideration: £60.
21 - Assignment of term of 500 years, in trust to attend the fee, (1) John Bloxham of Savernake Forest, gent., (2) William Smith of East Grafton in Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (3) James Ralfe of Durley in Burbage, gent., Thomas Brunsdon, the elder, of Marlborough, mercer. Moory Mead in East Grafton. Consideration: £80 paid by (2) to (1) being amount due on mortgage. Conveyance is by (1) to (4) to attend (3)'s freehold.
22 - Counterpart of lease for 21 years, (1) James Ralfe of Durley in Burbage, gent., (2) William Smith of East Grafton, in Great Bedwyn, yeoman. Close of meadow called Moory Mead in East Grafton. Rent:£3. 10s.
23 - Lease and release in fee, (1) William Tomlins, clerk, rector of Collingbourne Ducis and Thomas Nobbes of the Strand, St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, oilman, (2) James Ralfe of Lancaster, Pensylvania, North America, merchant, Thomas Ralfe of New Romney, Kent. gent., and Carew Gauntlett of Winchester, merchant and Elizabeth Judith, his wife, (which said James, Thomas and Elizabeth Judith are the children of James Ralfe, late of Durley, deceased.) (3) William Ralfe of Ropley, Hants, clerk, (the other child of said James Ralfe). Close of meadow called Moory Mead in East Grafton. Conveyance is in order to carry out provisions of the will of James Ralfe, of which parties (1) are administrators.
24 - Letter of attorney (1) William Ralfe, late of Upham, Hants., clerk, but now of Minorca, (2) Carew Gauntlett of Winchester, wine merchant. To convey Nether Frith Hayes and other lands in Burbage, and Moory Mead in East Grafton, to Thomas, Lord Bruce; and to receive the purchase money.
25 - Lease and release in fee; and assignment of term of 99 years or lives, in trust, (1) William Ralfe, late of Ropley, Hants., clerk, but now of Port Mahon, in Minorca, (2) Thomas, Lord Bruce, (3) Charles Hill of Marlborough, gent. Close called Moory Mead, in East Grafton. Closes of land called Nether Frith or Nether Frith Hayes (34a.) and 3 enclosed arable lands (15a.2r.) in Burbage, (assignment of a term dated 24 July 1750, (1) to (3) in trust for (2). Consideration: £550.
26 - Settlement by release (attested copy) on marriage of Heneage Finch, called Lord Guernsey, son and heir of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, and of the Lady Charlotte Seymour, daughter of Charles, late Duke of Somerset.
27 - Release (attested copy) to make a tenant for suffering recoveries, (1) Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, (2) Henage Finch, esq., called Lord Guernsey, eldest son of (1), (3) Joseph Hill of the Chancery Office, Middlesex, gent., (4) Henry Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire and Richard Bagot of St. George, Hanover Square, Middlesex., esq., (5) Hugh Percy, esq., called Earl Percy, eldest son and heir apparent of Hugh, Duke of Northumberland, and George, Earl of Tyrconnel. Numerous lands in Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, St. Martin in the Fields in Middlesex, Leicester, Warwickshire and Kent. Released by (1) and (2) to (3) in order to make recoveries; and uses of recoveries are declared.
28 - Lease and release in fee, (1) Charlotte, Dowager Countess of Aylesford, (2) Rev. John Fullerton of Stratford upon Avon, clerk, (3) William, Viscount Courtenay, (4) Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, (5) Lady Mary Howard, called Dowager Viscountess Andover, (6) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury. Manor of Grafton alias East Grafton alias Grafton Court, with all lands belonging in Grafton, East Grafton, West Grafton, Wilton and Bedwyn; also the decayed chapel of East Grafton, Chapel Meadow (2a.) 3 other meadow grounds called Hill Meads (5a.) and all tithes belonging to the decayed chapel; and especially the tithes arising from lands in East and West Grafton listed in schedule to release, and which are part of lands released. Consideration: £16,000, paid by (6) (to whom lands are conveyed) to (1), with consent and at direction of the other parties.
29 - Abstract of the will of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, concerning the sum of £25,000 to which he was entitled under his marriage settlement, the sum to be raised by sale or mortgage of the Countess of Aylesford's share in estates, late of the Duke of Somerset. Testator assigns said mortgage in trust for benefit of settlement of 8 May 1773.
30 - An Act for confirming a partition of several estates in the counties of Wilts and Somerset, between the Hon. Charles William Wyndham and other the devisees of Charles, late Earl of Egremont, deceased, and their issue, and Charles, Marquis of Granby, and Charlotte, Countess of Aylesford, (etc.).
31 - Particulars of the Grafton and Wilton (Great Bedwyn) estates.
32 - Particulars and conditions of sale of the manor of East Grafton, to be sold by auction 10 April 1787 at Garraway's coffee-house, Exchange Alley, London. Two annotated copies.
33 - Lease and release in fee, (1) William Jellico of Great Ormond Street, parish of St. George the Martyr, Middlesex, esq., and Mary, his wife, (2) William Tanner of East Grafton, in Great Bedwyn, gent. Two closes of arable land both called the Sands, and another called the Lower Orchard, 7½a. in all); also 3a. of arable in the commonfield called the Home Field, and 3a. more of arable in the common field called the Yonder Field; all being in East Grafton, in Great Bedwyn. Consideration: £300.
34 - Indentures of a fine (1) William Tanner, gent., plaintiff, (2) William Jellico, esq., and Mary, his wife, deforciants. 15a. of land and common of pasture in Grafton alias East Grafton in the parish of Great Bedwyn. Consideration: £60.
35 - Lease and release in fee, (1) William Tanner of West Kennett, gent., (2) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury. Close of arable land called the Sands, another also called the Sands, and another called the Lower Orchard (containing 7½a. in all) and 3a. of arable lying dispersed in the common field called the Home Field, and 3 acres more of arable in the common field called the Yonder Field; all in East Grafton in the parish of Great Bedwyn. Consideration:£420.
36 - Lease for 200 years in trust (attested copy) (1) William Jackman of Walcot, Somerset, gent., (2) John Jackman of Grafton, labourer, William Jackman of Grafton, labourer and William Jackman of Grafton, carpenter, (3) Thomas Bright Gale of Grafton, gent., trustee for (2). Four tenements with a piece of garden ground (1r.17p.) and another piece of garden ground belonging (19p.), and a barn and workshop with the garden ground belonging also containing 19p. all being at Grafton. Consideration: 20s. There is a coloured plan of the lands, etc.
37 - Mortgage for £50, by assignment of lease for residue of 200 years, (1) Thomas Bright Gale of Grafton, gent., (2) William Jackman of Grafton, carpenter, and (3) Francis Batt of Wilton, yeoman. House lately built on the site whereon a barn lately stood, with the work-shop and garden belonging (19p.) situate at Grafton. (1) at request of (2) assigns to (3).
38 - Assignment of term of 200 years, (1) Francis Batt of Wilton, yeoman, (2) Thomas Bright Gale of Grafton, gent., (3) William Jackman of Grafton, carpenter, (4) Charles, Earl of Ailesbury. House erected on the site where a barn used to atend with the workshop and garden adjoining situate at Grafton. (1) with consent etc., of (2) and (3), assigns to (4). Consideration: £63 paid by (4) to (1), being in discharge of mortgage due on premises and £72, paid by (4) to (3).
39 - Memorandum of agreement for sale 17 April 1819 between (1) William Jackman of Grafton and (2) John Ward of Marlborough, gent., on behalf of Charles Brudenell Bruce, Earl of Ailesbury. Messuage lately built on the site of a barn, with the workshop and garden belonging (19 p) in Grafton.
40 - Receipt from Jackman to Lord Ailesbury, for part of the purchase money.
41 - Letter to John Ward about Jackman's sale of property to Lord Ailesbury.
42 - Letter to Mr. Ward and Mr. Merriman from Thomas Bright Gale, about a deed relating to the Jackman property.
43 - Lease and release in fee, (1) John Durnford of Sherborne, Dorset, gent., and Henry Durnford, his son, (2) Roger Hall of Sudden Park, in Great Bedwyn, gent. Two houses, garden and orchard, in West Grafton, and 4a. of arable land lying dispersed in the common fields of West Grafton. Consideration: £100. Bond for performance enclosed.
44 - Mortgage for £50, by lease for 500 years, (1) Roger Hall of Sudden Park, parish of Bedwyn Magna, gent., (2) Henry Blanchard of Durley in Burbage, yeoman. Two houses, garden and orchard in West Grafton, and 4a. of arable land lying dispersed in the common fields of West Grafton.
45 - Will (attested copy) of Henry Blanchard of Durley in Burbage, yeoman. Copyhold lands at Baydon; freehold lands at West Grafton.
46 - Assignment of residue of term of 500 years, (1) Henry Blanchard of Benham, in Speen, Berks., victualler and John Blanchard of Nalder Hill in Speen, his brother, (2) William Jackman of East Grafton, farmer. Two Houses, garden and orchard in West Grafton; and 4a. of arable land in the common fields of West Grafton. Consideration: £100.
47 - Deed of exchange, (1) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, (2) William Jackman of Grafton in Great Bedwyn, farmer. (1) releases to (2) a house, now in 3 tenaments, with barn, cart-house and garden belonging, `being the Homestall belonging to a lifehold bargain, situate in the north west corner of Grafton Green'. And (2) releases to (1) an arable ground at West Grafton on the south side of Half Furlong (2a.); also 2a. of arable in West Grafton common field.
48 - Lease for 300 years (1) William Jackman of Walcot, Somerset, gent., (2) John Jackman of East Grafton in Great Bedwyn, his nephew. Dwelling-house, now divided into 3 tenements, with the garden ground belonging, in West Grafton, parish of Great Bedwyn. Consideration: 10s. Rent: pepper-corn.
49 - Assignment of term of 300 years, (1) John Jackman of East Grafton, labourer, (2) William Pike of Great Bedwyn, maltster. Dwelling-house now divided into 3 tenements with the garden-ground belonging, in West Grafton. Consideration: £100. Rent: pepper-corn.
50 - Assignment of term of 300 years (1) William Pike of Great Bedwyn, maltster, (2) William Platt of Grafton, gent. Dwelling-house divided into 3 tenements with the garden-ground belonging, in West Grafton. Consideration: £83. Rent: pepper-corn.
51 - Assignment of term of 300 years, (1) William Platt of Grafton, gent., (2) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury. Dwelling-house, now divided into 3 tenements, with the garden ground belonging, in West Grafton. Consideration: £100. Rent: pepper-corn.
52 - Probate of the will (dated 4 May 1828) of Thomas Barnard of West Grafton, gardener. Dwelling-house, out-houses and garden. Proved in the Peculiar Court of the Dean of Sarum.
53 - Receipt for £40, paid by the Marquess of Ailesbury to Elizabeth Davis, being the purchase money for a cottage and garden in West Grafton in the parish of Great Bedwyn, near Piper's Farm.
54 - Probate of will (dated 25 January 1724) of William Hindy of Collingbourne Kingston, carpenter. The best south tenement with the 2 south seats in the church. The north tenement with the 3 places in the north aisle in the church and the court and the garden to be parted straight with the middle of the chimney. Proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Wilts.
55 - Probate of will (dated 19 June 1759) of Elizabeth Chandler of Collingbourne Kingston, spinster. Freehold house and lands in Sunton, in parish of Collingbourne Kingston. Two freehold houses, lately purchased from Francis Hindy. Proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Wilts.
56 - Lease for 200 years in trust, (1) William Jackman of Walcot, Somerset, gent., (2) John Jackman of Grafton, labourer, William Jackman of Grafton, labourer, William Jackman of Grafton, carpenter, (3) Thomas Bright Gale of Grafton, gent., trustee named by (2). Four dwelling-houses with a piece of garden ground belonging (1r.17p.) and another (19p.) and a barn and workshop with garden ground (19p.) all at Grafton (plan is endorsed on deed). Consideration: 20s. paid by each of parties (2) and (1). (1) conveys to (3) in trust for (2).
57 - Probate of the will of John Jackman of East Grafton, in Great Bedwyn. Three freehold cottages, with gardens, at East Grafton. Proved in the court of archidiaconal jurisdiction in Great and Little Bedwyn and Collingbourne Ducis.
58 - Mortgage for £150, by assignment of term of 200 years (1) George Jackman of East Grafton, cordwainer (2) Thomas Bright Gale of East Grafton, gent. (3) John Hilliard of Burbage, gent. Three cottages with gardens at East Grafton, and another cottage new built, with garden ground belonging, adjoining the other 3 cottages. From (2) with consent of (1) to (3). Endorsed with acknowledgement by William Hilliard, administrator of (3), that all principal and interest on above mortgage had been paid off, and agreement for reconveyance. 13 June 1829.
59 - Letters of administration (copy) of the goods of John Hilliard, alias John Hilliard Burley, late of Cutherington, Hants., farmer. Addressed to William Hilliard, William Hilliard Barley. Issued from P.C.C.
60 - Transfer of mortgage for residue of term of 200 years (1) William Hilliard of Vernham Dean, Hants., yeoman (2) George Jackman of East Grafton, cordwainer (3) George May of Marlborough, currier. Three cottages and gardens at East Grafton; and another cottage built by (2) and adjoining the first 3, with its garden. Consideration: £165.15s. paid by (3), at request of (2) to (1), being in full for all principal money due to (1) from (2). Mortgage now assigned to (3).
61 - Agreement for sale of three cottages with gardens; and 4 other cottages. All being at Grafton, in Great Bedwyn
62 - Assignment of term of 200 years in trust (1) George May of Marlborough, currier, (2) George Jackman of East Grafton, cordwainer, (3) Charles, Marquess of Ailesbury, (4) Thomas Baverstock Merriman of Marlborough, gent. Four cottages and gardens in East Grafton. (1) at direction of (2) assigns to (4) in trust for (3). Consideration: £320.10s.6d. paid by (3) to (1) (at request of (2) and for his debt).
63 - Feoffment, (1) George Jackman of East Grafton, cordwainer, and Elizabeth, his wife, (2) Charles, Marquess of Ailesbury. Four cottages adjoining each other, in East Grafton; piece of garden ground adjoining the west end of the said messuages (1r.17p.) and a house containing 2 tenements, together with a house sometime since erected at the south-east end, with the garden belonging, also in East Grafton. Consideration: £320.10s.6d.
64 - Bundle of papers relating to 7 cottages in East Grafton sold by George Jackman to the Marquess of Ailesbury. They are wrapped up in Proposals from the Phoenix Fire Office, and include letters, rough sketch plan of properties, Fire Assurance Policies and receipts for premiums, etc.
65 - Feoffment, (1) John Ragbourn of East Grafton, yeoman, (2) Zabulon Carter, the younger, of the same place, carpenter. House containing 2 tenements situate at East Grafton, with the garden, out-houses, well, bucket, chain and rope. Consideration: £45. Endorsed with acknowledgement by George Jackman, 13 June 1829, that the within-mentioned premises are to be a mortgage for a debt of £320.10s.6d. he owes to George May.
66 - Feoffment, (1) Zabulon Carter of East Grafton, yeoman, and Elizabeth, his wife, (2) Thomas Tuttle of East Grafton, blacksmith, (3) Aaron Sims of East Grafton, shop-keeper. New erected messuage, with the wood-house belonging, at East Grafton, and a plot of ground (3 lugs). (1) and (2) convey to (3). Consideration: £35.
67 - Conveyance (1) Thomas Sims of Abbotts Ann, Hants., gardener, (2) Mary Sims of the same place, widow, (3) Laban Lewis of Burbage, grocer, (4) William Powning of Andover, gent. two houses, formerly one, in East Grafton. (1) and (2) convey to (3), (4) being a trustee. Consideration: £95.
68 - Appointment and release, (1) Laban Lewis of Burbage, grocer, (2) James Davis of Burbage, baker, (3) Joseph Davis of Lyehill in Burbage, timber-merchant. Two houses (formerly one) at East Grafton. (1) conveys to (2), (3) being a trustee. Consideration: £155.
69 - Abstract of the title of Joseph Davis of Lyehill, in Burbage, timber merchant, and of Thomas Hurd of Hungerford, Berks., shop-keeper, devisees in trust for sale, under the will of James David, to 2 freehold cottages at East Grafton. Deeds abstracted date from 28 October 1856 to 5 September 1866.
70 - Conditions of sale of 2 cottages at East Grafton, with poster giving particulars.
71 - Memorandum that Conveyance to Trustees of 28 September 1868 was taken out 30 April 1892.
72 - Feoffment (1) Robert Sotwell of Chute, gent., and Thomas Iremonger of Conholt, Hants., gent., (2) John Durnford of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman. Farm in West Grafton and Burbage. Consideration, £165.
73 - Marriage settlement (1) John Durneford, the elder, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, gent., (2) John Francklyn of Woodborough, gent., and Giles Durneford of Collingbourne Kingston, yeoman, his son.
74 - Marriage settlement, by declaration of uses of a fine, (1) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, in Great Bedwyn, gent., (2) Warner South of Grays Inn, Middlesex, esq., and Richard Wayward of Patney, gent. Tenement in Grafton, barn, stable, orchard, garden, 107a. of land, 17a. of meadow, 11a. of pasture, 30a. of furze and common of pasture, in Great Bedwyn, Grafton, and Burbage. Consideration £400 to (1) from John Francklyn. Finl concord enclosed.
75 - Discharge (1) John Durnford, the elder, of West Grafton, gent., (2) John Francklyn of Woodborough, gent. (1) acknowledges receipt of £400 from (2), marriage portion of (2)'s daughter, Sarah. Memorandum, on dorse, that this deed was exhibited in a case in Chancery of 4 May 1685, Hanson v Durnford.
76 - Bond for payment of £300, (1) John Durnford of West Grafton, yeoman, (2) John Francklyn of Woodborough, gent.
77 - Deed of agreement (1) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, yeoman, (2) John Francklyn of Woodborough, gent. (1) owes (2) £402.3s.4d. His goods sold to (2) in part payment (£216.5.0d.) Goods to remain in (1)'s custody for the time being; but proceeds to be paid to (2) when required. Schedule of goods attached.
78 - Assignment of goods (1) Edmund Warnford, knight, Sheriff of Wiltshire, (2) John Francklyn of Woodborough, gent. Durnford's goods and chattels assigned by (1) to (2), apprised by (1) at £216.5.0d. Schedule of goods attached.
79 - Articles of agreement (1) John Durnford of West Grafton, yeoman, and Sarah, his wife, (2) Thomas Hanson of Standen Hussey, yeoman. Farm in West Grafton and Burbage. (1) to sell to (2) for £1,608, reserving certain lands, and then to hold as tenant of (2) at £50 rent.
80 - Lease and release and deed to lead the uses of a fine, (1) John Durnford of West Grafton, yeoman, and Sarah, his wife, (2) Thomas Hanson of Standen Hussey, yeoman, and John Hanson, his son. Farm in West Grafton and Burbage; Peare Close (1a.), Bushey lease (3a.), Broad Mead (5a.) Strapp paddock (120p.), Pen meads north of Frog Lane (9a.), Thorny Down Close, (½a.), 9a. of arable at Thorny Downe, 23a. of pasture and arable enclosed out of the heath, Marsh Close (6a.) 1a. of meadow and 52½a. of arable in Southfield, 48a. of arable in Northfield, 1 plot of 40p. of meadow, 13a. arable in Haselditch, in West Grafton, 3a. arable croft, Stoner pasture (1¼a.) 4a. arable in Haselditch, 8a. arable adjoining croft in Burbage. Consideration £1,588. Fine enclosed.
81 - Decretal order in Chancery between Thomas and John Hanson, plaintiffs, and John Durnford and Sarah, his wife, John and Thomas Durnford, their sons, defendants.
82 - Report in cause between Thomas and John Hanson, plaintiffs, and John and Sarah Durnford and children, John and Thomas, defendants. Debts of John Durnford to Thomas Hanson amount to £352.18.6d. including interest, to be repaid on 18 January 1686.
83 - Accounts of affairs between Hanson and Durnford.
84 - Lease for 5 years, (1) Thomas Hanson of Dilton, yeoman, (2) John Durnford of West Grafton, yeoman. Farm in West Grafton and Burbage. Rent, £20.
85 - Assignment of judgment (1) John Francklin of Woodborough, gent., administrator of goods of John Francklin, the elder, (2) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman, and Francis Durnford of same, his brother, yeoman. Goods and chattels of John Durnford, the elder, and judgement of £400 given against Durnford. Consideration £221.11s.
86 - Articles of agreement (1) Sarah Durnford of West Grafton, and Humphrey Wall of Marlborough, gent., (2) John Durneford, son of Sarah, (3) Francis, Henry and Sarah Durnford, her other children. (2) to have West Grafton farm and to pay Sarah Durnford, his mother, an annuity of £12 for life and allow her to live in the chamber she now has in the farm house. (2) promises to pay (3) £600 as directed by his father, and meanwhile to maintain them.
87 - Mortgage (1) John Durnford of Sherborne, Dorset, gent., (2) Edward Hanson of Standen Hussey, Hungerford, Berks., gent., and David Pike of Collingbourne Kingston, yeoman. Lands in West Grafton and Burbage up to the yearly value of £20. (2) to hold lands for 99 years after death of Anne Durnford, (1)'s mother, for securing provision of £600 for Francis, Sarah and Henry, (1)'s children. If (1)'s eldest son, John, pays the said sum to his brothers and sister, (2) to hold lands in trust for him for rest of term.
88 - Lease for 40 years or one life, (1) John Durnford of Sherborne, Dorset, (2) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn. West Grafton Farm in Great Bedwyn and Burbage. Consideration (2) to pay £100 to (1) if and when (1) satisfies all his creditors, or else to pay (1) on annuity of £5, if he is sent to prison for debt. Premises to (2) for life of (1).
89 - Appointment (1) Sarah Durnford of Sherborne, Dorset, Edward Hanson of Standen Hussey, son of Thomas Hanson, deceased. (1) appoints (2) to convey to John Durnford, the younger, her son, West Grafton farm and its lands in West Grafton and Burbage.
90 - Lease and release (1) Edward Hanson of Standen Hussey, gent. (2) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, yeoman, (3) John Durnford, the elder, and Sarah, his wife. West Grafton Farm in Great Bedwyn and Burbage. Consideration, 5s. to (1) from (2). Premises to (2) for ever.
91 - Deed to create a tenant to the precipe and to lead uses of recovery, (1) John Durnford of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (2) James Ryder of Lyons Inn, Middlesex, gent. West Grafton Farm in Great Bedwyn and Burbage. Premises to (2) and heirs for ever. Recovery to be suffered is to the use of (1) and heirs for ever.
92 - Exemplification of common recovery by double voucher, (1) John Way, demandant, (2) James Ryder, tenant to the precipe, (3) John Durnford, the younger, tenant, (4) John Sanford, common vouchee. Messuage and lands in Grafton, Great Bedwyn and Burbage.
93 - Mortgage (1) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman, Francis and Henry Durnford, his brothers, (2) Thomazin Grubb of Potterne, spinster. West Grafton Farm, Great Bedwyn and Burbage. Consideration £500. Bond enclosed.
94 - Discharge, (1) Francis and Henry Durnford, brothers of John Durnford of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, (2) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman. (2) has paid (1) £200 each, their shares of £600 ordered to be paid to her children by Anne Durnford. (2) released from any further claims by (1).
95 - Assignment in trust to attend the inheritance, (1) Sarah Durnford, wife of John Durnford, the elder, of West Grafton, yeoman, John Durnford, the younger, of same, yeoman, and Sarah, his wife, (2) Henry and Sarah Durnford, children of John Durnford, the elder, Edward Hanson of Standen Hussey, Hungerford, Berks, gent., and David Pike of Collingbourne Kingston, yeoman, (3) Francis Hawes of St. Margaret's, Preshute, esq., and Mathew Wymondesold of London, gent. Lands in Great Bedwyn and Burbage to value of £20 p.a. Consideration, £200 to Sarah Durnford of party (2).
96 - Assignment in trust to attend the inheritance (1) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (2) Francis Hawes of St. Margaret's, Preshute, esq., (3) Thomas Hawes of London, esq. Securities (goods and chattels) on a debt and judgement of £400.
97 - Assignment in trust to attend the inheritance (1) John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, yeoman, and Thomazin Grubb, of Potterne, spinster, (2) Francis Hawes of St. Margaret's, Preshute, esq., (3) Thomas Hawes of London, esq., and John Page of London, esq. West Grafton Farm. Consideration, £500 to Thomazin Grubb from (2).
98 - Lease and release (1) John Durnford, the elder, of Sherborne, Dorset, yeoman, and John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, yeoman, (2) Francis Hawes of St. Margaret's, Preshute, esq. West Grafton Farm. Consideration, £2,000 to Durnford, the younger.
99 - Bargain and sale, and deed to lead the uses of a fine, (1) John Durnford, the elder, of Sherborne, Dorset, yeoman, and Sarah, his wife, and John Durnford, the younger, of West Grafton, yeoman, (2) Francis Hawes of St. Margaret's, Preshute, esq. West Grafton Farm. Consideration, £2,000 to Durnford, the younger. (1) covenant to levy a fine of premises to (2) to use of (2) and heirs for ever.
100 - Particulars of the estates of Francis Hawes, esq., in or near Marlborough, Preshute and Ramsbury, West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, Burbage, Elcot and Mildenhall, to be sold by auction. St. Margaret's Farm; farm at Elcot; Port Mills, houses and lands in Preshute; house in Marlborough; Axford manor, lands and tenements; farm and tenements in Grafton and Burbage.
101 - Bargain and sale (1) Sir John Eyles, Sir Thomas Cross, John Rudge, esq., Mathew Lane, esq., Sir Roger Hudson, John Lade, esq., Gabriel Roberts, esq., and Sir Richard Hopkins, trustees of the estates of the South Sea Company, (2) John Hopkins of London, esq. West Grafton farm and lands in Great Bedwyn and Burbage (field names and acreage given). Also copyhold tenement consisting of 13a. of land in West Grafton. Rent 3s.4d. for 2 lives. Consideration, £1,970.
102 - Copy will of John Hopkins of Broad Street, London, esq., dated 10 November 1729. Sir Richard Hopkins, John Rudge, and James Hopkins, executors in trust. Samuel Hopkins, son of testator's cousin, John Hopkins, chief beneficiary.
103 - Copy exemplification of a fine made Michaelmas 1719. (1) Francis Hawes, esq., (2) John Durnford, the elder, and Sarah, his wife, and John Durnford, the younger, deforciants. Land in West Grafton.
104 - Feoffment (1) William Watton of Cherhill, husbandman, (2) Robert Gegge of Great Bedwyn, yeoman. Two acres of arable land in Costonfield in Great Bedwyn. Consideration, £7.
105 - Original will of Robert Gigge of Great Bedwyn, yeoman. 2 acres of arable land in Great Bedwyn called Custowe field, to Edith Gegg, wife of testator, and sole executrix of will. Not proved.
106 - Lease and release (1) Maurice Meresdale, the elder, of Knightsbridge, Hants., husbandman, and Maurice Meresdale, the younger, of Woolhampton, Berks., labourer, Mary Hopgood of Great Bedwyn, widow, and John Hopgood of Savernake Park, labourer, (2) John Hopkins of London, esq. Two acres of arable in Cosbowefield in Bedwyn. Consideration, £19.
107 - Lease and Release and deed to lead the uses of a fine, (1) William Piper of Crastocke, Woking, Surrey, tailor, and May, his wife, (2) John Bushell of Great Bedwyn, gent. Tenement and two closes of pasture (6a.), 1a. of meadow, 6a. of land in West Grafton common fields, and rent of 2s.6d. in Great Bedwyn. Consideration, £60 to (1) and £100 to Michael Forster of Marlborough, to discharge a mortgage of (1)'s.
108 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine (1) William Piper of Crastock, Woking, Surrey, tailor, and Mary, his wife, (2) Francis Piper of West Grafton, Great Bedwyn, husbandman, and Barbara, his wife, (3) John Bushell of Great Bedwyn, grocer. Tenement, two closes of land (6a.) 1a. meadow, 6a. arable in common fields; tenement, garden, orchard, backside, outhouses, meadow, in West Grafton, parish of Great Bedwyn. Second tenement and lands to use of (2) and heirs for ever, paying 2s.6d. yearly to (3). First tenement and lands to use of (3), also rent from premises. Fine enclosed.
109 - Copy of bond (1) John Bushell of the borough of Great Bedwyn, gent., (2) John Bushell, his son, of Truro, Cornwall. If (2) marries Margaret , (1) to convey estate in West Grafton to (2), to hold from (1)'s decease, and for Margaret and their heirs for ever.
110 - Covenant to stand seised to uses (1) John Bushell of Great Bedwyn, gent., (2) Ann Bushell, spinster. (1) to stand seized of tenement, 2 closes (6a.) 1a. meadow, 6a. in common fields of West Grafton, in parish of Great Bedwyn, to use of (1) for his life, and Heirs in his death, in default of which, to (1)'s heirs.
111 - Declaration of uses of a fine and recovery, (1) George Mapowder of Bodmin, Cornwall, mercer, and Ann, his wife, (2) Charles Fielding of Inner Temple, London, gent., (3) John Hopkins of Broadstreet, London, esq. House, 2 closes of arable and pasture (6a.) 1a. meadow, 6a. arable in West Grafton commonfield, and a rent of 2s.6d. Consideration £250 from (3) to (1). Fine enclosed.
112 - Exemplification of a common recovery, (1) John Hopkins, demandant, (2) Charles Fielding, gent., tenant to the precipe, (3) George Mapowder and Anne, his wife, tenants, (4) Garratt Edmunds, common vouchee.
113 - Lease and release (1) William Byrd of Great Bedwyn, yeoman, (2) John Hopkins of city of London, esq. 6 a. of arable in Stock common fields, Great Bedwyn, (2 a. in Howoodfield, 2 a. in Costerfield, 2 a. in Townfield) and common of pasture in Stock and Ford and Savernake forest. Consideration £2.2s.
114 - Lease and release and deed to lead the uses of a fine, (1) Richard, Earl of Burlington, Robert, Earl of Holderness, Robert Bruce of St. James, Westminster, Middlesex, esq., Thomas Herbert of Oxfordshire, gent., Robert Gerrard, citizen and grocer, of London, and Marianne, his wife, and Frances Herbert of Oxfordshire, spinster, (2) William Toogood of Burton Bradstock, Dorset, clerk, and Katherine, his wife, and Elizabeth Purchase of Dorchester, spinster, (3) Thomas Strangeways of Melbury Sampford, Dorset, esq., (4) Sir John Trevelyan of Nettlecombe, Somerset, (5) William Hitchcock of Cowesfield in Whiteparish, esq., Prudence Stanley of Homington, widow, Edith Bragg of Cheeley, Somerset, widow, John Dorell of Middle Temple, London, gent., (6) Kenwrick Grantham of Stifford, Essex, esq. Manor of Wexcombe and West Bedwyn, and lands in Wexcombe, Wilton and West Bedwyn. Consideration £7,000 to Master in Chancery from (6) for premises. Gerrard and wife and Toogood and wife to levy a fine of premises to Kenwrick Grantham, to use of Grantham and heirs for ever. Chancery receipt of £6,000 from (6), £1,000 having been already paid.
115 - Abstract of the title of Humphrey Wall to an annuity in West Grafton. Deeds from 1642 - 1692.
116 - Copy probate of the will of Humphry Wall of Marlborough, gent., dated 7 April 1718. Winifred Wall, his daughter, sole executrix. Proved P.C.C.
117 - Claim of Thomas Francklyn of St. Olaves, Southwark, Surrey, distiller, of an annuity of £24 from estate of Francis Hawes, in West Grafton and Burbage. To be paid to Francklyn and his wife for the rest of 99-year term, if he lives so long, and then to his heirs for ever.
118 - Lease and release to create a tenant to the Precipe and deed to lead uses of a recovery. (1) Mary Francklyn of St. George's Middlesex, widow, and Elizabeth Francklyn, spinster, her daughter. (2) James Ryder of Lyons Inn, Middlesex, gent. (3) Thomas Leonard of Lyons Inn, Middlesex, gent. Annuity of £24 payable from Grafton farm, in west Grafton and Burbage. (3) to stand seised of annuity after recovery to use of Mary Francklyn for her life and then to use of Elizabeth and heirs for ever.
119 - Exemplification of a common recovery by double voucher (1) Thomas Lennard, gent., demandant, (2) James Ryder, tenant to the precipe, (3) Mary Francklyn, widow, and Elizabeth Francklyn, tenants, (4) Jacob Morland, common vouchee. Rent of £24 from lands in West Grafton and Burbage.
120 - Copy probate of the will of Elizabeth Franklin of St. Andrews, Holborn, Middlesex, spinster, dated 10 August 1765. Thomas and Elizabeth Lechmere, executors. Proved P.C.C.
121 - Copy of will of Elizabeth Lechmere of St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, widow. Annuity of £24 to Charles Lechmere, sole executor.
122 - Bargain and sale (1) Charles Lechmere of St. Martins in the Fields, Middlesex, esq., (2) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Wimbledon, Surrey, esq., (3) George Chamberlain of Merton, Surrey, esq. Annuity of £24 out of lands in West Grafton and Burbage. Consideration £560 to (1) from (2). Premises to (2) and (3) in trust for use of (2) and heirs for ever.
123 - Abstract of the title of Benjamin Bond Hopkins to an annuity of £24 payable out of lands and tenements in West Grafton and Burbage. Deeds from 25 March 1642 to 17 October 1786.
124 - Copy bargain and sale, (1) James Hopkins of Fleet Street, London, gent., devisee in trust of real estate of John Hopkins, (2) Benjamin Bond of Leadenhall Street, London, merchant, and Fotherley Baker of Haberdashers' Hall, London, gent., trustees. New Place farm at Lingfield, Surrey and Hopkins's estates in London, Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, Wiltshire and Northamptonshire. Subject to life estate of John Hopkins, cousin of testator, and Elizabeth, his wife, in New Place farm, and to trusts in Hopkins' will, for use of Samuel Hopkins, his cousin's only son, and his male heirs.
125 - Copy of bargain and sale in trust, (1) James Hopkins of Fleet Street, London, gent., Benjamin Bond of Leadenhall Street, London, merchant, trustees of real estate of John Hopkins, (2) John Bond of Leadenhall Street, London, merchant, and James Bennett of Fenchurch Street, London, grocer. New Place farm at Lingfield, Surrey, and Hopkins's estates in London, Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, Wiltshire, and Northamptonshire. Premises to (2) subject to life estate of John Hopkins (cousin of J. Hopkins, dec'd.) and Elizabeth, his wife, in New Place farm, and to trusts of J. Hopkins' will, i.e. to use of Samuel Hopkins, son of John Hopkins, the cousin and to his male heirs.
126 - Copy of bargain and sale in trust, (1) John Bond of Leadenhall Street, London, merchant, and James Bennett of Fenchurch Street, London, grocer, trustees of real estates of John Hopkins, (2) William Jacomb of Laurence Poultney Hill, London, esq. New Place farm at Lingfield, Surrey, and Hopkin's estates in London, Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, Wiltshire and Northamptonshire. Premises to (2) subject to trusts of Hopkins' will; to use of Samuel Hopkins, son of John Hopkins, cousin of testator, and male heirs.
127 - Lease for 21 years (1) John Bond of London, merchant, James Bennett of Fenchurch Street, London, grocer, and William Jacomb of Laurence Poultney Hill, London, esq., trustees of the real estate of John Hopkins, deceased. (2) Thomas, Lord Bruce. Burgage tenement and lands called Savage's Bargain (34a.) in Great Bedwyn. Rent, £20.
128 - Copy deed to create a tenant to the Precipe and to lead the uses of a recovery. (1) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Hackney, Middlesex, esq., (2) Robert Wainewright of the Six Clerks' Office, gent., (3) John Seagrove of Southampton Buildings, Middlesex, gent.
129 - Copy of common recovery (1) Robert Wainewright, gent., demandant, (2) John Seagrave, gent., tenant to the Precipe, (3) Benjamin Bond Hopkins, alias Benjamin Bond, the younger, esq., tenant, (4) Thomas Francis Martin, common vouchee. Manors of Wexcombe and West Bedwyn.
130 - Copy bargain and sale (1) John Bond of London, merchant, James Bennett of Fenchurch Street, London, grocer, and William Jacomb of Lawrence Poultney Hill, London, esq., (2) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Painshill, Surrey, esq., and George Bristow of Merchant Taylors, London, esq., trustee. Property as in the deed of 24 November 1772. Premises to (2) in trust for use of Benjamin Bond Hopkins and heirs for ever.
131 - Copy deed to create a tenant to the Precipe and lead the uses of a recovery, (1) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Pains Hill, Surrey, esq., (2) Abraham Winterbottom of Threadneedle Street, London, gent., (3) Nathaniel Edmonds of Laurence Poultney Hill, London, gent. Manors of Wexcombe and West Bedwyn in Wiltshire, half manor of Braybrook, Northamptonshire, manors of Ramsdon Crayes and Gring Margaret in Essex, manor of Wye in Kent, property in St. Clement Danes, Rose Street, St. Paul's, Covent Garden in Middlesex.
132 - Copy bargain and sale, dated 10 February 1775, (1) John Bond of London, merchant, James Bennett of Fenchurch Street, London, grocer, and William Jacomb of Laurence Poultney Hill, London, esq., (2) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Pains Hill, Surrey, esq. The same property as in 9/16/131. Premises to (2) and George Bristow, trustee, to use of (2) and heirs for ever.
133 - Copy of exemplification of common recovery by double voucher, (1) Nathaniel Edmonds, gent., demandant, (2) Abraham Winterbottom, gent., tenant to the precipe, (3) Benjamin Bond Hopkins, esq., tenant in tail, (4) Thomas Francis Martin, common vouchee. Manor of Wexcombe and Great Bedwyn.
134 - Copy bargain and sale in trust (1) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Painshill, Surrey, esq., and George Bristow of Merchant Taylors' Hall, London, esq., (2) Benjamin Bond of Clapham, Surrey, esq., John Bond of London, merchant, and William Jacomb of Laurence Poultney Hill, London, esq., trustees of personal estate of John Hopkins, deceased, (3) John Bond, James Bennett, and William Jacomb, trustees of real estate of John Hopkins, deceased. Tenements and property in London, Middlesex, manors in Essex, Surrey, Kent, Wiltshire, Northamptonshire. Consideration, £63175. 2s. 3d. to Benjamin Bond Hopkins from (2). Premises to (3) subject to trusts of will of John Hopkins.
135 - Abstract of the title of Benjamin Bond Hopkins, to the manors of Wexcombe and West Bedwyn, and several farms in West Grafton and Burbage. Deeds from 21 December 1719 to 10 February 1775.
136 - Lease and release and quitclaim (1) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, esq., and George Bristow of Threadneedle Street, London, esq., his trustee, (2) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury.
137 - Deed of covenant to produce title deeds (1) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Pains Hill, Surrey, esq., (2) Thomas Bruce Brudenell, Earl of Ailesbury. (1) to produce title deeds for (2) to premises in Wexcombe, Great Bedwyn, etc., at cost of (2) when requested. Schedule of deeds given, 1729 - 1775. Note of deeds of 1719 to be produced.
137A - Copy appointment in trust, (1) Charles Hoare and Henry Charles Hoare of Fleet Street, London, esq., (2) Charles, Marquis of Ailesbury, (3) Robert Wheatley Lumley of St. Clement Danes, Westminster, Middx. gent. Piece of ground in East Grafton, (1a.) and piece of meadow in same place (1a.1r.) (parts of Smiths Mead). Consideration: £141.15s.
137B - Leases
138 - (1) Charles, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, (2) Thomas Blandy of Grafton, yeoman. Arable lands belonging to East Grafton chapel in the common fields there (described). Fine, £6. Rent, 23s.4d.
139 - (2) Francis Peckston of Grafton, gent. Tenement and three yardlands in East Grafton. Fine, £150. Rent, 33s.4d.
140 - (2) Robert Sawyer of East Grafton, husbandman. Cottage and plot of ground (5x4 lugs) in East Grafton.
141 - (2) Ralph Tanner of East Grafton, yeoman. Tenement and 43 a. of land in East Grafton. Fine £22.10s. Rent, 20s.
142 - (2) Roger Hall of Sudden Park, Great Bedwyn, gent. House in East Grafton, with lands belonging (57a.)
143 - Renewal of lease to Roger Hall. Consideration, surrender of a lease dated 2 September 1672, and £33. Rent, 22s.
144 - Mortgage by assignment of lease by Roger Hall to Jane South of Salisbury, spinster.
145 - 14 years (1) Francis Hawes of St. Margaret's, Preshute, esq., (2) John Smith of `Renchoomb', yeoman. West Grafton farm and lands in West Grafton and Burbage. Rent, £110.
146 - (2) Roger Hall of Sudden Park, gent. Farmhouse, with out-houses and lands in West Grafton, with a number of closes, fields, etc., (named)
147 - (1) Charles, Duke of Somerset, (2) John Broad of East Grafton, labourer. Cottage near East Sands, garden, orchard, close (1r.) 4a. arable land and 1r. meadow. Fine, £14. Rent, 8s.
148 - Renewal of lease to Edward Hall of Sudden Park, Great Bedwyn, gent. Fine, £720. Rent, 33s. 4d.
149 - Mortgage for £250, by assignment lease (1) Edward Hall of Sudden Park, gent., (2) George Willoughby of Bishopstone, esq.
150 - Marriage settlement by assignment of lease in trust (1) Edward Hall of Sudden Park and Alice, his wife, (2) William Jones of Little Bedwyn, clerk, and John Carpenter of the Strand, London, leather-seller.
151 - (2) William Dudman of West Grafton, labourer. Cottage (15p.) in West Grafton lane. Fine, 5s. Rent, 6d.
152 - Assignment of mortgage (1) Richard Scroope of Castle Combe and Frances, his wife, (2) Elisabeth Ludlow of Salisbury, widow of William Ludlow, late of Clarendon Park, gent., (2) Roger Hall, (3) Francis Tribe of Marlborough, apothecary. Consideration, £350 (3) to (1) and £50 (3) to (2).
153 - (1) Charles, Duke of Somerset, (2) Robert Elkins of Grafton, yeoman. Cottage and small piece of ground at the lower end of Grafton Green. Fine, £1.1s. Rent, 1s.
154 - (2) Richard Biggs of West Grafton, shepherd. Cottage and garden on the waste ground of the manor of West Grafton. Fine 5a. Rent, 1s.
155 - Assignment of mortgage (1) George Willoughby of Bishopstone, esq., (2) Edward Hall of Sudden Park, gent., (3) Ann Long of Durley in Burbage, widow.
156 - (1) Charles, Duke of Somerset, (2) William Martin of Great Bedwyn, yeoman. Tenement and garden in the manor of Grafton. Fine, £10. Rent, 2s.8d.
157 - (1) Charles, Duke of Somerset, (2) Stephen Blandy of Bradfield, Berks., maltster. East Sands pasture grounds (¾ yardland) and a barn in East Grafton. Fine, £40. Rent, 1s.
158 - Renewal of lease to Theodosia Hall of Sudden Park, widow of Roger Hall. Fine, £60. Rent, 22s.
159 - Assignment of mortgage (as assigned by 9/16/152). (1) Francis Tribe of Marlborough, apothecary, (2) William Jones, vicar of Little Bedwyn, and Barbara Smith of West Grafton, widow, executors of the will of Theodosia Hall, widow, (3) Henry Edmunds, Doctor of Laws, fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Consideration, £400 (3) to (1) and £16.9s.6d. (3) to (2). Enclosed, declaration of trust by (3) that his name was used in the deed for William Jones, clerk, and that the money belonged to Jones.
160 - Renewal of lease to William Jones, clerk, vicar of Little Bedwyn.
161 - (1) Charles, Duke of Somerset, (2) William Jones, clerk, vicar of Little Bedwyn. Lands formerly belonging to the chapel of East Grafton (21a.) and the tithes from them. Fine, £12. Rent, 23s.4d.
162 - Renewal of lease to William Jones, clerk.
163 - 7 years (1) Charles, Duke of Somerset, (2) John Gamon of East Grafton, yeoman. Farm and lands called Grafton Farm in East Grafton. Rent, £240.
164 - (2) Thomas Cannon of West Grafton, yeoman. Farm house and lands in West Grafton. Surrender of former lease enclosed.
165 - Mortgage for £200 by assignment of lease (1) Thomas Jones of Craven House, St. Clement Danes, Middlesex, gent., (2) Elizabeth Edge of Deptford, Kent, widow.
166 - Assignment of lease (1) Edward Hall of East Grafton, yeoman, (2) Thomas Somerset of Grafton, yeoman.
167 - Assignment of contingent interest in lease (1) Edward Hall of Sudden Park, gent., (2) William Jones of Little Bedwyn, clerk, (3) Thomas Bury of Fisherton Anger, brewer. (1) and (2) assigns (1)'s interest after the death of his wife.
168 - Similar assignment to 9/16/167, party (2) being Thomas Jones of Witch Street, Clement Danes, executor of the will of William Jones of Little Bedwyn, clerk.
169 - 60 years, (1) Alice, wife of Edward Hall, late of East Grafton, but now of Salisbury, yeoman, (2) Edward Hall, (3) James Benet of Salisbury, wine-merchant, (4) William Moss of Burbage. House and three yardlands in East Grafton. Rent, £16.
170 - (1) Charles, Earl of Egremont and others, devisees of the estates late of Algernon, Duke of Somerset, (2) Zabulon Carter, the younger, of Grafton, carpenter. House, garden, close and 4a. of arable in East Grafton. Fine, £12. Rent, 8s.
171 - Renewal of lease (1) The same lessors as 9/16/170, (2) Robert Vivash of Grafton, blacksmith. Fine, £2.2s. Rent, 1s.
172 - Renewal of lease to Ann Long of Durley in Burbage, widow. Fine, £100. Rent, 23s. 4d.
173 - Renewal of lease (1) Charles, Earl of Egremont and others, devisees of the estates late of Algernon, Duke of Somerset, (2) Mary Blandy of Bradfield, Berks., widow. Fine, £120. Rent, 1s.
174 - (1) The same lessors (2) John Sheafford of Grafton, tailor. Cottage, garden, orchard and pieces of land, parcel of East Grafton manor.
175 - Assignment of two leases (1) Thomas Somerset of Wootton Rivers, yeoman, (2) Edward Hall of Salisbury, yeoman, (3) James Benet of Salisbury, wine-merchant.
176 - Assignment of mortgage (1) Joan Dove of Durley, widow, by direction of James Benet of Salisbury, wine-merchant, (2) John Cooper of Salisbury, gent.
177 - Mortgage for £550 by assignment of leases (1) James Benet of Salisbury, wine-merchant, (2) John Cooper of Salisbury, gent. Enclosed, declaration of trust by (2) that the money really belonged to Francis Collins of Salisbury, vintner.
178 - Renewal of lease to Mary Tanner of Shaw in Overton, widow.
179 - (1) Charles, Earl of Egremont and others, devisees of the estates of Algernon, late Duke of Somerset, (2) James Annets of Grafton, labourer. Cottage on the waste, east of Grafton Green.
180 - 13 years (1) The same lessors (2) John Gammon, the younger, of East Grafton, yeoman. East Grafton Farm.
181 - Assignment of mortgage (1) Elizabeth Edge of Deptford, Kent, widow, (2) Thomas Jones, late of Craven House, now of Fetter Lane, London, gent., (3) Elisha Biscoe of the Inner Temple, London, esq. Consideration, £160 (3) to (1) and £40 (2) to (1).
182 - (1) Charles, Earl of Egremont and others, devisee, of the estates of Algernon, late Duke of Somerset, (2) William Martin of Great Bedwyn. A house and garden called Fitzwarrens and 7a. of land in Crofton Sands, part of the manor of East Grafton.
183 - Renewal of lease to John Shefford of Grafton, tailor.
184 - Renewal of lease to Thomas Cannon of West Grafton, yeoman.
185 - (1) Charles, Earl of Egremont and others, devisees of the estates of Algernon, late Duke of Somerset, (2) John Gammon of East Grafton, gent. A house, two yardlands, and a half yardland called Clements in East Grafton.
186 - Parties as 9/16/185. Two houses and two yardlands in East Grafton.
187 - (1) The same lessors as 9/16/185, (2) Joseph Mildenhall of East Grafton, labourer. Cottage and garden lately enclosed with a hedge, parcel of 1½a. of land in the Upper Sandy Field at Grafton Townsend.
188 - 12 years (1) Alice Hall, wife of Edward Hall of East Grafton, (2) Thomas Cannon of West Grafton, yeoman. Poxtons tenement and farm in East Grafton. Rent, £40.
189 - (1) Alice, wife of Edward Hall, late of East Grafton, but now of Salisbury, yeoman, (2) Edward Hall, (3) James Benet of Salisbury, wine merchant, (4) William Moss of Burbage. House and 3 yardlands in East Grafton. Rent, £16 to (1).
190 - Renewal of lease to Sarah Gammon of East Grafton, widow.
191 - Renewal of lease to Sarah Gammon.
192 - Assignment of mortgage (1) James Benet, (2) John Cooper (3) Francis Collins of Salisbury, ventner.
193 - (1) Charles, Earl of Egremont and others, devisees of the estates of Algernon, late Duke of Somerset, (2) Samuel Platt of Burbage, cordwainer. Arable land in Crofton, parcel of the manor of East Grafton.
194 - Renewal of lease to Thomas Cannon, the elder, of Weat Grafton, farmer.
195 - Assignment of lease discharged of mortgage (1) Francis Collins of Salisbury, wine-merchant, (2) Josiah Benet of the same, wine-merchant, (3) Daniel Tanner of Collingbourne Kingston, gent. With a bundle of correspondence between Collins, Benet, Joseph Champion, Charles Bill, about the possibility of Lord Bruce buying the leasehold in, calculations of value, papers about dilapidations, etc.
196 - Renewal of lease to John Mildenhall, the younger, of East Grafton, labourer.
197 - Draft assignment of lease (1) Daniel Tanner of Collingbourne Kingston, gent., (2) Charles Bill.
198 - Mortgage for £25 by assignment of lease (1) John Mildenhall, the elder, of East Grafton, labourer, (2) John Mildenhall the younger of the place, labourer, (3) John Fidler of the same place, labourer.
199 - Renewal of lease to Charles Bill of Marlborough, gent.
200 - Release for life (lease for a year missing) (2) Charles Bill of Marlborough, gent. Farm late Jones's and lands in East Grafton and another farm called Peckstones (3 yardlands) there.
201 - Release for three lives (leases for a year missing), (2) William Dudman of Grafton, labourer. Cottage and garden (15 p.) in West Grafton. Fine, £6. Rent, 1s. Endorsed with surrender by (2), 3 March 1819.
202 - Release for lives (lease for a year missing), (2) William and Edward Stagg of East Grafton, labourers. Cottage at East Grafton.
203 - (1) Alicia, Countess of Egremont and others, devisees of the estates of Algernon, late Duke of Somerset, (2) John Ragbourn of East Grafton, shopkeeper. Cottage, parcel of the manor of East Grafton.
204 - 12 years (1) Hannah Cannon of West Grafton, widow, (2) Adam Platt of Easton, yeoman. House, three cottages and lands and buildings in West Grafton. Rent, £200.
205 - 9 years (1) Charlotte, Countess Dowager of Aylesford, (2) William Tanner of East Grafton, gent. Stockwell's tenement, barn, close of meadow (1a.), close of arable (1¾a.), 26a. of arable in the common fields of East Grafton; Shefford's tenement, garden, barn, close of meadow (1a.), close of arable called the several (2¾a.), 4a. of arable in common fields of East Grafton. Rent, £20.
206 - 8 years (1) Charlotte, Countess Dowager of Aylesford, (2) William Tanner of East Grafton, gent. Farm and lands called Grafton farm in East Grafton. Rent, £310.
207 - (1) Benjamin Bond Hopkins of Painshill, Surrey, esq., (2) Zabulon Carter, the younger, of East Grafton, carpenter. House and 20p. of land in East Grafton.
208 - (2) William Clifford of Lockeridge, yeoman. Cottage and garden on the waste ground of the manor of West Grafton. Fine, £10. Rent, 1a.
209 - Draft annuity bond (1) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, (2) Martha and Mary Blandy of Reading, Berks., spinsters. (1) to pay (2) an annuity of £46 in return for surrender of two estates in East Grafton.
210 - Draft annuity bond (1) Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury, (2) John Dance of Popinjay's Farm, Berks., farmer, and Hannah, his wife, John Cannon, yeoman, David Cannon, yeoman, Christopher Garrard of Ramsbury, gent., James Martin of Chilton, tanner. Annuity of £118 to (2) for life of Sarah Cannon in return for surrender of estate in West Grafton.
211 - (2) William Norris of East Grafton, collarmaker. Tenement, yard, part of garden, on east side of the Green in East Grafton. Fine, £45. Rent, 2s.6d.
212 - Renewal of lease, (2) Thomas Tuthill of East Grafton, yeoman. Fine, £20. Rent, 1s.
213 - (2) Richard Andrews of East Grafton, carpenter. House, with shop and outhouses, on Grafton Green.
214 - (2) Thomas Davies of East Grafton, thatcher. Cottage in East Grafton.
215 - Renewal of lease to William Norris of Grafton, collar-maker.
216 - Assignment of a lease for lives (1) John Beckingham, (2) Benjamin Beckingham. Cottage at East Grafton.
216A - Manorial admissions
217 - (2) Peter Alder. Tenement and one yardland (28a.½r.) with common of pasture for rother beasts and sheep in East Grafton. Fine, £10. Rent, 9s.
218 - (2) Mary Blandy, widow. Tenement and three yardlands (about 86a.) in East Grafton. Fine, £210. Rent, £1.6.8d.
219 - (2) Hugh Neale of Burbage, yeoman. Tenement, barn, orchard, garden and 13a. of arable and ½a. meadow in West Grafton. Fine, £32. Rent, 6s.8d.
220 - (2) Thomas Sommerset, alias Cook. Tenement and one yardland (28½a.1r.) and common of pasture in East Grafton. Fine, £66. Rent, 9s.
221 - (2) William Batt. House and 6a. of land in West Grafton common fields (3a. in Yonderfield, 3a. in Homefield) 2 closes of meadow called Kinwardstone or the Home Grounds (3a.) in East Grafton. Fine, £42. Rent, 5s.
222 - (2) Daniel Bushell, the younger. A half yardland in East Grafton. Fine, £31.10s. Rent, 3s.8d.
223 - Mortgage of the property in copy to William Tanner of East Grafton, yeoman.
224 - (2) John Fishlock. Tenement, barn, orchard, garden, 13a, of arable land and ½a. of meadow in West Grafton. Rent, 6a. 8d.
225 - (2) James Long. Tenement and a half yardland in Wilton in Great Bedwyn. Rent, 4s.
226 - (2) James Long. A half yardland at Wilton in Great Bedwyn. Rent, 6s.8d.
227 - (2) Jane Messom, daughter of Sarah Elkins, widow. Cottage in Grafton. Rent, 1s.
227A - Leases
228 - Lease of land in Wilton in West Bedwyn, in the manor of Grafton, to Robert Lightfoote.
229 - Lease of part of a house and land at Wilton in Great Bedwyn, to Thomas May
230 - Lease of a house called Scrivens [in Wilton] and land in the manor of East Grafton (described), to William Franklin.
231 - Two leases of a house and land in Wilton in the manor of Grafton, to Thomas Tanner
232 - Lease of land (described) and common pasture in Wilton Brail, in the manor of East Grafton, to John Piper.
232A - Manorial Court Rolls and Books
233 - Four court rolls of the manor of Tidcombe, 1560-62, 1572, 1575
234 - Court book of the manor of East Grafton, with index of names, (little business after 1792).
235 - Court book of the manor of East Grafton. The Duke of Somerset Lord of the Manor.
235A - Surveys
236 - Survey of the manors of Tidcombe, Grafton and Pewsey, giving names and some ages of tenants, date of their lease, rents and value, but no details of the property. Updated to c.1751. (Harding Farm is included in Tidcombe).
237 - Undated survey of East and West Grafton, giving names and ages of tenants, dates of leases and rents, but no details of property.
238 - Two surveys of East and West Grafton.
239 - Copy survey of East and West Grafton, giving names and ages of tenants, dates of leases, rents, value and a brief description of the property, some with field names.
240 - Survey of the manors of East Grafton, and Allington (near Chippenham), (labelled "Mr Ewens Survey"). Gives names of tenants, dates of leases, acreages, rents and value. Apparently a copy of part of a survey of the whole of the Duke of Somerset's estates in Wiltshire and Somerset.
241 - Valuation of Mr Hopkins property, Wilton Farm, at Wilton and West Grafton with observations by John Ward.
241A - Rentals
242 - Rental of the manor of East and West Grafton.
243 - Undated rental of the manor of Grafton, labelled "Mr Tanner's Ancient Rental". Annotated to end of 18th century.
243A - Miscellaneous
244 - Account of William Hawkes for the administration of the estates of John Hopkins, deceased, at West Grafton and Wexcombe.
245 - Valuation of the hay on Grafton Farm, the property of William Rendall
246 - Two letters from Benjamin Pryce to John Ward about Cannings Farm, West Grafton, proposed to be surrendered in return for an annuity, with a draft reply, brief survey and other notes.
247 - Letters of administration granted to Elizabeth Noyse, widow of Robert Noyse of West Grafton, deceased.
248 - Grant of annuity to Edward Hyde East, and Grafton Farm, East Grafton, for his life.
Expand 17 - Section 17. Hippenscombe and Chute17 - Section 17. Hippenscombe and Chute
Expand 18 - Section 18. Kinwardstone Hundred18 - Section 18. Kinwardstone Hundred
Expand 19 - Section 19. Marlborough19 - Section 19. Marlborough
Expand 20 - Section 20. Mildenhall20 - Section 20. Mildenhall
Expand 21 - Section 21. Milton Lilbourne and Wootton Rivers21 - Section 21. Milton Lilbourne and Wootton Rivers
Expand 22 - Section 22. Savernake Forest and Park22 - Section 22. Savernake Forest and Park
Expand 23 - Section 23. Selkley hundred23 - Section 23. Selkley hundred
Expand 24 - Section 24. Shalbourne24 - Section 24. Shalbourne
Expand 25 - Section 25. Stitchcombe in Mildenhall25 - Section 25. Stitchcombe in Mildenhall
Expand 26 - Section 26. Stock and West Bedwyn26 - Section 26. Stock and West Bedwyn
Expand 27 - Section 37. Wilton in Great Bedwyn27 - Section 37. Wilton in Great Bedwyn
Expand 28 - Section 28. Bedfordshire estates28 - Section 28. Bedfordshire estates
Expand 29 - Section 29. Lincolnshire estates29 - Section 29. Lincolnshire estates
Expand 30 - Section 30. Other counties30 - Section 30. Other counties
Expand 31 - Section 31. Probate31 - Section 31. Probate
Expand 32 - Section 32. Legal32 - Section 32. Legal
Expand 33 - Section 33. Business33 - Section 33. Business
Expand 34 - Section 34. Public affairs34 - Section 34. Public affairs
Expand 35 - Section 35. Personal and family35 - Section 35. Personal and family

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